
roaksoaxsentinel-prime: i'm on US EST00:19
roaksoaxsentinel-prime: so usually EST00:19
roaksoaxsentinel-prime: although I sometimes lurk at night00:42
mupBug #1767137 changed: [2.3] Default install is now importing bionic by default instead of xenial. <MAAS:Fix Released by andreserl> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1767137>00:46
sentinel-primeroaksoak are you lurking now?03:25
=== jhebden-afk is now known as jhebden
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
=== disposable3 is now known as disposable2
bad2daGood morning. I've tried to find out if I can integrate external user directories into MaaS.io without finding anything useful. Could someone in here tell me if that is possible? LDAP, AD, etc.08:50
bad2daThank you08:51
sat01coud any help me with  problem with Failed deployment (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS "Xenial Xerus") node. the error is related to apt-get and result Packages Hash Sum mismatch11:53
sat01any idea ?11:54
roaksoaxsat01: seems that the images are newer than your package repository / mirror11:55
sat01Ind what can i do for eliminate errors. because i have selected image 16.04 TLS from maas.io and package repository  is http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu12:05
mupBug #1772010 opened: [SRU] MAAS 2.3.3 <maas (Ubuntu):New> <maas (Ubuntu Xenial):New> <maas (Ubuntu Artful):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1772010>12:11
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
mupBug # changed: 1604702, 1701054, 1701055, 1701057, 1740925, 1742270, 1755060, 1756292, 1758476, 1760715, 1763835, 1764560, 1764561, 1767032, 1767033, 1767035, 1767038, 1767979,18:36
mup1768034, 1768131, 1768323, 1768534, 1768575, 1768659, 1768796, 1768832, 1768911, 1769099, 1769716, 1769929, 1770091, 1770273, 1770436, 1770616, 1771129, 177165818:36
mupBug #1772099 opened: Cannot overcommit storage for KVM pods, silent failure <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1772099>19:21
bad2daQuestion. Can i integrate maas.io with any user directory backend instead of having local users?21:35
roaksoaxbad2da: you will be able to do so with LDAP very soon21:37
bad2daGreat news. Is there any roadmap (maybe an obvious question but i haven't found any)21:38
sentinel-primeroaksoax if i configure nat in the maas server would it auto configure machines to connect internet21:39
roaksoaxsentinel-prime: yes21:42
sentinel-primenext question how21:42
roaksoaxbad2da: well, 2.4 already has some ldap support embedded *but* its not prime time yet21:42
bad2daroaksoax: got'cha. Thanks for your help.21:43
roaksoaxbad2da: but it is coming21:43
bad2daok, i'm creating a solution design followed by an HLD/DLD and RBAC/LDAP integration seems to be a must in this project.. Wanted to make sure that I can tick it off21:44
roaksoaxbad2da: yeah 2.4 will have ldap but not rbac21:45
roaksoaxsentinel-prime: i use this script: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/t6Yc6dvBxb/21:45
bad2daAny plans to incorporate RBAC and more of a self-service portal for end users?21:46
sentinel-primeroaksoax would i put that under commisioning scripts on the maas controlor or what21:47
bad2dasort of what was asked in https://blog.ubuntu.com/2017/12/20/machine-reservation-and-multi-tenancy-in-maas21:47
roaksoaxsentinel-prime: no, on the same machine of maas you could run that21:49
roaksoaxsentinel-prime: those are commands that run on a machine21:49
roaksoaxbad2da: right, so soon you'll have it in the news21:50
sentinel-primeroaksoax it created the virbro on the controlor but the machine still failes to get out to the internet https://imgur.com/a/AblTCHk22:31
roaksoaxsentinel-prime: what is the name of the interface where you have internet on your MAAS server?23:49
roaksoaxsentinel-prime: and what is the ineerface name that the machines communicate to?23:49
sentinel-primeeno2 is the maas pxe23:51
sentinel-primeeno1 is to the intenet23:51
sentinel-primesorry it took so long i was reseting the smart switch admin password23:53
roaksoaxsentinel-prime: ok, so you know how to use vim or nano right ?23:56
roaksoaxsentinel-prime: do this on your MAAS server:23:57
roaksoaxsudo su23:57
roaksoaxsudo vim nat.sh # or your favorite text editor23:57
roaksoaxsentinel-prime: copy the contents fo this pastebin: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Z8bd3TdGdM/23:58
roaksoaxsentinel-prime: save your file23:58
roaksoaxchmod u+x nat.sh23:58
roaksoaxand finally23:59
roaksoaxand that should setup nat for you23:59

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