
=== hehehe is now known as garbagebin
=== jhebden-afk is now known as jhebden
GoopI have a VPS provider that I would like to use to resell mail and web hosting. The smallest package they provide is $5/mo, and I want to turn around and sell a $5/mo service. What would be the best way to split the virtual hosts/domains between users?04:10
sikunwhat would cause a systemctl restart service command to cause a server to hard reboot, IPMI logs aren't showing any entries when they reboot, they reboot almost instantly so I haven't been able to get anything from logs and this is only happening to a handful of the nodes in the cluster.04:11
GoopI'll be offering Postfix/Dovecot, MySQL, and Apache2.04:11
Goopsikun, can you give me a context?04:12
sikunI have a script that I run to restart a service on nodes, it simply runs a remote ssh commmand "ssh mgmt@ systemctl restart service_name"04:14
GoopWait wait wait, that still doesn't tell me the context. What are nodes? virtual machines? SQL nodes?04:15
sikunas soon as that command finishes, a handful of nodes will instantly power cycle.04:15
sikunthey all PXE boot, no local storage.04:15
sikunall are the same model of server, have the same amount of RAM, every single config option in the BIOS are identical, yet.. starting here recently I've been having about a dozen nodes start rebooting on their own, so I'd simply run a script that would "provision" them after they've booted and they'd be good to go but today these nodes started rebooting as soon as the provisioning script finished running the remote SSH commands04:18
sikunI've dug through their IPMI logs, none show any CPU/RAM/Thermal events04:18
sikunthey reboot whether the command is remotely ran or locally ran04:20
cpaelzergood morning04:43
lordievaderGood morning06:10
hellyeahcorrupted stack and detected inside scheduler what does that mean?07:06
lordievaderhellyeah: Where does that come from?07:16
hellyeahwhen i try to install ubuntu with vmware07:21
lordievaderIs the error from Ubuntu, or from vmware?07:35
hellyeahlordievader,  i amm not sure about that07:45
hellyeahbut i got this error in ubuntu shall07:45
hellyeahi mean i booted ubuntu and i saw kernel panic07:45
hellyeahi guess kernel panic is about ubuntu07:45
lordievaderDuring the boot of a live-cd?07:46
hellyeahi boot with wmware07:56
hellyeahand i got kernel panic07:56
hellyeahman there is no answer there :D07:57
lordievaderhellyeah: Did the kernel panic occur during the boot of a live image or during the booting of an install?07:58
hellyeahduring the boot of install07:58
lordievaderDoes a live-cd boot correctly?08:00
hellyeahi am not sure08:01
hellyeahcan irt be about windows 10?08:02
=== disposable3 is now known as disposable2
vimesHello! I run a small ubuntu server hosting some websites for student associations and some small businesses, it runs some django, some php, nginx etc. And it's 16.04, but now 18.04 is here and I've been told "always upgrade", should I? configuring all of this to work takes times, I would re-install everything any how. Is it generally a "good idea" to upgrade to latest LTS or just sitck with 16.04 for it's lifecycle?11:20
hateballwell for starters you can't officially upgrade until 18.04.111:22
hateballand even then I guess it is up to you. security stuff will keep being patched in 16.04, but you wont get new features for the services you're offering11:22
Nafalloif it's working and there is nothing new you need, you don't have to upgrade "just because" no.11:22
Nafallochanging production environments is obviously always a risk you have to decide if it's worth making.11:24
vimesread a sysadmin book recomending me to always use newest stable versions, but I guess 16.04 will be updated as well, thanks! :D11:24
Nafallountil April 2021 ;-)11:24
Nafalloafter that you could always upgrade to 18.04 straight to 20.04 :-)11:25
Nafallotwo steps11:25
vimesIt's probably time for me to learn ansible soon any how, then I assume upgrading would go much faster11:25
Nafallodepends how you do it, but I'd probably wouldn't do an upgrade with ansible.11:26
Nafallorather a new deploy/re-provision if so.11:26
vimesno no, install from scratch, use ansible to install and configure everything11:26
Nafalloyeah, that.11:26
rbasakcpaelzer: could you glance at a shell script for me please? I'd like a second opinion on my review comment for ahasenack's nvdimm packaging.11:46
rbasakcpaelzer: lines 61 and 6811:46
rbasakcpaelzer: are the purpose and operation of these obvious to you?11:46
tyx How to open port# when it in nmap is "filterd" ?11:55
tyxi'm using ubuntu 16.04 and ufw interface11:55
kiokomantyx: example -> sudo ufw allow 2222/tcp11:57
cpaelzerrbasak: reading12:45
cpaelzer61: almost yes12:47
cpaelzer61: I see what it is doing, the check is fine and it follow the no-message = good message approach12:47
cpaelzerbut in case the grep goes off and can't find a "consistent" under the reqzested pool_file12:48
cpaelzerthen IMHO it will just break due to the set -e12:48
cpaelzerI'd ask for an explicit "could not find consistent pool for pool_file" or such12:48
