[00:34] wxl: LXQt is pure LXQt, none of our settings. Provided by lxqt-session. Lubuntu session is ours, provided by lubuntu-default-settings. [00:34] Also, hai, I'm back. [00:34] bah dumb extra sessions [00:35] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [00:57] wxl: bug 1771696 solved [00:57] Bug 1771696 in openbox (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Openbox Apps menu causes error in obamenu" [Medium, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1771696 [00:58] oh wow thanks @tsimonq2 [00:58] i didn't even really CARE about that bug XD [00:59] i was gonna shoot it upstream. how does that work anyways? is there some sort of automated process to pull patches? [01:00] wxl: Sooooo this is a Debian-specific script. [01:00] I'd say file a bug. [01:00] And I'll NMU it if there's no response within a week. [01:00] Wanna do that wxl, or should I? [01:01] you can [01:01] !info calamares-settings-ubuntu [01:01] Package calamares-settings-ubuntu does not exist in bionic [01:01] !info calamares-settings-ubuntu cosmic [01:01] oopsie [01:01] Package calamares-settings-ubuntu does not exist in cosmic [01:01] !info calamares-settings-lubuntu cosmic [01:01] calamares-settings-lubuntu (source: calamares-settings-ubuntu): Lubuntu Calamares Settings and Branding. In component universe, is optional. Version 2 (cosmic), package size 1201.390625 kB, installed size 1642 kB [01:01] that's what i thought [01:02] k [01:02] re: the phab/irc integration, can you get our packageset automatically and just edit the lxde stuff out of the list? cuz you spelled that wrong [01:02] uhh wat? [01:03] https://code.launchpad.net/~tsimonq2/usd-importer/+git/add-lubuntu/+merge/345799 [01:03] line 12 [01:03] oh bah [01:03] sec [01:03] wxl: waaaait, no, these are source packages [01:04] NOT binary packages [01:04] calamares-settings-ubuntu is the source [01:04] ummmmm [01:04] shoot [01:04] you win [01:04] XD [01:04] love ya [01:04] thanks [01:06] wxl: lubuntu-default-settings (1.1 to 1.2) [01:06] Maintainer: Lubuntu Developers [01:06] Section: universe/x11 [01:06] 0 days old [01:06] autopkgtest for ubiquity: amd64: Test in progress, arm64: Test in progress, armhf: Test in progress, i386: Test in progress, ppc64el: Test in progress [01:06] Not considered [01:06] ubiquity shouldn't be tested [01:06] waaaaaaaaait [01:06] hold on [01:06] lubuntu does not save brightness settings nor are there options to configure docky self-hiding !!!! lubuntu 16 lts version [01:06] wxl: We missed one, Ubiquity somehow deps on default settings [01:06] @Fabri_x this is not a channel for support [01:07] @Fabri_x, The dock self hiding *should* be there. Brightness settings you'd have to ask Xfce about. [01:07] But wxl is right. [01:17] wxl: Hey, so what filesystems *does* Ubiquity support? [01:20] tsimonq2, ianwxl I know it allows creation of xfs ext4 btrfs I think fat for uefi I think ext3 althuogh I did only try that in a vm a few years ago [01:21] lynorian: Mind finding exactly what is? [02:25] That lubuntu-artwork upload which just migrated accidentally botches the Lubuntu Arc Openbox theme. [02:25] Fix uploaded, but there's gonna be a few hour difference between the fix being uploaded and it actually landing. [02:25] (Of course, I'm talking Cosmic here, but still.) [02:27] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [lubuntu-artwork] tsimonq2 pushed 1 new commit to ubuntu/cosmic: https://git.io/vpAH8 [02:27] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- lubuntu-artwork/ubuntu/cosmic fe78515 Simon Quigley: Add back the Lubuntu Arc Openbox theme which was accidentally removed during the 1.0 upload. [02:28] Therefore, 20180518 should actually be pretty usable, assuming everything goes right. [02:29] A few errata bits: you can only do ext4 right now, "Automatically log in" doesn't work because Calamares messes up the SDDM config and boots straight into LXQt. [02:29] (Which asks for a Window Manager...) [02:29] Otherwise, all the default settings should be in place, including things like Plymouth. [02:31] In the works besides that is to make the startup menu say "Start Lubuntu" instead of "Try Lubuntu before installing" and "Install Lubuntu"; following that, we just need an executable on the desktop which starts Calamares. Shouldn't be too hard, and it's trivial right now to work around if you know what you're doing. [02:44] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [lubuntu-artwork] tsimonq2 