[02:39] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-cpufreq-plugin 1.2.0 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfce4-cpufreq-plugin-1-2-0-released-tp51048.html (by André Miranda) [04:58] leigh: Howdy. [04:58] 'Morning [05:03] hi leigh TheMaster [05:04] Heya. [05:07] Hi [05:07] flocculant [05:09] I have a nice clean partition ready for testing but my usb 2.0 port broke (its on all OS' and I've checked all BIOS settings). I always have probs installing from the usb 3.0 ports. [05:10] there are sometimes errors about squash something. [05:10] Is this a common prob? [05:10] I've seen it [05:12] though generally in vm's and more often than not in 32 bit [05:12] But normally USB 3.0 isnt a problem for most people I guess? I will have to sort this before I can test or I dont know if its my USB problem or with the install [05:12] might be usb - not sure [05:14] oh, well, I will have to try to sort it as at the moment I cant install anything [05:16] I assume this is any iso on a usb? [05:18] yup, well all the ones I have tried recently. [05:18] k [05:18] Its a problem I have always had - but before I had the 2.0 port to use [05:19] right - hang on [05:20] couple of things to try at https://askubuntu.com/questions/811299/squashfs-errors-post-install [05:21] to edit the live usb grub entry - hit a key when you get to the kbd/man symbol - when you see the menu, press F6 [05:21] that brings up a smaller menu - esc [05:21] you will now see the grub line [05:22] go to the end of it - then you can add things [05:22] would try and help more - but getting sorted for work [05:23] thanks, that will get me going - me too. Have a good day [05:23] you too -= Friday is always good - half day \o. [05:23] \o/ [07:54] Desktopnova can have a no-change rebuild now. [15:21] hi all. when starting gigolo from terminal I get some messages (gigolo deprecated and x-terminal limited support; https://i.imgur.com/4TSMe3b.png); would this be something I need to report as bugs? [16:52] odd one - not sure, I don't see the deprecaton message here - not sure where the emulator message is coming from either [16:58] well, I start wondering if there is something wrong with my install: according to apport I upgraded to cosmic on 2018-03-29 (49 days ago); but I did the upgrade only yesterday [17:02] I suspect that's the original install date of bionic - which you've upgraded to cosmic [17:04] Well, it literally says that it is the upgrade date to cosmic: https://i.imgur.com/ryZ52hp.png [17:06] mmm [17:07] mine says no upgrade log [17:07] did you upgrade to bionic about that time? [17:08] then that would make sense - you haven't actually 'upgraded' to cosmic - you forced it to use cosmic apt info [17:08] ^^ after thinking about it more :) [17:09] hmmm [17:10] you may be correct but I can't say for sure when I did the bionic upgrade. So: I'll assume you are right. - nothing to worry about then... [17:20] yea - I'd not worry about that [17:23] won't now -all's good; still: must be confusing to people who get to read those automatic reports if the information in there is not entirely reliable? [17:26] not sure if it was me I'd take too much notice - I've seen ones where the original install date was a long time ago - the bits are the package version etc [22:47] slickymaster: Can you fix the contributor docs? PT translations don't validate. [22:51] Oh right, that one I conveniently ignored since below threshold. >_> [23:18] That would be translation strings 84, 104, and 109 [23:24] Oh, and it's actually pt_BR [23:47] Configured the translation settings for Cosmic at that now.