
mate|2059how can i shut off the welcome screen everytime I boot on 18.04?00:03
lapagaunclick open welcome when i log on00:04
mate|2059I did not see that option00:04
mate|2059is it there?00:05
mate|2059is it on the welcome screen?00:05
mate|2059ok well I am half blind so you might be right.00:05
lapagajust go to control center and click on welcome and you can change it so you dont have to logoff00:06
mate|2059well I still dont see it00:07
mate|6909i,m a crazy !!!00:08
lapagaits below the light area00:08
lapagawell it might all be light depending on what theme you have00:09
lapagabut its there on mine00:10
mate|2059i got nothing00:10
mate|2059ok i got it...00:11
mate|2059i dont see well00:11
mate|2059the other problem I have is that the icons in the PANEL dont resize when I resize the panel. Is that a bug or is it something I'm missing00:11
lapagawhich panel?00:12
mate|2059the main panel that holds the speaker , network icons.00:12
lapagawhen you click on properties and change the size the icons don't get bigger or smaller?00:14
mate|2059in the panel next to the date and clock it doesnt give me the option of properties.. It does on the desktop, but not in the panel00:15
lapagaright click on a blank part of the panel00:16
mate|2059it gives me a panel properties box00:16
lapagachange the size of the panel and the icons will get bigger or smaller00:17
mate|2059it lets me change the width of the panel in pixels... but the icon size inside the panel doesnt change00:17
lapagamine does so not sure00:18
mate|2059hmm ok00:18
mate|2059it should.. it did in 16.0400:18
mate|2059I dont see very well so i like everything big....00:20
mate|2059Thanks for your help. I do appreciate it00:20
lapagano problem00:21
mate|2059good night00:21
mate|10520Hi guys,  any idea on how to disable mouse acceleration on Ubuntu Mate 18.04?02:35
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TechChristophjoin #avr17:37
bananaso mate keeps saying that I have an application that updates applications open18:15
bananabut I don't18:15
bananahow can I fix this?18:15
TechChristophanny messages ?18:19
bananaso mate keeps saying that I have an application that updates applications open18:34
bananabut I don't18:34
bananai'd like an answer please18:38
alkisgbanana: it's called "unattended updates hanging"18:51
alkisgPretty stupid, in my installations I disable unattended updates18:51
alkisgfrom software-properties-gtk18:51
banana@alkisg but it's even with a restart18:51
bananaso how do I disable unattended updates?18:52
banana(I actually mean installs, not updates)18:53
alkisgOpen a terminal and run software-properties-gtk18:53
alkisgit says "when there are updates... update automatically"18:53
alkisgput it to "notify me only"18:53
bananathen reboot?18:54
alkisg...yeah ok that'll work too18:55
banana@alkisg nothing19:06
cyrilHey !19:22
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bananaso how can I fix this issue?19:26
alkisgbanana: you did it and you rebooted and now apt-get update still has issues?19:26
bananaI'm using Package Installer19:26
alkisgCan you try the terminal which shows useful errors etc?19:26
bananausing 16.04 btw19:27
bananadoes this channel support markup?19:27
bananabanana@Hewlett-Packard:~$ sudo apt-get update19:29
banana[sudo] password for banana:19:29
bananaGet:1 http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian xenial InRelease [7,883 B]19:29
bananaGet:2 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-security InRelease [107 kB]19:29
bananaHit:3 http://repository.spotify.com stable InRelease19:29
bananaHit:4 http://ppa.launchpad.net/flexiondotorg/minecraft/ubuntu xenial InRelease19:29
alkisgIt also doesn't support pasting more than 3 lines19:29
alkisgYou get silenced for a minute or so when you do that19:29
alkisgUse the pastebin19:29
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:30
alkisgThen try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade as well19:30
banana@alkisg https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2c52gn5TXN/19:42
alkisg(10:30:19 μμ) alkisg: Then try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade as well20:02
onioHi anyone know how to turn off the sound that ubuntu mate 18.04 mates when hitting backspace on empty text window20:34
oniosee my sound settings https://imgur.com/a/zBA0om720:42
m4tonio: yes21:21
m4tlocal diversion of /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/bell.ogg to /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/bell.ogg.disabled21:22
m4tit's actually pulseaudio tries to play the sound using that file...so i just moved the file21:22
m4tdpkg-divert --local --rename --divert /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/bell.ogg.disabled --add /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/bell.ogg21:22
oniom4t: cool thanks let me give a try21:23
m4tmight need to restart pulseaudio21:23
oniom4t: okay thanks21:23
m4tnp, yeah that is annoying21:23
onioyou know what I am talking about21:23
m4tyeah that's why i spent a while trying to make it go away hehe21:24
m4ti wanted to do it without editing the pulseaudio conf...21:24
m4thence the divert21:24
oniom4t: I have just renamed the bell.ogg file. Do I also need to run the dpkg-divert --local --rename --divert ...21:27
m4tthe reason for the divert is because a.) it doesn't break e.g. debsums, and b.) it will rename it automatically when the package is upgraded21:28
m4ti'd move it back to the original filename, then run the dpkg-divert command21:28
m4tthe --rename flag means dpkg-divert will rename the file as part of the operation21:28
oniom4t: okay fine thanks let me do that21:28
oniom4t: do I log in/out to restart pulse?21:30
m4tpulseaudio -k should be sufficient21:31
oniom4t: you  are star :)21:36
* m4t #121:36
m4tthat's why i make the big bucks21:36
m4t...er wait, nevermind :~(21:36
onioI like your sense of humor21:36

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