[11:42] How do I remove the remove the bottom panel? Right now, there is no way to add/remove panel. [11:49] you don't :P [11:50] I have added Cairo Dock so I don't need the bottom panel anymore. === Jordan is now known as Guest84376 [18:46] Hi. I have a question. In ubuntu website's flavour page (https://www.ubuntu.com/download/flavours), it said that, LXQT is Lubuntu's default DE. But in Lubuntu's website (https://lubuntu.me/about/) it is said that, Lubuntu's default DE is LXDE. I'm confused. [18:47] rrp: we're in transition. for this cycle onward, it's LXQt. previous was LXDE. [18:47] if you want to get really goofy, LXQt arose from the framework of LXDE and so they're kind of both LXDE XD [18:47] What's the DE in 18.04? [18:47] if DE means desktop environment and is not an indication of the graphics libraries it uses (which it's not) [18:47] LXDE [18:47] but 18.10 and on will be LXQt [19:13] hi [19:14] I've installed dropbox but applet doesn't show dropbox icon and it's not working [19:15] I've created a new autostart entry changing dropbox launch command [19:15] unfortunately, dropbox default autostart is often enabled by the system, even if I disable it by lxsession [19:16] I've tried some workarounds but I don't know how to delete default dropbox autostart entry (in order to use custom new dropbox launch autostart) [19:16] any ideas? [19:41] hi... i am trying to install lubuntu 18.04 64bit on my newer computer from usb (it has no cd drive) but i keep getting the error about it not being able to install grub due to UEFI [19:42] i did set it in bios to legacy instead of UEFI but i still get this error [19:44] it doesnt matter if i choose install or try lubuntu (and install from there) in the boot menu [19:44] i also put the iso on usb via dd and via unetbootin.. no difference there either [19:49] Guest21212: I don't what computter you're talking about [19:51] *don't know what computer [19:53] Guest21212, what partitioning you have chosen? [19:54] a gigabyte Z270M-D3H with an intel i5-7600K [19:55] ehm dunno about the partitioning.. there is allready win7 on it and i had lubuntu 16.04.4 on it [19:55] (32bit tho) [19:55] can i see in gparted? [19:56] the partition for lubuntu is on an extended partion [19:56] Guest21212, have you got 2 HDDs? [19:57] nope [19:57] eh wait [19:57] yes i have another one in there [19:57] but no OS on it.. only data [19:58] yep, that could be the issue, try to pick the "something else" and install linux only on one of the drives [19:58] not using both [19:58] i did that [19:58] then you need to somehow unplug one of them, maybe disable it in bios [19:59] trying to install linux on the drive with win7 [19:59] so i gotta disable the data drive? [19:59] and also don't forget to add additional partition: /boot/efi 300 MB [20:00] i did in "something else" pick the extended partition and set its mount point to / [20:00] ah [20:00] so there got to be a little partion extra with swap to have it boot? [20:00] but wait [20:01] you've got win 7 right? [20:01] uefi is new for me [20:01] yes [20:01] does win 7 boot when uefi if off? [20:01] it has some boot partition i guess.. 500mn [20:01] *mb [20:02] grub is gone now so i cant boot [20:02] this is the live-usb [20:02] ok when you was booting windows previously, was uefi on?\ [20:03] in bios it was on yes.. and it did work with lubu 16.04.4 32bit [20:04] i think something is wrong with this 18.04 installer [20:04] Guest21212, burn the iso with rosaimagewriter and try again [20:05] also turn on uefi and add the partition that i mentioned [20:05] and unplug one of the drives [20:06] ok.. odd... never heard of rosa.. will try [20:06] gotta get off here when i put the new image on this usb [20:07] Guest21212: UEFI has just worked for me for quite a while now. If you've ensured you didn't have download/copy errors, it should just work for you [20:08] you allready installed a fresh 18.04? [20:08] yup [20:08] i doubt its the image tho [20:09] it most often is [20:09] as everything else works.. just that grub package not [20:09] did you check the hashes? [20:09] i trythat firstthen [20:10] that's ALWAYS what you should do [20:10] download/copy errors are ridiculously common [20:10] one bit could mean totally disastrous behavior [20:12] the torrent was ferified ok [20:12] now for the hash [20:12] still could mean copy errors [20:19] md5sum is thesame [20:19] now boot the image and check the image at the boot menu [20:19] the one i use [20:20] ? [20:20] ah you mean test it in the boot menu? if it got okay on the usb? [20:21] yep [20:21] ok.. taking notes here first before i leave off [20:25] thanx for the help wxl, diogenes_ and cristian_c ... hope i get it fixed now [20:25] ah damn just missed him [20:26] (diogenes) [21:31] i was in here an hour ago with uefi and grub install issue.. turns out the usb got booted with UEFI and needed to boot it explicitly without UEFI for it not to clash when installing it [21:32] i mean booting the usb with no uefi... but uefi is activated in bios [21:32] strange affair :P [21:33] thanx again for the heads up.. time to get a drink and hang out now