[00:00] you can do sudo autoremove I believe to get rid of the backports [00:00] if that doesn't work change the permissions with chmod [00:00] someone check me on that... [00:00] lol [00:00] When I tried initially, it just made a "xorg.conf.save" file, is there a way to delete/remove that? [00:00] you can go through your directory by typing in ls in the terminal [00:00] Blood_n_Binary: Thats just going to remove packages I no longer need..... libqmi-glib1 linux-headers-4.13.0-32 linux-headers-4.13.0-32-generic linux-headers-4.15.0-13 linux-headers-4.15.0-13-generic linux-image-4.13.0-32-generic linux-image-4.15.0-13-generic linux-image-extra-4.13.0-32-generic [00:00] linux-image-extra-4.15.0-13-generic [00:01] sorry... didnt expect spam [00:01] so ls if in sudo already [00:01] Dreageon: rm /etc/X11/xorg/xorg.conf.save/ [00:01] and then the original file should be there [00:01] you should see it in white [00:03] Draegon did you get it? [00:04] and........he probably deleted his xorg :/ [00:05] actually did that yesterday :/ [00:06] systemd[1]: isc-dhcp-server.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE [00:06] no idea why [00:08] I tried "sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf.save/" but it says its not a directory [00:08] systemd[1]: ifup@enp0s31f6.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE [00:08] FaTaL_G: did you also get this msg when you try sudo service isc-dhcp-server start ? [00:09] those are the two things I see that I think are related [00:09] in syslog and worked fine prior to the update/upgrade [00:09] Draegon: ls so you can list your dir's [00:10] see the one you want to delete and then do it [00:10] no, it works when I do that [00:10] meaning, the service starts [00:10] and network works, but I have to manually do it [00:11] so.. make a script and put in the booting process? :p [00:11] kinda of a crappy solution but hey! [00:12] and the fact that the network card *(second one I posted) is also not coming up, tells me something is happening, like I mentioned above, I wonder if the dhcp server is trying to serve dhcp to the ont [00:12] doing ls just shows my /home directories folders [00:12] which is not good... it shouldnt do that [00:13] Draegon: ls /etc/X11/xorg/ [00:14] FaTaL_G: could you try sudo systemctl enable isc-dhcpd-serverand see the result? [00:14] ls: cannot access '/etc/x11/': No such file or directory [00:15] its X11 [00:16] skatetensor: nothing special, it works. But it is already active, it just fails on boot [00:17] if I manually start it, all is well [00:17] like a race condition [00:17] minus the issue with the enp0s31f6 card [00:17] becuase it also fails to ifup on boot [00:19] hey , might have an idea , is your DHCP server bind to an interface? [00:19] if i recall in order to start at boot it has to be [00:19] so check your /etc/init/isc-dhcp-server.conf [00:19] I dont know how to check but I want it bound to br0 only [00:19] ok [00:21] is there any apt history roll back like dnf? [00:24] granttrec1: don't think so,if you want to refer to an older version of your kernel/distro you have to take a snapshot b4 the upgrade [00:25] x /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server [00:25] x /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf [00:26] skatetensor: ok thats too bad maybe in the future [00:26] those appear to be the conf, the conf you listed is the actual init script [00:27] inside the conf is your device linked up? [00:27] in the line containing IFACE= [00:27] Inside /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf .... it does not appear to be.... I dont even see what to type to make it so [00:28] if the correct interface listed? [00:28] I'll look [00:28] yes sorry i wasn't clear before [00:29] wellllllllllllll [00:29] inside /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server it has INTERFACES="br0" [00:31] so I suspect it is right [00:31] remember, I said this has worked fine [00:31] it only borked after sudo apt-get update/upgrade [00:31] :( [00:32] :/ [00:32] sorry cannot think of another way [00:32] just to include start it by placing the script at your init [00:33] FaTaL_G: Is your main interface br0 and is it starting on boot? [00:33] my br0 is my bridge, of my internal nics [00:33] yes, it is "working because wlan0 is on it, and wifi works on reboot [00:34] bridge-ports wlp2s0 enp7s0 enp4s0f3 enp4s0f2 enp4s0f1 enp4s0f0 [00:34] wtf [00:35] why do you have them all attached to the same bridge? [00:35] its a router [00:35] for how many subnets? [00:35] one [00:35] as far as it knows [00:36] so why do you have all those interfaces bridged? [00:36] becase it is a router [00:36] 5 wired ports, one wifi port [00:36] all on the same subnet [00:37] so you use them bridged to get better speed? [00:37] the sixth nic, enp0s31f6, is the fios ont outside facing nic [00:37] cause of the 802.11ac? [00:37] A router needs 2 interfaces. 1 for WAN, the other for LAN. An iptables rule can do the routing between them. There's no need for a bridge interface for either of the 2 interfaces. So why do you need 6 interfaces bridged at all? [00:38] Has anyone else had a rocky upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04? [00:38] Is anyone aware of a way in Ubuntu 18.04 to switch to a workspace by number? e.g. Ctrl+Alt+4 always switches to workspace #4? [00:38] LenPayne: We don't take surveys here. If you have a support question, ask it. [00:38] you are correct, a router NEEDS 2... but a router can have many [00:39] leftyfb: if your device doesn't support gigabit speed it makes sense [00:39] LenPayne: i have seen some here complaining about it, yes [00:39] go buy a nighthawk r9000, it has 4+ [00:39] Okay. Why did the upgrade remove duplicity? [00:39] FaTaL_G: So you have yet to explain why you have any interfaces bridged. "it's a router" is an invalid answer. [00:39] why not bridge them? [00:40] FaTaL_G: what is the actual issue you are having? [00:40] they all talk to [00:40] for what purpose? [00:40] FaTaL_G: What do you have plugged into those interfaces? === fabricius1 is now known as fabricius [00:40] other routers, computers, etc. [00:40] what does my infrastructure setup matter? [00:40] ok, so you're basically using those interfaces as a switch [00:40] FaTaL_G: what is the actual issue you are having? [00:41] on the br0 side, yes [00:41] If so, that was the answer.... "I'm using the extra interfaces a switch" [00:41] infrastructure :D its not a basement its a command center [00:41] moving right along ..... [00:41] ahhhhhhh I completely missed your pov or why you thought it was the wrong thing to do [00:42] FaTaL_G: to understand what you're doing with networking. It's sort of important to troubleshoot a network issue [00:42] Also curiosity. [00:43] the actual issue, is, since I performed sudo apt-get updat/ugrad and reboot last night, the enp0s31f6nic, which is my WAN, does not come up, I have to force it, and the isc-dhcp-server is failing on br0 [00:43] If you were doing it "just cuz", I'd say you were needlessly introducing complications into the setup [00:43] just curious if there is any kind of a hook that will directly switch to a numbered workspace in 18.04 [00:43] FaTaL_G: ok, so did I see above that one or more of your interfaces was not starting at boot? [00:43] yes_ok: you could look at key bindings and maybe make your own [00:44] leftyfb, I know networking, well. Just didnt know what was so sprising on why I'd have a bridge, or why it had anything to do with my questions so I flat out missed your concern [00:44] yes_ok: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/shell-keyboard-shortcuts.html.en [00:45] both of these issues are on boot, if I force up and start the service, it is a ok [00:45] leftyfb, yes, enp0s31f6 [00:45] FaTaL_G: ok, lets start with that. Any idea why? [00:46] leftyfb: yeah, you can switch to "previous" or "next" but not to a numbered workspace. In 16.04 this was possible using gnome-tweak-tool, but this tool's settings are completely ignored by 18.04's customized Gnome [00:46] my curiosity, and I dont know how to prove it, is that the isc-dhcp-server is trying to serve dhcp to my ont, and my ont serve it to the enp0s31f6, so the isc service fails, and the enp0s31f6 shuts down [00:46] yes_ok: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/keyboard-shortcuts-set.html [00:47] FaTaL_G: lets forget about dhcpd for now. Focus on figuring out why one of your interfaces isn't coming up. That might be the more pressing issue. [00:47] FaTaL_G: what's ont? [00:48] optical network terminal [00:48] fios service "modem" [00:48] ok, hold on [00:48] it works when I ifup it, because here we are talking lol [00:48] which interface is your fios plugged into? [00:48] and I didnt have this issue before the apt-get update/upgrade [00:48] enp0s31f6 [00:48] the one that ifdowns [00:48] is that part of the bridge? [00:49] syslog: ifup@enp0s31f6.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE [00:49] no [00:50] then your dhcp server shouldn't be doing anything with that interface [00:50] agreed [00:50] but considering I changed no configurations, and it was fine, now isnt... I wonder if it is [00:51] can you pastebin your network interfaces file? [00:51] or there is some race condition but again, not sure where to look [00:51] whats the pastebin cml tool name? [00:51] vs. pasting into a web browser [00:51] pastebinit [00:52] http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mSc3jcN4FD/ [00:52] need help I got problem on my package installation, i can't remove it neither install other packages because of this http://pastebin.centos.org/775056/ [00:53] metalbat97: did you try what the message says? [00:55] FaTaL_G: I don't see anything wrong. (though I will recommend trying out for your DNS. It's a lot faster and more secure) [00:56] yea, I dont really want to use googles [00:56] there are a few I have been looking at [00:56] FaTaL_G: ok, at boot, what do you see in your dmesg and/or syslog for your WAN interface and why it's not starting? [00:56] I didnt see anything wrong either hahahaha, but strangely enough, it is not active on boot. I get the error I posted [00:56] is there a better log file? or perhaps I can increase log level [00:57] my iptables slams dmesg [00:57] not sure I'll ever see anything in there except iptables [00:57] FaTaL_G: sorry, I missed the error you posted about your interface not starting [00:58] FaTaL_G: also, how are you starting your iptables rules? [00:58] I'll pastebin manually (ingmoring ip) [00:58] script [00:58] the load tool package with a script [00:59] FaTaL_G: copy/paste & execute via terminal> journalctl -b --pri=3 | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here [01:00] ... /sbin/iptables-restore < /etc/network/iptables [01:00] ... sudo iptables-apply /etc/network/iptables [01:00] essentially [01:00] and it just laods that on boot [01:00] leftyfb: thanks for your help, I think in 18.04 it will only be possible by using gsettings to manually change the keys. [01:01] FaTaL_G: i would troubleshoot networking without iptable rules applied first, might as well be able to see which is clobbering what [01:02] yes_ok, have you looked in the gui settings>devices>keyboard ? you can set them there as well [01:02] FaTaL_G: for your iptables rule, might I suggest something like this https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/zfqfmKPcWS/ [01:03] move into workspace[n] is an option yes_ok [01:03] leftyfb: http://termbin.com/qra5 [01:03] FaTaL_G: this way, the rules only get loaded after your WAN interface is up [01:04] think its causing an issue? [01:05] don't know [01:05] I mean, technically, I'd want the rules loaded BEFORE its up [01:05] why? [01:05] no >0 time chance of an open box [01:05] open box to what? [01:06] there's no internet [01:06] if the if is up, there is internet (eventually) [01:06] and once the if is up, rules get loaded [01:07] there's no time inbetween for anything to happen [01:07] btw, the paste I did above [01:07] it's how I've been running my rules for years [01:08] they are "simple" anti ad-domain redirects [01:08] yeah, I don't see anything about your interface besides pcap complaining about it not being up [01:08] makes that log messy [01:08] this is the issue for your dhcp [01:09] what is? [01:09] https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/RKyt5hZpy5/ [01:09] thats new....... [01:09] and not true [01:09] May 17 00:26:49 TARDIS dhcpd[2743]: No subnet declaration for br0 (no IPv4 addresses). FaTaL_G , from termbin dump [01:09] well, 21 hours "new" [01:10] We have to do something with this. As soon as there is not enough memory in Linux, Linux freezes, the occupied size swap partition in Linux no more than 3 -10%. Example with VMware Player (Host Windows), the same in Vbox, the same in Host Linux without virtual machines. Xubuntu 18.04, Lubuntu, U-Mate 18.04, Fedora 28. https://uploadfiles.io/ia2ic mkv [01:10] !bug | qwefytuiityty [01:10] qwefytuiityty: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [01:10] I have one in there [01:11] FaTaL_G: Can you pastebin your dhcpd.conf? [01:11] FaTaL_G: and maned/bind is borked too [01:12] named :) [01:12] FaTaL_G: also, I would see if disabling iptables and rebooting resolves either the interface or dhcpd issue [01:12] leftyfb: yeah and still fail [01:12] metalbat97: please pastebin the failure [01:12] nullius: yes, the settings aren't there, or in gnome-tweaks. I think it's because 18.04 uses "dynamic" workspaces by default, and so they simply omitted any way to create shortcuts to individual workspaces. using gsettings is cumbersome to say the least, but I believe it will work [01:13] heres the snippet with it: https://pastebin.com/3ygFjBTd [01:13] metalbat97: what version of ubuntu are you running? [01:15] Two_Dogs: where did you see an issue on bind? [01:15] leftyfb: i got signal broken http://pastebin.centos.org/775071/ [01:15] FaTaL_G: all the named issues [01:15] FaTaL_G: all the named issues on the termbin dump [01:15] FaTaL_G: lets try rebooting without iptables. See if either of the issues is resolved. You should also then immediately pastebin syslog, journal and dmesg to see if there's errors with the interface that's not starting [01:16] leftyfb: my iptables is active right now, and only handles rules out the WAN really (more precisely in), I tested it quite a bit before I made it live [01:16] morning, dudes(CST 9:15am) [01:16] Two_Dogs: thats intentional [01:16] FaTaL_G: ok [01:16] Those are null redirects for ad-domains [01:16] FaTaL_G: you know you only need 3 lines for iptables for routing right? [01:16] FaTaL_G: i found dnsmasq to be less painful in domain stripping [01:16] every little bit counts when it comes to reducing click bait for kids/spouse hahaha [01:17] FaTaL_G: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nZSPScC23g/ [01:18] Two_Dogs: I've read that, seems that they both have their pros and cons [01:18] leftyfb: i have ubuntu xenial [01:19] metalbat97: looks like your issue has to do with the lubuntu-dev ppa. I would use ppa-purge to purge all the packages installed from it and remove the ppa. Then install lxde through the supported official repos [01:20] Ricardus: woah, are you really on a mini9? [01:20] the occupied size in swap partition in Linux no more than 3 -10% when freezes [01:20] !bug | qwefytuiityty [01:20] qwefytuiityty: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [01:20] leftyfb: that is simple, basic, and denies everything in unless the connection is already established. Agreed. But again, my table is ok [01:20] FaTaL_G: i have not seen a con to dnsmasq [01:20] leftyfb, yeah, that coffee table machine is a mini 9 runnng luntuntu [01:20] and I have other content ;) [01:20] FaTaL_G: not if it's doing anything more complicated and potentially causing issues with your interface at boot [01:21] leftyfb, I always have it on when I'm in the living room [01:21] FaTaL_G: it could also be a timing thing ... I'd say try it [01:21] or 3 - 30%, not 50 -90% or 100% [01:21] Ricardus: impressive. I've got 2 of them but really can't stand them. That pipe key kills me. [01:21] Two_Dogs: Im not saying there is one, but in reading and choosing which to use, there was numerous back and forth on it. I just went with one and called it day [01:21] FaTaL_G: and that race condition you brought, i see it with ssd [01:22] I have ssd [01:22] :) [01:22] what race condition? [01:22] you mena in april? [01:24] leftyfb: its make sense, i will try it first thanks [01:24] leftyfb, I mostly use it when I need to do something and my main laptop is