
duflujbicha, was I correct in assuming that bionic will get gnome-shell 3.28.2, or will we need to cherry pick for bug 1765261 ?01:55
ubot5bug 1765261 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "[regression] Ubuntu 18.04 login screen rejects a valid password on first attempt. Usually works on the second attempt" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176526101:55
jbichaduflu: we'll get gnome-shell 3.28.2 but no one is working on it yet01:56
duflujbicha, cool, thanks. So not worth cherry picking things from it I assume...01:57
jbichawe have a GNOME microrelease exception so there's no reason not to pick up any of the 3.28.* releases (except maybe some translation-only updates which would be low priority)01:58
dufluI am happy with that. Gnome micro-releases seem adequately disciplined/small01:58
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:28
oSoMoNand happy Friday!06:28
didrocksgood morning06:59
oSoMoNsalut didrocks07:00
c-lobranomorning all :)07:01
didrockssalut oSoMoN, hey c-lobrano07:05
oSoMoNgood morning c-lobrano07:06
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seb128good morning desktopers07:47
willcookemorning seb128, happy friday07:48
seb128hey willcooke, happy friday indeed!07:49
willcookeDid you read about Nautilus removing the ability to double-click executables?07:49
willcookeI actually dont think it's a big deal at all07:49
didrockshey seb128, willcooke07:49
willcookebut something we should think about none the less07:49
seb128hey didrocks07:49
willcookeahoy didrocks07:49
seb128willcooke, yeah, upstream asked me how we feel about it07:50
seb128imho it's not important to most people, I don't know if it's not useful in some places/cases though07:51
seb128like small work place where the setup is just made by dropping a binary on the desktop users have to double click to start a software07:51
seb128and some things are still distribution with a binary to in tar07:51
seb128you untar/double click the binary07:51
seb128but maybe it's time to tell those users to get used to modern ways07:52
didrocksfortunately, (or not) but people are using steam and other things like that nowdays07:52
seb128I would feel better about it if they made it easier to create a launcher for a binary07:52
willcookeMaybe we could help with that07:52
seb128you were looking at increasing your GNOME contributions right? ;)07:53
* willcooke fires up gedit07:53
dufluwillcooke, I can only think of "universal binaries" that would be a small problem with... like http://avidemux.sourceforge.net/download.html07:54
dufluAnd good morning07:54
didrocksspeaking of Nautilus, upstream agreed on some changes for window matching to help us with Trash and Device icons. Review is in progress or the additional API.07:54
seb128willcooke, it looks like they are looking at adding the feature back in some way, see https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/nautilus/issues/44307:58
ubot5-ngGNOME bug 443 in nautilus "Allow running binaries from the context menu." (comments: 19) [1. Feature, 2. Needs Design, 2. Rfc, Opened]07:58
ubot5Error: Gnome bug 443 could not be found07:58
seb128quite some discussion there, I don't have the motivation to read it :p07:58
willcookeLooks like a good solution07:58
duflu... or rather https://appimage.org/07:59
seb128duflu, yeah, they were discussing that specific case on IRC in the previous days08:00
dufluseb128, not a big deal because likely you need to use a shell to chmod them already08:01
dufluHi Laney08:02
seb128hi Laney08:03
didrockshey Laney08:04
Laneyhi duflu seb128 didrocks08:05
Laneyhope all is well!08:05
seb128indeed, it's friday!08:06
didrocksbut friday&regexp&multiple_tests_to_spot_regressions=<3<3<3 :)08:18
oSoMoNgood morning/afternoon everyone!08:18
seb128lut oSoMoN, comment ça va ?08:19
seb128didrocks, ubuntu-report fun?08:19
didrocksseb128: yep! :)08:19
oSoMoNseb128, très bien, et toi?08:20
seb128nickel :)08:21
NafalloI might have thought it was Saturday up to just recently...08:24
NafalloLaney: I could log in! I was too tired to realise I should be checking that it worked though :-)08:27
Laneysehr gut08:29
Laneythe productivity of the world increases08:29
dufluOdd. My panel, it turns out, is 1923 pixels wide, on a 1920 wide monitor08:57
dufluAlso; win! Two gnome branches landed in two days09:01
oSoMoNduflu, congrats!09:04
didrocksjibel: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/ubiquity/time-measurement-fix/+merge/34585109:22
didrocks(not tested yet though, but pep8 doesn't complain :p)09:22
Nafallodidrocks: that's a test ;-)09:54
didrockstrue ;)09:54
GunnarHjsil2100: Is the patch at bug #1762952 something you could take a look at? (Saw that you made the latest change to console-setup.)10:44
ubot5bug 1762952 in console-setup (Ubuntu) "Alternative shortcut for layout switching Alt+Shift unexpectedly set by default" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176295210:44
* sil2100 is looking10:46
sil2100Yeah, I can take a look after lunch10:46
GunnarHjsil2100: Great, thanks!10:47
