
RoadRunneron  that note, one other issue I am observing, is a video "stripe" that comes and goes esp under higher quality  video playback, is that also a "known issue/fact"?00:01
Edistowhats the command for checking opencl version?00:01
Two_Dogsnow for my issue, i have had a ubuntu server like setup on 32bit for aprox 8yrs, i think its time to go 64bit, having a home partition that has been seeing 32bit processes for long time now should not make a diff from the user side if i move to 64bit, yes?00:03
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RoadRunnerlapaga: SlidingHorn: Two_Dogs: so pavucontrol is installed: 3.0-400:05
Two_DogsRoadRunner: was or is now?00:06
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: was all along - I did nothing00:06
Two_DogsRoadRunner: bring it up, look for profile specific to amd/radeon output00:07
Two_Dogshdmi:3 is always a good choice00:07
Two_DogsRoadRunner: bring it up, look for profile in configuration panel specific to amd/radeon output00:08
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: just found a pavucontrol.ini any idea where to look for more?00:16
Two_DogsRoadRunner: no, configuration tab of pavucontrol is all gui, no cli00:17
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: not sure where that would be...00:18
lapagaRoadRunner, you might have two...sound and pulseaudio look at both00:21
RoadRunner_Two Dogs: ahh, guys, does pavu stand for Pulse Audio Volume Control or is that something else/extra?00:23
lapagahold mouse over one or the other and click...not a big deal to check00:24
RoadRunner_ok, I am having an embarasingly dumb moment... I've been there all along, just didn't realize there were more tabs hidden...  Found Config tab and the HDMI device...  checking now00:27
RoadRunner_Two_Dogs: the best profile is 5.1 surroung?00:35
Two_DogsRoadRunner_: you have the hardware for 5.1 sound?00:35
RoadRunner_vid cards feeds hdmi to the surround box which has 5.100:36
Two_DogsRoadRunner_: cool, then yeah, sounds like an excellent choice00:36
RoadRunner_Two_Dogs: in Output Devices tab, clicking the "set as fallback" button will preserve the setting or is it lost whenever tv is turned off?00:39
Two_DogsRoadRunner_: fallback is last resort setting, if the tv is gonna be an on/off prospect then its not much of a fallback, my opinion00:41
Two_DogsRoadRunner_: its all test and trial now, plink with it00:42
RoadRunner_Two_Dogs: by that you mean that 18.04 is still a trial version?00:45
RoadRunner_Two_Dogs: after tv was turned off and back on the sound worked correctly but the "set as fallback" button got deselected; what is this button for then?00:57
BudgiiDoes anyone here have Xubuntu? The only hold back I have from switching is the windows key does not open the 'start menu'01:04
BudgiiIs there a way around this?01:04
xamithanYou mean the super key ?01:06
SlidingHornBudgii: pretty sure this has been pointed out to you before:  Menu > Settings Manager > Keyboard > Application Shortcuts.  Fine xfce4-popup-whiskermenu01:06
SlidingHorn(by default, it's Ctrl+Escape01:07
BudgiiSlidingHorn, actually no haha. we talked about my OS and you suggested Xubuntu :)01:11
BudgiiAlso, thanks! that worked! I'll probably install it tomorrow. D:01:12
xamithanBtw that is the first search link on google.  You could use that next time.01:13
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mitic_Hi all, i would like to expand the root Partition. In windows I already decreased a Partition, so the unallocated space is before the root Partition. How can I extend it? Tnx! Xubuntu 16.04.4 LTS02:03
leftyfbmitic_: https://www.howtogeek.com/114503/how-to-resize-your-ubuntu-partitions/02:06
leftyfbmitic_: found by searching for "ubuntu resize partition" on google02:07
leftyfbevery result on the first page answers your question02:07
mitic_leftyfb, tnx, but i was not sure how to resize it if the free space is before the root partition. gn02:09
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auctushow do i turn off the color emoji02:37
auctusi dont like high-color graphics in a black and white document02:38
leftyfbin what application?02:38
leftyfband what version of ubuntu?02:38
auctus18.04, every application, its like the system font or something, i thought there'd be a setting somewhere02:39
auctusits in the terminals, in firefox, everywhere.02:39
leftyfbfound on google by searching for "ubuntu 18.04 disable emoji"02:40
auctusi tried "ubuntu disable color emoji" and found nothing -- all the results are how to *enable* instead of *disable* for some reason, maybe the filter bubble02:41
auctuswhen you remove the color emoji via that method, it changes to some old font that is missing half the emoji, hmm. I'll figure out how to fix that, too02:43
auctusthanks leftyfb02:43
leftyfbwhen you uninstall the package?02:43
auctusleftyfb: yeah, whatever font replaces noto-color-emoji doesnt have the majority of recent emoji; i tried apt install fonts-noto but that didnt fix it, maybe i have to set that as the emoji font somewhere or something02:45
DraegonI have read so many pages, I'm getting confused. I need to use a shell script to set 9 xsetwacom commands, either at bootup, or just before running Krita. I've seen examples of what the Shell Script should look like, but no idea where to put the script file.02:45
DraegonAlso, how, where, or when to call the shell script.02:46
leftyfbDraegon: try /etc/rc.local02:47
auctuswheni go to the characters thing, it says "not included in cantarell", i guess cantarell is the font set somewhere, cant find where though, it looks like 'ubuntu' is the font being used everywhere02:47
leftyfbDraegon: you know "krita" isn't supported here correct?02:47
Two_Dogsleftyfb: why would krita not be supported like any other app?02:48
leftyfbsorry about that, I googled it and saw on their page only an appimage for it. I incorrectly assumed it wasn't in the repos but it is02:49
DraegonI have spoken in #Krita, here, and in #DIGImend to try and get my tablet working. With the greateful help of Two_Dogs, have it working, but each place tried to set the commands on login don't work.02:49
Two_DogsDraegon: you create a file in ~/bin with some name you remember, myscripts.sh for example02:49
Two_DogsDraegon: the first line of the file has the shabang thing and the lines below have all those commands you previously shared02:51
DraegonWill that run automatically on bootup/login, or will I need to make a reference to it somewhere else?02:51
Two_DogsDraegon shabang script linux https://git.io/vppiJ02:52
Two_DogsDraegon: you will need to via file manager set the file as 'executable' for the local user, no getting fancy with sudo02:52
Draegonok, that's easier.02:53
Two_DogsDraegon: and lastly you would add the script as an executable from your desktops start-up apps02:53
leftyfbDraegon: I would edit the .desktop file for krita, look at what command it's using to start krita, add that command to the end of your script. Run the script, verify it all works, then replace the command in the desktop file with the full path and name of your script02:54
Two_DogsDraegon: since you previously ran the commands from terminal after going into session without sudo i would imagine it would just work02:54
Two_DogsDraegon: that should make avail where ever those commands do to the whole session regardless of app opened02:55
leftyfbTwo_Dogs: oh, the "commands" are just ENV's?02:56
Two_Dogsleftyfb: i guess they are sort of, but ran from some xsetsomething command line02:56
Two_Dogsleftyfb: i am not really all that smart about tablet tweaks02:57
DraegonI understand the make executable part, not sure about the add script as executable from desktops start-up apps02:57
Two_DogsDraegon: your desktop has a config area for apps you want started at login, typical name for them is 'start-up apps'02:58
Two_DogsDraegon: in that config area(gui) you add the script by name as something to also start on login02:59
Two_DogsDraegon: this is now desktop 10102:59
Two_Dogsi have no idea what desktop you got Draegon02:59
DraegonKrita is ran from a self contained .appimage file03:00
Two_DogsDraegon: this has nothing to do with krita03:00
leftyfbDraegon: why are you using the appimage? It's part of the ubuntu repositories03:01
Two_DogsDraegon: krita is an app, krita app needs some settings on a tablet to function correctly, those settings are loaded via a script you have configured to auto start via the start-up apps config of your desktop03:01
leftyfbTwo_Dogs: he didn't configure to auto start03:02
leftyfbhe doesn't know how03:02
Two_Dogsleftyfb: perhaps not yet, but we will get there03:02
DraegonSorry, I have dyslexia & autism, this is taking me time to figure out.03:02
Draegonleftyfb: Krita in Ubuntu Software is older than the AppImage version03:02
Two_DogsDraegon: focus then03:03
Two_DogsDraegon: krita version issues are not part of my convo with you thus far, that is an install from some repo/ppa where krita version what ever you needed03:05
eraserpencilwith regards to bluetooth on 16.04, is there an alternative bluetooth manager? be it GUI or CLI tools03:17
Two_Dogseraserpencil: blueman?03:18
eraserpencilwill try that out! thanks!03:19
eraserpencilis the default one bluez or gnome bluetooth03:19
DraegonTwo_Dogs: I'm working through your instructions above 1 by 1, so far I have this, does this look right for what I need?03:25
DraegonI cannot find a .desktop, start-up apps, either as a folder, or file.03:27
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DraegonI do have a ~/.local/share ~/.config/ just cannot find any startup, bootup. The Desktop folder, ~/Desktop has no files in it. I am running Unity Desktop.03:33
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alan1Trying to connect to a smb share. nmblookup returns the correct address. pinging the IP works. pinging the hostname and nslookup don't. What might the problem be?03:59
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Guest29173someone here04:11
kumoolGuest29173, change your nick04:11
guiverc_dGuest29173, No  (sorry couldn't help myself) - if you look there are 1000s of people here, if you have a support question please just ask it (ideally a single line, & be patient in waiting for a response)04:11
kumoolGuest29173, theres always people here, and if you're patient they might answer whatever you ask04:12
eraserpencilOn a server, why is it advisable to have a user for each service? For eg, a user for postgresql, a user for irc bouncing, a user for next cloud etc etc04:15
alan1I can ping a LAN device by IP address but not by hostname. nmblookup {hostname} returns the device's IP. What's wrong?04:15
SaltyMcUristHey guys. I think that Ubuntu has incorrectly identified my GPU (or lack there of). Searching online with my specific laptop renders Intel HD Graphics 4400 but this is the output from the terminal: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TPMbRb8Cck/04:17
SaltyMcUristAny ideas?04:17
SaltyMcUristThe reason I'm even poking around with the drivers/hardware is that when I try to play certain games they crash immediately.04:18
SaltyMcUristEven games that don't require remotely intensive graphics processing.04:18
kumoolyou mean the external gpu?04:18
SaltyMcUristkumool: GPU is probably the wrong term. I mean the integrated graphics. I don't see the word "Haskell" anywhere in the specifications of my laptop but it is the only thing that appears when I query the kernel.04:19
kumoolwhats your laptop04:19
SaltyMcUristkumool: http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/04/product-support/product/inspiron-15-7547-laptop/manuals04:20
kumoolis it brand new?04:20
SaltyMcUristkumool: There is a PDF on that site that lists all technical specifications.04:20
SaltyMcUristkumool: No.04:20
kumooli don't wanna download anything04:21
kumooli see, it is intel hd graphics04:21
SaltyMcUristkumool: That's fair. The exact term on the PDF is "Intel HD Graphics 4400"04:21