occupied. I always loved my Mini9 [01:24] abc123 [01:25] ^^^^^ simple 6 char pass [01:25] jackson 5 even [01:26] I doubt anyone cares, but I got it to work with: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-to-workspace-2 "['2']" [01:26] thanks for responses! [01:26] yes_ok: fixing is a lonely life [01:28] Two_Dogs: echo $(true) [01:29] i not coder i cannot say about bug, bug= no matter how much memory is free in the Linux swap file or swap partiton will always freezes when there is no memory [01:29] yes_ok: create a github account, add to some lessons learned entry, some one may google it sometime [01:30] and en not my lang === leion1 is now known as leion [01:31] https://translate.yandex.ru/?lang=en-ru [01:33] leftyfb: at last, i got my sixth sense to fix the broken pipe with command "apt-get remove lxqt*" this is because several days ago i want to change my desktop environment, thanks [01:34] Two_Dogs: you're right. I'll add it to Guthub. Thanks :) [01:34] metalbat97: was/is purge an option of apt-get? [01:36] !ru | qwefytuiityty [01:36] qwefytuiityty: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. [01:36] Two_Dogs: yes, i did it too but still not fixed with just purge the ppa and update grub, so i remove my trouble packages and will not install the lxqt envi anymore [01:36] metalbat97: you want to purge system of lxqt? [01:37] Two_Dogs: yes, Cz its not my main desktop environment at my ubuntu [01:38] metalbat97: you want to purge system of lxqt? answer with yes/no [01:39] Two_Dogs: yes [01:40] metalbat97: copy/paste & execute via terminal> aptitude purge -sy ~nlxqt | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here [01:40] metalbat97: yes, no sudo intentional [01:41] i not coder i cannot say about bug, bug= no matter how much memory is free in the Linux swap file or swap partiton will always freezes when there is no memory (ram) [01:41] !ru | qwefytuiityty [01:42] Two_Dogs: here http://termbin.com/ahq5 [01:44] metalbat97: copy/paste & execute via terminal> sudo aptitude purge ~nlxqt ## if you accept the solution the majority of lxqt should be purged [01:45] metalbat97: this assumes there is a working desktop besides lxqt!! [01:46] I just installed 18.04 and would like to set an environment variable to be set when I run specific apps through gnome. Is there a way to do this? [01:47] Two_Dogs: many thanks to you, its much cleaner than just remove it... [01:47] metalbat97: good luck === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [01:52] I have a question about launchpad, Can I ask it here? [01:55] I'm having trouble using Wayland on 18.04. It's not an option in gdm. I had been faithfully using it in 17.10. During boot, I get the following message prior to gdm booting: [01:55] gnome-shell[1807]: Failed to create backend: Failed to initialize renderer: Missing extension for GBM renderer: EGL_KHR_platform_gbm, Missing EGL extensions required for EGLDevice renderer: EGL_EXT_device_base [01:57] I think this is telling me "We can't load Wayland, it's missing some stuff." A similar issue was presented here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1733136 but they were dealing a lot with software rendering, and I don't appear to be software rendering (glxinfo shows I'm using the Intel driver, i915) [01:57] Launchpad bug 1733136 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "libglvnd0/libegl installed in Ubuntu 18.04 breaks graphics drivers and forces LLVMpipe driver on i915 systems" [Undecided,Invalid] [01:58] LenPayne, what i915 version ? [01:58] (chipset) [01:59] ᴗßᴗᴒTᴗ [01:59] Intel Corporation HD Graphics 5500 (rev 09) [02:07] no wayland session, sounds like you have nvidia drivers installed? [02:07] that 5500 is not that new .. [02:08] I do not. I have no nvidia hardware. [02:10] oke, no hybrid graphics [02:12] could be just missing egl-utils .. === andre is now known as Guest27033 [02:16] I'm pretty sure I have those. [02:17] I installed mesa--utils earlier today and it didn't help. [02:17] LenPayne: what does /var/log/Xorg.0.log complain about? === leion1 is now known as leion [02:20] Nothing. Xorg loads up just fine. [02:20] There are no (EE) tags in the Xorg.0.log file. [02:21] It appears I don't have an alternative for x86_64-linux-gnu_egl_conf [02:21] update-alternatives --get-selections | grep gl_conf provides: [02:21] LenPayne: are you rendering in wayland now? [02:21] x86_64-linux-gnu_egl_conf auto /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa-egl/ld.so.conf [02:21] No, I'm in Xorg now. [02:21] LenPayne: ok [02:22] Continuing: the mesa-egl directory isn't there. [02:22] is gnome-shell suppose to be stable on wayland? [02:22] I don't know if this is an unrelated issue (ie- cruft from something that got removed during the 18.04 upgrade) or if this is the actual issue. [02:23] So far as I know gnome-shell has been stable on wayland since at least 17.10, as wayland was the default for 17.10 [02:24] wayland is stable on plasma here https://git.io/vpAHG [02:25] ?? [02:25] LenPayne: i would re-install all wayland related packages, just to de-cruff it [02:26] is it Bill or Ted that like Wayland? [02:27] hi i have tried both and i think true os is better then ubuntu [02:27] D, all of the above ^^ [02:27] Excellent! [02:27] the bionic beaver is bad [02:28] I on the beaver [02:28] just installed fresh [02:28] cool i rm -rf / --no-preserve-root on my beaver back on windows now [02:29] im not trolling i really did it [02:30] coolchris: why not go back to trueos [02:30] because i have to play my call of duty windows is better then both [02:30] oh. you're a ballmer guy. [02:31] is this the fruit of windows and linux? [02:31] we can't fight about it like we used to [02:32] coolchris, debauchery1st please take your non-Ubuntu-support chatter elsewhere. [02:32] guiverc: I'm on ubuntu [02:32] fresh install [02:33] kubuntu 18.04 [02:33] I'm diggin it [02:33] very slick. [02:33] coolchris: then why, might I ask, are you here? [02:34] debauchery1st, this is a Ubuntu-Support channel; non-support chatter belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic, or #ubuntu-discuss [02:34] guiverc: fair deuce [02:36] the only hiccup I experienced on the latest kubuntu 18.04 was with my wifi adapter [02:37] it needed bcmwl-kernel-source [02:37] I was able to "apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source" on the live install [02:38] then I just needed to disable and re-enable the driver via system-settings [02:38] However, once installed it complained of missing 2 .deb files [02:38] libdpkg-perl_1.19.0.5ubuntu2_all.deb & libfile-fcntllock-perl_0.22-3build2_amd64.deb [02:39] I rebooted into the live-usb, downloaded the .deb files, saved them to the freshly installed system [02:39] does anyone know how to check repos configured in aptitude? [02:40] then once I rebooted I was able to "dpkg -i libdpkg-perl_1.19.0.5ubuntu2_all.deb libfile-fcntllock-perl_0.22-3build2_amd64.deb" followed by "apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source" [02:40] and my wifi worked [02:41] granttrec, that would be the same lists as for apt [02:41] !sources [02:41] The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories. [02:41] my adapter is a bcm4306 ac [02:42] oerheks: apt search found a package aptitude did not, how do I resolve that [02:43] that is new to me, and unlikely [02:44] granttrec, in a browser I find "http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=" (adding package name) useful.. [02:46] guiverc: I find that defeats the purpose of the tool, the is a config file so maybe there is hope [02:48] yeah; i usually don't have a browser open too; but find i need it so i do have here so its handy :) [02:53] Minere BTC enquanto navega e trabalha sem deixar o pc lentão e economizando energia obs: so funciona no Google Chrome do pc. [02:53] https://getcryptotab.com/718967 [02:53] Video tutorial [02:53] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luzqQN3kL4g&t=166s === marcos is now known as Guest94117 [02:54] !stop > marcos [02:54] !stop > Guest94117 [03:03] hiya [03:05] Hi Claire235 & Welcome, if you have a Ubuntu Support question, please just ask it (ideally in a single line, and please give time for people to respond) [03:06] Are multi GPU (with displays on each) supported in 18.04? [03:08] Claire235: yes, it works with nvidia cars at least. [03:08] Claire235: you need to use the binary driver and enable mosaic mode in nvidia settings. [03:12] thanks matjam === jhebden-afk is now known as jhebden [03:46] Hi all, I'm running up against a bug id: 1645002 . This has apparently been fixed in Yakkety, but is triaged for 18 months in Xenial. The crux of it is 16.04 is not gracefully shutting down sshd before the network. How do I get the fixed version in 16.04? === Guest10580 is now known as rob [03:47] Hi all, I'm running up against a bug id: 1645002 . This has apparently been fixed in Yakkety, but is triaged for 18 months in Xenial. The crux of it is 16.04 is not gracefully shutting down sshd before the network. How do I get the fixed version in 16.04? === rob is now known as Guest634 [03:48] launchpad bug 1645002 [03:48] Launchpad bug 1645002 in openssh (Ubuntu Xenial) "ssh sessions are not cleanly terminated on shutdown/restart with systemd" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1645002 [03:49] SlidingHorn: neat bot! I should've done that [03:54] is there an earlier kernel available for bionic? [03:54] how do i install a older kernel, I have a dkms driver that works with 4.14, but needs to be ported to 4.15 [03:54] https://github.com/MeissnerEffect/rtl8822bu [04:09] Where should I be looking for more information on these kinds of bugs (1645002), is there a mailing list I can send so I don't need to sit in IRC bothering people? [04:12] Guest634: I'm asking around [04:14] SlidingHorn: oh neat, thanks! In general though, is this the right place to come? I appreciate you taking a look for me [04:25] hi guys [04:31] Lubuntu 16.04, xfce4-powermanager doesn't save its settings. [04:32] ddremveas: you have a typical installed to hardware system? [04:32] When I press power button (hardware) it always asks me what to do, it's not configurable by settings. [04:32] Yes, from alternate iso [04:33] ddremveas: could you have not installed the desktop completely? [04:33] But one time I uninstalled power manager to set screen shading off. [04:34] so yes, tweaked install [04:35] After I installed it again (the screen shaded after 20 min anyway) it stopped getting my settings. [04:36] Maybe there were some dependencies but I don't know which they were. [04:44] ddremveas: do you know what the meta packaged is for xfce default install? [04:47] *lxde. No, but I'll check in synaptic. [04:47] ddremveas: check 'lubuntu' [04:48] ddremveas: my bad, i mentioned xfce, you are on lxde or lxqt? [04:50] lxde, lubuntu 16.04 [04:50] ok [04:51] ddremveas: copy/paste & execute via terminal> dpkg -l lxde* lubuntu* | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here [04:54] b0t lubuntu 16.04 power management packages https://git.io/vpAFf [04:58] Two_Dogs: Hey, thought it'd be nice to let you know that everything is sorted. The https://github.com/DIGImend/digimend-kernel-drivers#configuration page got updated today, and everything FINALLY works. [04:59] Draegon: cool, the updated driver did the trick then? [05:01] Yeah, pressure sensitivity works, and no more jerky pixelated lines. Had to get the monitor tablet sorted, that updated page showed how to limit the tablet (actually the Stylus) to only work with one monitor, and just finished setting the hot keys. It is done. :-) [05:01] Draegon: that is what makes linux worth it, good job [05:02] Yeah. Thanks again for your help. [05:02] Draegon: yw, good luck [05:03] :-) Draegon, Two_Dogs you JUST answered a question I had!!! [05:03] Our pleasure Claire [05:04] Draegon: is the fix you did exactly as shown on the link you shared? [05:04] If it's Tablet being weird, try the DIGImend channel, that's where I spoke to spbnick, he's the one who updated that page. [05:06] Two_Dogs: Yes, The only issue, and he said he's gonna update the page again, was that for me, the file/folder listed, "xorg.conf.d/50-tablet.conf" (located inside /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-tablet.conf) wasn't in my computer, I had to do MKDIR, and Sudo Nano to create/edit the files, but everything on that page I followed got it done. [05:07] Draegon: you sir are the tablet guru [05:07] Nah, I just follow guides and help from ppl. But thank you for the compliment. === coffeeguy is now known as tripendicular === rob is now known as Guest64728 === tripendicular is now known as coffeeguy [05:51] Goodnight everyone [05:51] Claire235: welcome, how can we help you? === shawn is now known as Guest44699 === Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner [06:27] chu: I evadaded ban [06:28] wbestien: not here please [06:28] Make [06:28] me [06:34] Hello all [06:35] chu: Again === bugzbunny_ is now known as bugzie [06:40] hi there: is there a good backup tool that backups the entire system incl applications and repos? [06:40] TheLaw: aptoncd or apt offline [06:41] TheLaw: also, see /msg ubottu backup [06:42] chu: [06:43] can anyone explain how to properly change hostname on ubuntu 18.04, I use: sudo hostnamectl set-hostname myhostname, and the hostname changes, but after reboot it goes back to previous hostname? [06:44] anonymip: sudo vim (or other text editor) /etc/hostname [06:44] anonymip, as I recall you have to also change /etc/hostname -- both are required [06:45] * tarzeau prefers the hostname command over the systemd interface [06:46] if I look at /etc/hostname after changing hosname with hostnamectl set-hostname, it's automatically updated [06:46] but still the hosname goes back after reboot [06:47] chu: Ban [06:47] My xsetwacom settings are not being kept upon reboot, is there somewhere specific to place the settings, so that after reboot the options are automatically loaded so I don't have to repeatedly input them every time? [06:50] so, noone else having this issue? [06:54] hello, i m having this issue while trying to install Wine https://ghostbin.com/paste/bowdm [06:54] can anyone help pls? [06:58] Few years ago, I posted a spam on ubuntu forums and was banned. I get the following message on login - "bvenkysubbu, you do not have permission to access this page." [06:59] Is there a way to remove my ban on ubuntuforums? [06:59] bvenkysubbu: You want #ubuntuforums [06:59] oh, sorry, thanks @flannel [06:59] bvenkysubbu: no worries. [07:00] afidegnum: Looks like it actually doesn't have much to do with wine (other than you were using apt while installing line). [07:00] afidegnum: And it looks like your problem is that your disk (or at least /boot) is full. [07:00] afidegnum: Do you have a separate /boot partition? or a separate / partition? or what? [07:01] Hello. [07:01] Could someone help with a problem I have? [07:01] I am getting this error. [07:01] E:The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/n-muench/programs-ppa/ubuntu artful Release' does not have a Release file. [07:01] What should I Do? [07:02] ah, now I got ht hostname to stick, I followed this guide: https://websiteforstudents.com/updating-changing-the-hostname-on-ubuntu-18-04-beta-server/ [07:04] Reading some posts online, some dating back up to 8 years ago, there is recommendations to save the xsetwacom options as either a startup script, in /etc/x11/xorg.conf.d/, or in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ directories. Is there a specific preference to which to store the settings? [07:06] darktemplar, if you open http://ppa.launchpad.net/n-muench/programs-ppa/ubuntu/dists/ in a browser, you'll note no artful directory; ie. 17.10 isn't supported === kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar [07:12] Flannel: i had that error of boot partition being full, [07:12] how do i clear it ? [07:12] afidegnum: Do you have a separate /boot partition? or a separate / partition? or just one big partition? or what? [07:13] 1 big partition [07:13] guiverc, If 17.10's not supported, Than what should I do? [07:14] darktemplar, i don't know why you added it (the ppa), but I'd remove it & look for another source for whatever reason you added the ppa [07:14] afidegnum: ok. With one big partition, you PROBABLY have something /else/ filling up your partition. You should look around and see what it is. If you had a separate /boot partition, it'd be a simple apt command to fix your problem. But I expect you have a runaway log file or some other data file that's grown way too