
=== katnip- is now known as katnip
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=== Beefalo is now known as home
=== home is now known as Beefalo
IrcsomeBoteLektricitEe was added by: eLektricitEe03:39
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batteronizerHi guys, is anyone aware of any workarounds for the systemd-udevd high CPU consumption issue on Dell laptops with 18.04?05:18
lordievaderGood morning06:33
oerheksturnoff bluetooth?? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=238953006:33
oerheks"bluez" issue https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/433393/systemd-udevd-high-cpu-usage06:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1759836 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-udevd consumes 100% of CPU" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:34
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
kubast2Uhm so I put my pc to sleep ,and when I woke it up and logged in I was greeted with 3 failed to write some KDE config ,and the root file system was mounted as ReadOnly which I know cause I tried to restart sddm to launch firefox ,because killall firefox apparentlly didn't killed "firefox" and didn't let me to launch the browser window07:19
kubast2how can I report this ,might be the first time in like 25 or 50 times I put my pc to sleep but would be nice to see it fixed07:21
kubast2what steps should I take07:21
kubast2allready rebooted so at best systemctl log and kernel message log07:21
kubast2any value in that ?07:21
lordievaderkubast2: I'd check the smart values of your drive first. The rootfs mounts read only when it occurs erros.07:23
kubast2it's a fairlly new hdd but okay07:23
kubast2I doubt they install failling drives in new laptops07:23
kubast2in sec07:24
kubast2self test or just atributes07:25
kubast20 sectors ,0 end to end error ,0 command timeout ,0 uncorrectable errors ,0 high fly writes ,30961260 seek error rate ,4516972 read error rate07:26
kubast2ok doing extended rn07:27
lordievaderThose are quite  high error rates.07:28
lordievaderCould be  due to a faulty sata cable though.07:28
kubast2or connector who knows07:28
kubast2IIRC it's reporting concatenation of error rate and total reads. ,well turns out someone got 2 milions07:30
kubast2Brand new Seagate HDD has high raw read error rate<well it might not be it?07:31
kubast2It seems it may be a count of the actual sectors read, the errors are in the upper 16bits of the 48bit word, please see07:31
kubast20 read errors07:32
lordievaderDoes `dmesg` report anything about this?07:32
kubast2lordievader: can I view past dmesg ?07:32
lordievaderkubast2: If it is saved to `/var/log/dmesg` yes.07:33
kubast2running journactl -o short_precise -k -b -1 it's there07:34
kubast2nothing out of ordinary at least on last ACPI: Waking up from system sleep state S307:35
kubast2at some point there was sefault from web content(firefox) and some apparmor stuff but that's about it; pcie timeouts happen at the beginning ,but they are corrected at boot07:38
kubast2nothing seems out of ordinary07:38
batteronizeroerheks: Thanks, that itself didn't work07:40
batteronizerIn me case moving this file: /lib/udev/rules.d/97-hid2hci.rules was needed07:40
=== hss is now known as user19999999
user19999999hello! guys i can't start steam games (insurgency) everything is up and running but when i click my game it wont start how can I see steam output messages?10:26
hateballoh they left quite fast10:41
w0lfhi there11:06
w0lfin my kubuntu11:06
w0lfI am having this strange issue11:06
w0lfmy USB 3 port stop recharging my phone after a while11:06
w0lfeven If i unplug and plug it again11:07
w0lfthe only solution is reboot the machine11:07
w0lfcan someone please help11:07
hateballw0lf: do you see anything in dmesg ?11:20
hateballlike if the device turns off or something11:20
w0lfhateball, actually just noticed that the charging sign is not showing in iphone but its charging lols11:27
hateballw0lf: :D11:39
hateballw0lf: problem solved then? :p11:40
w0lfhateball, yeah ahaha11:40
hateballw0lf: best type of problem11:43
BluesKajHi folks13:12
alket_hi BluesKaj13:22
BluesKajhi alket_13:44
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R13oseThe panel I created is not hiding when the mouse is not over this.  How do I fix this?15:03
hateballR13ose: did you set it to autohide?15:30
R13oseYes the autohide is set15:43
R13oseI figured this out.  Something was open for panel settings that I didn't see15:51
=== redwhite is now known as ZzZzZzzz
=== ZzZzZzzz is now known as redwhite
geniiThere is no default root password.19:15
geniiRoot login on *buntu is disabled by default and the usage of sudo from an account with admin priveleges is the preferred model.19:16
rohanhello! After upgrading my laptop to Kubuntu 18.04, I feel like KDE has become very slow/sluggish.19:40
rohanfor example, clicking on menus takes a long time to show up19:41
rohanAlt-f2 takes forever to load19:41
rohancan someone help me debug, please?19:41
nico_I'm trying to compile Qt qml plugins in kubuntu20:19
nico_I've been having troubles since some time, somebody knows where could I find a good tutorial? (I'm trying to compile extended plasmoids)20:19
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ottodHello, I just installed Kubuntu and was about to install nodejs when I noticed it comes with Kubuntu23:32
ottodWhy is that?23:32
ottodThere is no preinstalled package requiring it23:33
metalbikerhey folks. i just installed the minimal version of kubuntu and i need to find out what the terminal commands are to install the kde packages for libreoffice to get it to look correct. it looks like windows 95 with its blocky boxes and whatnot.23:47

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