[06:33] The_Milkman: you got an answer [06:34] but as I said, using out of tree filesystems is at it's core, a bad idea [06:34] you really shouldn't even remotely have to deal with issues like this, to be able to access your data :) [07:48] <_thelion_> Hello, I've a problem with Thunar: if I want to open a terminal in the current directory, the terminal opens in my home directory. [07:49] <_thelion_> I've tried something this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/891680/xubuntu-thunar-open-terminal-here-opens-konsole-in-homefolder ... without any changes. [07:56] <_thelion_> e.g.: I'm working in /home/.../Downloads ... I click on "open a terminal here" and the terminal opens in my home folder. [12:29] Hi [12:30] i`m need help [12:32] I install the hubunt 18.04 on the network. Who did this? [12:45] !patience | Levik [12:45] Levik: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ [12:48] !patience [12:48] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ [12:50] I install the hubunt 18.04 on the network. Who did this? [12:52] 5 minutes isn't patience [12:52] hello Levik, please don't PM the users in this room for help. the knowledge you need is known to someone in here but, if they answer your question in a PM then no one else will learn. please be patient, someone will show up and see your question. [12:52] I'd try using #ubuntu - more people around - also - if you've got problems doing it - you need to tell them exactly what the issue it [12:52] nobody is psychic [12:55] i need boot and install xubuntu 18.04 over pxe [12:56] i use spacewalk system [12:56] right - so as I said - try #ubuntu, type /join #ubuntu where you're typing and a new tab will open - ask in there, more people are around [13:35] Hi all, I turned off the 'show menu bar' in the folder menu. Now that the menu bar isn't showing, I need to restore it. But how? Shortcut or command line? [13:36] Ctrl+M I believe [13:37] yea [13:46] flocculant---thanks, it works, what a relief! [13:47] flocculant---I spent 3 hours searching for the answer before giving up and going to bed!! Where did you find this info? [13:50] from thunar without the menu bar hidden lol [13:51] but it comes up in a web search [13:55] flocculant, i never found it in a web search!!! I just searched for "meaning of control + M in linux" and it still didn't show! [13:55] oh right - well I searched for thunar hide menu bar :D [13:56] anyway - if you do it again and forget - the other thing you can do (and forget :p ) is F10 temporarily shows the menu bar and you can re-enable it :) [13:56] have a good day [13:57] flocculant, thanks again!!!! [13:58] no problem :) [14:45] Is there a way to change the icon size in the folders only (globally)? The desktop icons are fine. But my icons inside the folders are very small. I did something last night, by accident while I was in a folder, and all the icons shrunk! [14:49] pita_, are you talking about in the file browser? Perhaps you accidentally selected in the menu? View --> View as Compact List [14:49] if so, try: View --> View as Icons [14:50] ok [14:50] alternatively, you can zoom out/in [14:51] I misclicked on something when I was in the folder, but can't figure out what I did! [14:52] I just checked under 'view', I had the 'view as icons' enabled-so that isn't the reason. [14:53] pita_, try View --> Zoom Out/In [14:55] OK, the zoom in worked-and I would have tried it before.....except I thought I needed a global change, and I didn't realize the 'zoom in' was global. [14:56] drleviathan: thanks, I owe you coffee or a pint! Regards! [14:56] I'm glad I could help. Pay it forward. [14:59] * genii 's ears wiggle for a moment at the word "coffee" [15:16] drleviathan: I do pay it forward, it's my way! I have a small group of locals that are converting to linux, and I am the 'local' help for them! It keeps me busy...but feeling good about helping others! [18:30] hello [18:31] back on xubuntu again [22:49] Hello [22:49] when I open an APT link with Software app I get this message : [22:50] "Don't know how to handle 'apt://'" [22:50] Please help [22:55] jay-m, what do you really want to do? Install a package? [22:55] Yes [22:56] what package would this be? [22:56] Hum... [22:57] I take it: it is not one of the packages available in the official repositories. [22:57] You could download the deb file and install from the command line. [22:57] Dunno what is wrong with the Software app. I never use it. [22:59] Its OK. I found the package name (Icedtea plugin) using apt-cache search [22:59] The apt link pointed to version 7 (iceadtea-7-plugin) [23:00] but that wasn't found in the official repo [23:00] so I used : sudo apt-get install icedtea-plugin [23:01] ah yes, I see [23:01] which installs version 8 by default [23:01] yup, that is the way to do it [23:01] Thanks, drleviathan ! :)