big. [07:15] for many ppa's, they often provide support (eg. bionic) some time after release; but that directory hadn't been updated since 15.04 as I recall (directory & names of releases) [07:15] guiverc, I didn't know what I was doing hahaha. Hm, not to be that guy but do you think you could 'Attempt' to explain to me to me how to pick another server? [07:15] Flannel: is ther a way to resize the boot partition? [07:16] afidegnum: You don't have a boot partition. [07:16] afidegnum: So, you have something else, besides /boot stuff, filling up your partition. [07:17] i meant another source (not server). ie. whatever search you did that found that ppa, needs to be redone to find another source for a solution - that ppa would only work if you used 14.04 Trusty (for supported releases) [07:18] this is what i have https://pasteboard.co/HlIgzO7.png [07:18] (yeah sorry darktemplar, i'm not the clearest with language...) [07:19] Flannel: and this https://pasteboard.co/HlIh48E.png [07:19] guiverc, I'm so confused.. Where should I change the Server/PPA? [07:19] afidegnum: pastebin `df -h`, that's easier and all in one place [07:20] darktemplar, that ppa does NOT support 17.10, so your current only choice is to remove it. [07:21] Flannel: https://ghostbin.com/paste/nvgj7 [07:21] darktemplar, why did you add that ppa to your system? You need to find somewhere else (that supports 17.10) that can provide an answer for whatever that was. [07:22] afidegnum: ok, you do have a separate /boot then. So, what has happened is, over the course of your updates, you've added a lot of new kernel versions, and they've filled up /boot. All you need to do is remove them. One easy way of doing this would be to simply `sudo apt-get autoremove` [07:22] ok, [07:23] afidegnum: Based on the output of your original pastebin, that'll remove like five kernel versions (or maybe more?) [07:23] yes, that's what's happening [07:24] darktemplar, the command to remove will likely be `sudo add-apt-repository --remove http://ppa.launchpad.net/n-muench/programs-ppa/ubuntu` (no backquotes) [07:25] Flannel: https://ghostbin.com/paste/nvgj7 [07:27] afidegnum: once that's done, you can verify you have freed up space with df -h, check /boot, it should be more than 17MB left free. === konrados is now known as k117 [07:30] Flannel: /dev/sda1 472M 133M 316M 30% /boot [07:30] afidegnum: yep. You're good to go now. [07:30] is there anything to do to correct the removed kernel headers? [07:30] afidegnum: No [07:31] i can just continue working ? [07:31] afidegnum: yeah. [07:31] ok, thanks [07:45] hi all, i have ubuntu 17.10 installed, i have ubuntu 18.04 iso downloaded. is there a way to upgrade to 18.04 without usb stick? just from terminal? [07:47] hi all, i have ubuntu 17.10 installed, i have ubuntu 18.04 iso downloaded. is there a way to upgrade to 18.04 without usb stick? just from terminal? [07:49] bye guys ^___^ [07:50] nobody? really? [07:50] just wait [07:50] gnome-shell leaks memory [07:50] Ive just removed /etc/xrdp/ folder and /etc/init.d/xrdp file what packages provides these files ? [07:51] seems `xrdp` does not [07:51] some ppl may be away from the computers, they'll come check out if they can offer advice when they get back [07:53] RusAlex: use synaptic, search for rdp [07:54] gnome-shell leaks memory: 8 GB / 27 days (uptime) [07:54] i still have another 8 GB, but it's annoying anyways. [07:55] when creating a .desktop file in my desktop folder under ubuntu 18.04 gnome, the file is not visible [07:55] how can I change that? [07:56] pragomer: created how? [07:56] pragomer, install gnome tweak tool [07:57] gnome-tweak-tool is installed [07:57] do you need a tweak tool to show hidden files? [07:57] I created the desktop file in terminal an called it lets say mystarter.desktop [07:58] with gnome-tweak-tool I can let display home folder, trash, etc. on desktop. [07:58] but the desktop-file does not appear [07:58] Tegu: no. `ls -a` will show hidden files. Or in Nautilus, you can use Ctrl-H. [07:58] ah, I misunderstood. so it doesn't start with . so it's not hidden [07:58] the file is NOT a hidden file (that would begin with a ".") [07:58] pragomer: created file how? [07:58] see above: via terminal and nano [07:59] pragomer: cat mystarter.desktop | nc termbin.com 9999 [07:59] pragomer: copy/paste & execute via terminal> ls ~/Desktop [07:59] ok. i tried to copy a desktop file (the one from gimp) from /usr/share/applications [07:59] this is displayed [07:59] i just can edit this one [07:59] pragomer: see file listed? [08:00] Two_Dogs: know anything about making settings permanent after a reboot? [08:01] Draegon: the setting is permanent on cold boot? [08:01] nope [08:01] Draegon: explain [08:01] Draegon: making stuff permanent is simple in general, the location of the entry is what matters [08:02] When I set the options with xsetwacom in terminal, it seems they dont stay, once the X server restarts, they all gone. [08:02] Draegon: ahh, ok [08:03] From reading some posts, some dating back up to 8 years ago, there is recommendations to save the xsetwacom options as either a startup script, in /etc/x11/xorg.conf.d/, or in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ directories. Just wondering if there is specific preference to which to store the settings within? [08:03] Draegon: the command executed include 'sudo' via terminal? [08:04] Draegon: i would think not [08:04] Draegon: share command you execute via terminal here [08:04] No, doesn't matter, as soon as reboot/cold boot, all gone. [08:04] Draegon: share command you execute via terminal here [08:05] gimme min, lemme load text document [08:05] i have an ubuntu 18.10 iso, is there a way to mount it and upgrade my ubutnu 17.10 with it/ [08:05] to set the tablet hot keys for example, "xsetwacom set "UC-LOIC TABLET 1060 Pad pad" button 9 key Ctrl Z" [08:06] Draegon: and you tried the command and it works fine? [08:06] and to set the tablet stylus to only work on my main monitor, "xsetwacom set "UC-LOIC TABLET 1060 Pen stylus" MapToOutput DVI-I-1" [08:06] Draegon: and you tried the command and it works fine? [08:06] yep [08:07] Have rebooted 3 times, I have to re-enter them in terminal each time, and they take effect immediately, until reboot/cold boot [08:07] Draegon: look at the root of your home space, ~/ <--folder , /home/youruser/ <-- for .xnitrc [08:07] Draegon: does that file exist? [08:09] checked in /, /home, and /home/(my account), no matching file [08:09] fyi, I use image program, shows me all hidden files [08:10] Draegon: create the file in ~/ and enter those commands you previously discussed [08:11] Draegon: use file manager, create txt file [08:11] Draegon: use file manager, create txt file .xintrc [08:12] Draegon: what desktop you use? [08:12] Default that comes with Ubuntu 16.04 [08:12] ?? [08:13] morning [08:13] What is your meaning of Desktop? [08:13] Draegon: mate/plasma/gnome/lxqt/etc [08:13] cinnamon [08:13] I3 [08:14] I don't know, Unity I think it's called? [08:14] Draegon: /vt terminal> inxi -S ## desktop: ?? [08:14] Draegon: ok [08:14] Draegon: file created? [08:15] You want it created in /home/(my account name) ? [08:15] Draegon: yes [08:15] Draegon: and that is also called ~/ [08:16] Yeah. Done [08:16] /home/(my account name) = ~/ [08:16] Draegon: open the file with your desktop editor and add the command lines you previously shared [08:17] desktop's text editor [08:17] is it possible to upgrade ubuntu from a mounted iso? [08:19] Done. [08:19] Anything else to add into the file? [08:19] senaps: should be yes, some use swap partition for just that [08:19] Draegon: no [08:19] Draegon: copy/paste & execute via terminal> cat ~/.xintrc | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here [08:21] my bad Draegon , i borked file name [08:21] Draegon: copy/paste & execute via terminal> cat ~/.xinitrc | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here [08:22] http://termbin.com/osc8 [08:22] the file name is .xinitrc , yes? Draegon [08:23] no, I can rename it easily [08:23] the file name is .xinitrc , yes? Draegon, yes, do [08:24] Sorry to bother you, I'm having an issue where some applicatios cannot read media from CIFS mounts, this includes VLC [08:24] not sure wtf is going on :D [08:24] yes, renamed [08:24] Draegon: copy/paste & execute via terminal> cat ~/.xinitrc | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here [08:24] Two_Dogs i think i should change the source of apt from internet to that cd. and then ask apt to do a dist-upgrade? [08:25] would that work/ [08:25] http://termbin.com/hqbf [08:25] senaps: i thought you wanted to do upgrade via mounted iso as in boot into iso [08:27] Draegon: logout, and login, see if you have what ever capability [08:27] ok, back soon. [08:27] no i don't want to boot into iso. i don't want to burn to usb or cd [08:28] Two_Dogs ^^^ [08:28] i jsut have downloaded ubuntu 18.04 iso, and want to if possible, upgrade from it instead of installing the whole thing again. [08:28] Hi, is it possible to install ubuntu encrypted on a part of the disk? I cant find any option installing ubuntu on my own defined partition sizes [08:29] *downloading the whole thing. sorry. [08:29] senaps: ok, if the iso is trully mounted then i would expect apt-cd to work [08:30] senaps: in theory yes [08:30] senaps, i've done it years ago (with debian, if not ubuntu), but not in years. mounted, then edited sources.list to point to mount-point .. apt-get update & it worked; but not in 4+ years.. [08:30] senaps: I prefer just reinstalling, but yes [08:32] !ping [08:32] pong! [08:32] senaps: you dont have networking on the machine needing apt-cd? [08:32] timed out === rob__ is now known as guest_rob [08:42] exit [08:47] /exit [08:48] Two_Dogs i have networking, but it's limited to 300MB for the day, so i can't download 1800MB of ubuntu, and some packages are censored here in iran so downloading them will probebly fail. [08:48] senaps: got it [08:49] senaps: you need to say little about domicile here, tmi [08:49] Two_Dogs: Nope, didn't work [08:50] Draegon: ok [08:50] Double checked file name, it is: .xinitrc [08:50] Draegon: and that is the file name you used, yes? [08:51] yes [08:51] Draegon: do you have file .profile ? same folder [08:51] yes [08:52] Draegon: add one command for test, logout/login [08:53] One of the commands of xsetwacom, into .profile ? [08:53] Draegon: yeah [08:53] ok [08:53] sudo/admin rights, or just any text editor? [08:53] Draegon: no sudo [08:54] ok [08:54] dont sudo in ~/ Draegon [08:57] .gg b0t how to make xsetwacom commands permanent on ubuntu [08:57] oops [08:57] b0t how to make xsetwacom commands permanent on ubuntu https://git.io/vpxTJ [08:58] [ [08:58] hit one :) , imagine that, too simple [08:59] is ther any limit for how long back in time the 'history' command goes, or how many commands? [09:01] anonymip: by default it is 1000 lines [09:01] ah, ok. thanks! [09:01] Two_Dogs: No joy. :-( [09:02] Draegon: via terminal the commands are not executed with sudo or in root terminal, yes? [09:03] over [09:04] Draegon: https://git.io/vpxTJ look at hit #1 [09:06] no sudo used, checked the guide I used to create them and doesn't say to do sudo. [09:06] 1 min, lemme look at link [09:07] !ping [09:08] Draegon: btw, remove the one line from .profile and remove .xinitrc [09:08] anonymip: you can change, if that is what you like [09:08] hi [09:08] which office suite do you recommend me? [09:08] onlyoffice or wps office? [09:09] OK. Will do. [09:09] senaps: Unfortunately, there is no supported offline upgrade method according to the release notes ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes ): "There are no offline upgrade options for Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Server. Please ensure you have network connectivity to one of the official mirrors or to a locally accessible mirror and follow the instructions above. " [09:09] rr89: libreoffice === sauvin_ is now known as bocaneri [09:09] I see, where do I do that hateball? [09:11] anonymip: you can change HISTSIZE in ~/.bashrc [09:11] ok [09:11] anonymip: also HISTFILESIZE means that it will stop adding to it if the history file gets too big [09:12] ah, so it doesn't delete the oldest entries and fill up with new ones? [09:12] anonymip: you can remove the numbers and it should be unlimited [09:13] anonymip: this post explains it well https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19454837/bash-histsize-vs-histfilesize [09:13] ok, is it stored in RAM until reboot, or is it stored in som file? [09:13] Two_Dogs: Changed/deleted those references/file. That 50-wacom.conf file referenced from the first link, it is showing as a "Read-Only". Would I run Sudo gedit to open and edit, or another method? [09:14] anonymip: it is stored in RAM until your bash session exits, then it by default appends to ~/.bash_history [09:14] Draegon: dont sudo graphics apps, use gksudo instead [09:14] ok. [09:15] Draegon: but yes, gksudo gedit foo.file [09:15] Hi, lets assume there is a library. It says that it is in the newest version, which is 3.5. However, when running a program it says that version 3.1 is installed. while doing a file grep it is visible that there is one file of old version in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu. While trying to rename this lib, it appears back. I also put an export LDLIBRARY_PATH to a folder with the new lib-version but still not success. ldconfig also applied. what can I do? [09:15] ok [09:17] when is popcon.ubuntu.com going to be fixed? [09:20] popularity-contest | grep '' works fine here [09:21] Hi all! I'm having trouble getting network working in a user session libvirt VM in Ubuntu 18.04. In fedora `qemu-bridge-helper` automatically gets me a network but that doesn't seem to be the case here. Does anyone know how to work around this? [09:21] unable to install or uninstall "phpmyadmin" package, apt-get gives errors like this: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 10 [09:24] enes: the script should be inside /var/lib/dpkg/info/ [09:25] Just trying to figure out how to format the settings inside the file [09:25] enes: try sh -x /var/lib/dpkg/info/phpmyadmin.postinst configure or something [09:27] kiokoman: the scripts appears to execute with no problems using that command === derrin is now known as permanoob === fabricius1 is now known as fabricius [09:30] enes: maybe permission problem somewhere [09:31] hi I have a question if anyone can help? i downloaded a software from a website, I'm not sure what tool I used to install it, but it is in my downloads folder, but if I take it out of the downloads folder it won't open, even if I try to make a copy and paste to the desktop it still won't open, any ideas why? I would prefer it to be on my desktop and open from there? [09:32] I'm using ubuntu mate btw [09:32] 16.04 [09:34] permanoob: What software is it and where did you download it from? [09:34] "a software from a website" ... care to share what download/website? [09:35] we don t support apps outside our repos, so be patient .. === sauvin_ is now known as bocaneri [09:35] exodus cryptocurrency wallet [09:36] hello [09:39] permanoob: Ok, and from what homepage did you download it? [09:39] ubuntu 17.10 is' good [09:39] leeave it in your ~/Downloads folder, double click, fileroller will open, hit 'extract' and choose place to unpack, .. [09:40] https://steemit.com/wallet/@tansan/how-to-install-exodus-wallet-on-linux-ubuntu-operating-system [09:40] https://www.exodus.io/releases/ [09:41] ok thanks i'll give it a go [09:43] I think it is already extracted, I can double click on it and it will open and enter password etc, if I double left click it just opens to the password window [09:44] I'll have a read of the steemit link though thanks === fabricius1 is now known as fabricius [09:48] yes the steemit instructions just say to find the file named exodus, and double click on it and it will open, which all works fine, I'm just wondering why I can't either copy it to desktop and double click to open it from there, rather than having to keep going into home folder downloads folder all the time to use it? [09:49] or move the whole file from the downloads folder to the desktop rather than copying it...I can handle going to the downloads folder everytime if I have to, just wondering if there is an easy fix [09:52] permanoob, i think gnome-tweak-tool only allows you to put drives on the desktop, you could make a proper launcher i guess https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-create-desktop-shortcut-launcher-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux [09:53] gnome-desktop-item-edit ~/Desktop/ --create-new [09:53] * this might need gnome-panel [09:55] ping [09:55] p [09:58] oh I'm using ubuntu mate 16.04, maybe thats the problem, the software was designed to be used on gnome? [10:00] oops, mate-desktop-item-edit ./ --create-new [10:00] https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2252428&p=13173728#post13173728 [10:01] or ~/Desktop ofcourse [10:02] problem with netbeans --> WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred ... [10:02] It's a warning. And not related to Ubuntu. [10:03] There is #netbeans here on #freenode [10:06] thanks again i'll have a look at that forums thread [10:07] sorry whats netbeans? is it a risk? [10:07] permanoob: That was for orenga. [10:09] for the sake of education, what is a reflective access operation? [10:09] permanoob: Learn Java. :P [10:09] so that'll stay a mystery to me then haha [10:09] permanoob: Well, unless you learn Java. :P [10:10] just learning to even use ubuntu mate, let alone coding :) [10:10] permanoob: Feel free to join ##java and ask there. ;) [10:10] hey guys, I've setup ubuntu snappy on my Raspberry Pi and I have a Yeti Microphone connected to it. arecord cannot pickup any sound card, I was wondering if anyone knew how to get the mic to record stuff [10:12] paulvonhoesslin rpi has its own channel(s)... #ubuntu-arm and #raspberrypi [10:15] TwoDogs: No go. Tried multiple options, the settings for the buttons. Just tried in Krita, no response, tried in Gedit, the buttons aren't registering as any key presses. [10:17] hiyas [10:18] anyone know how to add the snap interface or alter the apparmor policy to allow chromium to speak to a U2F security key ? [10:18] Haya anyone know why the right click on my trackpad doesnt work but two finger tap enables right click ? [10:19] It's a feature :) [10:19] oerheks, is that mate-desktop-item-edit line you wrote a terminal command? [10:19] HEYLO brand NEWB to Linux looking for some help verifying my .iso [10:20] *on a windows 10 machine [10:20] tatramaco: :< [10:21] ##qubes [10:21] ##java [10:21] #java [10:22] I'm searching tutorials and can't seem to find the right way. I downloaded and installed gpg4win and kleopatra... followiong instructions for kleopatra with the gpg i got from ubuntu... and nothing is importing. [10:22] NEWBuntu are you now using ubuntu? [10:22] permanoob I RLY wanted to just start with qubes. [10:22] NEWBuntu: This is a Windows question, isn't it? [10:23] No, I'm on windows atm [10:23] i dont exactly think so. [10:23] It is. [10:23] okay. [10:23] You're asking for support on how to verify a file on Windows. [10:23] a linux iso [10:23] NEWBuntu, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM may help, sorry I've never used w10 but there is a MD5SUM on windows section in it\ [10:23] That the file is an Ubuntu .iso doesn't really matter, here. :D [10:23] okay [10:24] guiverc thanks for your help 2 days in a row [10:24] !!! [10:24] NEWBuntu yea sounds awesome, but damn difficult to set it up and keep it running smoothly apparently, its only easy to use for power users who can fix every little issue that arises [10:24] permanoob im ubernewb so... yeah probs not my bag. yet. [10:25] !Ping [10:25] pong! [10:25] NEWBuntu type /join ##windows [10:27] ha turns out you need gnome-tweak-tool to fix trackpads on 18.04 LTS :-) [10:27] you're most welcome NEWBuntu :) [10:30] 16.04 knew super+down to minimise a window. is there an alternative in 18.04? [10:30] NEWBuntu yes, its not so much the setup process, its more that it is temperamental, you click one thing that it doesn't like you doing and something else stops working etc...major headache if its your main machine and you need the system to just work to get something urgent done, I'm wondering if there is a professional tech support number that can can assist with set up and trouble shooting any problems that arise? not sure yet [10:35] of course ubuntu has pay support [10:38] voiter: try super + H [10:39] Two_Dogs: Absolutely failed, didn't work. Do you think a shell script on login would work? [10:41] bom dia [10:42] !pt [10:42] Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. [10:43] obrigado [10:43] saudações PT-PT [10:43] if I wanted to find out more information about why a bug is on ice in Xenial (1645002), where should I be looking? It's been fixed in Yakkety, but triaged for Xenial. It's an issue with openssh package, sshd does not get killed gracefully during shutdown. [10:43] launchpad bug 1645002 [10:43] Launchpad bug 1645002 in openssh (Ubuntu Xenial) "ssh sessions are not cleanly terminated on shutdown/restart with systemd" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1645002 === Night is now known as Guest96996 [10:45] thanks ubottu [10:48] guest_rob: probably cuz no one cared to request a SRU [10:48] in order to get "machinectl" command, which package should I use? I see nspawn and systemd-container [10:48] !sru [10:48] Stable Release Update information is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates [10:49] Hi. I upgraded from 17.10 to 18.04. After the update I cant use apt-get successfully. If I do 'apt-get install -f' I get: https://hastebin.com/doboqavaxi.http [10:50] hello [10:50] ? [10:50] Guest22135 this is the ubuntu support channel [10:52] bobdobbs try sudo apt update first [10:52] Is there a way to see the version of a program before you install it via snap [10:52] remove [10:52] MonkeyDust: will do [10:52] mjayk: thats an interesting question around snap, I think the real question is the versions of ALL the programs contained in a snap [10:52] as the snap will bundle the app you want + all the dependencies [10:53] bobdobbs: I would remove kio-smtp [10:54] MonkeyDust: I ran 'apt-update'. It returned successfully. I then ran 'apt-get install -f'. I got the same result as before [10:56] !info kio-smtp bionic [10:56] Package kio-smtp does not exist in bionic [10:56] so, you shouldn't need it anymore [10:56] brb. must reboot router [11:01] bobdobbs I picked this up in this channel ... save it as 'fixpackages' ... make executable with 'chmod +x fixpackages' ... then run it with './fixpackages' ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/15121279/ [11:08] Hey MonkeyDust. I've been bouncing in and out of channel due to network issues. I can see one thing that you've addressed to me. Have you addressed more than one thing to me on the channel? [11:10] bobdobbs I picked this up in this channel ... save it as 'fixpackages' ... make executable with 'chmod +x fixpackages' ... then run it with './fixpackages' ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/15121279/ [11:10] thanks [11:11] fat [11:11] you === conjo is now known as rtard === rtard is now known as Rtard === croppa_ is now known as croppa === marcos is now known as Guest37388 [11:23] MonkeyDust: so I ran that script. Then I ran 'apt-get update'. Then I ran 'apt-get install -f' and I still get the same result. [11:23] Minere BTC enquanto navega e trabalha sem deixar o pc lentão. [11:23] https://getcryptotab.com/718967 [11:23] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luzqQN3kL4g&t=166s [11:24] Sorry, I just don't understand package management. Ultimately I just want to get a printer working. In order to do this I have to install a certain package. But to do that I have to unbreak apt. [11:24] bobdobbs: removing the package did not work? [11:25] removing which package? [11:25] kio-smtp [11:25] which is not available anymore in 18.04 === tom is now known as Guest53662 [11:25] I don't know what that is. I'll try removing it. [11:26] it's the package which causes the error [11:26] Sudo without password? the "tewa ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" line in visudo doesn't seem to work. [11:27] You edited the file with visudo? [11:28] jink yep, used "sudo visudo" and edited the file. [11:28] Just checking. :D [11:28] MonkeyDust: I don't know if I've got it installed or not. But if I do 'apt-get remove kio-smtp' I get an error related to missing packages. I'll pastebin it... [11:28] tewa: lose the (ALL:ALL) [11:28] jink :D [11:29] geirha oh? so just "tewa NOPASSWD: ALL"? [11:29] I have: %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL [11:29] also, the order of the lines in sudoers matters. You want it at the end [11:29] tewa sudo without password is not a good idea, it's disabling your security [11:29] tewa ALL = NOPASSWD: ALL [11:29] The silly thing about that error is that tells me to run a command... which returns the error that I'm trying to address. [11:30] MonkeyDust if they got so far into the system or so far into my apartment and through my many lava traps, I say they deserve some root access :) [11:31] geirha ah, moving it to the end was what made it tick. thanks! :D [11:33] bobdobbs try this sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/apt/lists/lock [11:34] MonkeyDust: ok. When I entered that I just got the prompt back. No errors, warnings or other feedback. [11:36] bobdobbs it should havde unlocked apt [11:37] unfortunately I'm still getting the same error [11:37] odd [11:38] bobdobbs is apt unusable at all? [11:39] bobdobbs: try sudo dpkg --remove kio-smtp; sudo apt-get install -f [11:39] ok [11:39] that should fix the error I see in https://hastebin.com/doboqavaxi.http [11:40] mgedmin: that first command returns without errors. The second command returns without errors, but with a bunch of warnings. I'll pastebin [11:42] I'm having a problem with gdebi. When I open a .deb with gdebi and hit install, it simply closes gdebi. It doesn't ask for a password to install or anything, just closes. If I run from terminal gdebi-gtk "path/to/deb.deb" and click install, it prompts for password and installs. [11:43] password prompt appears in the terminal window? [11:44] No, the gdebi-gtk UI comes up and when I click install the password prompt UI comes up, not in the terminal window. === Peanut_ is now known as Peanut [11:46] newhoa: anything in "dmesg" ? [11:46] !ping [11:46] pong! [11:46] known issue I guess [11:46] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdebi/+bugs?orderby=-id&start=0 [11:49] How do I remove the remove the bottom panel? Right now, there is no way to add/remove panel. [11:50] brainwash: thanks, I searched before but didn't find anything, I'm awful at searching I now know lol. [11:50] R13ose, you need to specify the desktop environment because Ubuntu proper does not come with a bottom panel [11:50] mjayk, thanks [11:51] kostkon: LXDE [11:52] Also, while I'm here. I noticed gksu is gone. I looked it up and see that software uses pkexec now. If I'm in a terminal and want to run something as root, do I used pkexec whatever now? [11:52] Is that still safer or a better way than su or sudo? [11:53] newhoa pkexec is better than sudo for GUI [11:53] newhoa: it's something the app's developer has to do, rather than something a user can choose to do === B is now known as Guest25098 [11:53] the idea is to run GUI code without superuser permissions, for safety [11:53] (on Wayland root can't even do any GUI stuff, by design) [11:54] jeremy31: thanks [11:54] mgedmin: Was gksu different? Could it run any app? Does pkexec now only work on apps that made it compatible or something? [11:56] gksu asks for password, pkexec checks PolicyKit authorization rules and might be more flexible [12:01] Ah, I see. I'm reading about it now. So most apps won't work with pkexec. I just tried a few, I'm used to opening geany with gksu for quick root edits. [12:03] * mgedmin stil uses sudo vim in a terminal, although he should be using sudoedit ... [12:03] nautilus (and other gnome apps) supports an admin:/// "protocol" that lets you edit any file on your file system as root, without being root [12:03] (it uses policykit behind the scenes) [12:05] hello. im trying to set a new hostname on 18.04 with hostnamectl set-hostname but it is not persistent on reboot for some reason. [12:06] its a freshly installed virtual machine :) === LabMonkey is now known as Mechanismus [12:08] afx: does /etc/hostname look right? what about /etc/hosts? AFAIU hostnamectl updates one but not the other [12:09] ye the etc/hostname is with the new name, but etc/hosts is [12:09] localhost.localdomain localhost [12:09] ::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6 [12:10] but no metion of the old name there [12:12] if /etc/hostname has the new name, how on earth does the hostname revert to the old one on reboot??? [12:12] i have no idea :) [12:12] what sort of VM is it? [12:12] qemu/kvm [12:13] could there be any scripts running on boot that reinitialize stuff (like the hostname)? [12:13] ive even removed domain-name and host-name from the request section of /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf just in case but no difference [12:13] cloud-init, or whatever? [12:13] nope. ive installed it from iso [12:13] there is docker installed tho [12:14] afx, if you save a file in $HOME or perhaps on the desktop, is it also not present upon reboot? [12:15] JimBuntu: it is being saved [12:17] afx, OK, that rules out any odd configuration for the VM to be clean at each use. [12:19] Change the /etc/hostname file, log the "modified/created" time... reboot... check, is it different [12:19] ive installed another 18.04 (fresh from the initial reboot) [12:20] now i can see that /etc/hostname is not being changed [12:20] on the previous machine perhaps i edit it manually [12:20] in panic :) [12:20] i mean [12:20] ghosts in the machine, please call 1-800-555-2368 for the GhostBusters [12:21] yea :) [12:21] ok so. after i issue the set-hostname command, the /etc/hostname is being changed [12:21] after i reboot it is back with the old name [12:21] weird... [12:22] nuh-huh. that's systemd. [12:22] its evil.. [12:24] so if you change /etc/hostname manually and reboot, will it revert as well? [12:24] yep [12:25] how are you rebooting anyway? are the disks synced and cleanly unmounted? (/me is grasping for straws) [12:25] thats the first thing i tried [12:25] then i use 'reboot' command :) [12:25] if you look in journalctl, does it show the hostname changing? [12:25] somewhere mid-stream during boot? [12:25] hello , i am not able to install certbot on ubuntu 16.04 i get certbot : Depends: python3-certbot (= 0.22.2-1+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+1) but it is not going to be installed [12:27] pagios: pastebin the output of apt-cache policy certbot python3-certbot [12:28] N: Unable to locate package certbot [12:28] N: Unable to locate package python3-certbot [12:29] geirha, [12:30] did you run sudo apt update after adding the ppa? [12:30] yes [12:30] and are you sure you got the package names right? [12:31] yes [12:32] pagios: copy/paste & execute via terminal> inxi -Src0 | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here [12:32] mgedmin: on issuing the command systemd-hostnamed and systemd-resolved say that the hostname is being changed. on reboot systemd-hostnamed is loaded/dead, the systemd-resolved is running and say its using hostname 'oldname' :) so yea definitely systemd is to blame here.. [12:32] https://launchpad.net/~certbot/+archive/ubuntu/certbot?field.series_filter=xenial shows me the PPA has python-certbot, but no certbot/python3-certbot [12:32] because ppa:certbot/certbot contains neither of those two packages [12:33] afx: are you telling me systemd has a special hostname store different from /etc/hostname? [12:33] E: Unable to locate package inxi [12:33] idk. it wasnt like that in 16.04 [12:33] i see this thing in 18 [12:33] loaded/dead is weird [12:33] oh hey it's inactive (dead) here too [12:34] it's dbus-activated, this is normal [12:34] pagios: copy/paste & execute via terminal> sudo apt install inxi [12:35] Package inxi is not available, but is referred to by another package. [12:35] This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or [12:35] is only available from another source [12:35] E: Package 'inxi' has no installation candidate [12:35] pagios: ok, i am out [12:36] you broke my system Two_Dogs [12:36] pagios: i doubt that [12:36] Two_Dogs: ppa:unit193/inxi [12:36] pagios: if you are looking for blame [12:37] Cheez: thnks, i dont want to had to this horror anymore than what i have seen so far [12:37] yeah that makes sense :) [12:39] mgedmin: look: [12:39] root@master2:/etc/cloud# cat cloud.cfg | grep preserve [12:39] preserve_hostname: false [12:39] this keeps hanging 0% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (] [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com] [12:39] i have internet connection, and dns resolves