
wallyworldvino: PR looks pretty good so far. left a comment about the AllBindings() method00:36
vinoSure thanks wallyworld00:41
vinoi will get back to u soon.00:42
kelvinliuhi wallyworld, the mock Stdin pipe has been solved.02:06
wallyworldkelvinliu: that's great! i'll look at PR02:22
kelvinliuthx, wallyworld02:23
wallyworldkelvinliu: looking good, see my comments. happy to clarify if needed02:44
kelvinliuwallyworld, can i have ur 2mins ?03:19
veeberswallyworld: you have a couple of moments, would like some pointers for the model tear down issue. I had a good destroy and a bad destroy and both exihibited the same logging (that I had tacked in there) So I'm missing something and/or looking in the wrong spot03:34
wallyworldveebers: just talking to kelvin, give me a sec03:35
veeberswallyworld: sure thing03:35
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anastasiamaccan i get a review for https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8724, please? more status tests - this time for filtering on machine number :D03:43
wallyworldveebers: free now but i fear i won't have a good answer for you03:43
wallyworldanastasiamac: can look soon03:43
anastasiamacwallyworld: just as i was going to say "could u plz have a good answer for me" :D03:44
veeberswallyworld: hah, all good, even just pointing in maybe the right direction would be good03:44
wallyworldveebers: am inhangout03:44
wallyworldanastasiamac: a couple of small things04:02
babbageclunkso I've got a fix for that test hang but writing the explanation in the commit message has got me worried about a bug in the raft implementation04:07
anastasiamacbest type of tests/comments :D04:07
veebersbabbageclunk: remove the comment and voila bug is gone04:07
babbageclunkI'm gonna push the one-line fix with a shruggie in the commit message04:12
kelvinliuwallyworld, cluster-name and context-name in ~/.kube/config file are different, and we are using context-name to find related context from ClientConfig.Contexts. Do u think we should change the `context-name` flag to `cluster-name` and then we find the related context-name according to the cluster-name?04:14
anastasiamacwallyworld: ta \o/04:15
wallyworldkelvinliu: if it works. from a user perspective, i think they look at a named k8s setup as a cluster?04:15
wallyworldkelvinliu: are cluster names unique within a given config file?04:17
wallyworldor can different contexts have the same cluster name04:17
wallyworldif cluster names are not unique then we need to stick with context name04:17
kelvinliui think context-name <- 1: 1 -> cluster-name, and they should be all uniq04:20
wallyworldok, then i reckon cluster-name is better04:31
kelvinliuwallyworld, yeah, changing it to use cluster-name now04:40
wallyworldgreat, ty04:40
babbageclunkeasy review anyone? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/872504:55
babbageclunkanastasiamac, veebers, thumper, wallyworld: ^04:56
veebersbabbageclunk: looks04:57
veeberslooking even04:57
veebersbabbageclunk: I've asked a question for clarification. Im never sure to mark that as a 'Comment' or a 'Request changes'04:58
babbageclunkveebers: I'd say a comment unless you've specifically asked for a change.04:59
veebersack, makes sense.05:00
kelvinliuwallyworld, done. would u mind take a look on the change?05:00
wallyworldkelvinliu: looking05:01
kelvinliuwallyworld, thx05:01
wallyworldanastasiamac: maybe if you have a chance, here's a CLI command to remove a k8s cloud (builds on remove cloud stuff er discussed) https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/872605:01
veeberswallyworld: if I understood correctly, Application destroyOps should be called many times if any of the asserts fail, right?05:01
wallyworldveebers: the build loop will get called 3 times. depending on what happens in the txns, potentially new cleanup jobs will be queued which will call destroy again05:02
anastasiamacwallyworld: sure thing.. as soon as i finish this error msg m working on \o/05:02
anastasiamaclike "on the tip of my tongue" kind of moment...05:03
wallyworldno rush need to land kelvin's one first and then rebase as there will be conflicts05:03
babbageclunkveebers: that's a raft library function - I guess we could have our own local DefaultConfig func somewhere...05:04
veebersbabbageclunk: ah right, makes sense. Not sure it's worth it just to set False for that arg (for real and tests)05:05
babbageclunkyeah, I was hoping you'd agree :)05:05
wallyworldkelvinliu: done, just a couple of minor typos, let's fix and land :-)05:06
veeberswallyworld: ok, so I see the logging I put in (a *Application) destroyOps output only once, however I see the application fail to be destroyed. I'm continuing to add more debugging everywhere (well, maybe not everywhere)05:07
kelvinliuwallyworld, fixed05:09
wallyworldkelvinliu: go ahead and $$merge$$05:11
kelvinliuyup thx wallyworld05:11
wallyworldveebers: destroyOps will only get called again if it results in another cleanup job gettin queued which calls it05:11
wallyworlddebugging should help us figure it out (eventually)05:12
veeberswallyworld: ah right. Ok, will continue w/ debugging logs :-)05:12
wallyworldno easy answer sadly05:12
wallyworldwill also help to print what txns are being queued05:13
veeberswallyworld: ack, that's a good way to fill up a log file :-)05:13
anastasiamacwallyworld: if u have a chance, PTAL https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8727?05:32
* anastasiamac lloking at 8726 now05:32
wallyworldanastasiamac: all of our state code returns jujutxn.ErrNoOperations if attempt > 0 and the entity is gone06:09
wallyworldthe general pattern is to do a Refresh() and check for not found06:10
wallyworldcloud don't have refresh() so we just use Cloud(name)06:10
wallyworldeg see line 186 of state/application.go06:11
anastasiamacwallyworld: plz send a link, i dont know which version of application.go u r looking at :)06:13
anastasiamacwallyworld: most of the code does not fuss about and just returns NotFound... However, I do believe u want to cater for something specific, hence,u've coded for it but I do not understnad the reasoning... maybe it deserves a descriptive comment?06:14
anastasiamacwallyworld: specifically, why would it matter if another call deleted the entity? ur code above still should cater for both NOtFound and NoOp.. right?06:15
anastasiamacwallyworld: i guess what I'd like to see is a test that if you got a no-op in state, under the circumstances u've described, then ur api call will not err and hence local store will still be cleaned up... even if someone else removed controller-side reference06:17
wallyworldanastasiamac: i added a remove race test. the application file is the one in state /home/ian/juju/go/src/github.com/juju/juju/state/application.go06:17
wallyworldtremove cloud behaves consistently as for removing app, machine etc06:18
anastasiamacwallyworld: :) i was hoping for a link on githu :) i understnad which ile u r talking about... i cannot guess its version, nor can navigate to what u've supplied ;)06:18
wallyworldthis is on develop06:18
anastasiamacawesome ! Tahnk you the race test :D06:23
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manadartexternalreality: If you are inclined to review: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/873014:36
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