baumyrunning ubuntu xenial, where would i modify the command that starts Xorg? i've been looking at /etc/lightdm and nothing seems to stick04:22
baumyi can see that `/usr/lib/xorg/Xorg -dpi 144 :0 -seat seat0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -nolisten tcp vt7 -novtswitch` is what's running but don't know where that's setup04:22
SaltyMcUristkumool: But, as you can see from here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TPMbRb8Cck/ It states something along the lines of "haswell"04:22
kumoolyeah.. this sounds more like a linux kernel problem than an ubuntu one04:25
SaltyMcUristkumool: Darn. If I were to install the "correct" driver, does it automatically replace the old one?04:25
kumoolapparently setpci is the program you want apparently, never used it before so i'll try googling or you can try too04:25
kumoolit wont hurt04:26
kumoolthe drivers are just installed, if the kernel wants to load it it will04:26
Two_DogsDraegon: yeap, put that file in ~/bin04:27
SaltyMcUristkumool: Where do I look at which driver is loaded?04:27
Two_DogsDraegon: yeap, put that file in ~/bin , via file manager set the execute enable/flag04:28
kumoolbaumy, startx is usually the one that starts Xorg04:29
baumyi am trying to pass '-ardelay 200 -arinterval 14' to Xorg and can't find where to do it04:32
kumoolSaltyMcUrist, lsmod04:33
baumyon an older ubuntu i had that in ~/.xserverrc, doesn't seem to work anymore04:34
baumythink i found it here https://superuser.com/questions/935801/whenever-i-plug-in-another-keyboard-key-repeating-rate-is-reset-to-some-value04:35
baumylooks like ubuntu doesn't use startx, just lets lightdm start the X server04:37
kumoolSaltyMcUrist, modinfo drm04:41
kumoolwoops not thath04:42
baumy/usr/sbin/lightdm --show-config shows lightdm reading my config but it isn't getting run =|04:43
baumyi'm becoming convinced ubuntu is just buggy04:43
kumoolI will be leaving for another OS soon ;)04:44
baumyi wish i could, work mandates ubuntu or something not-linux, which would be even worse04:44
kumooli am leaving for something not linux04:45
kumoolits not that bad04:45
alan1I can ping a LAN device by IP address but not by hostname. nmblookup {hostname} returns the device's IP correctly. What's wrong?04:50
SaltyMcUristkumool: After doing some poking around I think that I'm wrong about which driver is loaded..04:50
SaltyMcUristkumool: Meaning it is correct, and the issue I'm having is due to something else.04:50
Two_Dogskumool: giving up?04:51
kumoolTwo_Dogs, ?04:51
Two_Dogskumool: on linux?04:51
Two_Dogskumool: why?04:52
kumooloh absolutely, i'm only using it because i had an old disc to save this laptop04:52
Two_Dogskumool: yet here you are04:54
DraegonTwo_Dogs: File done. Took a while as couldn't get execute to work, sorted now. File is created/edited/execute permission added.04:54
kumoolTwo_Dogs, mmm putting it shortly... i dislike its methodology?04:55
Two_DogsDraegon: you are persistent :)04:55
DraegonLOL, I want this to work.04:55
leftyfbkumool: again, then why are you here?04:55
DraegonI'm like a rottweiler with a bone.04:55
Two_DogsDraegon: one sec, brb04:55
kumooljust an off the cuff comment, i do help when i can04:56
Two_DogsDraegon: the mexicans call it 'ganas', kudos so, wait one sec04:56
DraegonTwo_Dogs: Ok.04:59
Two_DogsDraegon: the script what did you call it? be specific and where did you put it? yeah, we are doing this from scratch :)05:00
Two_Dogsganas :)05:01
DraegonTwo_Dogs: OK. mytablet.sc and it's location is ~/bin/05:01
Two_DogsDraegon: sc?05:02
SaltyMcUristTrying to play The Binding of Isaac, crashes immediately. Running it from the command line reveals https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2KRrY7P3YR/ Any ideas?05:02
DraegonOops, just a typo, it is actually mytablet.sh05:02
Two_DogsDraegon: copy/paste & execute via terminal> ls ~/bin/*.sh | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here05:03
Two_DogsDraegon: lets try to be specific and accurate, its linux, unforgiving'05:03
cfhowlett!steam | steam problem more than an ubuntu problem it seems, SaltyMcUrist05:04
ubottusteam problem more than an ubuntu problem it seems, SaltyMcUrist: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.05:04
Two_Dogsfor the lurkers, how do i check his file for executable flag?05:04
Two_Dogsvia cli?05:05
Two_Dogsi dolphin05:05
guivercTwo_Dogs, stat ?05:05
Two_Dogsguiverc: no idea, how?05:05
Two_Dogshe aint proved the thing exists yet05:06
Two_Dogsi want to see the thing first05:06
guiverc(i haven't been watching; i just saw your last line - check file is executable - i use stat to read stats for file)  stat wanted-file05:06
Two_Dogsguiverc: hes got a txt file, needs to execute as script(bash)05:07
Two_Dogsgod i love linux :)05:07
Two_Dogsguiverc: this is all about making some tablet talk to krita with all the bells ans whistles05:08
Two_DogsDraegon: ????05:08
Two_DogsDraegon: copy/paste & execute via terminal> ls ~/bin/*.sh | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here05:09
guivercsorry I don't understand...05:09
Two_Dogsguiverc: hes got a txt file that should be sh/bash executable05:09
Draegonhttp://termbin.com/9jk5 and the location is /bin/ not ~/bin/05:09
guivercTwo_Dogs, so chmod (change file mods +x)05:10
baumyit seems like ubuntu simply does not read or respect /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf05:10
baumydoes anybody know why?05:10
Two_DogsDraegon: why is that file on system side, was there a specific reason?05:10
alan1I can ping a LAN device by IP address but not by hostname. nmblookup {hostname} returns the device's IP correctly. What's wrong?05:10
Two_Dogsguiverc: thnks05:10
Two_DogsDraegon: meaning i expected the file in your userspace05:11
Two_DogsDraegon: if there was some wiki reason to run the script as root/system then ok05:12
Two_DogsDraegon: you want as much as possible to not allow root/system to be involved05:13
Two_DogsDraegon: ?05:13
Two_DogsDraegon: i dont know is fine05:14
DraegonIn the ~/ there is no /bin/ location. There is a .config I don't know if that helps?05:14
Two_DogsDraegon: create folder ~/bin05:14
Two_DogsDraegon: place file in ~/bin without involving 'sudo/root/su'05:15
Two_DogsDraegon: the thing is you dont want the tablet talking  root/system if possible, and you said you ran the commands from terminal without sudo/su , yes?05:16
Two_DogsDraegon: the thing is you dont want the tablet talking  root/system if possible, and you said you ran the commands from terminal without sudo/su , yes?05:17
Two_DogsDraegon: thAT is a yes/no question05:17
DraegonDone, file & folder created. Yes05:17
Two_DogsDraegon: in ~/bin/ yes?05:18
Two_DogsDraegon: copy/paste & execute via terminal> ls ~/bin/*.sh | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here05:18
DraegonExecute Permissions granted05:18
Two_DogsDraegon: yes05:18
Two_DogsDraegon: you did not know linux would be this much fun/?05:18
DraegonIt's a LOT of fun. ;-)05:19
Two_DogsDraegon: copy/paste & execute via terminal> cat ~/bin/mytablet.sh | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here05:20
Two_DogsDraegon: good05:22
DraegonDo you want me to remove the one from /bin/ ?05:23
Two_DogsDraegon: you could05:23
Two_DogsDraegon: ok, via file-manager did you set the file in ~/bin/your-script as executable?05:26
Two_Dogsthe right answer is 'yes'05:26
Two_DogsDraegon: good,05:27
Two_DogsDraegon: what desktop? i am on https://git.io/vpp1B so things get confusing05:28
AscavasaionI have a user account on my server that I use for outsiders to use it without sudo privileges.  I have a sudo account and was wondering how I could view that password as I have forgotten it.  changing it would mean having to change it b on all computers and media players that use it.05:29
Two_DogsKDE Plasma <--me Draegon , and you are using what?05:29
DraegonUnity Desktop, and Kernel is 4. something,05:29
Two_DogsDraegon: unity has some start up app config05:30
Draegonkernel 4.4.0-124-generic and amd 64-bit05:30
Two_Dogsi can google it05:30
Two_DogsDraegon: nevermind the kernel05:30
Two_Dogsb0t how to start-up app in unity https://git.io/vpp1205:31
Two_DogsDraegon: ^^05:31
Draegonchecking link, 1 min05:32
Two_DogsDraegon: my god it seems unity is a really horrible desktop05:32
DraegonIt is a bit chunky05:33
DraegonI've heard that 18.04 is supposed to have dropped Unity in favour of going back to Gnome.05:33
Two_DogsDraegon: indeed05:34
Two_DogsDraegon: dont make me learn unity05:34
Two_Dogsb0t how to start app in unity https://git.io/vpp1o05:34
cfhowlettunity has been dropped from official ubuntu.   no need to use it or learn it.05:35
DraegonLOL. All I need is a temporary fix, as soon as I can afford to build my new computer, I'll try out Ubuntu 18.04 or if its' out by then, 18.04.105:35
cfhowlettfix?  sudo apt install xfce4       logout, select xfce session, login.05:36
Two_DogsDraegon: the fix is 'your script needs to auto start via unity on login05:36
Two_DogsDraegon: cfhowlett had a good thought, a real desktop05:37
cfhowlettor lxde or gnome or plasma ...05:37
Draegoncfhowlett: I have some programs already installed. Would I need to reinstall or ? to use the programs if I install another desktop?05:38
Two_DogsDraegon: i am trying to help, i do want you to get over this, i am clueless to 'unity' though'05:38
Two_Dogswhere in unity does one add to auto-start?05:38
cfhowlettDraegon, my suggestion installs an alternate desktop environment only.  all apps reamin05:38
DraegonI've never tried any other desktop other than the default Unity that came with Ubuntu.05:38
Two_DogsDraegon: what cfhowlett said05:39
DraegonOK, any preference to either of those you just mentioned ?05:39
cfhowlettDraegon, you were'nt born knowing unity.  easy enough to figure things out05:39
Two_DogsDraegon: mate?05:39
Two_DogsDraegon: dont forget, unity is not all the desktop out there05:40
cfhowlett!desktop | Draegon05:40
ubottuDraegon: A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), !LXDE (lubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors05:40
Two_Dogscinnamon is really nice Draegon05:41
DraegonYeah. I'm look at google a min for the diff versions u mentioned05:41
Two_Dogsand it has 'start up aPPS'05:41
Two_Dogsthe hardest thing about linux is getting set on a desktop, you have to get used to desktop, know it,  like inside out, then you go from there05:43
DraegonIs it possible to run multiple desktops ?05:43
Two_DogsDraegon: indeed is05:44
DraegonI like the Cinnamon, and XFCE looks nice05:44
Two_DogsDraegon: worse case? see multiple apps in menu05:44
cfhowlettY not BOTH!?05:44
Two_DogsDraegon: cool, get on cinnamon05:44
guivercDraegon, you can have multiple loaded/installed, but only a single DEsktop can be running at the same time (i have ubuntu, with xfce, mate installed - xfce running) - you can use apps of multiple DEs at the same time though05:44
cfhowlettDraegon, bit of advice: install the DE NOT the entire *buntu-desktop05:45
Draegoncfhowlett: How do I do that then, say for the moment for cinnamon?05:46
Two_DogsDraegon: install 'cinnamon' the desktop, i am not sure what the meta package is in ubuntu, i use it in opensuse, a very nice desktop05:46
Two_DogsDraegon: copy/paste & execute via terminal> sudo aptitude install -sy cinnamon | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here05:47
Two_DogsDraegon: a simulation, i know what to expect in cinn deps wise05:47
cfhowlettdrop the sudo05:48
Two_DogsDraegon: copy/paste & execute via terminal> aptitude install -sy cinnamon | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here05:48
Two_DogsDraegon: do last shown here05:48
DraegonSorry, was checking out some booty desktop wallapers that were shown in Cinnamon desktop search, lol.05:49
Draegonsays not currently installed, aptitude, so just do the install of that & then do the last command again?05:51
cfhowlettapt install -sy cinnamon should also fly05:51
