
lubot2antonsmartphone was added by: antonsmartphone03:39
lubot2<antonsmartphone> Good afternoon. I am the channel Creator on Ubuntu and Ubuntu Touch. On the channel I publish app updates, interesting facts and other information about UT. Subscribe please!03:39
lubot2<Benson Koka> Hi10:44
lubot2<Bobcher Bob> Here all speack english?12:39
wxlm4sk1n and @VikingRedwolf it looks like you have a potential new member of the lubuntu-global team if you want to check in with them17:01
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [lubuntu-manual] tsimonq2 deleted HEAD at 2cb5614: https://git.io/vphYY19:32
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [lubuntu-manual] tsimonq2 deleted leafpad-changes at 3cffa1d: https://git.io/vAqKy19:32
tsimonq2lyn||orian: In Phab, could you please add the email address you use with GitHub?19:33
tsimonq2That way, we can track commits.19:33
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [lubuntu-manual] lubuntu-lugito created HEAD from master (+0 new commits): https://git.io/vNj7h20:25
lubot2Randy Robinson was added by: Randy Robinson21:26
lubot2<tsimonq2> Welcome!21:26
lubot2<Randy Robinson> Thank you21:26
lubot2<Randy Robinson> I have a question about making changes to lubuntu, but I'd like to make changes to my desktop first.  How do I get started?21:54
lubot2<tsimonq2> This really isn't a support channel, but if you could clarify, I can try to help. :)21:54
lubot2<Randy Robinson> I'm looking to make changes to lubuntu, maybe submit code.21:55
lubot2<tsimonq2> Ohh.21:55
lubot2<tsimonq2> OK.21:55
lubot2<tsimonq2> Which version are you running?21:55
lubot2<Randy Robinson> 16.04 lts21:56
lubot2<tsimonq2> What changes would you like to make?21:56
lubot2<Randy Robinson> Changes to the trashcan and I would like to add a couple of buttons to the panel. (Administration)21:57
lubot2<tsimonq2> Have you checked if these changes have already been implemented in 18.04 LTS?21:57
lubot2<Randy Robinson> not yet, I only work with longterm support.21:58
lubot2<Randy Robinson> wait, 18.04 lts?21:58
lubot2<tsimonq2> Yeah, 18.04 LTS.21:58
lubot2<tsimonq2> Our latest release.21:58
lubot2<Wolfenprey> @Randy Robinson, Then you will love 18.0421:58
lubot2<Randy Robinson> okay, I'm looking into it.21:58
lubot2<tsimonq2> Lubuntu.me :)21:59
lubot2<Randy Robinson> Is there any other information you can share about developing apps for Lubuntu?22:43
lubot2<tsimonq2> Not much.22:43

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