
tewardand a completely different procedure00:00
Neo4teward: ok, then I return php*00:00
sarnoldbe careful with shell globs at the command line00:00
tewardNeo4: that can be damaging to do that, I would use one of the other answers.00:00
teward^ this00:00
Neo4teward: no command the same sudo apt-get purge php* or php.*00:00
sarnoldif you have files named php... in the directory then things will get very surprising very quickly00:00
Neo4sarnold: in what directory apt-get purge search files for remove?00:01
Neo4shall I use php* instead like suggested in that topic use php.*00:02
Neo4php.* will match php.(any text)00:02
Neo4I might need php(any text)00:02
sarnoldNeo4: that's the most surprising thing -- if you type "cd /etc ; apt-get purge pass*"   what will RUN is "apt-get purge passwd passwd- passwd.org passwdqc.conf"00:02
sarnoldNeo4: if you're in a different directory, maybe the shell will expand the * to match other files00:03
sarnoldor maybe it won't expand anythuing at all, if no files or directories match, so the glob will be passed to apt directory00:03
tewardsarnold: they can do 'php*' to interpret it as a direct literal, which can be problematic if you aren't careful with it.00:03
tewardwhich is how I purge apache2 and a dozen other patterns from VPS preinstalled images which come with crap on them :p00:04
Neo4sarnold: i run shell script that placed in $HOMe/shell/vps_install00:04
tewardNeo4: may I ask, what's your native language?  we might be able to find a language-specific room that you can work with if your primary language is not English, so that they can answer you in your primary language.00:04
tewardif you don't mind answering, that is.00:05
Neo4sarnold: do you think apt-get linked to current directory? I think it search in some list of certained direcotries00:05
sarnoldNeo4: I don't think apt-get cares about the current working directory00:05
sarnoldbut the shell sure does00:05
Neo4teward: I very proficient in English, don't need :)00:05
sarnoldwhich is why I ALWAYS use single-quotes when passing globs to apt-get00:05
Neo4sarnold: but you said if I go to cd /etc and then run apt-get purge pass* it will remove passwd and others file00:06
sarnoldso DO NOT DO THAT :)00:06
sarnolduse single quotes00:06
Neo4sarnold: why I neccessary do cd /etc ?00:07
Neo4I can run run apt-get purger from any place?00:07
tewardNeo4: it doesn't matter whether you do that or not, the problem is how the terminal shell interprets php* versus 'php*'00:07
sarnoldNeo4: because I know the /etc directory has files with predictable names that I can use as an example00:07
tewardone with single quotes, one without.00:07
Neo4sarnold: ok, you just say about files?00:08
tewardNeo4: consider this example: we are in a directory that has the following files: phptest.php phpinfo.php index.php haillucifer.php00:08
sarnoldNeo4: files *and* directories00:08
tewardif we do this command: apt-get remove php*00:08
tewardthe shell will see php* and then replace that with all the filenames or directory names with 'php' at the beginning00:08
tewardand then apt-get will fail00:08
tewardbecause there is no phptest.php package and no phpinfo.php package00:08
teward*however*, if you do this command: apt-get remove 'php*'00:09
tewardthen it hands the exact literal string of: php*00:09
teward... to apt, and then lets apt handle expanding that pattern into package names to mark for removal00:09
tewardso then it'd pick up php5.2 php5.2-fpm php5.2-common, etc.00:10
Neo4teward: why we should be in some directory? it maybe rm php* will remove not apt-get remove ???00:10
tewardokay, i'm done, I tried, I'm sorry, but your broken english is irritating me too much.  I believe sarnold can build upon what I said00:10
tewardsarnold: sorry to drop this on your plate :/00:10
teward*goes to do something else*00:10
Neo4teward: if we go to this direcotry $HOME/ddd and there will files 1.php 2.php and we run apt-get remove *.php. does it remove files form this direcotry?00:11
sarnoldno, apt-get only works on packages00:11