cpaelzer68: yes I see what it is doing12:49
cpaelzer61+68: both suffer from the implicit RC issue12:50
cpaelzerthey are the last commands and are meant to return the RC to the function above12:50
cpaelzerbut, due to the set -e if they do so it will abort right?12:50
cpaelzerand if one adds another command in the function afterwards it will change behavior12:50
cpaelzerI'd consider it better to collect and return the RC explicitly to avoid the latter issue12:51
cpaelzerfor the former I think it is fine as it is meant to break on an issue12:51
cpaelzerOTOH if you want to have all tests run in all cases and know which of all of them fail12:51
cpaelzerinstead of breaking on the first12:51
cpaelzerthen it would need changes12:51
cpaelzerrbasak: is that what you wanted to know?12:51
rbasakcpaelzer: yes thanks13:21
rbasakThey will abort because of the set -e too, and I was missing that before.13:21
rbasakBut only because of the way the function is invoked13:21
rbasakIf it was invoked with, say "if ! foo; then echo "tehre was a problem"; fi", then the set -e will stop working.13:22
rbasakAt that point I think we'd be relying on the implicit rc.13:22
DevNull1I'm looking to move an existing install of wordpress on apache2 to nginx.  I've got Let's Encrypt installed too.  Is it as easy as removing apache2, installing/config Nginx, redoing .htaccess and then re-doing Let's encrypt?14:46
DevNull1It's just a stock Wordpress install - nothing fancy14:46
kiokomanidk but i don't think it would be that easy, nginx does not support .htaccess14:49
DevNull1kiokoman, Yes, I am aware. It will have to go in the vhost config14:54
DevNull1Anyone have http2 working on Ubuntu server 18.04?14:55
DevNull1Can't get it working and I've followed all the docs -- no dice14:55
tomreynDevNull1: there's #nginx if nginx functionality isn't working properly. but make sure your client supports it properly, too.15:05
tomreynDevNull1: you migration apache httpd -> nginx may also run into issues about switching the php model / API. there is no mod_php for nginx, in case you were using this so far. so you'd need to switch to fpm (which is better anyways IMO).15:06
tomreynthat's only relevant if you weren't already using fpm with apache httpd, of course15:07
DevNull1tomreyn, Thanks I'm gonna rebuild from scratch. Take this as a learning experience. =)15:20
tomreyngood luck15:21
compdocif you have a 32bit ubuntu system, is it possible to upgrade to 64but using apt-get? or do you need to wipe?16:58
_KaszpiR_compdoc reinstall17:01
tomreynit's not an 'upgrade', it's rather a replacement.17:02
compdocsure, if you reinstall17:04
naccrbasak: i think you can drop our local oauth part with the bump of launchpadlib?18:08
naccrbasak: and at the same time remove line 19418:09
nacc(from the yaml)18:09
nacci think that will fix the test failure18:09
=== garbagebin is now known as hehehe
naccrbasak: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/838jdvRhPN/21:40
naccis my theory21:40
nacci am struggling to get snapcraft to actually run right now21:40
naccstgraber: trying to see why my `lxc launch ubuntu:x` doesn't seem to be doing anything, and passed -v, still just get "Creating the container" and then silence...21:42
naccstgraber: rebooting seems to have made it well again; oh well21:48
rbasaknacc: thanks!21:49
rbasakI'd just about got as far as being able to reproduce locally before I EODd21:49
rbasakI couldn't find where launchpadlib actually used oath21:49
rbasakBut if we can drop the part then it doesn't matter I guess21:49
naccrbasak: i'm doing a cleanbuild now locally, and will run a selftest21:53
naccsee if i can get it to best21:53
naccwow, brain failure, *to pass21:56
naccrbasak: yeah, the version of launchpadlib in our snap *before* the commit in the above paste did you use oauth21:57
naccbut now it does not21:57
rbasakAh, that makes sense22:01
naccso it's really a consequence of the bump, that we also needed to shift this part of the snap22:02
naccI probably won't have an answer until Monday locally. I might just push up a MP so that CI tests it faster22:02
naccrbasak: ok, that fixed the unit tests, but failed integration tests, which i just pushed a second fix for (bumping lazr.restfulclient to not need oauth by moving to 0.14.0)23:31
naccrbasak: i'm thinking we need to drop our strict versioning in setup.py actually, and maybe express minimums (if we know they are needed) or just use the latest?23:32
arooniwhat server does cron use by defualt23:38
aroonigrr... shell23:38
naccarooni: probably /bin/sh ? If you need a specific shell, you should invoke it by path23:38
arooninacc: can i change the shell per command23:40
aroonior do i need to set it for the entire cron set of tasks23:40
naccarooni: i'd check `man 5 crontab`23:41
naccarooni: it appears to be a global in the crontab23:41
sarnold/bin/sh -c "/bin/tcsh -whatever tcshs 'programs use'"23:46
sarnoldprobably far better is to just write what you want in a shell script and execute that from crontab. don't get too clever in the crontab itself.23:47
naccsarnold: good point23:50

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