
masterpiececan someone take a look at https://launchpadlibrarian.net/370761539/buildlog_ubuntu-bionic-amd64.rcssserver_15.4.0-1_BUILDING.txt.gz and tell me where am I wrong ?02:08
masterpieceE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.02:08
wgrantmasterpiece:  sbuild-build-depends-rcssserver-dummy : Depends: flex (= 2.6.0-11bionic1) but 2.6.4-6 is to be installed02:09
wgrantmasterpiece: Your Build-Depends field specifies that it wants exactly flex 2.6.0-11bionic1, but apt sees 2.6.4-6 is available instead02:09
masterpiecewgrant, I specified another PPA as dependency https://launchpad.net/~salehi/+archive/ubuntu/flex02:12
masterpiecewgrant, you can see the build log importing this ppa dependency "ppa.launchpad.net/salehi/flex/ubuntu"02:13
masterpieceI really got headache of this problem, I'll really appreciate any idea or solution :)02:14
masterpiece( I know how to read irc memo, plz send me memo if I got disconnected )02:16
wgrantmasterpiece: Ah, that was an important detail.02:18
wgrantmasterpiece: apt isn't generally very good at working out how to install older versions of dependencies. In this case it might work if you also explicitly build-depend on the old version of libfl-dev.02:19
wgrantmasterpiece: You can test the behaviour in a chroot or container locally.02:19
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masterpiecewgrant, Thanks dude12:08

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