[00:56] Quick question... Is it better to install Ubuntu Touch on Android devices that don't have or do have physical home buttons? And for Android devices that have biometric fingerprint scanners is Ubuntu Touch fully operational with them? [01:04] @Myrdynsheppard, In my experience, it's better to install UT on devices without home buttons because UT doesn't make use of them AFAIK so you'd be wasting space if you got a phone with hardware buttons. As for the other question, check devices.ubuntu-touch.io to see the different devices and some info about where development i [01:04] s and what does/doesn't work. [01:41] @Myrdynsheppard, i don't think fingerprint scanners are enabled on all devices, but there was at least some work in the past from Canonical to enable it, for the Pro 5 [01:42] not sure what current state is though [01:42] And that's causing problems now because it was a closed-source blob that's ABI incompatible with 16.04 [01:42] yay [01:43] i don't use it under android either anyway [01:44] @UniversalSuperBox, Ah close sourced software, love it [01:44] Hi [01:46] @amolith, Tbf on one of the ubuntu phones. (canonical official) the home button worked, that being said, on phones like the opo, the home button doesnt work, I dont know if thats because of the way canonical coded the home button, or a choice from Marius who did yhe porting to the oneplus. … But it seems to me that b [01:46] uttons are optional, but usually its prefered not to have them. [01:47] it's probably more due to how the hardware works [01:47] because like everything else in android world, it's not consistent [01:48] @dohbee, Why can't I pm you [01:48] why would you [01:49] Is there any setting to block pm [01:49] i don't know [01:50] but you shouldn't randomly PM people from a group anyway [01:50] Will get blocked [02:06] Hey [02:22] still having trouble getting touch onto nexus 5 [02:22] I'm using ubuntu 17.10...is that a problem? Do I need 14? [02:26] @Buck Montana, AppImage is supposed to be distro agnostic [02:30] Do Ubuntu touch browser support flash [02:31] @Strangerer, No? [02:32] Does it support proxy browsing [02:32] Oh i remember you [02:32] Who r u [02:32] You harrassed me sexually some time ago [02:32] Lol [02:32] [Edit] You sexually harrassed me some time ago [02:32] May be I don't remember [02:33] i hope the browser never supports proxies [02:33] Why [02:34] because they are awful broken things, which create needless complexity [02:34] lol [02:34] I just prefer VPNs [02:34] It's give free internet lol [02:34] proxies do not give free internet [02:35] they give free headaches, is all [02:35] My sim card is easy to hack [02:35] @dohbee, Proxies are an easy way to bypass blocked websites. There are ones that are configured to only activate when a blocked address is requested [02:36] I always have such proxy enabled, as i live in Russia [02:36] that's so depressing [02:36] @vanyasem, I don't need a system wide vpn for that purpose, so a simple PAC proxy does the job for me [02:37] PAC is even worse [02:37] Does it have 3rd party browser apps [02:37] you can browse the open store for yourself and see what apps are avaialble [02:37] @dohbee, I'll listen to you once half of the internet gets blocked in your country lol [02:38] It was a big pain in the ass for me back in the day when i was using UT [02:39] i still will not use proxies [02:39] Seems like UT browser is only browser with features others are like garbage [02:39] @dohbee, Good for you i guess === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [02:40] and thankfully the Senate voted to preserve net neutrality [02:41] when I think of the browser situation I think firefox purposefully acted in the way that would benefit google and apple most, by creating an nth mobile alternative that could do nothing but drain some mindshare from UT and provide a plausible reason for not releasing ff browser there [02:41] so i guess i don't have to build an LRAD to go takde down the government with, today anyway [02:42] they're branded as a "freedom fighter" but its a ruse [02:42] We're getting OT here, let's move to @ubports_ot [02:42] Why shouldnot Firefox made app UT after all it's open source right? [02:43] that's up to mozilla [02:43] Why don't UT developers approach Firefox and ask them to make app [02:45] Oxygen is good but I'd really like FF too [02:47] @Strangerer, Because it takes a lot of time, effort and money for an extremely low return [02:47] it would have take less time effort and money than building their own OS to divert mindshare from UT [02:48] Money from browser how and why? [02:48] @Christopher, They gave up like 3 years ago, maybe longer? [02:49] they did their damage and it was time to move on [02:49] @Strangerer, engineers cost money [02:50] Do they sell data [02:50] @Strangerer, Mozilla is a none profit, so they arent allowed to make profit, but the pay for devs via default search engines, cant remember how else. [02:51] @PhoenixLandPirate the FF role is common in politics here as well... a third party presents itself as being for 'the people' but that person's sponsors don't really care about the people. The third party create's enough confusion to detract from and ruin the chances of the more earnest legitimate third parties [02:52] and the major players are able to continue moving ahead without changing their approach or being bothered in any way [02:52] please stop with the conspiracy theories about firefox [02:52] [Edit] @PhoenixLandPirate the FF role is common in politics here as well... a third party presents itself as being for 'the people' but that person's sponsors don't really care about the people. The third party creates enough confusion to detract from and ruin the chances of the more earnest legitimate third parties [02:52] @dohbee, Or at least move them to the ot chat dam it [02:53] even then, they're not true [02:53] labels like conspiracy might help marginalize my description, but they do not make it less true [02:53] Why Firefox makes app for Linux distro where its 5% usage [02:53] your description is not true, nor is it marginalized [02:54] mozilla was working on building an OS with Firefox, long before UT came about [02:54] are you sure about that? [02:54] yes [02:56] they were working on a firefox based shell interface back in like 2005 [02:56] So many politics [02:57] wikipedia articles for both show that UT started before Firefox OS [02:57] I know wikipedia is dubious but its better than someone random person in a telegram chat room [02:59] lol, wikipedia literally says the "initial release" of both of those was on the same day [02:59] initial release is different from start date [02:59] but you are conflating "initial release" with "time spent working on something that leads up to that release" [03:04] anyway, mozilla had a desktop shell based on firefox they were experimenting with sometime around 2005-2006 timeframe [03:05] @dohbee did you own an ff device? what did you think? [03:05] I always kind of wanted one [03:05] whether you want to believe that or not, is not my concern. it is fact, and it was running on a test machine in the office [03:05] no, i don't have a ffos device [03:05] I installed a ffos emulator once. Kaspersky decided to block it as a threat [03:05] All you need to know [03:06] yeah, but kaspersky [03:08] ffos didn't actually take any interest away from ubuntu on phones [03:08] They kinda let it go fast for something.they've been working on and off since 2005 [03:09] and there's no mozilla/apple/google conspiracy [03:09] you are very naive [03:09] mozilla basically worked for google for many years [03:10] google paid them to use google search as their default search [03:10] chill dude [03:10] i may be many things, but naive is way off base. [03:10] lol [03:11] mozilla isn't wholly funded by google search hits [03:11] @Christopher, Google paid for a service, and got it, Mozilla then used said money to better their product as the service is maintainable. [03:11] sheesh [03:12] @dohbee, Even if it was, that doesnt mean google owns them any. [03:12] google is not paying mozilla to make firefox slower than chromium, ffs [03:13] I buy bread from tesco, doesnt mean that I suddenly have the power of an executive, or ceo at tesco. [03:14] your purchase does not involve relationships with tesco at the executive level [03:14] you don't know that [03:14] maybe he knows tesco execs and drinks with them at the pub [03:14] its a safe assumption [03:14] i doubt that [03:15] πŸ€” [03:15] and yet you have conceived of a vast conspiracy between browsesr vendors [03:17] i know and talk to restaurant owners all the time, but it doesn't mean i get to control what they put on the menu, despite my paying them to eat at their venues [03:35] moeεŒ…ε­ was added by: moeεŒ…ε­ [03:39] Some chemicals react differently in different quantities at different scales. People and companies can be the same way. [03:40] the rules that you and I typically have access to are not work the same for everyone [03:41] another thing strange about mozilla is the way they left the mail client underdeveloped [03:42] vivaldi browser are building a mail client into their browser named m3 and it is one of the most wanted features from users [03:42] [Edit] the rules that you and I typically have access to are not working the same for everyone === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [04:59] My point made a war! sorry [05:48] Strangerer was added by: Strangerer === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [07:03] Dusynity was added by: Dusynity [07:07] @PalmCentro, what device is this [07:52] Bryan was added by: Bryan [07:53] I , sorry for English is broken, [07:53] I want try ubuntu touch , in my smartphone, … Mediacom phonepad s510u , is compatibles? [07:56] Supported Devices: http://ubuntu-touch.io/devices [07:56] (Photo, 640x1136) https://irc.ubports.com/Pj2hH4ss.png [07:56] oh heck [07:56] you're right [07:57] https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/ [07:57] The link in the group description needs an update! [07:59] Ok , my model it’s not present [07:59] (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/FHGIQvE7.webp [08:12] @Lyokanthrope, You think I don’t have chance? [08:14] It'd require a port unfortunately, find a dev that has the device or try it yourself if you have some experience [08:14] (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/AiqM0KSm.webp [08:15] the installer did not work right on my NEXUS 5... [08:15] @Lyokanthrope, I want try , you don’t have one guide ? [08:16] after lead device to bootloader [08:16] (Photo, 800x600) https://irc.ubports.com/vVH09gHf.png [08:17] (Sticker, 512x192) https://irc.ubports.com/Ap8e9RUP.webp [08:17] @Bryan, https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/introduction.html [08:17] @Dusynity, You have ADB drivers and etc installed I hope? [08:18] Thank you, I try after and I said you went working or not [08:19] Good luck, it requires a lot of prior experience with Android device porting and bringup. [08:21] @Lyokanthrope, ADB works fine. But I will check that.thanks [08:23] Hmm. [08:25] The installer successfully lead device to bootloader. But it always shows β€œplease connect your device with usb cable” [08:26] Maybe try a different USB cable as well. Is the device booting into the UBports recovery successfully? [08:26] @Dusynity, Are you using Windows? you need to use this version https://github.com/ubports/ubports-installer/releases/download/0.1.9-beta/ubports-installer.0.1.9-beta.exe [08:27] @Lyokanthrope, NO...just stop on bootloader [08:28] @advocatux, ok .I will try this.thank! [08:29] @Dusynity if you have any doubt or trouble, come to https://t.me/WelcomePlus to get help [08:29] That's the install group [08:30] (Sticker, 512x288) https://irc.ubports.com/pxLDAou2.webp [08:30] thx [08:30] πŸ‘ [08:35] @Buck Montana, Try a live USB with 16.04 and use the snap installer [08:44] @vanyasem was right. A huge chunk of OT overnight. Please respect the rules and have consideration for others [08:46] chebykinn was added by: chebykinn [08:47] @chebykinn, Hello Ivan. For more about UBports, check out … https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome [08:52] Hi, thank you for your work on ubports, but I'm having trouble installing it on my Nexus 5. I've used installer, it flashed everything successfully, but after "Installing Update" part on my phone, it would just stuck on Google boot screen. [09:01] Hmm, should I use WelcomePlus group for questions about installation? [09:03] Yes, WelcomePlus is better and lots of cases were already discussed there, so help will be quicket [09:04] [Edit] Yes, WelcomePlus is better and lots of cases were already discussed there, so help will be quicker [09:04] ok, thanks [10:09] Sailbook doesn't seem to give access to Messenger any more :( [10:10] @Xray2000 [10:16] That's the problem dealing with walled gardens and proprietary crap πŸ˜‰ [10:21] Actually the one on my M10 still seems to work but I think it's a different build which Rudi personally sent to me. The OpenStore version on my Pro 5 just tells you to "install Messenger". === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [11:16] @TartanSpartan, I think you need a 'live' account on a spare machine somewhere, as they synch rather than standalone [11:45] @leoaslan, Nexus 5 [11:51] I guess it depends on the country … i hear the same scenario even way before but until no wi can still use the messenger on facebook's webapp [13:13] I'm running Nexus 5 16.04 (r385) and the screen continually freezes. I'm still connected via ssh and the OS is still running. Does anyone know which process to kill or restart to unfreeze the screen. Rebooting is giving me RSI πŸ˜‰ [13:16] @fourloop2002, https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/606 [13:20] Nexus 5 16.04 (r387) freeze no more, so it looks like this issue has gone away [13:27] OK I'll upgrade and test again [13:31] So far so good - no more RSI 😊 [13:58] Think it's back now, maybe FB were just doing maintenance. [14:18] πŸŽ‰ bug 606 it's fixed now https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/606#issuecomment-390202924 [14:18] bug 606 in Baz (deprecated) "botched invariant for import" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/606 [14:19] [Edit] πŸŽ‰ bug 606 is fixed now https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/606#issuecomment-390202924 [14:19] wow [14:20] ubot5 is really lost its use at this point i think [14:20] πŸ˜‚ [14:30] Good job ubot5... But try harder [14:30] Bug 1 [14:30] Okay [14:30] bug 606 [14:30] bug 606 in Baz (deprecated) "botched invariant for import" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/606 [14:30] bug 12345 [14:31] bug 12345 in isdnutils (Ubuntu) "isdn does not work, fritz avm (pnp?)