sarnoldbut the shell will expand all the filenames00:11
sarnoldand those might match something important.00:11
Neo4teward: see only on package, you are tried explain me about you badly understand yourself00:12
Neo4if we run rm *.php than we remove files in current dir00:12
Neo4sarnold: you are right00:12
Neo4teward: don't find reason in language if you can't clearly convey your thoughts :)00:12
Neo4ok, understood00:13
sarnoldNeo4: you might also want to turn on join/part messages in your irc client, teward logged off four minutes ago, heh00:14
Neo4sarnold: what does it mean?00:14
Neo4I don't know what the messages00:14
sarnoldNeo4: you missed this: Thu 17 00:10:44 -!- teward [teward@ubuntu/member/teward] has left #ubuntu-server ["Leaving"]00:15
sarnoldso you kept arguing with someone who wasn't there :)00:15
Neo4sarnold: I have this, just didn't noticed he left00:16
Neo4yes I see he has left00:16
Neo4sarnold: in this theme in each answer each people offer his regex https://askubuntu.com/questions/59886/how-to-completely-remove-php00:20
Neo4last guy said all are wrong and need to use "^php*"00:21
sarnoldyes, and note that it's now got a score of 50 instead of 51, I just downvoted him :)00:21
Neo4I know regex00:21
Neo4just here simple regex00:21
jjuujjuuanyone have any idea why there are [two] ephemeral block devices mapped in the ubuntu hvm-ssd backed AMIs?00:30
jjuujjuui can't seem to update it through the console, awscli, or boto (that's an amazon problem), but i'm curious why it's there in the first place00:31
Neo4sarnold: it called globing http://mywiki.wooledge.org/glob00:39
sarnoldNeo4: heh, ys, remember my very first message to you tonight? :) < sarnold> be careful with shell globs at the command line00:40
Neo4sarnold: I first time heard about and didn't understand,00:41
Neo4will know :)00:41
arooniabout to shut down a vps i used as a web app server; i've already checked and backed up all mysql databases id want; looked thru the code /var/www section... and downloads.  trying to think if there might be anything else i need before i shut it down.  am i missing naything?00:55
sarnoldI'm sure you'll remember it around 2am in a cold sweat..00:57
sarnolduploads? keys?00:57
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cpaelzergood morning05:52
lordievaderGood morning05:55
rbasakcpaelzer: https://code.launchpad.net/~paelzer/ubuntu/+source/chrony/+git/chrony/+merge/345498 doesn't have a logical tag. Are you following a different workflow?10:47
cpaelzerrbasak: I had it pushed ...10:54
cpaelzerrbasak: isn't that available to you10:55
cpaelzerpaelzer is my remote, so that should be good10:55
cpaelzerare the other tags as they should be?10:55
rbasakcpaelzer: I'm only seeing three - old/new debian/ubuntu10:57
rbasakLet me see what the Launchpad UI shows me10:57
rbasak(or cgit)10:57
rbasakI see them all at https://git.launchpad.net/~paelzer/ubuntu/+source/chrony/refs/?h=merge-cosmic-3.3-110:58
rbasakNot sure why my fetch isn't picking them up10:58
cpaelzerrbasak: they are all under the lp177106110:58
rbasakBut you've pushed them, so sorry for the trouble. I'll figure it out.10:58
cpaelzerI even list the pushed tags every time in a MP, so people know which to fetch if needed10:58
cpaelzerrbasak: TBH I'm sometimes affected by https://bugs.launchpad.net/usd-importer/+bug/173900010:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1739000 in usd-importer "git ubuntu tag failing on changes in work-tree" [Low,Confirmed]10:59
cpaelzerrbasak: so sometimes I make some of the tags "on my own"10:59
cpaelzerrbasak: but they are still pointing to the refs they should as well as that I push them10:59
cpaelzerrbasak: let me know if there is something on my side that makes you not getting the tags11:00
cpaelzerIIRC ahasenack and I had such issues when using the --bug namespaces11:00
cpaelzerbut manual fetching made it work11:00
rbasakcpaelzer: will do. I don't see how it could be anything you're doing. Seems they're on Launchpad but my local git isn't fetching them, so it has to be on my end.11:00