pushed 2 new commits to ubuntu/cosmic: https://git.io/vpAQL [02:44] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- lubuntu-artwork/ubuntu/cosmic ed9a851 Simon Quigley: Whoops, add the additional files from the previous upload to the install file. [02:44] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- lubuntu-artwork/ubuntu/cosmic 709d121 Simon Quigley: BAD DEBIAN/FILES! [05:56] 4 of my 4 home devices upgraded to Lubuntu 18.04. ❤️ [06:30] * VikingRedwolf licks @Wolfenprey [06:31] (Sticker, 512x403) http://vps.tsimonq2.net//file_3997.webp [09:46] Mangesh Ghatol was added by: Mangesh Ghatol [13:46] @tsimonq2 I think we need to prioritize the installation executable on the desktop [13:47] @tsimonq2 in other news I found phab has an email interface for tasks. Assuming we don't have inbound mail set up for it do (or does teward?) have a preferred MTA? [14:01] @wxl[m], ACK on the icon [14:21] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [lubuntu-identity] vikingredwolf pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vpxwj [14:21] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- lubuntu-identity/master 2ff67e8 Marcin Mikołajczak: fix typo... [14:21] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- lubuntu-identity/master d71ddeb Redwolf: Merge pull request #1 from m4sk1n/patch-1... [14:25] @VikingRedwolf DEVELOPER! [14:25] .__. [15:10] 😐 [15:14] speaking of developers i'll be seeing Marcin soon :) [15:17] Oh? :) === jordan is now known as Guest11873 [16:19] why matrix why [16:20] anyways Google Code In Grand Prize Trip is first week of June [16:21] Jordan Santos was added by: Jordan Santos [16:31] @wxl, NICE [16:31] Take pics to put in the newsletter. :) [16:31] @Jordan Santos, Welcome! [16:33] Thanks! [16:48] @wxl[m], K so about the Phab email interface... [16:48] Right now I just have an email alias pointed to some address at tsimonq2.net that doesn't do anything with incoming email and only has Phab send mail. [16:48] We could use that, or find another way. Dunno, I'll hunt down teward. :) [17:10] here's the email commands. at the top is the link to configuring inbound. let me know if you need anything else from me. i'll make a task later to collect info about it. https://secure.phabricator.com/applications/mailcommands/PhabricatorManiphestApplication/task/ [17:10] @tsimonq2: ^^ [17:10] k [17:13] @wxl, Pawning this one off on you. :P [17:13] i'll probably end up kicking it back, though because i don't have access to your vps :/ [17:13] or rather i do [17:13] but i don't own it :) [17:19] @wxl, It's not a thing on my VPS. [17:19] I just have teward manage that for me. ;) [18:57] I WAS PINGED [18:57] by tsimonq2, why hast thou summoned me. [18:58] tl;dr we'd like to set up an incoming MTA for Phabricator, teward [18:58] this way we can interact with tasks (and some other apps) by email [18:58] https://secure.phabricator.com/book/phabricator/article/configuring_inbound_email/ [18:59] permit me to first point you at the "Local MTA: Strongly Discouraged" row there [18:59] that's because apparently Phabricator is severely terrified of Sendmail [18:59] operating on the assumption that phabricator is a PITA to set up and such, probably why they discourage. [18:59] well Sendmail can go die in a fire [18:59] Right, and so using otherwise will just mean reading between the lines [18:59] Phab was easy to set up :P [19:00] Mail on the other hand is chaos [19:00] looks like they set an alias phabricator -> | /path/to/mail_handler.php [19:00] which should be fairly trivial [19:00] ah, that sounds like any of a dozen Go apps I've set up [19:00] and then adding to the virtual user database [19:00] i had sort of suggested to Simon to ping you about it since you're sort of his sysadmin and may have an MTA of choice [19:00] yeah that looks like it's doable. would need some testing, but could probably be done. [19:01] there are SOME people out there that like Sendmail [19:01] wxl: the most common choices are postfix and sendmail, both are in the repos, I prefer Postfix by far [19:01] * wxl points at genii commenting on another channel [19:01] in fact except for my thomas-ward.us domain, I run postfix MTA with Dovecot IMAP for a bunch of my domains [19:01] ... all flowing throug a mail gateway first obviously for antispam as simon knows [19:01] yeah i usually do postfix/dovecot too [19:02] but honestly i freaking hate mail [19:02] in