correctly... [12:39] using dns [12:40] Cheez: https://pkgs.org/download/inxi seems like its in ubuntu repos [12:40] afx: that certainly looks suspicious! [12:41] ye and its solved by editing this to true [12:41] a recent upgrade apparently removed my user from the sudoers file and my root account was never enabled for direct login. How do I go about executing commands as root? [12:42] wow thats really weird. it started working after I tried `sudo passwd root` [12:42] weird :) [12:43] I've been sitting here for 20 min trying different passwords for sudo [12:43] the I figured I'd try running `passwd` just to see if it would accept what I thought was my current password. It did. [12:43] then I tried the same exact password with sudo, no luck [12:44] then ran `sudo passwd root` and it gave me a prompt, which I exited [12:44] gave me a prompt after entring my user password. [12:44] now I can run sudo commands [12:47] early into my linux experience i decided /var directory had to be deleted because it looked messy, we all have to learn for ourselves :) === don is now known as Guest22130 [12:58] !ping [12:58] pong! [13:02] cek cek === jorge_ is now known as Guest57745 [13:04] Hi, I installed some apps using the command "make install", but now I want to remove them and don't know how, since they are not listed on ubuntu store. Anyone can help me? [13:08] Guest57745: you can try "make uninstall" if the developer included that, or see the program docs for any info [13:08] spotify in snap stopped working [13:08] !checkinstall | in the future use [13:08] in the future use: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running! [13:08] Guest57745: the above was meant for you ^ about checkinstall [13:12] Hi folks [13:13] does anybody experiences problems with snap today? [13:13] teh synaptic gui app doesn't start... how do i fix that? [13:14] zap0: are you on wayland? [13:14] no idea. im a bit of a linux noob. [13:14] then probably not [13:15] do you need synaptic specifically, or would its replacement, gnome-software, suffice? [13:15] i'd like to just fix what i have here. [13:16] can i do something like apt remove name-of-this-app and re-install it? is that going to help? [13:17] depends on what's broken! [13:17] zap0: copy/paste & execute via terminal> sudo aptitude reinstall synaptic [13:19] certbot : Depends: python3-certbot (= 0.22.2-1+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+1) but it is not going to be installed [13:19] E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages [13:19] i dont appear to have aptitude [13:20] zap0: copy/paste & execute via terminal> sudo apt install aptitude ; sudo aptitude reinstall synaptic [13:21] I turned off the 'show menu bar' in the folder menu. Now that the menu bar isn't showing, I need to restore it. But how? Shortcut or command line? [13:23] can anyone help an IRC noob [13:23] Cheez: /gp pagios aptitude install cerbot [13:23] rw0926 let's hear it, in one line [13:23] pagios: copy/paste & execute via terminal> aptitude install -sy cerbot | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here [13:23] how do I register my nick? I'm used to another client and using the commands I know aren't working [13:23] !register | rw0926 [13:23] rw0926: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode. [13:24] MonkeyDust: TY [13:25] !register | RW0926 [13:25] rw0926, please see my private message [13:25] reading PM [13:29] is there a way to hide an ntfs's SystemVolumeInformation folder in ubuntu's nautilus? As I cannot rename (beginning with a dot) of course? [13:32] I got it.. .creating a file named .hidden and writing these folders to it works :-) LOL === rw0926 is now known as alwayswithanS [13:39] thanks guys, I ve been disconnected for a while but I ve just read your messages [13:42] Hello everyone, and thanks in advance. I need to know if my ubuntu installation is ok, because someone executed this command "apt-get purge 7.*" and i was reading all the packages deleted from apt's history log; the problem is we are not sure if things will go alright after rebooting the server hardware... [13:43] Pcost8300, apt install -s 7.* will show you what you're missing. [13:43] so you can see what ... "someone" ... actually did [13:43] mmm [13:43] ok [13:43] Pcost8300, better yet dont' [13:44] what version of ubuntu have you? [13:44] 14.04 [13:44] Pcost8300, plain vanilla ubuntu? [13:44] sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop will set you straight. [13:44] mm sorry [13:45] ok [13:45] it is ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS [13:45] same same [13:45] ubuntu server, but im through ssh [13:45] ah server! [13:45] wait one [13:46] sudo apt-get install ubuntu-server [13:46] Hi All - I'm having trouble updating my ubuntu 14.04 installation: after running sudo apt-get upgrade I hit this Languaage error: https://pastebin.com/Y7ZBNUcz [13:46] I've tried modifying several locale files, but nothing seems to fit [13:47] is there a blunt way to correct the language settings? [13:47] also, lock down other user privileges? [13:48] Beef_wgtn: pastebin.com is under heavy load and failing for me, can you re-paste to paste.ubuntu.com or some other pastebin site? [13:48] we are changing the server root password, that was the problem, someone entered with those credentials the providers gave us and made modifications without asking. [13:49] there was only root and postgres user when i checked out [13:49] Pcost8300: /var/log/dpkg.log should have a list of all packages installed and removed [13:50] also I recommend etckeeper, so configs in /etc will be automatically versioned in git and you could recover them after an accidental apt purge [13:51] Thanks, here's the other paste: [13:51] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4F3PcHD7Rq/ [13:51] Beef_wgtn: you have a syntax error in your /etc/environment [13:51] I'm guessing spaces around = [13:51] delete them [13:52] if you're not feeling sure, pastebin the contents of /etc/environment and we'll double-check [13:53] mgedmin: Damn that was beautiful! [13:53] Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "cerbot" [14:00] !find cerbot [14:00] Found: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 223 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=cerbot&searchon=names&suite=bionic§ion=all [14:00] lol [14:01] there's no certbot package in ubuntu 16.04, and no cerbot in the certbot ppa (which has python-certbot for 16.04) [14:02] pagios: any reason you're not using the instructions from https://certbot.eff.org/lets-encrypt/ubuntuxenial-apache ? [14:04] so [14:04] yay, i need to use a string literal in the shell with both exclamation marks and single quotes in it [14:05] * Cheez begins the escape nightmare [14:06] Cheez try \" and \! [14:06] ?! [14:06] Cheez try \' and \! <-- for single quotes [14:07] MonkeyDust: if you escape a bang with a \ it includes the \ in the final string too [14:07] because shells and escalamation marks are weird [14:08] ive done it now :) [14:08] history expansion, the russian roulette of unix shells [14:08] 'let me run a random command from your history that matches whatever without any confirmation' [14:08] it's just a pain in the arse, '"'"' in the single quoted string to escape single quotes. [14:09] export FOO='This doesn'"'"'t feel right! but it is' [14:11] pagios: What are you attempting to do? You haven't responded to anyone's follow up questions [14:13] how do I reload the hosts after editing /etc/hosts [14:15] you don't? all new lookups will use the new values from /etc/hosts [14:15] although some applications maintain their own DNS cache, browsers for instance. [14:27] Cheez: Not true, the host file is always checked first, DNS is after a host file lookup fails [14:34] hi is there a way to repair a video copied with mtp that has an error moov atom not found [14:34] Good morning [14:34] asd [14:34] u sap [14:34] I have an issue with ubuntu 18.04, in 2 laptops, with a fresh installation. i think it's a bug. [14:35] how to install chrome witch terminal on ubuntu mate ?_? [14:35] its a bug in login screen, [14:35] !details | tzanolo [14:35] tzanolo: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. [14:35] how to install chrome witch terminal on ubuntu mate ?_? [14:35] !patience | stuxy [14:35] stuxy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ [14:36] stuxy, sudo apt install chromium-browser [14:36] tzanolo: chromium-browser != google chrome [14:36] tzanolo: that's not what stuxy asked [14:36] stuxy: why do you need to do it in the terminal? [14:38] Thanks bro!_! <3 [14:38] Thanks for what? You haven't answered the question [14:39] :/ [14:39] they're predicting the future [14:39] you will help [14:39] think they got that time loop a little wrong [14:40] Is there a simple way to upgrade erlang from 18 to 20? [14:41] Beef_wgtn: We can only support what is available in the package repository. If erlang has a newer version, you can use apt update && apt upgrade to get it [14:46] !info erlang [14:46] erlang (source: erlang): Concurrent, real-time, distributed functional language. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:20.2.2+dfsg-1ubuntu2 (bionic), package size 13 kB, installed size 50 kB [14:48] !info erlang trusty [14:48] erlang (source: erlang): Concurrent, real-time, distributed functional language. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:16.b.3-dfsg-1ubuntu2.2 (trusty), package size 17 kB, installed size 77 kB [14:48] MonkeyDust: they are running Ubuntu 14.04 === Omistaja__ is now known as FMan [14:49] then !backports come to mind [14:51] considering 14.04 is fast approaching EOL,I'd recommend upgrading [14:53] where I can report bug in ubuntu? [14:53] it's wrong text in gui [14:54] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs [14:54] vavkamil: perhaps here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu [14:54] arf too late :) [14:59] Hi can someone help me fix this, i am unable to download any program i always get this error https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Z5cxthwqJw/ [14:59] just upgraded to 18.04 after a flirtation with arch post 16.04 #happy_days [15:00] everything works again [15:00] i tried apt-get -f install" didnt solve the problem === nullbyte_ is now known as nullby73 === nullby73 is now known as nullbyte [15:01] honiop: Try first: sudo apt-get update === nullbyte is now known as nullbyte__ === nullbyte__ is now known as nullbyte_ [15:01] honiop: what third party repos did you add? [15:01] im baaaaack [15:02] I have a basic Question about using ubuntu on windows 10 [15:02] I'm tryna run my first md5sum on my .iso before attempting to install it on another computer [15:03] And I don't know how to navigate yet. [15:03] oof. [15:03] tgm4883; i dont remember i havent used this machine for too long [15:03] honiop: what version of ubuntu is this? [15:04] genii; updating gives me errors at the end of it [15:04] honiop: you're basically in an unsupported configuration [15:05] tgm4883: is there a way to fix it ? without messing up the current installation ? i just need to install wine [15:05] honiop: either A) You installed a third party repo and it's getting some packages from there (more likely), which is unsupported, or you're on an unsupported version of Ubuntu since the version of libc6 it's trying to install is not in a supported version of Ubuntu (less likely) [15:05] honiop: What version of Ubuntu is this? [15:05] NOOBuntu what's the link between navigating and the md5sum ? === SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk [15:06] tgm4883: 15.04 [15:06] I don't know how to move around, or how to locate the .iso to run the md5sum [15:06] !eol | honiop [15:06] honiop: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [15:06] The help page i was trying to follow said to navigate to where the .iso is located [15:06] honiop: Looks like it was the latter of the two options. You need to upgrade [15:06] NOOBuntu well, if you are using windows, I can't help [15:07] honiop: and soon. 15.04 hasn't received updates in around 3 years... [15:07] im using ubuntu IN windows. still no [15:07] ? [15:07] NOOBuntu the ISO is where your browser put it… try opening the folder of the file you downloaded from your browser [15:07] i know where it is within windows. I'm trying to access it using the ubuntu app within windows 10 [15:07] tgm4883: I can't upgrade now, can i fix it without having to upgrade ? [15:07] that i just installed, etc [15:08] honiop: Maybe? It would take a lot of trial and error, and that's assuming that old-releases even has packages for your version anymore [15:08] NOOBuntu how did you install ubuntu in windows ? [15:08] honiop: honestly, I'd probably just wipe and install fresh [15:08] im just looking for a way to verify my download. [15:09] well [15:09] It's complicated. still over my head... but I installed a Windows 10 app [15:10] !wsl | NOOBuntu [15:10] NOOBuntu: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide [15:10] i had to open Windows PowerShell and then enable WSL (which I guess allows users to access bash for administrative purposes...?() [15:10] ubottu yes [15:11] tgm4883: what can i do to fix it should i remove third party repos ?? [15:11] oh that's a boit [15:11] bot* also [15:11] ah okay... [15:11] NOOBuntu: it's a bot, which is trying to tell you we don't support WSL here, not on *this* channel. [15:11] NOOBuntu I think if you downloaded the app, you don't have an ISO [15:11] honiop: I've given you my recommendation, which is to reinstall. You could try disabling third party repos and switching to old-releases. What you can't do is get support for it here [15:12] nicofrand: he has both [15:12] NOOBuntu: Try the WSL specific channel, or use one of the hash checker apps for windows [15:13] NOOBuntu: here's how to verify your download: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-how-to-verify-ubuntu [15:13] tgm4883 thank you. if you can recommend any hash checker apps... or how to use them. I've tried a few and keep running into issues [15:13] im in the ubuntu on windows room now [15:13] tomreyn: that doesn't actually explain where the ISO is though [15:13] NOOBuntu: I can't, as my Windows exists in a VM for work purposes [15:14] that's fine. I appreciate your help nonetheless. I SHALL PERSIST\ [15:14] NOOBuntu: oh you know what, I have WSL installed in my VM [15:14] NOOBuntu: You're C drive is at /mnt/c [15:15] NOOBuntu: so you just need to drill down to the ISO from that point and md5sum it there [15:15] tgm4883: that's right, but "i know where it is within windows", so NOOBuntu may use windows utilities to verify it. [15:15] -bash: /mnt/c: Is a directory [15:15] once certutil -hashfile file.iso , idk if still available [15:15] tomreyn: that tutorial doesn't give any recommendations for windows apps... [15:16] tgm4883: Also, we've directed NOOBuntu to the #ubuntu-on-windows channel... Let's not continue the support here as it isn't supported on this channel please [15:16] how do I change directories [15:16] NOOBuntu: correct [15:16] pragmaticenigma there's nobody there. [15:16] tgm4883 may I direct message you [15:16] ill keep it short [15:17] PMs are not allowed NOOBuntu [15:17] #ubuntu-on-windows [15:17] I'd argue that it is supported here, but I'll just join the other channel [15:17] tgm4883: well there's a windows builds of the utilities discussed on this tutorial, but then it doesn't discuss where to get them and how to use them, so i guess you have a point. === matthiaskrgr is now known as Guest11178 === Guest11178 is now known as matthiaskrgr_ [15:19] NOOBuntu: download your iso from ubuntu.com and you'll be fine. Use Windows to put it on a CD or USB and go to town. [15:20] hello wold [15:35] I got a Ubuntu machine but I don't know what to do with it but I want to do something with it. Any suggestions on what I can do with it? [15:36] leftyfb i've been in here a couple days in a row because i ran into an issue after I DL'd it direct from the site. [15:36] somsone told me it may have been corrupted during DL [15:36] stalle everything ? [15:36] and that I should checksum. so that's Y [15:36] NOOBuntu: just download it again and try again [15:37] stalle: use it like you would use a computer [15:37] stalle: that's not really a support question. Feel free to go to #ubuntu-offtopic to discuss [15:38] 😁 [15:39] hy [15:40] hay all [15:40] sorry newby [15:40] hay hanzo [15:41] I am newbe as well [15:45] leftyfb & nicofrand, I want do something challenging and learn new things in the process. :) [15:47] stalle: ok, you are free to have that discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic === SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL [15:54] i have a question [15:54] didiyeah let's hear it, in one line [15:54] !ask | didiyeah [15:54] didiyeah: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [15:55] !patience [15:55] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ [15:55] ok [15:55] :/ [15:55] so many cliffhangers today [15:58] MonkeyDust: lmao I was trying to remember that shows name but I couldn't remember what comes after Monkey === nat_ is now known as Natkeeran [16:01] Two_Dogs, just upgraded to BigBoobs or whatever the B-name is.. lets hope that fixed it [16:01] zap0: please don't [16:02] hello what is the difference between software updater and sudo apt update? [16:02] it has not :( [16:02] ghi, one is a gui... [16:02] ghi: one has a graphical interface, the other is command line [16:03] so they are just the same [16:03] ghi yes [16:04] one is stuck in the ideas of the 1970s.. [16:05] zap0: please don't [16:05] zap0: do you need help with something? [16:06] 1970s didn't even have Linux :D [16:06] linux is just a kernel === semeion is now known as mnemonic [16:07] zap0: stalle: please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic [16:09] leftyfb: does any VM software support openbsd on Ubuntu? [16:09] stalle: I don't know. You'd have to ask in #openbsd [16:10] I don't see why it wouldn't work [16:10] Ok I heard openbsd has bad support with VMs [16:11] stalle: ok, feel free to discuss it in #openbsd === mkv is now known as m4v === amirpro_ is now known as amirpro [16:22] just upgraded to BB, and it's noticable faster... is that no-code or likely caused by a clean out of old kruft that accumulates over time? [16:22] new-code/ [16:22] I kknow this is not ubuntu topic but can I know how to check the checksum of the app the I installed on my android? [16:23] ghi: try #android === fsk2_ is now known as fsk2 [16:27] sup. It looks like for me the default ubuntu config of ufw is blocking ipv6 neighbour stuff, which means that after a few minutes my Hetzner server usually loses ipv6 connectivity. Any idea how I'd start debugging this? [16:28] CounterPillow: allow icmpv6 [16:29] Hi guys i have ubuntu server using smb for backup , the server has two hdd and want to have the smb ( store files on the second HDD). [16:30] when i install and configure the smba the output shows samba: /usr/sbin/samba /usr/lib/samba /etc/samba /usr/share/samba /usr/share/man/man7/samba.7.gz /usr/share/man/man8/samba.8.gz [16:31] Cryptolock, what output ? [16:31] here's my ip6tables https://0x0.st/seWx.txt [16:34] hi all, i am on xubuntu 16.04.4 LTS and after the Windows 10 Update ( dual boot ) i saw the Emergency Mode. After the journalctl -xb command I found out this Error: Failed to mount Xxx partiton (Which I set up to boot in fstab. After I comment out this line in fstab, I rebooted and saw an Error of not enough space. The command df -h shows 100 % full. How can I expand this Partition? Tnx [16:37] if you have 32bit 14.04, is there an upgrade path to 64bit 18.04? or do you have to wipe and reinstall? [16:37] mitic, maybe you can free some space in /boot (if boot is the issue); if you can't boot in recovery, you need a livecd [16:37] compdoc, you can upgrade, but you would probably need to upgrade a release at a time and it will take a long time. Probably better to reinstall 64 bit. [16:37] ioria, I booted succesfully up in xubuntu [16:38] compdoc, reinstall [16:38] mitic, paste df -h [16:38] some claim it can be done, never seen ubuntu successfully upgrade to 64 bit [16:38] sorry for that ping timeout. As I said, Ubuntu default ufw config seems to block ipv6 neighbour stuff, here's my ip6tables https://0x0.st/seWx.txt and here's some ip -6 things https://0x0.st/seW3.txt [16:39] CounterPillow: I have never seen Ubuntu come with any iptables rules enabled after a default install. [16:39] that's why I said the default ufw rules [16:39] CounterPillow: I have never seen Ubuntu come with any ufw(which uses iptables) rules enabled after a default install. [16:40] ioria, https://pastebin.com/HBM8ZDu7 [16:40] leftyfb: that's why I said default config [16:40] mitic, it not /boot , its / (root) [16:40] check /etc/ufw/before6.rules [16:41] CounterPillow: ok, have you tried rebooting with ufw disabled and see if the issue still comes up? [16:41] mitic, paste ls /boot anyways [16:41] I can just look at the input DROP count as I ping something and see the number rising to know it's the firewall [16:43] the line '[UFW BLOCK] IN=eno1 OUT= MAC= SRC=2a01:04f8:0202:6310:0000:0000:0000:0002 DST=ff15:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:efc0:988f LEN=186 TC=0 HOPLIMIT=1 FLOWLBL=234932' in the logs is also very indicative of it indeed being ufw [16:44] CounterPillow, you can paste sudo ufw status [16:45] https://0x0.st/seWI.txt [16:45] How do I add a idea for a codename for Ubuntu? [16:46] FurretUber: you don't. Mark Shuttleworth comes up with the names. [16:46] ioria, https://pastebin.com/2srJn6jj [16:46] :( is this a lie? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames [16:47] ioria, so right? [16:47] mitic, there's no much to remove there, yes [16:47] FurretUber: so why did you ask the question if you already had an answer? [16:47] FurretUber, you can do a suggestion, maybe SABDFL chooses a name that is not in the list .. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames [16:47] mitic, use ncdu (if installed) to spot the the biggest files [16:48] The problem is I can't edit the wiki, and there are 100 users waiting to be accepted, I'm doubtful I will ever be accepted at this rate [16:48] ioria, it would be better to expand this partition. Better to resize it under windows first? [16:49] FurretUber: I think #ubuntu-website might be able to help you with how to edit the wifi [16:49] wiki* [16:49] ioria, I remember you helped me months before with my network problem on my new HP Laptop. So Thank you very much! [16:50] mitic, no problem, yes, better under win [16:51] mitic, paste sudo parted -l === LadyMacbeth is now known as DomineJuliette [17:02] ioria, https://pastebin.com/057JdaVc [17:05] mitic: you can run "export LANG=C" to make applications output text in english language. [17:09] ioria, in english https://pastebin.com/j4b2x1dn [17:10] 17 gb is pretty small for an ubuntu install [17:15] mitic, uh oh ... https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/8ke0vq/win10_spring_update_screwed_up_grub/ [17:15] Win10 spring Update screwed up Grub. [17:15] fix = boot-repair [17:16] ioria ^^ [17:18] Can anyone tell me what the equivalent 'apt-get -y upgrade' is for 'apt upgrade'? 'apt -y upgrade' does not skip the Y/N prompt. Thanks [17:18] oerheks, i booted succesfully in Xubuntu. fsck command stucked at "reached target swap" [17:18] oerheks, when I tried to fix im recovery mode [17:19] oerheks, can I run older version of ubuntu and fix with boot - repair? tnx :) [17:19] mitic, worth the try [17:20] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair [17:20] oerheks, ioria I will report, tnx [17:20] 2nd option, install it in a live ubuntu iso [17:22] sseann: i'm not sure if there is one, tbh [17:24] sseann: "apt" is a wrapper that invokes the other "apt-*" tools. If you are attempting to automate, it is documented you should use the actual "apt-*" program and not use "apt" [17:24] pragmaticenigma: apt isn't a wrapper. [17:24] pragmaticenigma: apt is a completely different program. [17:24] pragmaticenigma, thank you for that info. I was under the impression that we were supposed to only use 'apt' from now on. [17:24] pragmaticenigma: you are correct that apt does warn you not to use it in scripts [17:26] nacc: thanks for the clarification (CC: sseann ) [17:27] man page of apt(8): The apt command is meant to be pleasant for end users and does not need to be backward compatible like apt-get(8). [17:29] !info apt-get bionic [17:29] Package apt-get does not exist in bionic [17:29] uhoh [17:32] pdftk was removed in bionic, which is one of my work horses. Good thing is the debs from 17.10 work just fine. [17:32] im trying to download a torrent file to external HD using transmission, it works for a few secs then stops with an error, i think it is because the HD mounts up at the same time which prevents transmission dl to it, any ideas? [17:32] pragmaticenigma: its in the apt package. [17:32] * pragmaticenigma goes whew! [17:33] markie--: is there anything in 'dmesg -T' output on this? [17:33] b-yeezi: appears it was dropped from the repos in 18.04... would ghostscript be an acceptable stand in? [17:34] markie--: also, what Is the error? [17:34] markie--: Does transmission have the ability to specify a "leeching" and "seeding" folder? (or downloading and completed) [17:34] tomreyn: transmission gives me a permission denied error [17:35] markie--: well then we probably have no reason not to believe it lacks permission. [17:36] markie--: how do you mount the partitions on the external drive, is the user running transmission able to write to it? [17:39] tomreyn: yes, it kind of works for a moment, download a little bit, even shows the parts of the torrent/folder on HD, but then stops due to permission error [17:39] i think it auto mounts [17:42] markie--: use the "mount" command and paste the line about the file system mounted form the external drive. also run "ps awx | grep transmission" and post the user (first column) running transmission [17:43] markie--: can you write a regular file to the external harddrive? [17:43] markie--: chances are transmission never actually stores anything to the file system on the external disk but just caches the download, and once it tries to write it fails. [17:44] had the same line of thinking tomreyn [17:44] ;-) [17:48] pragmaticenigma: yes i can write a text file to it. i think the hd automounts at the same time during dl and brings a conflict? [17:49] markie--: once a drive is mounted, it's mounted... what do you mean "automounts" [17:51] pragmaticenigma: if you plug it in then that little box comes up asking if you want to explore the hd, that happens again when transmission starts to write to it [17:52] markie--: is the drive entering a sleep state? [17:52] or standby [17:52] pragmaticenigma: maybe? [17:53] markie--: If you want a volume to always be available for applications to write to then you should add it to your /etc/fstab so that it gets mounted automatically at boot. [17:53] !fstab | markie-- [17:53] markie--: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.pclosmag.com/html/Issues/200709/page07.html and !Partitions [17:54] Jordan_U: that makes sense if the drive is intended to stay with the machine. It may not help with the issue the drive isn't available when an application goes to write to the drive [17:54] ok, maybe it's a transmission issue. should i try a different client [17:56] markie--: I don't believe a change in client will make a difference... If the drive has a status light, usually steady means the drive is online, blinking is standby... does that happen? [17:57] pragmaticenigma: ahh the status light goes off after awhile [17:58] markie--: so the issue is the drive is entering a lower power state to conserve energy. You will need to look up the documentation on the drive to see if there is a way to turn that feature off. It may require Windows to do so [17:58] omg [18:00] markie--: it is possible mounting the drive with fstab might prevent that, but I have my doubts [18:00] pragmaticenigma: markie--: windows? hdparm won't suffice? [18:01] yea, the light comes on during plug in, then after a whle it flashes then goes off [18:02] markie--: is it a PSU issue ? [18:02] shouldn't it just stay on when it's being written to though [18:03] Ubuntu 16.04>unity Want to move file from /home/ray/Documents...to 47 gb volume need how to!! [18:03] mitic, sy, was requested elsewhere ; how you going ? === Trystam is now known as Tristam [18:04] texla: is your 47gb volume mounted? just use nautilus and drag and drop? [18:05] i plugged in the laptop charger [18:05] let see [18:05] nacc Thanks for the info [18:05] oh a laptop! [18:07] markie--: It's possible it has a short timeout... also, is it being powered by it's own power source or from the USB? [18:08] YES! GOT IT [18:09] ok had to leave mounted window open for transmission recognize it and had to plug charger in [18:10] usb powered, it;s on a lenovo ideapad [18:10] hd is a toshiba 1tb [18:11] markie--: The USB port isn't providing enough power to sustain that harddrive. Or the laptop in an effort to concerve battery power is shutting off power feed to the USB device [18:11] ^ [18:11] pragmaticenigma: yup [18:14] damn it [18:14] it happened again with an input /output error [18:15] status light is still on [18:15] markie--, dmesg | tail [18:16] markie--: and paste the output to paste.ubuntu.com [18:17] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/M6fytNcSdP/ [18:18] markie--, the disk is partitioned ? [18:19] no? [18:20] markie--, uname -r [18:20] the hd also went off again even though charger is in [18:21] markie--, what is you kernel ? uname -r [18:22] 4.15.0-20-generic [18:23] markie--, do you have a double-usb cable , by any chances? [18:24] nope [18:24] [n0mad], [18:25] markie--, well, i'd plug it in another pc, to test the functionality [18:26] it works on my pc. what ill try is dling a big file to desktop and mv it over to hd and see if it works [18:28] markie--: u have said for the past half hour it keeps powering off!!! [18:29] markie--, so, it's mounted ? [18:29] markie--: and how are u gonna move a file to a raw drive, as again u said it hasn't been partitioned so it isn't formatted either [18:29] markie--, you can check (and paste) ' mount ' [18:31] this sucks [18:31] hello, how can I purge a snap's data? [18:33] mine, i don't use snap , but you remove them (not purge) ; they are contained [18:33] that doesn't remove their data [18:34] if i reinstall it retains the data [18:34] I want to remove the data [18:34] mine: which snap? [18:34] bitwarden [18:34] if you remove a snap, the data (if in home/user/snap/snapname) the data is removed [18:35] sure, but it reappears when I install the snap again. I'm still logged in with bitwarden even if I have removed it [18:35] yup, if you snap remove bitwarden, the directory is gone [18:35] interesting [18:35] and I'm having an issue with launching it through the shortcut [18:35] I get an error message [18:36] but if I click the executable in /snap/bitwarden/4/app it launches [18:36] i'd file an issue against the upstream github repo [18:36] ah, dont do that [18:36] you're launching it outside confinement [18:36] I see [18:36] which will write to your home directory [18:36] and thats why the data is being kept [18:36] I have done a sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade && sudo apt autoremove and then I did a sudo do-release-upgrade... it says that there is no release found. lsb_release -a gives "Description: Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS"... I am confused. [18:37] so I have to delete the files that have been written to /home? [18:37] yeah [18:37] normally you dont have to [18:37] I will look into it [18:37] Ascavasaion: we don't make LTS to LTS upgrades enabled until the .1 release, so 18.04.1 in July [18:37] Ascavasaion: but you can force the upgrade if you want [18:37] !upgrades [18:37] For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade [18:38] popeycore: sudo d- [18:38] popeycore: sudo do-release-upgrade -d works... should I continue? [18:39] Ascavasaion: yes, if you want to upgrade, that will work [18:39] thank you popeycore [18:39] no problemo [18:40] ok, so I moved the folder /home/snap/bitwarden to the trash, but it reappeared when I install the snap... am I not supposed to launch snaps through the terminal either? [18:40] hang on. [18:41] when you launch the snap, the /home/foo/snap/bitwarden directory will be created, this is normal [18:41] you can launch the app 3 ways [18:41] 1) type bitwarden in the terminal [18:41] 2) type snap run bitwarden in the terminal [18:41] 3) launch it from the gui, clicking the icon [18:41] however you do that, you'll end up with a bitwarden folder under home/foo/snap and that's normal [18:41] what's the goal mine ? [18:42] here's the error message I'm getting [18:42] https://github.com/bitwarden/desktop/issues/89 [18:42] I'm not sure if it's a bitwarden issue or a snap issue [18:42] other snaps are working just fine [18:42] the goal is for it to launch via terminal or the shortcut [18:43] odd, bitwarden launches fine here on 18.04 [18:43] yeah, it