DraegonOk, installed05:53
cfhowletterrrr, not if you executed the ***simualation***05:54
cfhowletti.e. install -s ...05:54
Two_DogsDraegon: the point of the sausage making is to get you into a common known desktop05:54
Two_DogsDraegon: like cinnamon05:55
Two_Dogsand for added bonus Draegon you got cfhowlett giving a 'hoot'05:56
Two_DogsDraegon: this is the time to heed05:56
DraegonOK, that's cool.05:56
* cfhowlett things "whoot!" not "hoot!"05:56
Two_Dogsyeah, whoot05:57
Two_Dogsmis mistake05:57
Two_Dogscfhowlett: he needs some script to run so his krita has the foo to play nice05:58
Two_DogsDraegon: yoy best have the right krita05:58
cfhowlettOK, but I understood his unity DE was unstable?05:58
Two_Dogsi dont know unit05:59
Two_Dogswhat so ever05:59
DraegonI ran that previous line, sudo with -s instead of -sy so does that mean it's now installed?05:59
cfhowlettthat's where I entered the thread and suggested he install an alternate, functional D#05:59
Two_Dogsif he can do a auto-start of script then all is good05:59
Two_DogsDraegon: why sudo?06:00
cfhowlettDraegon, no. -s means simulated.  in fact the first line of of output should tell you that06:00
cfhowlettDraegon, line 1          https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/p87fkrmgnB/06:00
Two_DogsDraegon: dont fucking 'sudo' unless you see it spelled out06:00
Two_DogsDraegon: excuse me06:01
cfhowlettsir, I need you to back away from the keyboard and take a breath ...06:01
Two_DogsDraegon: your script is gonna run in userspace, sudo wont be playing06:01
Two_Dogscfhowlett: go!06:02
cfhowlettDraegon, does your output show any errors?06:03
DraegonOk, I just scrolled back, that "Note:" is not in the output06:03
DraegonI don't think so, gonna check06:04
cfhowlettapt install -sy cinnamon | pastebinit06:04
Two_Dogsi prefer aptitude06:04
Two_Dogsits a more muscular apt06:04
cfhowlettnot installed by default.  trying to keep it simple here06:04
Two_Dogscfhowlett: cool06:05
Two_Dogsdoes apt resolve?06:05
DraegonNo errors that I can see. just about to run that next command06:05
cfhowlettDraegon, and paste the url it returns!06:06
Two_Dogsi found aptitude resolving issue 'by mistake', i saw it working, i aint used anything else since in apt/deb06:06
kumoolleftyfb, but you are correct, will not join again :)06:06
Draegonno go06:06
cfhowlettDraegon, details?06:07
Draegonapt install -sy cinnamon | pastebinit06:07
Draegonapt install -sy cinnamon | pastebinit06:07
cfhowlettwhat error?06:07
DraegonThe program 'pastebinit' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:06:07
Draegonsudo apt install pastebinit06:07
DraegonThat is all it said06:07
cfhowlettgrr.  OK, try it with nc06:07
Two_Dogscfhowlett: let me, pls06:07
cfhowlettgo for it!06:07
* cfhowlett goes into lurk mode06:08
FlannelCan we please not recommend -y, even with -s?06:08
Two_DogsDraegon: copy/paste & execute via terminal> aptitude install -sy cinnamon | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here06:08
Two_Dogsinto 10-1006:08
Two_Dogsubuntu makes trouble shoot difficult06:09
Draegonyou want me to install aptitude, not currently installed?06:09
Two_DogsFlannel: -sy is like a default 'wha does it take to do what ever'06:09
Two_Dogsyou can of course be specific06:10
FlannelDraegon: Replace that with apt instead of aptitude06:10
Two_Dogswith ppa i dont know how you guys do it on ubuntu, its difficult06:10
FlannelTwo_Dogs: yes, but you're running the risk of people starting to use -y once doing things for real, which is just playing with fire.06:11
DraegonIt also had a warning just before outputting the termbin URL, "WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts."06:12
Two_DogsFlannel: i dont use sudo/su, i dont ask for it and i ask for a sim, there are the smart guys, they gewt to reboot and reinstall, worse case, and i dont make it the worse case, i am playing with a OG. thats fun too06:13
Two_Dogsthey know stuff!!06:14
FlannelTwo_Dogs: Just please stop using it, thanks.06:14
Two_DogsFlannel: using which process?06:14
Two_Dogsi want to be ok here06:15
cfhowlettdon't recommend -y       as it may cause newer users to create more problems than they solve.06:15
FlannelDraegon: I'm not sure why we were having you simulate that, but it looks like you're not going to run into any issues installing it.06:16
Two_Dogscfhowlett: you need -y in the aptitude -s thing, you cant see the damm options06:16
cfhowlettah.  OK.  didn't know that as I use apt06:17
Two_Dogswithout seeing the options in a trouble shoot, how do you know to resolve a aptitude issue?06:17
Two_Dogsi dont apt, its a script, odd aint it?06:18
Two_Dogsgo forward and aptitude06:18
FlannelTwo_Dogs: Just use apt-get (or apt, if you're so inclined) instead, and problem solved, no need for -y.06:19
Two_Dogsxkuse the loudness06:19
Two_DogsFlannel: i aint gonna do apt-get, i aptidude on deb06:19
FlannelTwo_Dogs: I'm happy for you.  But most people don't have aptitude installed, so you're probably going to have issues with that.06:20
Two_Dogsi feel a certain cozynes about it06:21
FlannelDraegon: Sorry, was there a specific concern about you installing cinnamon successfully?06:21
Two_DogsFlannel: ubuntu dont aptitude by default?06:21
FlannelTwo_Dogs: Correct.  Hasn't in a few years.06:22
Two_DogsFlannel: i have creeds, got the ubuntu server doing dnsmasq for me since 2008?06:22
DraegonNot sure, I just followed the lines, which were obviously simulation06:22
FlannelDraegon: Alright.  So, sounds like you're all set to do `sudo apt-get install cinnamon`06:23
Two_Dogsthat should count for something, btw, thats 24/706:23
Two_Dogsyeah fucker, 24/7 doing the dnsmasq, ubuntu 32bit server06:23
FlannelTwo_Dogs: No one implied you don't know what you're talking about.  But aptitude is going to get weird looks when commands don't work, and including -y in your commands is running a risk of people using it for real.06:23
FlannelTwo_Dogs: Also, please mind the language.06:24
Two_DogsFlannel: ok06:24
Two_DogsFlannel: aptitude was what i saw working the best with apt06:24
Two_Dogsi like aptitude06:25
Two_Dogsit can do anything any of the others can06:25
FlannelTwo_Dogs: You can continue to use it, but if you try and help people here through it's use, you're going to cause plenty of confusion (and hurt your credibility) when the commands you're asking them to follow along with give them errors.06:25
Two_DogsFlannel: apt <- works?06:26
DraegonI can't find any errors in the output, and seems to have installed nicely.06:26
FlannelTwo_Dogs: For the same reason we don't walk people through vim when we want them to edit a file with a terminal.  We use nano, because it's much less foreign (even if less powerful).06:26
Two_DogsFlannel: i dont vim06:27
Two_Dogsi dont vi06:27
cfhowlettDraegon, great!  now: logout, click on the gear icon, select cinnamon session and login06:27
FlannelTwo_Dogs: It was just an example.06:27
Two_Dogsfucken heathen method06:27
Flannelcfhowlett: thanks.06:27
cfhowlett!langauge | Two_Dogs06:27
ubottuTwo_Dogs: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList06:27
FlannelTwo_Dogs: Language.06:27
Two_DogsFlannel: sorry06:27
Two_Dogsi am wanting to be liked06:28
Two_Dogsregardless of mints opinion06:28
DraegonOk, back shortly. P.S. I am grateful for you all helping me, I know I've been annoying.06:29
FlannelTwo_Dogs: The best way to support people here is down the "well-trodden path" for the majority of topics.  We don't set a root password, etc, etc. Because it makes them less likely to have non-standard configurations which can cause confusion later (like the next time they come asking for help).06:29
Two_DogsFlannel: if the display service goes down does networking service not start?06:29
FlannelTwo_Dogs: I'm not sure what you're referring to.06:30
meta-434anyone good with disk troubleshooting here? I just want to nuke this drive but running in to so many problems06:30
Two_DogsFlannel: got it, default is good, i mean if the display dies, does networking die too, you know via systemd06:31
FlannelTwo_Dogs: I don't use systemd, so I have no idea.  Sorry.06:32
Two_Dogsi never saw the wall between networking service on ubuntu(deb) and display service06:33
Two_DogsFlannel: ubuntu does use systemd06:33
Two_DogsFlannel: you need to know their method06:33
Two_Dogsfoss demands it06:34
FlannelTwo_Dogs: When a topic comes up that I know nothing about, I just stay out of it.06:34
Two_DogsFlannel: aye, i dont do crypto disk06:35
Two_Dogspatitition i mean06:35
Two_DogsFlannel: i want to help06:36
Two_Dogsi saw the mint method06:36
guivercmeta-434, re; trouble with a drive; check its SMART (self monitor... or `smartctl`) data first is my suggestion...  (sorry i'm no expert though)06:36
Two_Dogsi am a desktop user06:36
cfhowlettTwo_Dogs, why do you keep mentioning  mint in the ubuntu channel?06:36
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)06:37
Two_Dogscfhowlett: my bad, i stop now06:37
FlannelTwo_Dogs: I'm not sure where this is meandering to, but I think you should probably take this to #ubuntu-offtopic.  #ubuntu for support (which, I think you may have a support question), but then #ubuntu-offtopic for everything else06:37
ducassemeta-434: better just ask your question, see if someone can help06:37
meta-434fair enough06:37
Two_DogsFlannel: ok, aptitude is bad06:37
FlannelTwo_Dogs: Not bad, just not default.06:38
Two_Dogsso not bad?06:38
Two_Dogsi refuse to apt06:38
Two_Dogsits a fucking script06:39
Two_Dogscommunity service06:39
FlannelTwo_Dogs: use apt-get, not apt.  That's not a script, you feel better?06:39
cfhowletttrolling the profanity after mulitple warnings?  Troll susupected.  added to /ignore06:39
Two_DogsFlannel: i wont use apt-getr06:39
Two_Dogsits evil06:40
Beef_wgtnTwo_Dogs: why you getting so hot about apt-get?06:40
Beef_wgtnI always found it easy!06:41
Two_DogsBeef_wgtn: i am not, i  dont understand apt-get06:41
FlannelTwo_Dogs: Please take this to #ubuntu-offtopic06:41
Two_Dogsi dont use it06:41
Two_Dogsits like windows, i dont win1006:41
Two_DogsFlannel: aye06:42
DrManhattanCrack rocks?06:42
meta-434how do i deal with zero-length partition issues when trying to make a disk functional again?06:44
Flannelmeta-434: If you just blow away all the partitions and start from scratch, whatever was on there before shouldn't cause problems.06:47
meta-434like just write zeros over everything?06:48
NOOBuntuI GOT IT INSTALLED!!! in case anyone recognizes my nick from the last couple days06:59
Two_DogsNOOBuntu: cool06:59
NOOBuntuwhich channel should I use for general linux OS questions?07:00
NOOBuntuTwo_Dogs SO cool. I was having the worst time.07:00
Two_DogsNOOBuntu: wait one07:00
Two_DogsNOOBuntu: stop doing that07:01
NOOBuntuHaving the worst time?07:01
NOOBuntuAll done.07:01
Two_Dogsi would hope not07:01
Two_Dogsi am here to be useful07:02
FlannelTwo_Dogs: Please stop.07:02
NOOBuntuTwo_Dogs is u a bot?07:02
Two_DogsFlannel: aye, now07:02
Two_DogsNOOBuntu: no07:02
Two_DogsNOOBuntu: here in the PNW07:02
NOOBuntuPNW! word up.07:03
Two_Dogsi am at the the Mckenzie Willamette river junction :)07:04
ikoniacan we please try to keep to support discussion07:04
NOOBuntuWhere is that, relative to PTown?07:04
Two_Dogssouth side07:04
FlannelTwo_Dogs, NOOBuntu: #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support discussion, thanks.07:04
NOOBuntuokay. I'm looking for a channel wherein I can find info for using Virtual Box07:04
DraegonFinally back.07:05
Two_Dogsikonia: my bad, i thought i was in -chat07:05
NOOBuntuFlannel sorry. am NEEBius07:05
NOOBuntuI think I found it, and I'll take me leave.07:06
Two_Dogsi am a whilling servant07:09
Two_Dogsi wanted to be helpful to the .deb community, i mean this with all my heart. you need to move to rpm, dont matter which07:10
Two_Dogs+1 ^^07:11
FlannelTwo_Dogs: I think you need to come back when you're sober.  And also, when you do, start in #ubuntu-offtopic.07:11
Two_DogsFlannel: i thought i was in offtopic, it is my bad07:11