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12345 [14:31] It hates me lol [14:31] small case b [14:31] Ahh you ruined the magic [15:49] Ubot5 why are you here? @popeydc have you released him from his cage? [15:49] Uhm. [15:51] @popeydc, Thought you removed him a while back when we merged with # ubuntu-touch [16:50] Am I the only one thinking that ubports has the best app-overview/close feature in the mobile OS world? [16:52] ? [17:06] @Truxx, the unity8 app overview is okay, but does need some work i think to be optimized for convergence [17:11] Oh I see [17:11] You would have loved Windows Flip3D. ;) [17:13] i compiled ubports boot and system using ubports docs. [17:13] now i want to test so should i do same as on docs mentioned https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/installing-16-04.html [17:21] dohbee: "to be optimized for convergence" - what does it mean? I personally do like the look and handling of that feature [17:29] https://hastebin.com/asoleramot.scala [17:29] help please [17:31] @Truxx, It means maximizing the usability so everything works on a 24" display with keyboard/mouse as well as it does when using on a phone/tableet with touch screen and gestures [17:32] @maharudra108, I think you should maybe join @ubports_porting if you've already got halium bits completed [17:32] (i think i remembered that group name correctly) [17:35] I see, thank you for the explanation. Now I understand the convergence you meant. I did not even know that ubports is also heading in a direction being also a desktop OS... [17:37] That's a bit surprising - at least for me -, because the abandoned Unity (well, apart from yunit) had this idea too. [17:39] Ubuntu Touch is using exactly that Unity8, which isn't abandoned but now developed by UBports. [17:40] I think I'll give ubports a try. If I've seen correctly, my best bet is a Nexus 5 hammerhead [17:45] Ok, I understand. The vision with one DE for all devices remains then for this project... [17:45] yes [18:13] @dohbee, Fingerprint works on pro5 [18:14] @mateosalta, in 15.04 yes, but i think there are some problems in 16.04, and this isn't usable on other devices [18:14] ah, I see [19:27] OnePlusSix is out … [19:32] so basically Seven is out [19:36] One Plus Se7en, the deadliest sin [19:41] Somehow I don't find the community supported device list, only the promoted ones. Is there such a list? [19:42] all devices are community supported [19:43] there is only the community [19:43] https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io is the list [19:43] @dohbee, But there are 2 separate lists for core and community devices though [19:44] well, so someone made a poor choice with language there then [19:44] My device is not in the list for some reason and idk who to ask to add it [19:44] @vanyasem, Dalton's device is in the list, so i have an idea [19:44] it needs images building on system-image.ubports.com i guess [19:45] @dohbee, Nop, community devices dont need that [19:45] The only device listed there is a dalton's halium build that's half broken [19:45] I want mine to be listed too ^^ [19:46] titan? [19:46] didn't walid do that one? [19:46] Well maybe i don't remember [19:46] anyway i thought it was installable via the installer, and had an image on ubports server [19:47] but the website seems broken now too [19:48] hmm, I just cannot find anything on that device site... [19:49] indeed, looks like broken atm [19:49] @Truxx, are you looking for a particular device? it seems the links to install instructions aren't quite working, but the list of devices is there [19:51] @Truxx, It's working for me, what looks broken to you? [19:52] It shows: {{device.name}} and so on, but I cannot list anything [19:52] Do you have noscript running or something like that? [19:53] yes, scriptsafe, but allowed some scripts [19:54] then maybe you need to allow some more :) [19:54] Indeed, I got a list now with 10 devices - is that it? [19:55] yes [19:55] porting is not a trivial task [19:55] Ok, thank you for the hints. Actually I wanted to check if any samsung is supported, but apparently not. [19:56] hammerhead