did for me too, but then it suddenly stopped [18:44] markie--: did you solve this, yet? since i may have a solution about the disk going to atandby (if you really think it does) [18:44] I'm using some gnome extensions and themes, but that shouldn't effect it...? I'm just thinking about the gtk errors it gives [18:44] those arent errors, most apps give that [18:44] tomreyn: im mving a big file over to it now and it's staying on [18:44] I see [18:45] mine: i suspect that because you ran it outside of confinement, you have a ~/.config/Bitwarden ? [18:45] markie--: that's not ananswer to the question i asked, though. [18:45] I ran it outside of confinement after this issue though, not before [18:45] but I will check [18:45] sure, there's two issues here [18:45] 1) why it doesn't launch, and 2) why data is retained on uninstall [18:46] yes, I do have a .config/bitwarden [18:46] should I delete that? [18:46] if you want to start from scratch, sure [18:46] ok, thanks [18:46] np [18:47] tomreyn: it failed [18:47] markie--: what failed? [18:47] tomreyn: the file move [18:48] tomreyn: the mount box thing came up [18:48] markie--: okay, so it's not an issue about going to sleep, then the solution i had in mind wont help you [18:48] hmm, I still get the error [18:48] what about: # Fatal error in ../../v8/src/snapshot/snapshot.h, line 28# Check failed: IsSane(). ? [18:49] markie--: it's probbaly a communication issue due to a broken cable, connector or drive. [18:50] mine: that doesnt look good, I'd update the github issue. [18:50] you're talking to the dev, he's the best person to debug it :) [18:50] feel free to ping me on the github issue if it turns out to be snap related, I'm popey on github [18:50] so it's positively a bitwarden issue, not a snap issue? [18:50] ok, thanks [18:52] tomreyn: ok i just tried a different usb port and the transfer worked [18:53] is the correct way to delete these files to right click on the folder and remove to trash? Or are the left over files? is there a command I should use? [18:54] mine you can use terminal ; if interested : https://github.com/bitwarden/desktop/issues/56 [18:55] I got a question [18:55] tomreyn: ill try transmission again on this new usb port and see [18:55] I'm trying to file a couple package bugs and have created a Launchpad account which seems to let me browse existing bugs, but I don't see a link to create a new bug? [18:55] how do i change my WM without changeing my DE [18:55] Where is the link to report a new bug? [18:56] downwardSpiral, wmctrl can do that [18:57] !bug | rivyn [18:57] rivyn: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [18:57] ioria: looks like that particulary issue should have been fixed in 1.2.0? or is there anything I could do? [18:57] ubottu: I'm using ubuntu on servers, not my desktop [18:57] rivyn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [18:57] @leftyfb [18:58] mine sy, no idea [18:59] I have to use a UI from an Ubuntu desktop? There is no web interface to file a bug in Ubuntu Server? [18:59] nevermind, I finally found it. [19:00] apport [19:00] rivyn: reportbug [19:00] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug/?no-redirect [19:01] rivyn: it's better to file a big against a project than all of ubuntu [19:01] rivyn: what's the issue? [19:01] the issues are with the fence-agents and pcs packages [19:02] ok, then open up those projects on launchpad and click on "Report a bug" [19:04] rivyn: also, the ubuntu-bug application works just fine on a server without a GUI [19:05] tomreyn: ok it worked, must of been a dodgy usb port, maybe the 2.0/3.0 ting [19:05] thing* === Ormm is now known as Guest87485 === Guest87485 is now known as Ormm [19:26] hey guys, weird question, but i need to figure out what this 732 MB (windows units) partition is on my drive, from windows [19:26] there's a 512 MB EFI partition, 732 MB unknown, and then the LUKS encrypted main partition [19:27] stairmast0r: that's a ##windows question [19:27] wondering if it's safe to delete the 732 MB on this dual-boot work laptop before turning it in [19:27] Maybe you should ask the windows channel [19:27] stairmast0r: since Ubuntu didn't put it there [19:27] and you even said "from Windows" [19:27] It is probably some OEM recovery thing though [19:27] leftyfb: i need to figure out what it is while booted into windows, i mean [19:28] stairmast0r: then again, that question has no business in #ubuntu [19:28] it's sandwiched between EFI and the main ubuntu partition. i installed windows on its own partition at the end of the disk [19:28] stairmast0r: please go to ##windows for help with that. It's not related to Ubuntu in any way. [19:29] dude [19:29] i came here hoping someone familiar with ubuntu could identify it as a standard partition that's created during ubuntu installation, or not [19:29] it's not [19:29] thank you [19:30] oh, wait [19:30] although if you're turning in a work laptop, why wouldn't you just shred the whole disk? [19:30] I misread your warning [19:30] why does it matter where it came from [19:31] stairmast0r: Why not boot an Ubuntu USB/CD and see what's on the partition? [19:31] it could be /boot, right? [19:31] I feel like stairmast0r is not telling us something [19:31] could be, but if he's asking, I doubt it [19:31] they said this was a work machine that is being returned [19:31] wipe the disk, why do you need any data on it? [19:31] nacc: they're specifically asking for it back intact, for some reason [19:31] so on ubuntu, how do I make the boot not wait 5 minutes to raise the network interfaces [19:31] stairmast0r: intact as to what? [19:31] stairmast0r: it came as a dual boot? [19:31] stairmast0r: its probably the windows rescue partition [19:31] however i haven't used ubuntu on it in quite a while, so i'm wiping that out before giving it back. [19:32] stairmast0r: why not just reinstall windows on the whole disk like it was when you first got it? [19:33] rymate1234: https://askubuntu.com/questions/773973/ubuntu-16-04-system-boot-waits-saying-raise-network-interfaces [19:33] rymate1234: I searched google for "ubuntu network wait 5 minutes" [19:33] sigh [19:33] maybe I should've tried that [19:33] stairmast0r: guarantee you its not related to ubuntu. [19:33] alright well it's gone now [19:33] thanks for your help, whoever actually helped [19:34] and this is why we do this :) [19:35] bask in the glory of the thanks [19:38] leftyfb, sorry for lacking common sense today, that worked, thanks! [19:54] can sublime-text run on ubuntu server [19:56] xirg: I mean, you'd have to install a GUI, etc, but I don't see why not [19:56] o i mean without a gui [19:56] xirg: sublime-text is a GUI application and has no business on a production server [19:56] prob not, right? [19:56] yea thats what i thought [19:56] xirg: no, it's a GUI application [19:56] xirg: it's a GUI application, so no [19:56] use vi [19:56] okie dokies [19:56] jinx. [19:57] lol [20:00] how to i transfer files to/from my iphone? [20:00] without rooting, that is [20:01] you can run an ftp server from your computer and transfer themn that way [20:01] wizwizwizwiz: icloud.com or something like dropbox or google photos [20:01] wizwizwizwiz: why do you need to? [20:01] i need to transfer ssh keys [20:01] there's no way in hell im putting my ssh keys on cloud services [20:01] wizwizwizwiz: copy/paste [20:01] email them lol [20:01] copy paste? [20:02] wizwizwizwiz: email/text/dropbox/pushbullet the ssh key to your phone, copy it and paste it into the application [20:02] wizwizwizwiz, your phone isnt recognized when you plug it into the computer? [20:02] glitchd: no, and it won't be. Especially not the way he's trying to do [20:03] leftyfb, why would the phone be recognized and mounted when plugged in via usb cable? [20:03] *wouldnt [20:03] because iOS doesn't work like that [20:04] iOS doesn't support browsing its filesystem [20:04] ...when i plug my iphone in, ip pops up on my desktop and i can open it [20:04] there were a few things in had to install to get that to happen tho [20:05] it didnt happen automatically [20:06] glitchd: please feel free to share :-) it may help out wizwizwizwiz's problem [20:06] i also tried transferring photos back and forth from my phone over usb and had no luck [20:06] * wizwizwizwiz is a moderately experienced linux user [20:06] pragmaticenigma, well i dont use the iphone regularly, it just an mp3 player for my car [20:07] glitchd: what'd you use? [20:07] leftyfb: the stuff you are suggesting is ridiculously insecure [20:07] leftyfb: i hope you don't do that for any professional work [20:07] wizwizwizwiz: I've been doing it for years. Feel free to exploit it . [20:07] sftp is a possibility [20:08] wizwizwizwiz, it was either thunar, or i installed itunes in a virtual w7 machine, i dont remember exactly, but i do know that my iphone is recognized and mounted when i plug it in to my laptop [20:08] i find that vms and usb don't mix well usually [20:08] glitchd: installing iTunes in VM is in no way the same as saying it "pops up on my desktop" [20:08] in ubuntu [20:09] wizwizwizwiz: Is it not possible to find a SSH client for iPhone that is able to generate it's own key pair that you can then transfer to the server?? [20:09] leftyfb, no, its not. [20:09] pragmaticenigma: it is [20:09] terminus does it [20:09] it also allows you to paste in your keys [20:09] leftyfb, it pops up as an icon on my xubuntu desktop when i plug it in. [20:09] leftyfb, without launching the vm [20:10] leftyfb, but like i said, i only use it for music, so i only use itunes with it and thats in the vm [20:11] glitchd: I have my iphone mount in nautilus when I plug it in. "Contains digital photos" which is empty. You cannot do anything with it. You MIGHT be able to download pictures using Shotwell, but that by no means helps with copying an ssh key into an iOS application [20:11] leftyfb, true enough. [20:12] pretty sure it's also read-only [20:12] leftyfb, im not by any means an iphone user, it was a 32gb iphone4 that was free and my car has iphone integration, thats the only reason i use it. [20:22] how do i scan long receipts? my scanner is Fujitsu Scansnap iX500, OS is ubuntu 16.04, it cuts off at 1 page on linux, works fine on windows, but just realized simple scan doesn't adjust to the size, it's always expecting 8.5x11 [20:27] jnewt: it's up to your scanner to provide that data to simplescan [20:27] jnewt: my scanner gives me several pages sizes (Im on 18.04, but it did this with a different scanner on 16.04 as well) [20:29] jnewt: fujitsu also appears to provide a driver/app etc [20:31] nacc: my page size is set to automatic, but it doesn't actually adjust to whatever is scanned. none of the pre-sets match what I have. [20:32] when i set to automatic in windows, it crops the pdf to the actual size of whatever is scanned. I guess automatic means something else here? (or it's just broken) === pisi is now known as Guest36017 [20:41] How to export display through ssh on Ubuntu? It gives errors [20:42] Do I need to give permissions to anything? [20:43] Hello everyone - I am using nftables along with its nat capabilities and iptables_nat keeps getting loaded automatically on every boot which breaks my nftables config. What's the recommended way to permanently blacklist a module on Ubuntu 16.04 ? [20:44] stalle: what do you mean export display? [20:45] test [20:45] j-em: have you tried https://askubuntu.com/questions/110341/how-to-blacklist-kernel-modules?utm_medium=organic&utm_source=google_rich_qa&utm_campaign=google_rich_qa [20:45] odroid: failed [20:45] j-em: https://askubuntu.com/questions/149629/how-do-i-prevent-iptables-from-loading-on-boot [20:45] leftyfb: I want to use display of a remote server. [20:45] i installed ubuntu to 3 different pc. dell n5110, dell xps 9350 and msi ms-16gc. Dell n5110 is ok but dell xps and msi too slow everything is laggy games have fps drops. and i tried fedora 28. all computers are ok no lag and fast. what is your think about this problem [20:46] j-em: found by searching google for "blacklist iptables module" [20:46] Guest36017: video drivers [20:46] stalle: what do you mean exactly> [20:47] stalle: to back leftyfb up. I'm not entirely sure what your end goal is either [20:47] Ok [20:48] dell xps only intel graphic, msi nvidia 765m(driver installed) [20:49] Guest36017: which version of ubuntu? [20:49] leftyfb: 180.04 [20:49] leftyfb & tgm4883 https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/12755/how-to-forward-x-over-ssh-to-run-graphics-applications-remotely [20:50] stalle: nope. That does not explain what you are trying to do. What is your end goal? [20:50] I tried that but got permission denied error [20:50] 😐 [20:50] stalle: you'll need to post the error [20:50] stalle: what is your end goal? You have a local machine and a remote machine. What do you want to happen? [20:50] stalle: that works fine on a standard 18.04 install [20:51] No, I have a remote server [20:51] leftyfb: using that link, they have a remote host with graphical applications. They want to run the remote hosts graphical applications on the local host [20:51] tgm4883: I get what the link is doing [20:52] stalle: are you trying to run a GUI application running on a remote server to display on your local machine? [20:52] tgm4883: I did try this, and this is not doing anything. [20:52] lsmod still shows iptable_nat being loaded when I reboot. [20:52] leftyfb: Yes [20:53] j-em: did you try the link I gave you? [20:53] stalle: ssh -X -t "firefox" [20:53] tgm4883: I tried that on 16.04. Does it not work on 16.04? [20:54] stalle: requirements: the remote machine needs to have the application you're trying to run along with the necessary xorg libraries installed [20:54] tgm4883: not if you're running wayland [20:54] you need to be running xorg [20:54] leftyfb: well why would you want to use wayland ;) [20:54] leftyfb: i'm already doing that on every boot [20:54] wayland doesn't support X forwarding. Amongst a TON of others features (hint: not ready for prime-time) [20:55] Yes, I tried xorg [20:55] stalle: stick with xorg [20:55] stalle: it's worked on all the versions I've ever tried it on going back to 7.10 [20:55] stalle: with xorg and ssh -X , what error are you getting? [20:55] stalle: hint: paste errors with more than 1 line to paste.ubuntu.com [20:55] I deleted the whole setup a while back. I need to set it up again. [20:56] :/ [20:56] ... [20:56] stalle: please don't ask for support for a "setup" you no longer than access to [20:56] than/have* [20:56] "Let me ask you a question I have no real way to troubleshoot" [20:56] that said, gotta go [20:57] sorry, it won't take long [21:03] hi [21:03] pictures my sister in bikini - https://volafile.org/r/jt77w9w8 [21:03] I tested Xubuntu 18.04 and I have a little BUG here: setting acceleration speeds in Mouse and Touchpad works for the touchpad but not for the trackpoint. It doesnt change speeds and its way too sensitive [21:04] hi [21:04] I have a trackpoint as well [21:04] I am going to google it [21:04] maybe you can download a fix [21:05] macro0: would be nice =) [21:06] have you tried anything related to something called udev rules? [21:06] macro0: it works under 16.04 - i can change settings there and it will be set. but playing with speed settings for trackpoint in 18.04 does nothing [21:07] macro0: no not changed anything with udev rules [21:09] how many time to upgrade frrom 13 to 14 [21:09] 5 h [21:10] hany_: 13 to 14 of what? [21:11] ubunto stoudio [21:11] this tack more time to upgrade [21:12] i in step 3 [21:12] hany_: are you sure about these version numbers? the current ubuntu tudio release is 18.04, and i don't think there ever were "13" or "14". [21:12] leftyfb & tgm4883: it is working now. I probably didn't do something right the last time. [21:13] i in getting new packages [21:14] hany_: you seem to be upgrading from some release which has been end of life for many years (13.xx where xx is either 04 or 10) to one which will be end of life very soon (14.04). [21:15] hany_: if this is what you are doing then you'd better backup your data and install a current version. [21:15] An entire year is soon ? [21:16] Are you sure that is a complete sentence? [21:16] xamithan: you're right, it's almost another year of support for some of ubuntu 14.04 lts [21:16] xamithan: generally with only a year of support left is when you would start planning your upgrade to the next version [21:17] It's probably worth noting however that ubuntu studio 14.04 probably doesn't have 5 years of support [21:17] Why? [21:18] you can run ubuntu-support-status on a full ypatched