FlannelTwo_Dogs: I'm going to go ahead and mute you here for a short while, so you can have a better chance of not mixing up the channels for the third time.07:12
paralle21_will snap and flatpak repalce debian packages?07:14
paralle21_Why so?07:14
ikoniawhy not07:14
paralle21_Seems fitting to use one package manager across all distributions07:15
ikonianot going to happen, and not really a discussion for #ubuntu07:15
ikoniamaybe try one of the offtopic or generic linux channels07:15
Flannelparalle21_: #ubuntu-offtopic would be one such place07:16
paralle21_Will do07:16
DraegonCinnamon is installed and logged in. What do I do now?07:17
FlannelDraegon: use cinnamon? hah07:17
ikoniaDraegon: in what context ?07:17
DraegonIn relation to the issue earlier07:17
ikoniawhat issue ?07:18
sauvinQuestion about repository sections, specifically, "universe". What involvement does Canonical have with it?07:18
DraegonTrying to get the xsetwacom commands to load automatically, rather than manually have to enter them in terminal, every time I login07:18
ikoniasauvin: some members contribute to it, at the same time as members of the public07:20
guivercsauvin, universe is community supported, which does include some Canonical, but most are doing it on their own times07:20
Flannelsauvin: Universe is community maintained by the MOTU (and others). https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU  Some of the MOTU (and others) may also be employed by Canonical07:21
DraegonIn Unity, I had tried in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-tablet.conf and /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-wacom.conf did nothing on login, which was the reason trying to create & set a shell script07:21
ducasseDraegon: put them in ~/.xsessionrc, it will be sourced upon login07:22
sauvinHrm... what that means is that Canonical in the guise of some of its employees could be petitioned to upgrade or update something that's in Universe?07:26
ikoniasauvin: any MOTU can update it07:27
ikonianot canonical maintained07:27
ikoniathink of it is EPEL07:27
ikoniasorry, I thought sauvin was a RHEL user, but I was wrong, trying to give him something to relate to07:28
ikoniabut my memory failed07:28
sauvinNope. I've been Ubuntu/Debian since... um... 2005 or so?07:28
ikoniasauvin: my fault, totally miss-remembered07:29
ikoniasauvin: do you want to get a package updated ?07:29
sauvinI'm currently running Kubuntu 16.04 and had a problem with hexchat 2.10.mumble suddenly deciding to dump core. The latest version of hexchat is 2.14.mumble, and I've run it in snaps and flatpaks, but those approaches have some fulsome limitations. I've also run it in VMs, but doing so long-term is an untenable approach.07:30
ikoniasauvin: so basically you'd like to get some alternative versions into universe ?07:31
SilmarilionHi, I was wondering does Ubuntu update for the current release it's packages for bugfixes if a fix already exists in upstream or we need to wait for the next release?07:31
ikoniaSilmarilion: depends on the bug / package07:31
sauvinAlternative, backport, something.07:31
ikoniasauvin: ah the more challanging but professional response07:31
SilmarilionI see, tnx07:32
sauvinYou don't need to be told WHY. I wound up *building* Hexchat to /usr/local, but that means it's on ME to track changes and rebuild if/when needed.07:32
ikoniasauvin: yeah, so getting that into a managed repo seems logical07:33
ikoniasauvin: I wasn't fishing for why,07:33
sauvinDidn't figure you were, just stating it for the sake of the Joe Sixpacks who might be listening in.07:34
ikoniaI wonder if multiverse would be a better starting point07:35
ikoniathen promote it into universe and get some maintainers involved07:35
sauvinHi. I'm Joe Sixpack. Before a few minutes ago, I knew *nothing* about what the sections were. If a newer Hexchat appears in Multiverse when I use my favourite package manager front end (Synaptic, in my personal case), then all my unwashed brethren would have immediate access to a Hexchat that actually WORKS.07:36
cfhowlettyou could more immediately upload your fixed hexchat to a snap, could you not?07:39
ikoniasauvin: if it was me, I'd look at getting this into multiverse to get it moving, then get more people involved/raise the bar and get it into universe07:40
ikoniahowever I have a memory that universe won't hold conflicting packages to core07:40
ikoniaI don't remember the details on that though, it maybe just naming, it maybe actual package components07:40
ikoniaeg: the name hexchat-community maybe ok, or it may not as hexchat already exists in main07:41
ikoniamaybe worth looking into that07:41
sauvinHexchat, the one that's blowing up on me, is in universe.07:41
ikoniaif it's already in universe, engage and push an upgrade07:42
ikoniado you want someone to do it for you, or do you want to be part of it07:43
ikonia(as you're building it yourself)07:43
sauvinI can build for AMD64 only, and I know absolutely nothing about packaging.07:44
ikoniasauvin: ok, so I'd just engage with the MOTU community to get a version bump07:48
ikoniasupply as much info as possible07:48
sauvinI'd share the experience I'm having, yes.07:48
* sauvin pokes at the supplied link07:49
ikoniamost of the motu guys are really helpful and welcoming07:51
ikoniaI'd be dissapointed if you didn't get an enthusiastic response07:51
ali1234can i use the android-studio snap with the intellij snap?07:51
server_i dont know07:52
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ali1234oh wait, i forgot that android-studio *is* intellij07:54
ali1234never mind then :)07:54
u0_a397 08:00
u0_a397has remove #ubuntu08:02
cfhowlettu0_a397, do you have an ubuntu support question?  ask it.08:03
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zzero1If I were to execute the pipe viewer e.x. $ pv file.txt I would get some output from the command from in the terminal. How can I redirect that terminal output to a file ?08:43
cfhowlettcommand > filename.txt08:43
blip99hi all.  I upgrade 16.04 to 17.10 (yes it's a valid upgrade path).  I can login via tty, but not graphically.  After entering password and pressing enter, I just get a black screen and return to login manager08:44
blip99any ideas to try/08:44
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gpapHello everybody08:50
gpapI have a question related to gimp08:51
cfhowlettask.  there is a #gimp channel IIRC08:51
gpapcfhowlett: Thank you for responding but has to do about installation in ubuntu08:52
gpapI want to add the gimp 2.10 snap into Ubuntu everything is working fine, etc, but when i want to install an extra package, let's say GAP, the ubuntu software trying to install gimp 2.8 as well. I think this will end into broken gimp installation08:54
cfhowlettbut have you tried this?08:55
Flannelgpap: You're installing GAP through the package manager?08:55
Flannelgpap: (or as a snap?)08:56
gpapYes i was thinking to do that, but abandoned because i was scared. Two simultaneus gimp installation, the way to the hell :)08:56
cfhowlettbut quite easy to reinstall and fix.  PLUS you'd have actual/factual data not theory08:57
gpapso let's say i install from the snap the super new 2.10 gimp08:57
gpapI am with 2.8 for now, looking for a stable guide explaining what will we do with plugins, after installing the snap08:58
DraegonI created .xsessionrc file, located in ~/ and all the commands work, except for "xsetwacom set "UC-LOIC TABLET 1060 Pen stylus" MapToOutput DVI-I-1". If I manually enter that into Terminal, it fixes the stylus to only work in the specified monitor output. I think it might be to do with the display not being fully active, when I login, the monitor doesn't always display until login partway through. Is there something I can use to delay the applying of08:59
Draegonthe commands?08:59
Flannelgpap: The snap lives outside of the purview of the actual packages/repository.  So you can't install plugins from the repositories and have the snap satisfy their requirements.08:59
Flannelgpap: snaps are designed to live as their own little standalone world09:00
gpapFlannel: So what will do with plugins? Install manualy?09:00
cfhowlettFlannel, but if gimp provides the installation path rather than snap/apt, wouldn't this work?09:01
Flannelgpap: It's theoretically possible for you to make a dummy package for gimp, that you could manually install to tell those things that "yes, I do have gimp 2.10 installed", which would then make the plugins not require repository-gimp.  But they may or may not actually work with 2.10 (because they're for 2.8)09:01
Flannelgpap: Yeah, it'd be the equivalent of you installing GIMP from source or whatnot, except "simpler".09:01
Flannelgpap: You should perhaps see if GIMP has their own repository and/or PPA that has 2.10 + packages for plugins for 2.1009:01
Flannelcfhowlett: it'll work, except for the dependency of those plugins to have gimp installed.  Which is why you'd need a dummy package.09:02
cfhowlettI like your idea better than mine.  :)09:03
gpapFlannel: I abandoned the idea about an extra repo (ppa) i need a stable system just working, so the questions is, will later the official repos provide the gimp 2.10?09:03
Flannelcfhowlett: and that "it'll work" implies the plugins in the repos (which are for gimp 2.8, in ubuntu-land) would work seamlessly with gimp 2.10 (which may or may not be ubuntu-configuration)09:03
cfhowlettgpap, at some point, yes09:03
Flannelgpap: Looks like 18.10 will have GIMP 2.10 (or higher)09:04
gpapcfhowlett: Flannel: i need to keep the lts for the next two years09:05
Flannelgpap: Then 20.04 will have whatever the GIMP version is around August of 2019 :)09:06
Flannelgpap: If the PPA is maintained by the GIMP people, it should be reasonably stable.  I mean, unless/until they decide to upgrade it to 2.11 or whatever09:07
FlannelYou certainly don't want to be installing PPAs at random, but if they're from good people, they're OK.  I believe wine has a PPA, which is basically the same as their third party wine repo09:07
Flannelgpap: Another option would be to convince whomever is maintaining the snap to include your preferred plugins.09:08
gpapFlannel: i will research about the ppa thanks for suggesting. Snapcrafters is the developer of the snap and the snap is into the stable channel09:09
Flannelgpap: You may file a bug with/reach out to them and see if there's some other preferred method of obtaining your plugins.09:10
Flannelgpap: This is certainly something they're going to need to figure out if snaps are going to be a thing.09:11
DraegonI gather .xsessionrc is run on login, is there a way to delay the processing of the commands by a couple of seconds?09:15
cfhowlettgpap, as a last resort, you can compile gimp from source09:15
ducasseDraegon: put in a 'sleep'?09:17
Flannelcfhowlett: well, the snap would be that...09:17
gpapFlannel:  i am linux only user, no windows at all in home, but the launchpad is not friendly, send me to read large texts with instructions when i want to file a bug and i am really busy :(09:18
DraegonI don't know, what is in the file is 9 commands, 8 to set the buttons on the tablet, 1 to set the stylus pen to only work with the large monitor. The  hotkey buttons work, but not the stylus pen. If I copy & paste the stylus command from the file into terminal, it works.09:19
fishiewhy does my OS loading screen take 60 seconds when I disconnect my monitors temporarily to use on another computer and then put them back?09:20
fishieIt did this super slow loading at the start and people gave me some commands to run which reported that the OS didn't take 60 seconds to load, but it did.09:20
cfhowlettfishie, what OS?09:21
fishiecfhowlett, Xubuntu. not sure which version.09:21
gpapFlannel: cfhowlett: thank you very much for the nice conversation, i will be conservative and stay with 2.8 until to research more infos,  greetings from Greece :)09:22
