
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
=== Night is now known as Guest96996
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
flocculanthi peeps12:58
BluesKajHi folks13:12
flocculanthi BluesKaj :)13:13
BluesKajhi flocculant13:14
flocculanthow's things - still kde'ing?13:18
BluesKajfine here, yeah, KDE-ing since '05. Howa bout you?13:46
lapagaI am willing to help test in virtualbox as 18.10 is progressing but not sure if vb helps test13:48
flocculantBluesKaj: still xfce'ing :)13:51
flocculantlapaga: it helps test somethings for sure - I do a fair bit of vm testing during a cycle13:52
flocculantthough I do obviously run the dev version as well13:52
BluesKajflocculant, I did on the RPI3 for a while, but switched to Raspbian/Pixel DE13:53
=== caravena_ is now known as caravena
donofriofirst it was hard to keep current 'midora' now it's hard to maintain 'chromium.deb?" https://blog.ubuntu.com/2018/05/18/desktop-plans-for-18-10 ;(17:15
naccdonofrio: it's specifically hard to build it on older releases.17:24
naccdonofrio: and snaps, for better or worse, do significantly reduce the maintenance burden17:24

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