rbasakcpaelzer: I need to run for an early lunch. Back online later.11:01
ahasenackcpaelzer: I'm dropping the apache2 upload, it links with libcurl4 (which is fine, as that is the latest and default) but one of its universe modules from another source uses libcurl3, and libcurl3 and 4 cannot be installed at the same time12:17
ahasenackand we are doing funny things with the curl package, like:12:18
ahasenack$ cat debian/libcurl3.lintian-overrides12:18
ahasenacklibcurl3: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libcurl412:18
cpaelzerahasenack: ok, so you'll do another upload then that fixes this up?12:28
ahasenackno, I don't have a solution12:28
cpaelzerahasenack: or how should I think of "dropping" the upload?12:28
ahasenackcpaelzer: deleting the upload tag12:29
ahasenackand rejecting the MP (I can't do that, I can only delete it, but I'd rather leave it so we have history/context)12:29
ahasenackI'm adding some info to the bug12:29
cpaelzerahasenack: but the upload is done, you can't reuse the version number12:30
cpaelzerand the tag matches what was uploaded12:30
ahasenackcpaelzer: the upload is in proposed and won't migrate12:30
ahasenackI asked in ubuntu-release to reject it12:30
cpaelzerdoesn't matter12:30
cpaelzeryou can reject it, but in terms of the archive it exists12:30
ahasenackwell, I don't know how that part works12:31
cpaelzerso you'll have to spin your fix as ubuntu2 on top of what you have12:31
ahasenackare you sure about that? Isn't the point of proposed to make sure it's ok before making it official?12:31
cpaelzerrejecting in -unapproved means it never existed from the archives POV12:31
cpaelzerbut if it has been in proposed and failed for whatever reason the version number is still burned12:32
cpaelzerahasenack: for example if you fetch in your gu repo12:33
ahasenackthat's not the case for srus, I was told I could either use the previous version number or not12:33
cpaelzerahasenack: you'll see a new pkg/import/2.4.33-3ubuntu112:33
cpaelzerahasenack: if the SRU is rejected in -unapproved that is true12:33
cpaelzerahasenack: if it reached proposed then LP will later reject uploads od the same version12:33
ahasenackI see12:33
ahasenackwell, let me finish writing up this blurb12:33
cpaelzerthere can't be "another" 2.4.33-3ubuntu112:34
ahasenackas I said, I don't have a fix. So I either epoch it back to 2.4.29, or leave it like that for someone else to pick it up and come up with a fix12:34
cpaelzerepoch = URGS, there are better solutions to that12:35
cpaelzerbut lets brainstorm about the issue and what could be done12:35
cpaelzeror have you evaluated it already and decided there is no way (for now)12:35
cpaelzerahasenack: you might throw me a hangout link and explain me which apache module uses the old libcurl and why12:36
cpaelzermaybe we get an idea how to resolve12:36
cpaelzerif not I can explain how one would revert this now12:36
ahasenackit's libapache2-mod-shib2, which needs libxmltooling7, and libxmltooling7 cannot use libcurl412:37
ahasenackhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2/+bug/1770242 commented12:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1770242 in apache2 (Ubuntu) "Please merge from debian 2.4.33" [Low,New]12:38
rbasakahasenack: is the transition completed in Debian? If so, how did they achieve it?12:38
ahasenacktheir libcurl is different12:39
ahasenackirc discussion start: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2018/05/16/%23ubuntu-release.html#t16:4512:39
ahasenackfun fact: "huh, in debian libcurl.so.4 is in the libcurl3 package"12:39
ahasenackand they do have a libcurl.so.312:40
ahasenackwe don't12:40
ahasenackwhoever updates apache to even 2.4.30 (we are at 2.4.29) will come across this12:40
rbasakThis sounds like it's going to get very involved to understand :-/12:41
rbasakShall I leave it to cpaelzer to help? Or if you prefer I can do it, but it probably would be a waste for both of us to catch up on what is going on.12:42
* rbasak is now regretting sticking his head in12:42