fishieI wish duckduckgo wouldn't ignore my searches when I'm explicit in what I want. looks like I have to use startpage to search for how to check Xubuntu's version instead of having it autocorrect to Ubuntu.09:23
Draegonducasse: will that 'sleep' delay the processing until the login completes, or at least a few seconds?09:23
fishiewell that only look 4 minutes.09:25
fishieUbuntu 16.04.4 LTS09:25
ducasseDraegon: as long as you tell it to - 'sleep <seconds>'09:28
fishieyeah. same results as last time. I just booted up with the 60+ second OS loading screen, and this command doesn't show anything super long. systemd-analyze blame09:28
DraegonOK, thanks, I'll give that a try. The command for example 3 seconds "sleep 3" (without the quotes) ?09:29
fishiethere's like 5.69s NetworkManager, 1s tor@default.... 656ms dev-sda1.device 279ms... 239ms... nothing adding up to even close to 60 seconds.09:29
smartniggazhi anyone up09:31
smartniggazI am trying to get my pc on09:31
mancman3smartniggaz: power button ?09:31
smartniggazmancman3: where?09:31
fishiealso one time when I swapped my monitors away and back it lost track of all my internet logins. youtube forgot who I was too.09:31
smartniggazmancman3: where you talking to me?09:32
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:32
smartniggazthe bots are fucking up09:33
fishieWhy does Ubuntu take 60 minutes at the OS loading screen when I disconnect my monitors, connect them to another PC, and then connect them back to the original PC?09:33
mancman3smartniggaz: ask your question and if anyone knows the answer they will help you!09:33
tomreynsmartniggaz: do you have any question about ubuntu? we don't do hardware questions here primarily (such a about how to power on your very computer model)09:34
smartniggazfishie cause your broke as fuck and can't affort a decent pc09:34
ducassesmartniggaz: watch the language, please09:34
smartniggazi understand09:34
fishiebut normally Ubuntu boots up quickly. Why does disconnecting and reconnecting the monitor have this effect?09:34
fishieThis isn't purely a hardware issue.09:34
fishieIs there a specific niche channel for Ubuntu + hardware issues?09:35
Draegonfishie: is it a single, or multiple monitor setup ?09:35
Lithium64Client: HexChat 2.14.1 • OS: Ubuntu "bionic" 18.04 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4150 CPU @ 3.50GHz (1,28GHz) • Memory: Physical: 11,4 GiB Total (9,0 GiB Free) Swap: 1,1 GiB Total (1,1 GiB Free) • Storage: 906,4 GB / 997,6 GB (91,3 GB Free) • VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Bonaire XTX [Radeon R7 260X/360] @ Intel Corporation 4th Gen Core Processor DRAM Controller • Uptime: 42m 20s09:35
blip99hi all.  I upgrade 16.04 to 17.10 (yes it's a valid upgrade path).  I can login via tty, but not graphically.  After entering password and pressing enter, I just get a black screen and return to login manager09:35
fishieDraegon, multi monitor.09:35
blip99any ideas?09:35
DraegonHave you gone into the monitor section of settings, and disabled the monitor you want to temporarily disconnect?09:36
guivercblip99, do you get the greeter (login screen for gui)?09:37
blip99guiverc, sure.09:37
DraegonDisplay, I think that's it's actual name.09:37
blip99i type password press enter, nothing happens09:37
Oolblip99: 2 ideas: 1/ problem with graphical driver => reinstall it, 2/ problem with your graphical env => try with a new user09:37
fishieDraegon, no. I disconnected both, but reconnected them before I even turned on the computer. How does it know I disconnected them?09:37
DraegonWas the system off to start with?09:37
blip99Ool, tried 1, removing nidia driver completely.  also tried 2 :)09:38
guivercblip99, as i recall there is a gear-type place you can hit, then select a login via X (default for 17.10 was wayland - using X may help I'm hoping)09:38
fishieoh crap... I think so. but I was messing around so much it's hard to remember.09:38
Oolcheck your log, can you login in a tty (ctrl+alt+F1) ?09:39
Oolcan you have a RW access into your home ?09:39
Oolwith freespace :)09:39
fishieI think I only disconnected/reconnected while on on the 2nd temporary computer.09:39
freakyyhi all. im trying to install ubuntu, but as soon as i get into gnome, when trying to install (try ubuntu and install ubuntu grub boot options) every time i can move my mouse, but i cant click, and no keyboard input seems to be recognized. any idea why that is? trying ubuntu 18.04 lts09:39
blip99guiverc, hmm haven't got this gear.  i can switch between "Xubuntu session" and "XFCE session" at loing screen, no luck with either09:40
fishiedo monitors have ... stuff like MAC addresses, maybe part of which changes every time they're connected?09:40
fishieI guess that's a hardware question.09:40
mancman3fishie: no09:41
guivercblip99, that's the gear-logo I meant.. (I assumed 16.04 Unity -> 17.10 Gnome; not Xubuntu)09:41
Draegonfishie: I can't guarantee it's the same issue, however when I tried to disconnect 1 montitor of my dual monitor setup (for gaming), it completely crashed my system. Since then, if I disable 1 of the monitors in Display, then disconnect that monitor, even when the pc is off, I have no problems.09:41
mancman3@ mac09:41
qwertyis it worth updating windows again and agn? coz iit takes too much of my data as well as time09:41
qwertyi only use windows for online gaming thats all09:41
mancman3qwerty: try #windows09:42
blip99Ool, yes I have RW on /home09:42
fishieDraegon, alright, thanks. I'll experiment next time along those lines. Kind of annoying if I have to plan which monitor I want in advance but could be worse.09:43
DraegonI can disable, then disconnect 1 of my monitors, use it for gaming, then reconnect & re-enable with the system still on, no issues.09:43
qwerty@mancman3 i do but it sucks anyway.lol09:44
qwertyi wish i could play the games on linux toooooo09:45
DraegonAs long as you disable, then disconnect, you shouldn't have a problem while still logged in to your session, or just disable 1 just before shutting down.09:45
fishieah, while still on.09:45
fishieok, thanks.09:45
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seven-elevenlxcf is not to be confused with apparmor's lxc? or is it the same10:08
Draegonducasse: No joy. Tried anywhere from 3 seconds to over 30. It just delays the desktop from displaying for that time length. It has to be something that has got to happen after the desktop is working.10:11
MonkeyDustseven-eleven  there's also the channel #lxcontainers10:18
seven-elevenrebooted my vm and the remote console stays black10:19
seven-eleveni guess that means my vm is dead10:19
ASTRA-seven-eleven vm on win?10:23
seven-elevenASTRA-, kvm on linux10:23
seven-elevenwell it seems to be stuck10:24
ASTRA-<18.04, hard install on desktop10:24
ASTRA-had some srs issues when upgrading from 16.04 tho10:25
seven-eleveni just wait half an hour10:26
seven-elevenif it doesnt come up ill contact the vm hypervisor admin10:26
astra`sounds reasonable10:26
seven-elevenworst case i lost a good amount of data10:27
MonkeyDustseven-eleven  make sure you have backups10:29
niranjanany one are in chat room10:33
DraegonYes, plenty10:34
Draegonjust ask your question completely10:34
DraegonIn Unity, link a program to the Launcher, I'm now running Cinnamon and run Krita as an AppImage, is there any way to run it from either the Desktop, Menu, or Panel?10:36
seven-elevenMonkeyDust, i have backups but since i migrated to a new server I didn't do daily backups, therefore I lost 4-5 days10:37
seven-elevenand installing that whole environment again takes too much time10:38
seven-elevenespecially since my backups are on a 10 MBIT/s upload server10:38
seven-elevenhope the hypervisor admin can fix this, else i prefer to just stop my service10:39
seven-eleveni think this is because i added SWAP to fstab10:41
seven-elevenprobably the mounting fails, but the kvm switch should show where it is stuck10:42
mistralolHi, Seem to have a problem after upgrading from 17.10 -> 18.04. Xwindows loads but as soon as I login nothing happens and I think gnome-shell is crashing10:42
mistralolanyone any ideas?10:42
anjinghy all10:43
guivercHoloIRCUser, if you have a Ubuntu support question, please just ask it (single line please). If someone in the room knows the answer, they'll reply11:13
pine64can anyone help me pls11:21
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tomreyn!ask | pine6411:23
ubottupine64: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:23
tomreyn!details | eMy11:24
ubottueMy: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.11:24
eMyi need some help to learn crack a wap wifi connection somebody can help me with ?11:25
tomreyneMy: not here, no. this is ubuntu support11:26
eMycan u tell me where can i ask for it .... y tried  a lots of videos on utube but alway y get an error11:27
mancman3eMy: do /nick OHMY :)11:28
mancman3eMy: no pvt msgs thanks11:29
adroit_machineI have a usb headphone(jabra 550a), the headphones work fine when I use vlc. But they don't work when I try to watch youtube on firefox or chrome. Need help please11:32
dbugger_Does anyone know why my printer wont appear just on GIMP? Every other program can find it without a problem...11:32
tomreyndbugger_: you may need to install the "gimp-gutenprint" package11:38
dbugger_tomreyn, that did not help :/11:39
tomreyndbugger_: hmm, then i don't know, sorry. here (16.04) my printer shows up in gimp as it shows up elsewhere.11:41
dbugger_tomreyn, Here (18.04) worked everything, but GIMP is being a bitch :P11:42
SimonNLadroit_machine: could be you have the player of those apps muted11:42
SimonNLadroit_machine: might be you have youtube player muted11:43
gopal_unable to connect to wifi after installing ubuntu 18.04LTS11:45
gopal_it was working in 16.04lts11:46
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alex72grI'm trying to install xubuntu 18.04 64 bit11:58
alex72grit seems that I can't install the boot loader11:58
alex72grany experienced user for manual parittioning my disks?11:58
gopal_alex72gr, bios or efi?11:59
alex72grgopal_: what does this mean?11:59
alex72grI don't know..12:00
alex72grI'm not experienced12:00
gopal_alex72gr, you are using a new pc ?12:00
alex72grgopal_: yes12:01
alex72grI have a 240GB SDD and a 3TB HDD12:01
gopal_alex72gr, any other operating system is installed ?12:01
alex72grI'll just install Xubuntu12:01
alex72grnothing else12:01
gopal_alex72gr, you want to install xubuntu on ssd ?12:02
alex72grso... the 1st disk (SDD 240GB) is for installing the boot loader, / (root directory) and swap12:02
alex72grthis one is marked as sda12:02
alex72grthe other one sdb HDD 3TB is for /home12:03
alex72grwhat should I do?12:03
gartralalex72gr: how much ram do you have? you may not want to put swap on your ssd12:03
alex72grI created a 24GB swap partition (the 1.5x rule)12:03
alex72grI think it's OK12:03
MonkeyDustalex72gr  in a terminal, lsblk -f ... paste it here, to show it to the channel ... https://paste.ubuntu.com/12:04
gopal_alex72gr, https://askubuntu.com/questions/194457/installing-ubuntu-os-on-ssd-and-install-home-on-other-hdd12:04
alex72grNAME   FSTYPE   LABEL       UUID                                 MOUNTPOINT12:05
alex72grloop0  squashfs                                                  /rofs12:05
alex72gr├─sda1 vfat                 8525-87D912:05
alex72gr├─sda2 ext4                 b1ff5ef7-fdfd-4946-9f84-8ae650eaaa3d12:05
alex72gr└─sda3 swap                 5133e601-f933-4f79-b5fd-aad329ec864a [SWAP]12:05
gartralwell he wasn't very good at following instructions, was he? >.>12:06
gopal_MonkeyDust, for 18.04 manual swap partition  is not required , right ?12:06
gartralgopal_: it depends entirely on what you do in the installer, if you let it do it's automatic thing then no, if you select "something else" then yes12:07
alex72grthe / directory (ext4), the swap area (24GB).12:08
dukeHmm, is there an easy way to restore a system after a failed do-release-upgrade? :D12:08