seems to be a good choice though, hope the camera, video, etc. are fine with ubports [19:56] not yet, though there are a few people working on a few samsung devices [19:56] yes, nexus 5 is one of the best supported devices, though there are still some issues here and there [19:57] Truxx. You need a workaround to play video on Hammerhead [19:57] Easy though [19:57] I see. Anyhow I'm glad to see that the project is going on, inspite of ubuntu touch being stopped [19:58] Stereofont: That's no problem. How is the quality of fotos and vids made on that device? Hope they are nearly as good as with android. [19:59] Truxx. Lacks editing but I think the output is fine. Maybe someone here has done a head to head? [20:00] I mean we don't have an offline Snapseed equivalent [20:01] I won't miss editing, I will give it a try on a nexus 5. [20:02] I think resolution is set very low by default. At the start I got a terrible impression of my Fairphone camera [20:03] The setting is not obvious [20:03] You can select format and resolution [20:05] Default was 0.2 megapixels haha [20:11] @vanyasem, No [20:11] That's the Moto G2, a much more popular and functional device [20:12] Or G3 [20:12] I always forget [20:12] 2 [20:12] How do i get listed [20:12] Well that's the community channel [20:12] For devices on the system image server [20:13] That one is supported by Walid and is based on ubp-5.1 [20:13] Halium needs some new tooling [20:13] Which we don't have [20:14] @UniversalSuperBox, Is it actively supported? [20:14] ? [20:15] I mean whether it is actively maintained still [20:15] I think so? [20:17] Mire feedback here from users of the community port would be very welcome [20:18] We hear a lot about other devices but G2 is hardly ever mentioned [20:18] [Edit] More feedback here from users of the community port would be very welcome [20:28] A question probably answered thousands of times [20:28] Is ubuntu touch name of arm version or unity mobile? [20:29] [Edit] Is ubuntu touch name of arm version of ubuntu or unity mobile? [20:29] i suppose now it actually is the name of ubuntu + unity8 experience stack [20:55] tubuntu [20:56] or not tubuntu [20:56] Canonical isn't giving names with x ubuntu [20:56] any more [20:57] do we have to wait for canonical to give it though? [20:57] Yes [20:57] That's a trademark violation [20:58] We're allowed to use Ubuntu Touch [20:58] there's a lot less Flubuntu now [20:59] (i guess very few people might even get that joke :-/ ) [21:10] @dohbee, Flash ubuntu? πŸ˜… [21:12] Andrei Zaikin was added by: Andrei Zaikin [21:29] Welcome Andrei !!! Check out this to get you started! If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or in our Welcome and Install room! https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome [21:41] Anyone tried installin anbox on meizu pro 5? [21:45] Why you cant be the first? [21:45] Life is a game of opportunity [21:46] @Eranuzan, It is available in beta version but I have no personal experience with it [21:47] It seem to kill the mobile connection... [21:56] it might be a good idea to add a warnging to the documentation :) [22:01] doesn't the documentation state it's experimental and may have bugs? [22:01] congrats, you found a bug, open an issue on github maybe if one's not already open for it? :) [22:03] How long does it take a 32 GB flash drive to be formatted using the SD Card Management app? [22:07] It's been going for about 10 minutes now [22:13] i would think not long [22:15] try mkfs from the terminal [22:15] should take a minute at most [22:15] usually takes around 15 secs [22:15] i always format my sdcard (and mount it as well) using my UT phone, because i have no card reader lol [22:15] pretty expensive for a card reader huh :P [22:16] I took a risk and unplugged it lol. I just formatted it using GPartEd on my laptop lol [22:16] @vanyasem, Juuust a little [22:27] Well it's formatted but I can't do anything with it. It's like it's mounted read-only [22:28] Try command line method [22:28] And check dmesg then if it still fails [22:30] @vanyasem, Did this already and I still can't [22:30] @amolith, Wonderful profile pic btw [22:30] @amolith, Pastebin dmesg [22:31] @vanyasem, I miss my long hair -.- [22:34] @vanyasem, Lol do you actually like it or are you being sarcastic? πŸ˜‰ [22:34] i actually like it. i used to look similar and i miss that look [22:34] also that lighting.. makes you look like a saint :P [22:34] @vanyasem, It's working fine now. I plugged it back into my phone and formatted it using the app, it took a couple of seconds, and plugged it back into my computer, and everything's fine lol πŸ™‚ [22:35] @vanyasem, Lol I edited it using . . .InstantFX πŸ˜‰ [23:12] shnee was added by: shnee