cpaelzerrbasak: leave it with me for now12:43
cpaelzerwe can re-sort on the standup later12:43
cpaelzerahasenack: sometimes odd issues have rather blunt soltions :-)12:44
cpaelzerahasenack: what happens if we just NOT provide the libcurl4 dev libs?12:44
cpaelzerahasenack: Debian enabled this in 2.4.33-112:44
cpaelzerso it is rather new, maybe it is a new feature and not 100% required?12:44
* cpaelzer readas apache changelog12:44
ahasenackwhat is reather new? mod-md?12:45
ahasenackit's in 2.4.30, but we (and debian) have it in the archive already as its own source, an older version. I think it was finally absorbed by apache upstream12:45
ahasenackthe 2.4.33 pkg now builds a transitional binary for it, as it's in apache2-bin now.12:46
cpaelzerahasenack: and that is what needs the new libcurl and for now causes this dependency mess?12:46
ahasenackI don't know if the older source, if rebuilt now, would also link with libcurl412:47
ahasenackwhich is not really "new", btw12:47
ahasenack(curl4, that is)12:47
cpaelzerlibcurl3-gnutls is the old one12:47
cpaelzerlets check how old the libapache2-mod-md we have is12:47
cpaelzerApache changelog: "mod_md: new experimental, module for managing ..."12:49
cpaelzerI think it is fair to disable that for now12:49
cpaelzerto untangle this12:49
cpaelzerand revisit after some time to pick up it and libcurl on all parts of this puzzle12:49
* cpaelzer needs to rad through last buildlog and then hopefulyl comes up with an interim solution for now12:51
ahasenackI can try dropping it, there are some d/control breaks/replaces to take care of because apache 2.4.30 is essentially obsoleting the module from the other source12:52
cpaelzerbut "for us" that other module exists until you get out of proposed12:52
cpaelzerso my suggestion would be (for now) drop the libcurl4 build-dep, drop the -md bits in d/rules and d/control12:52
cpaelzerthat should give you a new apache with the old mod-md for now12:53
cpaelzeryou can later on with a bit more patience and time re-evaluate how to get the integrated mod-md12:53
ahasenackwell, with no mod-md12:53
cpaelzerhrm did you look at jansson ?12:54
cpaelzeroh that is no curl||jansson12:55
cpaelzerto bad12:55
cpaelzerso I stick with my suggestion above12:55
cpaelzerahasenack: if it works it would resolve it for now, but not free you from solving the libcurl3-vs4 puzzle eventually12:56
cpaelzernever the less if it works IMHO much better than 2.4.33-3ubuntu1+really2.4.29-1ubuntu4.112:57
ahasenackok, thx12:57
* cpaelzer is hooked and needs to check curl libs in Debian vs Ubuntu12:58
ahasenackcpaelzer: check how xmltooling is built wrt openssl version, and how debian solved the problem of xmltooling only working with openssl 1.0 (not 1.1), I think that is important13:05
cpaelzerI'm looking at that already13:05
cpaelzerand the ubuntu delta of "Rename libcurl3 to libcurl4 ..."13:05
cpaelzerahasenack: after you have an apache in as-is you might ask slangasek to discuss a valid path out of this13:06
cpaelzerI'm pretty sure Foundations has already a plan on this13:06
cpaelzer"this" being the overall transition of curl/ssl13:06
cpaelzerafter it is clear how that applies to apache2 you can lay out the steps you need to do there13:07
* cpaelzer shakes his fist at soname 3 vs 4 while at versions like 7.58.0-2ubuntu213:07
cpaelzerconsistency FTW13:08
ahasenackyeah, did you see that lintian override about the soname? :)13:10
cpaelzerno but I saw your quote above13:10
cpaelzerI'm convinced trying to read into this on our own can only fail13:11
cpaelzertry to resolve it as suggested for now13:11
cpaelzerand then get in touch with the people owning the transition13:11
cpaelzerseems a much saner approach to me13:11
ahasenacklet's hope it works13:11
ahasenackfinding out problems so late in the upload is disturbing13:12
* cpaelzer feels bad for ahasenack stumbling over stuff like this he didn's cause13:12
ahasenackthanks for the hug, appreciated13:12
rbasakahasenack: I remember that email now. Sorry, I forgot to flag it.15:29