mistralolduke: from backup?12:08
alex72grshould I create manually a boot partition (EFI)?12:08
dukeI made the upgrade from Lubuntu 17.10 to 18.04 on my crappy tablet the other day via ssh and it borked.12:08
dukemistralol: don't have a backup for this machine, as there isn't really anything on it12:09
dukemistralol: but just asking, before I reinstall it, if there is an easy way to restore it or not12:09
mistralolthen easy to just reinstall12:09
dukeYea, guessed so12:09
ioriaduke, we can try ... ca you boot the box ?12:10
dukeioria: only to a terminal12:10
gopal_gartral, ""For new installs, a swap file will be used by default instead of a swap partition " source https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes12:10
ioriaduke, you mean console or Recovery Mode ?12:11
gartralduke: did the upgrade *fail* or did you acidentally kill the terminal window?12:11
gopal_wifi not working after installing ubuntu 18.04,12:11
dukeioria: actually, scratch that. it boots and displays a kernel panic12:11
dukeunable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)12:12
ioriaduke, try again (these days Lubuntu is acting weird)12:12
Sbur3Ubuntu 18.04.  Connected laptop to TV via HMDI.  Want sound to come out of TV and not laptop.  For the moment, it comes out of the laptop and NOT from the TV12:12
Sbur3Any takers for this problem?12:12
gartralduke: you got lucky, in the future always have backups, even if you think the machine isn't worth it, go reinstall12:12
dukegartral: I started it via ssh from my desktop and let it run. when I came back after sleep the ssh session had closed itself, so dunno.12:12
ioriaduke, i mean reboot12:12
dukehold on12:13
mistralolSbur3: often the gfx card has a sound card in it for this reason12:14
dukelet me try booting the recovery mode12:14
ioriaduke, yep12:14
mistralolSbur3: just change it in the control panel12:14
gopal_laptop came with broadcom card12:16
dukeioria: still the same, seems like it cant open the root device and thus not mount the root fs12:16
dukeioria: well, I guess I'll just reinstall it, seems a lot faster and less hassle12:16
ioriaduke, yes12:16
Sbur3mistralol: Actually, I'm trying to help a friend with teamviewer.  The sound was the normal way before.  (out of TV, but not out of computer12:17
gopal_ioria, can you please help me , wifi is not working12:17
Sbur3mistralol: He's too limited to have screwed something up12:17
ioriagopal_, paste  sudo -C Network12:17
dukeioria: this tablet is rather experimental either way in terms of linux. It even requires me to manually add the 32 bit EFI stuff onto the USB stick, so the device's UEFI can even boot the installer.12:17
ioriagopal_, paste  sudo  lshw -C Network12:17
mistralolSbur3: but yeah. What do you have in the control panel under sound?12:18
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ioriaduke, that's should be a pain ...12:18
dukeioria: then it does run well, at least a lot better than it did with Windows 10, especially in terms of storage space... only has 32GB and Win10 couldnt update anymore, because no space left.12:19
mistralolanyone any idea what this means? usb 2-5.4.1: input irq status -75 received12:19
ioriaduke, so lubuntu is the right choice, i guess12:19
dukeioria: but as said, the audio doesn't work, it seems like alsa/pulse just wants to use the HDMI port instead of the proper audio device - which does get recognized - and I haven't gotten it to use the proper one somehow.12:20
gopal_ioria, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PrQrdzxbX4/12:20
ioriaduke, as i said, ... a pain :þ12:20
dukeioria: aaaaaand then the issue with the display not shutting off when I lock the tablet or press the power button or the device goes to sleep. Display does turn black, but is still on.12:21
gopal_ioria, i can see wifi connections available but when i connect to them , they keep asking for password12:21
gopal_i am entering correct password12:21
dukeThen the webcams do not work, but I don't care about that.12:21
ioriagopal_,  dmesg | grep -i wlo112:22
dukeioria: thinking about either trying LUbuntu 18.04 again or give Manjaro a shot, altho I don't see that changing much in terms of functionality12:22
ioriaduke, yeah, with that thing you have to go by trying12:23
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dukeioria: Yup. I'd be satisfied if I get the audio to work and could live with the screen issue.12:23
ioriaduke, good luck12:24
dukethanks :D12:24
dukeI'll make sure to ask here for specific help with ALSA and pulseaudio befuddling.12:24
dukefor now... where did I put my spare USB stick...12:25
ioriaduke, what kernel ? uname -r12:27
dukeuh, I can't access it yet.12:28
dukebut hold on, I might have a pastebin from recently12:28
ioriaduke, sorry it was for gopal_  what kernel ? uname -r12:28
gopal_ioria, 4.15.0-20-generic12:29
ioriagopal_, sudo modprobe -v wl12:30
gopal_ioria, empty12:31
ioriagopal_, are you using bcmwl-kernel-source  ?12:31
gopal_ioria, how to check ?12:32
ioriagopal_, dpkg -l  bcmwl-kernel-source12:32
gartralok all, speaking of upgrade troubles, I have a desktop here that's kinda screwed up, I did an upgrade fine, but the system refuses to boot any new kernel (this has been going on for a while now.) currently i'm on 18.04 with kernel
ioriagartral, that is an old xenial kernel ...12:33
gopal_ioria, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pm4cRKVxkK/12:33
gartralioria: I'm perfectly well aware of this12:33
ioriagartral, and why do you still have it ?12:33
gartralioria: because no newer kernels boot12:33
gartrali want to fix this12:34
ioriagopal_,  i don't think is a driver issue ...12:34
ioriagopal_,  but you can try   sudo apt-get install --reinstall bcmwl-kernel-source  and reboot12:35
gopal_ioria, but it was working in ubuntu 14 and 1612:35
ioriagopal_,  sudo  apt-get install --reinstall bcmwl-kernel-source  and reboot   (check for errors, if any)12:36
legaloußonjour les gens !12:36
_cclegalou: what?12:36
ioriagartral, but the bionic kernel is installed correctly ?12:36
gopal_ioria, Running module version sanity check.  - Original module  - No original module exists within this kernel12:36
gopal_it is error ?12:37
gartralioria: is installed, reportedly correctly, but if I try and boot to it the machine bootloops without giving an error12:37
ioriagartral, you mean restarts again ?12:38
gartralioria: yep, till I intervene at grub and manually select the old kernel12:39
ioriagartral, i'd try acpi=off12:40
gopal_ioria, reboot ?12:40
ioriagopal_, yes12:40
gartralioria: i'll try, brb12:42
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gopal_ioria, wifi unavailable - 802.1X supplicant failed12:45
BluesKajHiyas all12:46
gobi_is it possible to install a windows partion from ubuntu12:46
ioriagopal_, sudo service network-manager restart12:47
gobi_i have ubuntu on my ssd and an empty hdd, id like to partition the hdd and install windows12:47
cfhowlettgobi_, install?  no.  reserve and set aside? sure.12:47
cfhowlettgobi_, so boot the windows cd, install.  however you will need to reinstall grub to get your ubuntus to boot after installing windows12:47
cfhowlett!grub | gobi_ please save12:48
ubottugobi_ please save: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub212:48
gobi_cool thanks12:48
gartralioria: welp, you were right, so the question is now, how do I make acpi=off applicable system-wide and automatic with new kernels?12:50
ioriagartral, wait... acpi=off is not recommended12:51
ioriagartral, to answer you question you put it in /etc/default/grub12:52
gopal_ioria, after restarting network manager i was able to connect to wifi , then i click on disconnect and again it was giving 802.1X supplicant failed error12:52
gopal_and now restarting network manager is also not working12:52
ioriagopal_,  but still asking you again and again the password ?12:53
gopal_ioria, no wifi unavailable - 802.1X supplicant failed12:54
gopal_ioria, when i restart it sometimes no error is shown but no network available12:55
gartralioria: well.. it may not be recomended, but I lack the skills to fix the acpi implimentation for my specific chipset12:55
ioriagartral, ok,  sudo nano /etc/default/grub  and set  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi=off "12:56
ioriagartral, and run sudo update-grub12:57
gopal_ioria, now it is showing 802.1X supplicant failed , and restarting network  manager is also not working12:57
ioriagopal_,  cd  /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/  and paste the file you find in there12:59
gopal_ioria,  Airtel  'Airtel Wired HotSpot'   Q6_7421  'Wired connection 2'13:00
ioriagopal_,  the wifi one ... idk what is  :þ13:01
ioriagopal_,  i guess Airtel13:01
gopal_ioria, Airtel  'Airtel Wired HotSpot'   Q6_742113:01
ioriagopal_,  paste   Airtel13:02
kiriuha1has joined #ubuntu13:02
gopal_ioria, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XVPVYNTTrB/13:03
cfhowlettkiriuha1, stop it13:03
cfhowlettthis is ubuntu support.  if you have a question, ask. if you have an answer, help.13:04
lapagakiriuha does this every day maybe its time for a ban13:05
cfhowlettah.  didnt' know.  fortunately, hexchat /ignore works perfectly13:05
ioriagopal_,  try   nmtui-connect     and activate the connection there13:06
Guest55197any one  here ?13:06
gopal_ioria, what is that ?13:06
cfhowlettGuest55197, only me and about 2000 others.13:06
ioriagopal_,  a cli tool13:07
Guest55197where am i please?13:07
gopal_ioria, done it is airtel hotspot13:07
cfhowlettGuest55197, for the record, #ubuntu is never empty so just skip the greeting and ask your support question13:07
gopal_ioria, now ?13:08
MonkeyDustGuest55197  you're in the ubuntu support channel, type   /topic13:08
Guest55197so ! how to update graphic quality on ubuntu ?13:08
ioriagopal_,  reboot and try to connect ?13:09
gopal_ioria, ok rebooting13:09
ioriagopal_,  set also the passphrase13:09
MonkeyDust!details | Guest5519713:09
ubottuGuest55197: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.13:09
gopal_ioria, how ?13:09
Guest55197ubottu thank you13:10
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)13:10
ioriagopal_,  nmtui13:10
Guest55197what ? ubottu u are bot ! that amazing who designed you ?13:10
cfhowlettGuest55197, focus.  if you want help with your problem, provide details as requested.13:11
gopal_ioria, soooy for wrong info , but i cant see any wifi id in nmtui-connect13:12
gopal_ioria, it only show pic ethernet and usb ethernet13:12
Guest55197cfhowlett when i open video in vlc media it came with bad quality on my ubuntu 16.0413:13
ioriagopal_, paste  ' ip   a '13:13
cfhowlettGuest55197, "bad quality" = low resolution or what?13:13
gopal_ioria, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/F2zNVqRtXY/13:14
ioriagopal_, yes, disabled13:14
Guest55197cfhowlett yeah low resolution but when i open it in windows 10 or 7 it came with good resolution ?13:15
MonkeyDustGuest55197  which graphics card?13:15
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Guest55197monkeydust intel celeron n305013:16
gopal_ioria, ?13:16
ioriagopal_, wlo1: <NO-CARRIER>13:16
gopal_ioria, how to enable it , restating network manager is not working13:17
ioriagopal_,  sudo ip link set  wlo1 up13:18
gopal_ioria, sorry , need to go , only 5% battery in laptop and no power in my house13:18
ioriagopal_,  ok13:18
gopal_ioria, still o wifi in nmuti13:18
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funfrogshi all13:32
tzanologood morning for everyone. i'm trying to install cisco packettracer 7 on my ubuntu 18, and when I run it, there are a missing dependencie.13:44
justin___I can't start ubuntu 18 in recovery mode13:44
justin___ive tried holding down right shift13:44
justin___its not working13:44
tzanolo./PacketTracer7: error while loading shared libraries: libQt5WebKitWidgets.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory13:44
tzanoloits missing... does someone knows how to find it ???13:45
