[00:25] who writes the Ubuntu Studio Dev News? (uwn) [00:26] probably ErichEickmeyer guiverc [00:27] Yep. [00:28] thanks wxl, it fits perfectly as a comment left had Erich reply.. thanks. [00:46] Wild_Man: Good job at copying the "Subject:" into the.. subject. :D [00:48] Eh, and it's also double spaced again for some reason. [00:51] krytarik, I tried to copy something to post here and it posted the last thing I had copied into the gdoc [00:52] Will the undo button fix that? [00:54] If what I accidentally pasted did not replace something , which I do not think it did I can simply remove it [00:55] Yes, undo should work. [00:57] krytarik, is does nothing from my computer [00:58] Well, if you reloaded the document since, it won't work indeed. [00:59] does it look like it replaced anything? [01:00] Yeah, just scrolled through the "new changes" - but merely the title of the post, I'll fix it. [01:00] that is what I just saw as well [01:02] I was trying to copy that title to ask you if that is what you were referring to when you said " Good job at copying the "Subject:" into the.. subject." I did not copy it, I wrote it myself but to me there is not much I can say to sum up that link [01:03] I was referring with both to the Call for Summaries you've just sent. [01:05] You know I triple checked that before I sent it and still did not see that [17:22] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Sina Mashek: Check if external ip has changed @ https://sinacutie.stream/blog/snippet/check-external-ip-linux [17:49] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Sina Mashek: Check if external ip has changed @ https://sinacutie.stream/blog/check-external-ip-linux [18:29] pleia2, tsimonq2: As an advance notice, I've just poked knome again to fix the remaining issues with the Ubuntu community WordPress theme he maintains (https://github.com/knomepasi/ubuntu-community-wordpress-theme), and once that's done I'm going to suggest using this as the new theme on the Fridge, which then any of the admins on the related LP team would need to file a ticket with IS for - ... [18:30] ... and I'd combine this with a request to at least mirror the admin status of those to the WP user roles, so we can update the used widgets. [18:31] ACK.