this case it looks like all you'll need is Postfix handing off to the PHP backend [19:02] it's just too much to keep up on [19:02] correct [19:02] ... and probably procmail for the rest of traffic [19:02] but yeah. [19:02] Postfix is my recommendation [19:02] ... with some overhauling for security (strong TLS enforcement, require TLS, disallow nonexistent-FQDNs, etc.) [19:02] um [19:02] the other thing that's needed is Mailparse (also mentioned in there) [19:03] that's not a requirement for the MTA so much as it is for the Phabricator mail handler [19:03] right [19:03] the MTA is the trickier part [19:04] assumedly [19:04] php CAN suck sometimes [19:04] installing the required PHP / Pear libs is fairly easy [19:04] ^^ understatement of the year [19:04] compared to MTA and properly secure email, PHP lib installation is mostly painless [19:04] fair enough [19:05] especially given proper authentication, spam handling, secure connections, etc. [19:05] running your own MTA is a combination of self-torture, masochistic self-punishment, and pain comparatively. [19:05] wxl: indeed. [19:05] for me i discovered sysadmining mail to just be a rabbit hole. there was always one more thing to learn. ALWAYS. [19:05] though you can just black-hole all other mail and let it just drop into nonexistence to protect against that evil. [19:06] indeed. [19:06] but learning the basics has helped me to repair mail at the workplace, and set up simon's mail for him to work better [19:06] yep [19:06] (I mentioned my thomas-ward.us domain earlier... that's currently running on an Office 365 instance, don't kill me but it was available with my Office Pro sub that I have just for myself for certain things that can't work with *nix) [19:06] i can get in there and fix stuff but i do NOT want to set stuff up and i do NOT want to keep up with the standards [19:07] wxl: so then technically, you're looking for someone willing to help with the setup, the configuration, standards, etc. [19:07] problem with ms mail: safelinks [19:07] and take that pain off of your plate. [19:07] right, teward, which is to say i don't want to do mail XD [19:08] That's exactly why I have teward do mail. It's the one thing that I won't touch with a ten foot pole. XD [19:08] it's also relatively unrewarding. there's always someone complaining about it. at least if you're tracking security stuff you are making things better [19:08] tsimonq2: speaking of which this evening I'm going to drop your mail onto the other mail appliance, so I can actually *see* what mail i'm not receiving xD [19:09] in other news, my mail gateway just hit 60k thanks to your mail :p [19:09] wxl: indeed. the problem with tracking security is you can make the system *too* secure [19:09] a combination of regular updates and intermediary mail filtering helps a little too to cut back on spam [19:10] but that's a different set of circumstances. [19:10] @teward, 30k jump in the past few weeks? [19:10] teward: you mean you turn it off? XD [19:10] (I get a LOT of mail) [19:10] tsimonq2: upload notifications [19:10] tsimonq2: you're also subbed to every bug lol [19:10] Ahh. Yes. [19:10] wxl: actually i have all mail hit an intermediate box BEFORE it lands at the backends. [19:10] that handles all the spam filtering, etc. [19:10] brb, i need water. [19:11] * wxl watches teward go get coffee instead [19:20] actually, no i did get water [19:20] needed some hot water for my lemon ginger tea ;) [19:20] hahahah yeah right [19:21] wait a minute. who are you and what did you do to teward? [19:21] lol [19:21] wxl: i already had four cups of coffee [19:21] hence why i'm not having more [19:22] anyways, back to the mail thing, yeah it can be done, but it has to be done on the same box that Phab is running on, it seems. Doable, though I'd use Postfix, and I can probably get things up fairly quickly depending where this server 'sits' [19:22] the TLS part will be tricky though - needs a proper cert [19:23] wxl: I don't have hesitations about giving teward SSH access to JFDI. Agreed? [19:23] obviously he should have it [19:23] wxl: So then you do it. :) [19:23] tsimonq2: does Phab sit on an EC2 or on an actual server [19:24] @teward, DO droplet [19:24] baaaaah it was your idea [19:24] are you using DO's 'cloud firewall' to restrict inbound traffic or is it just allowing all traffic from the outside to get to the droplet, and then lets the local firewall take over [19:25] @teward, Stock