MonkeyDust!find libqt5webkit13:55
ubottuFound: libqt5webkit5, libqt5webkit5-dev13:55
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luxioI just rebooted and the order of my monitors was switched14:45
luxioThe right one has the sidebar and the top bar14:45
luxiothe left one used to have that14:45
luxiohow do I fix  this14:46
luxionvm fixed14:46
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s10gopalioria, still getting unavailable- 802.1X supplicant failed14:47
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s10gopalhow to fix unavailable- 802.1X supplicant failed ?14:49
iorias10gopal, dmesg | grep -i wpa14:49
s10gopalioria, empty14:49
iorias10gopal, your interface (wlo1)  is up now  ?14:51
s10gopalioria, i did  sudo ip link set  wlo1 up , but still getting empty log14:52
iorias10gopal,   ip  a14:53
iorias10gopal,   nmcli dev wifi connect <mySSID> password <my_password>14:54
s10gopalioria, bash: sushi@195: event not found14:57
iorias10gopal,   you made it wrong ...14:57
s10gopalioria, nmcli dev wifi connect Airtel  password sushi@19514:58
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iorias10gopal,  escape @14:59
ledenis10gopal, do you use different keyboard layout ?15:00
s10gopalledeni, no15:00
s10gopalioria, ?15:01
iorias10gopal,  nmcli dev wifi connect Airtel  password sushi\@19515:01
s10gopalioria, Error: No network with SSID 'Airtel' found.15:02
oerheksare these "802.1X supplicant failed" errors due to connect to a hidden network ?15:02
s10gopalafter installing ubuntu 1804 , i want unable to connect to wifi , it was keep asking password15:03
s10gopaland after doing reinstall bwcl i am getting that error15:03
iorias10gopal,  nmcli dev wifi connect Airtel  password 'sushi@195'      (with quotes)15:04
s10gopalioria, Error: No network with SSID 'Airtel' found.15:04
iorias10gopal,  sudo iwlist wlo115:06
s10gopalioria, iwlist: unknown command `wlo1' (check 'iwlist --help').15:07
iorias10gopal,  sudo iwlist scan15:07
s10gopalioria, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VmzpfVzbBy/15:08
iorias10gopal,  set +H   && nmcli dev wifi connect Airtel  password sushi@19515:12
s10gopalioria, Error: No network with SSID 'Airtel' found.15:14
curiousI would like to install ubuntu 18.04 on a machine with two disks - a small SSD (32G) and a larger hard disk (1TB). Would like to use both disks for Ubuntu and have them both be fully encrypted. Installer skips over the larger disk forcing me to encrypt separately15:16
curiousAny way to avoid that?15:17
iorias10gopal,  try again with nmtui15:17
ss442 guys15:19
ss44any 1 here?15:20
rud0lfplease help. i use Broadcom BCM20702A0 Bluetooth USB dongle along with Philips SHB3075/00 Headset. When i connect from computer via blueman-applet (ver. 2.0.5), all is fine, but when i connect other way - by turning on headphones so those connect to pc, connection is successful, but the Headset device isn't working nor isn't visible in PulseAudio settings15:22
rud0lfi have to disconnect and connect again from computer via blueman-applet for those to work15:22
s10gopalioria, nmuti -> edit connection , Airtel is present there15:24
rud0lfi'm not sure how to google my problem15:25
ledenis10gopal, try with nm-connecton-editor to make new wifi profile15:27
s10gopali think first i should delete all profiles ?15:27
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rud0lf"pactl list cards short" shows bluetooth card.. is there a way to send signal to pulseaudio to refresh it?15:27
ledenis10gopal, not necessary15:28
s10gopalledeni, but Airtel profile is already created15:28
s10gopalwhy i have to create a new one ?15:28
oerheksclear profiles, restart router to release the lease..15:29
oerheks2 actions to find out if that is the culprit15:29
ledenis10gopal, just to see you got same error15:29
oerheksBCM43142 is a wifi/bt chipset, do you have proper BT ?15:30
Guest81396Hello.I wish to install Atom from the Ubuntu Software Cente, in detail the message is displayed "the application is unconfined. it can access all personal files and system resources".How do I protect my self from that and restrict access, btw im using Ubuntu 18.04.Thanks you.15:30
s10gopalidk about bt15:30
iorias10gopal,  yes, and did you install , by chance, another nm , like wicd  ?15:30
s10gopalioria, yes someone suggested o install wicd but it dont work so i removed it15:31
s10gopalme to15:31
iorias10gopal,  dpkg -l | grep wicd15:31
s10gopalioria, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MmFmtYnrgn/15:32
ducasseGuest81396: there's nothing really strange about that, but you could spend time on setting up an apparmor profile15:32
iorias10gopal,  still there, purge it and autoremove15:32
s10gopalioria, purge wicd ?15:33
oerheksGuest81396, by not using it, "this third package is not sandboxed, it will have access to your documents.." Atom is a free and open source text editor that is modern, approachable, and hackable to the core.15:33
oerheksor use it with care15:33
s10gopalioria, done15:33
iorias10gopal,  apt autoremove15:34
s10gopalioria, done15:34
Guest81396Ah I see, i will try apparmor. Thanks you ducasse and oerheks. :)15:34
iorias10gopal,  check again dpkg -l | grep wicd   and be sure it's gone15:34
scpI was doing a do-release upgrade in a screen and had to disconnect from the server but can't reconnect, is there anything I can do?15:35
ducasseGuest81396: be aware that apparmor is pretty complex. if you need help, a few of the maintainers hang out in #ubuntu-server15:35
s10gopalioria, still present http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2Sb4hNGZPd/15:35
memphisto@scp: screen -r15:36
iorias10gopal,  sudo apr purge  wicd-curses wicd-daemon  wicd-gtk15:36
scpmemphisto: can't reconnect to the ssh15:36
s10gopalioria, all removed15:37
scpI can ping the machine, it's there.  I thought it normally started ssh on a different port when it did an upgrade? or is that my memory being fuzzy?  Already doing a port scan, but idk if I'm wrong.15:37
iorias10gopal,  restart router and pc  ... and, for now, i suggest you change your wifi password (without special characters like @!# etc. etc.)15:38
memphistoscp: oh. then your *. But don't you have iLO, or iDRAC, or similar to your server15:38
s10gopalioria, ok15:38
scpmemphisto: idk what any of that means15:39
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ducassescp: is this a vps or a physical machine?15:39
scpphysical machine15:39
leftyfbscp: why can't you plug in a keyboard and monitor?15:40
scpleftyfb: oh, it's remote, it's just a rented dedicated machine15:40
leftyfbscp: ok, then contact support15:40
scpnaw, they can't help me, i hope.  If I have to brave a hard-reboot and see if it comes back then that's that.15:41
oerheksrental machine, then you should have an admin entry15:41
memphistoscp: Integrated Lights-Out, or iLO, is a proprietary embedded server management technology by Hewlett-Packard which provides out-of-band management facilities15:41
oerheksdon't mention valuable info like rental machine when seeking support15:41
ducassescp: check if there's an sshd on port 2222 first15:41
scpoerheks: no console from the control panel if that's what you mean.  Normally I use mosh, which uses ssh, but right now neither connect.  443 is up though, so that's a ok sign15:42
scpport 2222: Connection refused15:42
ducassescp: ok. iirc that's where the upgrader starts an sshd15:43
scpmemphisto: already on it, the port scans gonna take a hot 20 minutes or so15:43
memphistoscp: hands and eyes on remote site that could help you ??15:44
scpducasse: yeah, seemed like i remembered something like that.  That at least gives me motivation to let the portscan finish before doing the reboot.15:44
scpmemphisto: heh, like i said earlier, if they can help me that would kind of scare me, i mean the implications.15:44
s10gopalioria, it is working but when i keep @ in my password it keep asking for password15:44
iorias10gopal,  did you change the password ?15:45
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s10gopalioria, i created hotspot from my mobile and i am able to connect to it15:45
s10gopalioria, but when i connect to Airtel it ask for password again and again15:46
* oerheks bets password = wrong15:46
iorias10gopal,  so the proble is the settings of that Network15:46
s10gopalioria, password is correct , i connect my mobile to that router using same password15:47
iorias10gopal,  did you change the password ?  yes / no15:47
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s10gopal_ioria, i am able to reproduce it ,15:50
s10gopal_i changed my mobile hotspot's password to pas@1115:50
iorias10gopal,  " password (without special characters like @!# etc. etc.)"15:51
s10gopal_ioria, how to set password with special characters ? i was using same password to ubuntu 14.0415:52
s10gopal_and it was working fine15:52
iorias10gopal_, 'wihout '15:52
iorias10gopal_, without15:53
oerheks.. change it to 'normal' characters and find out that is the issue?15:53
s10gopal_oerheks, it work fine with normal characters15:53
iorias10gopal_,  you know, like 'pippoboia'15:53
iorias10gopal_,  and connect to that 'Airtel' or whatever it is15:54
s10gopal_i am able to connect to airtel with normal password15:55
iorias10gopal_,  omg15:55
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s10gopal_ioria, any idea how to fix it ?15:57
s10gopal_it is problem related to wap/wap2 ?15:57
oerheksif you used the gui, it should be alright, if you edited the password manually, restart networking ?15:59
oerheksand you *did* set the pasword in your router too?15:59
s10gopal_oerheks, even it dont work with gui16:00
FreekidHi how can i make it work with ubuntu? https://github.com/nvllsvm/emby-unlocked16:02
ledenis10gopal_, run nm-connetion-editor check Aritel wifi security & password16:04
Freekid Hi how can i make it work with ubuntu? https://github.com/nvllsvm/emby-unlocked16:05
oerheksFreekid, i think you need to deploy the docker image16:06
FreekidAh so i need to to install docker in ubuntu?16:07
oerheksand "paid to unlock emby"  sounds like you are asking us to help hacking? https://emby.media/premiere.html16:08
oerheks*if* you have paid, that feature would be available to you16:08
EzroHey everyone. I'm trying to create and a share a torrent with a friend, but my transmission keeps saying the port is closed.16:14
EzroCanyouseeme.org is showing the port as being open, though.16:14
EzroDoes anyone know what could be blocking transmission?16:15
crimson_kingEzro, maybe you didn't do port forwarding. It's necessary, because you have a router/modem in the way, (right?)16:15
EzroI set up the port forwarding in my router, and also even tried disabling my firewall with Gufw.16:16
EzroCanyouseeme.org shows the port as being open when I have transmission running, but transmission is showing it as closed.16:16
crimson_kingEzro, what about the modem?16:17
crimson_kingEzro, router and modem?16:17
oerhekssudo ufw allow <port>/tcp16:17
Freekidoh it may be transmission error Ezro but its open actually if that site says it open16:17
crimson_kingEzro, don't disable the firewall, just open the Transmission port through it16:18
oerhekssudo ufw status verbose16:18
Ezrocrimson_king: My router has the port forwarded, and I added a rule in the firewall to allow <-> my local ip16:19
Ezrooerheks: I've already added the port in my local firewall and it shows as 'ALLOW Anywhere' in 'sudo ufw status verbose'.16:20
crimson_kingEzro, OK, so the router allows Transmission port to your computer IP, right?16:20
EzroYes, I believe so.16:20
crimson_kingshow us your ufw status, as oerheks said, it might show something16:21
oerhekshmm maybe something else, a fresh torrent can take up minutes to avertise to your friend, maybe just be patient?16:22
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oerhekscheck if uPnP is enabled, port -13 is the standard listeningport, that seems oke16:29
Ezrooerheks: Canyouseeme.org is seeing port 13 as cloesd16:32