system to find out about your support status [21:18] Yea, Ubuntu Studio 14.04 is already out of support as well [21:18] low number of users? [21:19] stalle: because the creators of it only wanted to support it for X time and that time has passed [21:19] Because canonical doesn't support it [21:20] I thought even number versions have 5 years of support [21:20] Ubuntu Studio currently has a lack of manpower, which has necessitated a shorter support cycle for the time being. We are working to remedy that in upcoming releases [21:21] stalle: no, LTS releases of Ubuntu have 5 years of support. Flavors support length differs [21:21] hello [21:22] I see [21:22] why window managers use so much CPU? [21:22] gnome, kde etc. [21:22] stalle: that's true for all flavors. Even Kubuntu only offers 3 years support [21:22] is a curse... [21:22] macro0: found anything ? [21:23] fetching file 100 of 2294 at 30.6 kb/s please kill me . [21:23] hany_: one of the many reasons you should install an up to date version from scratch after backing up your data [21:23] hany_: analoge modem ;o) ? [21:24] labh: it depends on your system and usage. [21:24] i in egypt [21:25] a window manager is design to help the user and protect the CPU [21:25] not the opposite [21:25] internt old man [21:26] labh: is there a support question in there or did you come here to complain? [21:26] i want to know why? [21:26] labh: well you'll need to provide some details [21:26] !details [21:26] Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. [21:27] Outy, try changing the values in /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/serio2/speed [21:27] hany_: if you're in north africa, there's https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/ubuntu.mirror.tn-archive2 - in case you're currently using mirror servers which are further away from you. [21:28] to something like w /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/serio2/speed - - - - 255 [21:29] because I think in ubuntu it doesnt distinguish sensitivity from speed under the mouse& touchpad settings [21:29] labh: in my experience, the window manager does not consume cpu excessively. [21:30] and then you can run this apparently to enforce the command $ sudo systemd-tmpfiles --prefix=/sys --create [21:30] labh: so, as tgm4883 said, you need to actually provide details instead of vague comments. [21:30] macro0: thanks i'll have a look into it [21:30] let me know [21:30] I am about to install ubuntu later this evening on my x201 [21:30] which laptop do you have [21:31] iḿ using openbox with tint2 and conky [21:31] macro0: X201 =9 [21:31] macro0: X201 =) [21:32] is the only efficient iǘe found [21:32] i' ve [21:32] coincidence Outy [21:32] labh: is it an older laptop, maybe a weaker graphics card? [21:32] is there a common problem on gpu crashing after 18.04 upgrade? [21:32] nacc: i5 8GB [21:33] Edisto: upgrade from what? [21:33] 17.10 [21:33] gnome [21:33] Edisto: using nvidia? [21:33] amd [21:33] r9 fury [21:33] Edisto: or what do you mean by 'gpu crashing' ? [21:33] nacc: intel hd4000 [21:33] arifacts on screen then it goes in a loop of the startup prompts [21:33] macro0: yeahh ^^ be aware: hdaps not working right now under 18.04, and trackpoint speed buggy [21:34] Edisto: so you never get to the login screen? [21:34] no [21:34] Edisto: I don't believe that is a 'common' experience. Anything obvious in your logs (I'd check /var/log/syslog at least) [21:35] macro0: i have: /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio0 and serio1 but no speed inside this folders [21:35] nacc: hmmm... trying to avoid reinstall. I can set to nomodeset then try to get in but after that what should I tinker with [21:35] does anyone else think that when the "Show Applications" button is pressed (bottom left), the animation is laggy? [21:36] (GNOME, 18.04) [21:36] Edisto: you can't even get to a tty now? (ctrl+alt+f3) [21:36] luxio: it's fine here [21:37] nacc: didn't try f3 but f2 loops back into f1 with the arifact crash [21:37] is there a way to disable the animation [21:37] Edisto: try any of them, don't just give up after the first one :) [21:37] Edisto: s/any/all/ [21:37] Edisto: that is, in 18.04, i think tty1 is gdm, tty2 is the first user session and then tty3 and on are running normal gettys [21:37] Edisto: are you using the binary driver? [21:38] or at least speed it up? it takes about a second for that animation to complete which is too much when i just want to start an application [21:38] whatever driver comes default. I just freshly updated from 17.10 [21:38] luxio: probably with the appropriate tweak tool? [21:39] oh, found it. gnome tweak tool > appearance > animations > off [21:40] Edisto: give this a try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD [21:40] feels much faster now [21:40] Edisto: the instructions from section 5.1 [21:40] Edisto: thats a pretty new card, right? [21:40] matjam: yeah 2 years old [21:41] luxio: cool [21:41] hey [21:41] Edisto: It can take a while for the open source drivers to catch up, so I'd give the vendor's drivers a try [21:41] Edisto: this is a desktop system right? [21:41] of course, its an r9 [21:41] der [21:42] Outy, http://nrvale0.github.io/posts/adjusting-thinkpad-trackpoint-sensitivity-on-ubuntu-1604-and-others/ [21:42] this is where i got the info from [21:43] just incase you want to check it out [21:43] Edisto: If you can't boot into a graphical desktop reliably to do the work, let me know [21:43] okie I'll be back one way or another on linux lol [21:43] rebooting =D [21:43] Edisto: we'll get you working ;-) [21:45] test [21:45] Outy: success [21:46] matjam: what success =) ? [21:46] Outy: you tested [21:46] matjam: yes you're right - ther was a big irc lag here on my side [21:48] Outy, I read from another 18.04 user that you must have xserver-xorg-input-synaptics [21:48] he writes "On my Thinkpad W520 I simply go System Manager/ Hardware/ HID??/ Mouse/ Advanced and select a different acceleration. [21:48] 1x is like molasses, 10x is quite acceptable and 20 is the max." [21:49] macro0: is that a path or program [21:50] hi all [21:51] I have a problem with my keyboard [21:51] macro0: found that website the info is on. reading it right niw [21:51] yeah [21:51] https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php/68226-ThinkPad-trackpoint-adjust-speed-and-sensitivity [21:51] I am sp layout but when I press < button I get \ [21:52] https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics [21:52] if I show the keyboard layout it is right [21:52] it happen only with that key [21:55] macro0: found a very good way: synclient [21:55] synclient - commandline utility to query and modify Synaptics driver options. [21:56] do u have a link [21:56] Outy, [21:56] i am downloading it now [21:57] macro0: synclient is already installed by default. but now i see i can only change values for the touchpad, not trackpoint [21:57] oh [21:58] Outy, so your trackpoint is still sensitive [21:58] ? [21:59] suprisingly not even nomodeset worked. It just repeated in a loop turning black then back to the command prompt [22:00] macro0: found this: https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Trackpoint/#Configure-Trackpoint [22:00] i'm guessing something is corrupted or conflicting [22:00] Edisto: try "text" [22:00] Edisto: maybe "nomodeset text" [22:00] Outy, looks promising [22:04] macro0: it is, its a gui for the settings you mentioned earlier... thank you =) [22:04] matjam: trying to figure out what I'm fixing if I get in through the prompt? I'm guessing I should just run ext2fsd and get all my stuff and reinstall [22:04] Outy, wow a gui! I will be using this then [22:04] Outy, thanks for sharing! [22:06] i'll try it right now.. will logout / login [22:06] Edisto: well maybe do a fresh install would rule out anything that got messed up in the upgrade [22:06] Edisto: maybe boot from the install image for 18.04 [22:07] Edisto: that will tell you if there's any hardware issue, and then you can do the fsck from there and then backup your stuff, do a reinstall [22:11] why the scroll lock is always on ? [22:11] and I can't unset it ? [22:12] matjam: yeah... looks like I have no choice I can't see my files from windows using any program >.< [22:12] macro0: had no effect in 16.04 i'll try it tomorrow on 18.04 - i'll go to bed now. see you macro0 - wish you good luck with 18.04 on your x201 (best laptop ever made) =) [22:12] Edisto: well, boot off a usb stick, I think its the safest course [22:20] I have a problem on 18.04. When I'm typing, half of the time it's smooth, but randomly it just freezes for about a half of a second. Anyone know why I'm experiencing this? [22:22] luxio: no, but take a look at the output of "dmesg -T | tail" as well as "tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log" (or post it to a pastebin) [22:22] luxio: is this on any program, or just some? [22:22] http://termbin.com/cn9v [22:23] tail: cannot open '/var/log/Xorg.0.log' for reading: No such file or directory [22:23] tomreyn: I've noticed it on both HexChat and GNOME Terminal. [22:23] luxio: take a look at all of dmesg - if it keeps spilling these lines many times per secondthen this can be why. [22:24] wait a sec [22:24] I think it happens when I press apostrophe? [22:24] or question mark? [22:24] i don't know. is this on wayland, since you don't have /var/log/Xorg.0.log? [22:24] xorg [22:24] weird, then you should have the log. [22:25] how do I double check? [22:25] also yeah I' [22:25] I've noticed that it freezes when pressing question mark or apostrophe [22:25] is there ayn similar log? ls /var/log/Xorg.*.log [22:25] no [22:25] which ubuntu release is this? [22:25] lsb_releas -ds [22:25] lsb_release -ds [22:25] ubuntu@desktop:~/Downloads$ locate Xorg.0.log [22:25] /home/ubuntu/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log [22:26] Ubuntu 18.04 LTS [22:26] did you build X yourself? [22:26] no [22:26] hmm then i guess the log location must have changed in 18.04 [22:26] here's the xorg log: http://termbin.com/qwvl [22:27] or the tail [22:27] what about dmesg, does it keep adding those entries? [22:27] yeah it does [22:28] it also happens when I press comma [22:28] so comma, question mark, apostrophe [22:28] hola, tengo un problema con tor, alguien me puede ayudar? [22:28] did you install gnome-system-omonitor from a snap? [22:28] !es | wtr300 [22:28] wtr300: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. [22:28] gracias [22:28] tomreyn: I don't think I did [22:29] is the system full ypatched? [22:29] There's a "gnome-system-monitor" directory in ~/snap [22:29] so it may be a snap [22:30] yes it is, and it's installed by default, i just leaqrnt [22:30] so, fully patched? [22:31] not sure, how do I check? [22:31] sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade [22:32] running that updated some packages [22:32] such as? [22:32] The following packages will be upgraded: [22:32] curl firefox firefox-locale-en gnome-initial-setup gnome-keyring [22:32] gnome-keyring-pkcs11 libcurl3-gnutls libcurl4 libpam-gnome-keyring [22:32] python3-software-properties snapd software-properties-common [22:32] software-properties-gtk [22:33] okay, maybe the snapd patch fixes it [22:33] should i reboot? [22:33] logout + login may suffice, but rebooting would ensure we know [22:33] ok. brb then [22:34] ok [22:34] pressing apostrophe, comma, question mark still lags [22:35] period too [22:35] and tick [22:36] luxio: whats your hardware? [22:36] are you saying this only happens on 18.04? did you try something else? [22:36] and does it happen on a live cd? [22:36] GTX 750Ti, Pentium G4560, SanDisk SSD [22:37] haven't tried livecd or other versions [22:38] from what i haerd there can be problems with nvidia on 18.04, also with X. i don't know the details, though. [22:38] luxio: "glxinfo -B" would show you the current state of graphics acceleration [22:39] (this is part of mesa-utils) [22:41] http://termbin.com/j5bb [22:41] Hola. [22:41] !es | angelgil [22:41] angelgil: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. [22:41] luxio: proprietary or nuevou? also did you upgrade or clean install? [22:41] gartral: clean install [22:41] i think nouveau [22:41] OpenGL vendor string: nouveau [22:41] OpenGL renderer string: NV117 [22:41] try the proprietary drivers [22:41] ok how do I do that? [22:42] !nvidia [22:42] For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing » [22:42] ty [22:43] "Usually you will see a notification and/or an icon in the top panel, reminding you that restricted drivers are available." [22:43] "By clicking the icon you will be taken to a dialog where you can choose which version you want to install, choose the recommended driver. " [22:43] I don't get that notification [22:43] I think this article is outdated, that looks like Unity. [22:47] luxio: click on the bottm left icon, then type "drivers" and click on the "software & updates" icon [22:47] then on ther "additional drivers" tab [22:49] ok I'm on proprietary drivers now [22:50] same problem [22:55] luxio: try some live cd's, maybe a different OS, to rule out it's the hardware. [22:56] you can also post all of "dmesg" after a fresh boot. [22:57] and consider upgrading the bios / uefi [23:01] luxio: i'll have to leave it there, good luck. [23:06] dmesg after fresh boot: http://termbin.com/zskp [23:06] I tried a livecd. It happens on there. [23:09] luxio: what problem? [23:11] When I press comma, period, slash, apostrophe, or tilde (might be more), it lags for about half a second. [23:12] luxio: on live same issue? [23:13] yeah [23:13] Is there a reason/configuration that the Ubuntu Software app wouldn't find a package when searching, but it's found using apt-get? [23:13] luxio: your keyboard sucks [23:14] i paid $115 for this keyboard [23:14] get your money back luxio [23:15] hpjchobbes: what package? [23:15] kdbg [23:15] hpjchobbes: that has long name? [23:16] Not sure what you mean by long name? [23:16] It's a graphical front end for the GNU Debugger [23:17] Two_Dogs: I've found the problem. It's the "n-key rollover" switch on the keyboard. [23:17] When it's toggled on, I get the problem. [23:17] hpjchobbes: tried to search for 'graphical front end for the GNU Debugger'? [23:17] luxio: dont do that any more [23:18] hpjchobbes: perhaps the fancy software provider filters? [23:24] Two_Dogs: I think that must be it. Nothing standing out to me, though. I guess I'll just stick with the terminal [23:24] hpjchobbes: or synaptic gui, should see same results as cli [23:28] Installed synaptic and it's able to find it [23:29] Pulse Audio doesn't detect the HDMI output on the video card [23:31] to be exact, detects it only intermittently if mirroring to tv [23:33] that's under Xubuntu 18.04; card PowerColor Radeon HD 5770 [23:42] RoadRunner: what graphics driver? [23:43] Two_Dogs: open source, the one installed by os [23:44] the full card "name": PowerColor PCS+ AX5770 1GBD5-PPG Radeon HD 5770 [23:44] RoadRunner: archwiki has wiki on amd/radeon hdmi audio [23:45] I was wondering if its a bug with Pulse Audio, Radeon driver or card's firmware? I guess you are saying its likely the open source Radeon driver? [23:46] Two_Dogs: don't suppose you have a link? [23:47] RoadRunner archwiki amd/radeon hdmi audio https://git.io/vppVt [23:50] RoadRunner, do you have pavucontrol installed? [23:51] lapaga: don't even know what that is :) [23:52] lapaga: I take it is not installed with the default 18.04 install? [23:52] RoadRunner: pavuvcontrol is the go to tool/app for pulseaudio config [23:52] sudo apt install pavucontrol [23:52] RoadRunner: apt policy pavucontrol [23:53] RoadRunner: to clarify, lapaga's command will install - mine was just to see if it was installed [23:53] give me a few mins to jump comps and try it [23:54] Two_Dogs: I am a slow reader, your link above is recommending this course of action, I presume? [23:55] RoadRunner: i dont know if archwiki mentions pavucontrol, arch gets more into the nuts and bolts, i would say having 'pavucontrol' is a good thing, i prefer it to any other method of controlling pulseaudio server [23:56] so this is a well known issue then? [23:57] RoadRunner: well known fact, radeon driver and hdmi audio dont play well [23:57] Two_Dogs: but pavu has been known to fix it? [23:58] RoadRunner, just install it and see...you have nothing to lose [23:58] RoadRunner: not sure, i dont have amd to plink on, if i saw in pavucontrol a configuration profile specific to amd/amdgpu/radeon that would go a long way to fixing issue though [23:59] will do, thank you ; just give some time to get it fugured out :)