config. [19:27] tsimonq2: should i just add his key to lubuntu@? [19:27] wxl: yeah [19:27] teward: your key on lp ok to use? [19:28] wxl: yes, but not the package-builder one that's listed there [19:28] that one's so I can let my Bionic ppa builder upload some packages :p [19:32] okay so stock config is no firewall then on the droplet. Good, I won't have to get angry at DO today :P [19:35] teward: should have access now [19:35] yep, i'm in. does phab have an SSL cert or no? [19:35] It does. [19:35] yeah [19:35] certbot something or other. [19:35] i decided against doing wildcards, though [19:35] it's kind of a pita [19:36] especially maintaining it over the long term [19:36] (with let's encrypt) [19:37] hmm [19:38] OK yeah we should have everything we need, I'll need to yank out sendmail though [19:38] which means emails from phab will probably asplode a bit [19:38] Alright. [19:39] i won't touch that at the moment, though, i'll work on this once I get home since my work day is over in about an hour, and I don't want to leave this 'alone' with broken mail [19:40] Rog [19:40] wxl: OOH, we can do subtasks and mark tasks as duplicates!!! [19:40] Look at https://phab.lubuntu.me/T32 [19:44] K so wxl that task has everything we discussed briefly earlier (T32) [20:02] tsimonq2: wxl: do either of you need to give a note out about phabricator emails going away briefly? before I start working on it later this evening, that is. [20:02] note out to others* [20:03] because while I configure postfix, outgoing mail messages will probably barf [20:03] Nope, just say something here and I'll pin it in Telegram. [20:03] ack [20:08] holy heck those subtasks are great [20:20] Ikr [20:33] good job team! our hard work on lxqt is paying off https://news.softpedia.com/news/hands-on-with-first-lubuntu-18-10-build-featuring-the-lxqt-desktop-by-default-521200.shtml [20:43] wxl: tsimonq2: where's DNS for this sit? [20:43] cloudflare? DO? The depths of /dev/null? [20:43] teward: outside my pay grade and he's away for a while [20:43] oh wait [20:43] ok [20:43] not true [20:43] duh [20:43] hahahahah [20:43] lol [20:44] DNS for lubuntu.me is Canonical [20:44] ah [20:44] well [20:44] we have a small...ish issue then [20:44] i can probably get that resolved quick like [20:44] wxl: does phab send @lubuntu.me messages [20:44] or @phab.lubuntu.me [20:44] the latter i believe 1s [20:45] i ask because @lubuntu.me goes to Canonical's mail [20:45] nope it's the former [20:45] phab@lubuntu.me [20:45] ok... [20:45] wxl: this can't be set up then [20:45] not if Canonical handles @lubuntu.me through their MX [20:45] which they currently do: [20:46] dig @ MX lubuntu.me. [20:46] lubuntu.me. 599 IN MX 10 mx.canonical.com. [20:46] seems that it goes through gandi [20:46] wth [20:46] phab@ is probably just an alias [20:46] I may need to have a seat with canonical-sysadmin to better determine what's going on [20:46] and to determine where phab@ *actually* delivers [20:47] but if the mail doesn't end up back at the phab.lubuntu.me box, then deploying MTA for incoming Phab mail is impossible. [20:47] Received: from localhost.localdomain (unknown []) [20:47] (Authenticated sender: lubuntu@tsimonq2.net) [20:47] by relay1-d.mail.gandi.net (Postfix) [20:48] wxl: is that the only received header? [20:48] no [20:48] can you share with me the whole received header chain, privately if you don't want it all publicly [20:48] couple gandi hops then it hits me [20:50] teward: you've got mail [20:51] yeah your mail there is originating from the mail server itself [20:51] the inverse chain is what I need to understand - email@domain.tld -> phab@lubuntu.me -> ? [20:52] i might have to ask canonical-sysadmin [20:52] oh yeah that i don't know [20:53] i'll ask canonical-sysadmin (you or Simon might have to verify you asked for my assist if they won't answer me directly) [20:54] will do [20:54] at the ready [22:33] wxl: tsimonq2: I've made a couple inquiries to Canonical SA for some prerequisite checks before we can deploy. If they can do what we need, then we can proceed with configuration of the Phabricator receiving MTA. If their mail system can't be configured as such for proper relaying of phab@ mail to the Phabricator box, then we won't be able to set up phabricator mail as was requested [22:34] k stay in touch teward [22:34] will do. [23:21] Bobcher Bob was added by: Bobcher Bob [23:23] @Bobcher Bob, Welcome! [23:24] Hi