hackeronhi there, I installed ubuntu 18.04 and the commands ifdown and ifup are missing - is there a new way to start and stop a specific network interface using the settings in /etc/network/interfaces?16:01
rbasakhackeron: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#netplan.io16:09
rbasakhackeron: and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Network_configuration16:10
hackeronrbasak: ah, I see! - is there any way to use the old /etc/network/interfaces file?16:11
rbasakhackeron: "The ifupdown package remains available and supported in Ubuntu main for users that find netplan does not currently meet their networking needs."16:12
hackeronrbasak: ah, fantastic, thank you!16:13
rbasakahasenack: wrap-and-sort is changing things for me on your nvdimm branches, running on Bionic.16:22
rbasakI don't know if you haven't run it recently, or if Bionic's wrap-and-sort behaves differently from yours.16:22
ahasenackrbasak: in what way? I'm building that in cosmic now17:30
ahasenackrbasak: ppa:canonical-server/nvdimm has the cosmic build17:33
ahasenackrbasak: also, I ran wrap-and-sort with -a, to wrap even when the line isn't long enough18:42
nikolaschi there. My server is always setting ondemand cpufreq with cpufrequtils disabled, tried rc.local but after reboot is always ondemand instead of performance19:20
kiokomansudo systemctl disable ondemand19:24
kiokomanondemand.service - Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor19:25
nikolascservice --status-all does nto show it19:25
nikolasckiokoman: worked19:27
nikolascthank you19:28
kiokomangood !19:28
coreycb jamespage: do we still bundle boost with pxc 5.7? seems like orig tars don't exist nor does d/bundle-boost.sh.19:44
Ussatwhats the eta on 18.04 release ?20:28
sdezielUssat: few weeks *ago*, 18.04 was released on April 26th20:32
Ussatahh cool, thanks20:33
Ussathows the 16.04LTS --> 18.04 LTS ?20:33
Ussatguess will fire up a vm and test it20:37
sarnoldUssat: upgrades are mixed; my laptop upgrade did not go well, but 90% of the upgrade problems I've seen were self-inflicted21:28
sarnold(there's a decent chance my upgrade problems were self-inflicted, but we never did figure out the cause.)21:28
Ussatsarnold, I have a vm I spun up to test...gonna test about 4 more times before I attempt to do a prod system21:29
Ussatplus I have good backups21:29
sarnoldUssat: be sure to test smething that actually approaches what you use21:29
sarnoldstock install upgrades are probably less interesting / less useful than "we installed a thousand packages for this that and the other thing"21:29
Ussatsarnold, oh we do, I ahve a full esxi server full of test vm's running the apps I use21:30
Ussatjust pared down resource wise21:30
sarnoldnice nice nice21:30
sarnoldplease file bugs as needed :D21:30
UssatWork at a hospital...we are paranoid carefull21:31
Ussatprobably wont actually do any prod upgrades for a few months, just want to get ahead of the curve21:31
UssatMOstly my labs use Ubuntu, you all have the best bio/genetic packages avaliable21:32
UssatWe are a RHEL/AIX shop, but all our pathology labs/genetic labs run Ubuntu, as well as our genetic torrent servers21:32
UssatUbuntu is VERY big in medical stuff21:33
Ussatwe have a lot of these21:34
Ussatspecialised stuff21:34
UssatAlong with my test lab, I do a lot of preliminary testing on vm's on my mac21:35
sarnoldthat was not what I expected from "torrent server" :)21:36
Ussatheh...yea I know...the name21:37
Ussatfull name is ION-Torrent21:38
Ussatwe have 5 of those along with some 64core 512GB VM's21:38
UssatUbuntu 16.04 LTS21:38
Ussatin our Molecular Pathology lab21:39
sarnoldhehe, reminds me of running Folding@Home back in the day..21:39
UssatOUr lab was a sponsor of that21:41
sarnoldcool! :D21:41
UssatYea we are ultra carefull with updates, full backups, snapshots etc21:49
UssatI say we.....I am the Linux guy here21:49
rbasakahasenack: ah, that'll be it. No worries.22:07
ahasenackrbasak: running with -a?23:08
rbasakahasenack: yep23:26
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