
TheAbsentOneAny brave soul online today? I'm not admin on a controller but I'm a user that can use models. Now my admin created a new model for me but it's not listed when I do show models. I think I still have to provide ssh access. Can someone tell me the exact command for this?07:47
TheAbsentOneIn other words do I need to create a new pair of ssh keys for a new model?07:49
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bdxyour admin needs to also 'grant' you access13:47
pmatulisTheAbsentOne, https://docs.jujucharms.com/2.3/en/users-models14:15
TheAbsentOnehey thx pmatulis that's the stuff I need to do when I have access to the controller but I don't an admin just added a new model to my user that's it and I'm a bit stuck on how to switch to it cuz juju switch gives an error14:16
bdxTheAbsentOne: as you will find in the docs, your admin need do 2 things, 1) `juju add-model <model-name>` to add the model, and 2) `juju grant <username> <acl> <model-name>` to grant you access to the newly created model14:24
bdxTheAbsentOne: if he only did #1, then you will need to get him to also grant you access (#2) before the model shows up in your list14:25
bdxs/your admin need do 2 things/your controller superuser need do 2 things/14:26
TheAbsentOnebdx I'm and idiot14:28
TheAbsentOnewhen I did juju switch I didn't include everything >.<14:28
TheAbsentOneit was something like admin/my-username and I didn't do the admin/ part bakka me14:29
TheAbsentOnethanks for the help you both14:29
TheAbsentOneahn I think I'm now at the step my admin meant, I can create and deploy charms but can't ssh into them in my new model. Do I need to generate a new pair key bdx?14:34
TheAbsentOneor add my existing public key14:35
TheAbsentOnenvm got it working, I was once again a fool14:47
raghavHi All16:34
raghavi am using juju version 2.2.316:35
raghavi am using command "juju deploy bundle.yaml" to deploy using bundle file16:35
raghavi am updating bundle file and redeploying same charm16:35
raghavbut next deployment doesnt update config instead takes old bundle file config16:36
raghavdoes juju store old config some where and which needs to be cleaned up16:36
raghavhow to update same deployment with new bundle file16:36
raghavHi can anyone tell16:45
raghavhow to do bundle deploy16:45
raghavwith updated bundle file16:45
raghavjuju deploy -p ./dist bundle.yaml16:46
raghavhere my built charms are in dist16:46
raghavi am updating my bundle file16:46
raghavand redeploying it16:46
raghavbut still its taking old config16:46
raghavits taking old settings from previous bundle file16:47
raghavseems all are new to juju17:05

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