GunnarHjLaney: Bug #1762889 - please?10:51
ubot5bug 1762889 in pkgbinarymangler (Ubuntu) "dh_translations doesn't strip .desktop files when more than 1 pot target with meson" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176288910:51
LaneyI know dude, I know10:52
GunnarHjLaney: Just don't say "soon-ish" (you did that last week). ;)10:53
LaneyOK I won't.10:57
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flocculantpopey: you got a mo in a quick pm?13:14
popeyflocculant: for you, always13:14
flocculantwhat a gent :)13:14
jbichaGunnarHj: hi, so webkit2gtk is untranslated in at least cosmic. Do you think we should opt it out of language packs since it changes every 6 months?13:27
seb128flocculant, I will never understand why people ask on a public channel to someone if they can pm them instead of directly /msg a "hey, can I bother you?"13:31
tdaitxhi, I need help with a dconf related issue that is affecting openjdk.13:33
tdaitxIt seems dconf reports a wrong scale-factor, but I have no idea what causes that in the first place, please see the last comment in LP: #176591413:33
tdaitxlet me know if the discussion should be done in another channel13:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 1765914 in openjdk-lts (Ubuntu) "Java windows and fonts are huge running in openjdk-11-jre" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176591413:33
seb128jbicha, webkit2gtk is not "unstranslated" in bionic13:33
flocculantseb128: because I for one - would rather be asked - than have to ignore someone ;)13:34
GunnarHjjbicha: What you say speaks for it. At the same time I can mention that I have some mail correspondence with sil2100 and seb128 about the approch in general for langpack updates. Possibly we should await the outcome of that discussion.13:34
jbichaseb128: depends on if French is important? ? :)13:34
seb128jbicha, also your fix from the other day doesn't fix the issue I was pointing out13:34
seb128$ dpkg -c language-pack-gnome-es-base_18.04+20180423_all.deb | grep WebKit13:35
seb128-rw-r--r-- root/root      1886 2018-04-23 18:00 ./usr/share/locale-langpack/es/LC_MESSAGES/WebKit2GTK-4.0.mo13:35
jbichahow does it work if dh_translations isn't run for webkit2gtk?13:36
jbicha(for context, my "fix" was https://salsa.debian.org/webkit-team/webkit/merge_requests/1 )13:36
ubot5-ngWebKit bug (Merge request) 1 in webkit "Build with gnome-pkg-tools for Ubuntu language packs" (comments: 6) [Opened]13:36
seb128jbicha, I didn't look at the build dir after build, but https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+upload/17941537/+files/webkit2gtk_2.20.1-1_amd64_translations.tar.gz is the built from bionic13:39
seb128it has the .po and the .pot13:39
seb128https://launchpadlibrarian.net/369186303/buildlog_ubuntu-cosmic-amd64.webkit2gtk_2.20.2-1_BUILDING.txt.gz has13:40
seb128[ 26%] Generating WebKit2GTK-4.0.pot13:40
seb128jbicha, so I guess the upstream build is already doing it?13:40
jbichahmm 😕13:41
seb128btw I know how to fix it and I said I would do it13:41
seb128don't feel like you have to fix all the issues even when others said they would13:42
seb128the issue is on the launchpad import side, not in the package13:42
didrockspkgstriptranslations: preparing translation tarball webkit2gtk_2.20.2-1_amd64_translations.tar.gz...done13:42
GunnarHjjbicha: Sounds like the problem is not exactly as you said initially. What may be a problem wrt langpacks is when new or changed translatable strings are SRUed.13:47
jbichaGunnarHj: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+source/webkit2gtk/+pots/webkit2gtk-4.0/13:47
jbichaand https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+source/webkit2gtk13:47
jbichabut Seb said he's working on it so I'm going to let him take care of it :)13:48
seb128jbicha, GunnarHj, the issue is again one of having "translations shared with the trunk vcs" activated pointing to a buggy trunk which has no content13:49
seb128that settings make the .po not being imported from the package upload13:49
seb128the fix is easy, undo the sharing on launchpad and re-upload13:50
seb128I'm just going to manually upload the tarballs, there is no need of a source upload for that13:50
seb128then it's just a matter of having another langpack refresh13:50
seb128which we plan to do anyway13:50
GunnarHjseb128, jbicha: Understood.13:57
sil2100GunnarHj: why were those d/c and d/r changes needed? It didn't build correctly without those?15:38
sil2100GunnarHj: they don't seem to be related to the fix itself15:38
GunnarHjsil2100: Correct, the PPA build failed without them. Otherwise completely unrelated.16:12
sil2100GunnarHj: I left a comment on the bug, the package seems to build correctly in my PPA without the changes16:17
sil2100Anyway, I need to EOD now, but it's on my plate now16:17
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willcookenight all, have a great weekedn16:48
oSoMoNhave a good week-end everyone!17:19
Trevinhohave nice we17:38
seb128thanks Trevinho, you too, have a nice w.e desktopers19:10
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