
lukaso666hi! I have Xubuntu 16.4... official GUI update-manager (with upgradable LTS releases enabled in settings) doesn't show me any upgrade to 17.04 LTS or 18.04 LTS (and i saw these releases on xubuntu website).. should I upgrade the system on my own, by terminal?10:40
Unit19317.04 is not an LTS, and the LTS will be offered at the first point release, which is in July.10:41
lukaso666Unit193: f***k, yeah! I forgot about that! sorry!10:41
lukaso666but anyway, can I upgrade it by changing the repo list and release upgrade in console?10:42
knomelukaso666, please remember this is a family-friendly channel...10:42
knome"any-to-any" upgrade paths should work now, so you should be able to upgrade to 18.04 from 17.04 as well.10:43
lukaso666or better stay with 16.04 ant to wait for official LTS? I mean a stable working distro...10:43
lukaso666knome: sorry!10:43
knomeoh wait, i misread10:43
knome16.04->18.04 is definitely a supported upgrade path, it will be proposed to you when the point release is out10:44
lukaso666I see10:44
knomethat is, what Unit193 just said10:44
knomescheduled for july 26th10:44
lukaso666thanks, guys!10:45
knomeyou *can* upgrade earlier but for stability reasons the upgrade isn't advertised for 16.04 users yet10:45
lukaso666knome: that's why I asked.. I have Dabian sid too and I want Xubuntu as stable as possible alternative10:46
lukaso666so I'll wait until July 26th10:46
knomeyup, it's not that far away anyway...10:48
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_thelion_Hi there. In thunar: clicking on "open a terminal here" opens the terminal always in the home folder.19:22
_thelion_the setting in thunar is: exo-open --working-directory %f --launch TerminalEmulator19:22
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dunpealHi. Is there a way to run the Xubuntu installer such that it won't create any user other than root initially?22:18
dunpealRight now, it seems to force me to create a non-root user that don't want.22:19
knomedunpeal, no, for many reasons, mostly because using the root account isn't recommended on (x)ubuntu22:19
dunpealknome: I know, it's not because I want to just use root as a regular user (ugh), but because I need more control over how my non-root main user gets created.22:20
Javabeans/(x)ubuntu/linux also aplicable to windows/mac/everybody22:20
knomedunpeal, hmm, like what control?22:20
dunpealFor example, I need to set a specific UID for it.22:20
knomesounds like a very rare situation22:22
knomemay i ask what for?22:22
knomeor in other words: are you trying to solve another problem with this solution?22:22
dunpealknome: I need to match permissions on mounted network drives, and having the right UID there from the get-go is less hairy than doing remaps etc.22:23
knomeright, but the network drive tools have the remapping features22:24
knomeis there something else you'd like more control on?22:25
knomei mean i don't think it's very likely that the installer started allowing you to do fancy UID tricks ;)22:27
dunpealknome: yeah, but it would be nice if it did.22:29
knomesounds like it would suit some other OS more - or potentially some text-mode installer or sth22:30
knomeanyway, time to go to bed22:31
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