MikeRLI think I've noticed a bug but have no clue what package it applies to. Scrolling jumps multiple lines at once. This is noticeable in GNOME shell's application launcher and in games on Steam like Half Life where it interferes with the game. Rebooting sometimes fixes it.16:34
MikeRLI have no clue what package to file it under. Anyone have any ideas?16:34
MikeRLI'm on Ubuntu 18.04 and I noticed it on the previous LTS as well.16:36
en1gmaim running 18.4 lts x86_64 desktop. default install and desktop. if i have two seperate terms open and click the icon a little window pops up and shows my two terms16:50
en1gmais there a way to make those terms in that window larger so i can see more16:50
en1gmatoo bad we cant just click and drag it bigger16:50
AquaL1tei can't find any https mirrors for ubuntu, is this really not supported?16:52
dropkick500so everybody's clients just decided to ping timeout all at once?16:53
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tgm4883AquaL1te: I wouldn't say it's not supported, just that there aren't any16:55
CableGuyI could use a little help if someone is available17:00
ducasseCableGuy: ask your question, someone will help if they can17:01
CableGuyHaving some issues installing a program in 18.04. I've downloaded the file and done the extraction.17:01
CableGuywhen I use apt install, it says unable to locate the package. I've tried it from a few different locations17:02
CableGuywhat am I doing wrong17:02
oerheksapt uses the repos, you want dpkg -i <package>.deb17:03
oerheksand if it is not a deb, read the instruction ?17:03
CableGuyspecifically it is the gnu external ballistics calculator. Not been able to find any instructions. Just a trz file17:04
tgm4883Don't use dpkg to install a deb, use apt17:04
tgm4883'apt install ./debfile.deb'17:04
oerheksthere are tons of gnu external ballistics calculators, url?17:06
tgm4883I think you'll need to compile that from source17:06
pankaj_I just installed latest lfs release of ubuntu deaktop but now i want to install some other destro. But I cannot enter the biis even by pressing f2 or f12 at startup. Ubuntu shows up fastly17:07
leftyfbtgm4883: why apt over dpkg?17:07
tgm4883leftyfb: because it resolves dependencies17:07
leftyfbpankaj_: that's a question about your hardware/BIOS/motherboard, not Ubuntu17:07
ducasseCableGuy: did you download the source archive?17:08
leftyfbpankaj_: Ubuntu does not change how you get into your BIOS in any way17:08
p0aHello I'm using Lubuntu 16.04 and I'm getting errors about updating firefox with `apt-get upgrade' (not found). I think this means I have to upgrade my ubuntu.17:08
p0adoes anyone know how I can do that?17:08
pankaj_But before now it worked fine.17:08
leftyfbp0a: pastebin the error17:08
p0aleftyfb: there /was/ a recent bug in some laptops with the BIOS though17:08
leftyfbpankaj_: coincidence17:08
leftyfbp0a: got a link?17:09
p0aleftyfb: sure, it's a 404 not found error17:09
CableGuyI did not download the source archive.17:09
leftyfbp0a: please pastebin the actual error17:09
oerheksCableGuy, there is a source, and slackware gives /gebc-1.07-i386/, i think you downloaded that one17:09
pankaj_leftyfb: So do you think of any other solution?17:09
tgm4883pankaj_: what laptop?17:09
p0aleftyfb: the BIOS link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/173414717:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1734147 in linux (Ubuntu Artful) "corrupted BIOS due to Intel SPI bug in kernel" [Critical,Fix released]17:09
leftyfbpankaj_: unplug the HDD and see if it makes a difference17:10
pankaj_leftyfb: Even my pendrive does not blink17:10
CableGuyI did download that17:10
tgm4883p0a: that wasn't a 16.04 bug17:10
CableGuytwice actually17:10
CableGuyone that is a tar.gz and one that is zip. which I'm pretty sure I cant use17:10
p0atgm4883: wasn't referring to myself; someone said ubuntu doesn't mess with the BIOS and I thought that might be helpful17:10
CableGuyI'm pretty new to this whole installing thing when there is no instructions.17:11
tgm4883p0a: meh ok17:11
p0aleftyfb: `apt-get upgrade' link: https://pastebin.com/cm8NMFiN17:11
p0atgm4883: meeeeeh :P17:11
tgm4883p0a: did you run 'apt update' ?17:11
pankaj_leftyfb: It is a laptop17:11
leftyfbp0a: sudo apt-get clean ; sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade17:12
pankaj_leftyfb: Before I used to take out the battery and tyen try again. IT WORKED BUT NOW IT DOES NOT17:12
p0aleftyfb: thank you17:12
oerheksCableGuy, it is a 32 bit blob from 2008 .. https://sourceforge.net/projects/balcomp/files/?source=navbar find a better project, or build it from source17:12
tgm4883pankaj_: what laptop...17:12
pankaj_leftyfb: toshiba satellite c85017:13
p0aleftyfb: I take it I should always run that sequence then17:13
leftyfbp0a: you should always do an update first, yes17:13
oerhekswhen i start it, it complains about#  ./gebc  -> ./gebc: error while loading shared libraries: libpng.so.3: cannot open shared object file17:13
CableGuyany suggestions on a newer project? a google search only pulls up this one and some built for windows.17:13
tgm4883pankaj_: getting into the bios of that laptop when fast boot is enabled seems to be a common problem17:14
leftyfbbut still nothing to do with ubuntu17:15
ApertureHey there o/17:15
tgm4883leftyfb: +117:15
p0aAperture: hello17:15
p0aAnother question: I get CPU#2 soft lock errors sometimes when I halt the machine17:16
pankaj_leftyfb: I was building linux from scratch abd when i ran a package requirement check i niticed that some packages like make, m4, gcc , g++, yacc etc does not come pre installed in ubuntu as compared to other linux destros. Why?17:16
p0aSearching online, some people recommend replacing the power supply. Is that what I should do?17:16
leftyfbpankaj_: they are part of the "build-essential" package17:17
ioriap0a, for what ?17:17
tgm4883pankaj_: because most users don't need to compile things17:17
p0aioria: to avoid these halting errors that stop the computer from halting17:17
ioriap0a, can you define 'halting errors', please ?17:18
pankaj_leftyfb: but is not that they are essential to open source. Even awk is a symbolic link to nawk and not gawk17:18
pankaj_leftyfb: sorry mawk17:18
TortoiseSvnleftyfb: i know you17:18
TortoiseSvnare you the gay furry in the UK?17:18
ApertureSo I screwed my partition table somehow when resizing partitions, and now whenever Ubuntu boots, I get dropped to a BusyBox (initramfs) prompt. Any ideas on what I should do?17:19
p0aioria: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#16 stuck for 23s!17:19
leftyfbpankaj_: in ubuntu 16.04, awk is a link to gawk17:19
p0aioria: that was from online. Mine says CPU#217:19
leftyfb!op | TortoiseSvn17:19
ubottuTortoiseSvn: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax17:19
ioriap0a, oh, i see17:19
ioriap0a, it's an old machine ?17:19
tgm4883pankaj_: and again, they are not required for most users17:19
pankaj_ioria: i also had same problem when i did not know how to do that or may be some other problem.17:19
ioriap0a, it's an old machine ?17:20
p0aioria: :( don't say that out loud, it might hear you17:20
pankaj_leftyfb: yes but not in 1817:20
p0aioria: sorry - just kidding. Yeah it's kind of old.17:20
ioriap0a, :)  like what ?17:20
leftyfbpankaj_: there is no "18". You might be referring to Ubuntu 18.0417:20
pankaj_leftyfb: yes i was referring to same17:21
ioriap0a,  and what your kernel   ? uname -r17:21
leftyfbpankaj_: if you want to change it, run sudo update-alternatives --config awk17:22
p0aioria: 4.13.0-36-generic, it's about 9 years old17:22
leftyfbpankaj_: btw, LFS is in no way supported here.17:22
ioriap0a,  also your kernel is old ....17:22
ioriap0a,  are you on xenial or artful ?17:22
p0aioria: sorry, I don't know how to update it. I thought maybe apt-get takes care of it17:23
pankaj_leftyfb: ok i will see17:23
leftyfbpankaj_: if you install gawk, it will set it as default17:23
p0aioria: I'm on lubuntu if that's what you're asking17:23
ioriap0a,  cat /etc/issue17:23
p0aioria: Ubuntu 17.1017:24
p0a(I had forgotten that xenial/artful refer to major releases)17:24
ioriap0a,  then you kernel should be
ioriap0a,  sudo apt full-upgrade17:24
pankaj_leftyfb: I was curious to know if this package management that i was talking haa something to do with canonical proprietary regime. I saw an youtube video clip of richard stallman talking about proprietary stuff of ubuntu17:24
p0aioria: thanks!17:25
leftyfb!ot | pankaj_17:25
ubottupankaj_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:25
ioriap0a,  ok, and reboot to make it in use17:25
leftyfbpankaj_: please take that discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic17:25
p0aioria: why doesn't `upgrade' take care of the kernel?17:25
p0aioria: so the full-upgrade is there in case users don't want to go all the way with upgrades?17:26
ioria!dist-upgrade | p0a17:26
ubottup0a: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.17:26
pankaj_leftyfb: ok. In the mean time i was trying a trick to make bios appear but it did not work out. Do you have any advice on this?17:27
p0a!upgrade | p0a17:27
ubottup0a, please see my private message17:27
ApertureCan I ask my question again?17:27
leftyfbpankaj_: keep trying, try #hardware or read the documentation on your hardware17:27
ApertureSo I screwed my partition table somehow when resizing partitions, and now whenever Ubuntu boots, I get dropped to a BusyBox (initramfs) prompt. Any ideas on what I should do?17:28
p0aioria: seems 4.13 is installed. here I go... (restarting)17:28
pankaj_leftyfb: ok17:28
p0aioria: thanks for the help17:28
ioriap0a,  no prob17:28
Aperturethere's also an "ALERT! /dev/mapper/xubuntu--vg-root does not exist. Dropping to a shell!!" message right before this17:30
leftyfbLooan: can we help you with something?17:30
MutterSomeone can help me with beryl cube?17:32
leftyfbMutter: beryl isn't a thing anymore AFAICT17:33
MutterAfaict? What is that?17:35
leftyfbas far as I can tell17:35
leftyfbMutter: you can play with the cube affect by enabling "desktop cube" using compizconfig-settings-manager17:36
MutterCompiz??? Omg what is that?17:37
MutterMy last distro was feisty17:39
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Apertureguess I'll uh17:39
leftyfbMutter: what are you running now?17:39
Apertureask in a different channel17:39
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qsqsqsqwhat application are not installed in minimal installation of ubuntu 18.0417:39
MutterI’m running gutsy gibbon17:42
leftyfbMutter: trolling is offtopic17:43
[Kid]anyone have multipath setup and working in 18.04?17:44
[Kid]i am able to see paths and they are ready, but if i try to mount the friendly name it says mount path busy17:44
MutterHey man !! Im not trolling17:44
MutterI want to install The cube like a beryl17:45
leftyfbMutter: I told you how to do it. Mutter you also claim to run a distro which was unsupported over 10 years ago. Come back when you actually want help with Ubuntu.17:46
MutterCompiz or whaterver17:46
MutterSo what? What distro do You recomended?17:48
leftyfbMutter: ubuntu.com17:49
MutterUbuntu ok17:49
MutterOr xface17:49
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bunnyman13Hey all17:55
tomreynAquaL1te: see ubuntu_archivemirrors_https at https://github.com/tomreyn/scripts17:55
s10gopalClient: HexChat 2.14.1 • OS: Ubuntu "bionic" 18.04 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6200U CPU @ 2.30GHz (2.66GHz) • Memory: Physical: 11.3 GiB Total (10.6 GiB Free) Swap: 2.0 GiB Total (2.0 GiB Free) • Storage: 13.1 GB / 136.1 GB (123.0 GB Free) • VGA: Intel Corporation HD Graphics 520 @ Intel Corporation Skylake Host Bridge/DRAM Registers • Uptime: 27m 22s17:57
leftyfbs10gopal: please don't do that17:57
s10gopalsorry ,17:57
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
kostkons10gopal, you are forgiven18:01
shakes808Hello everyone,  I just updated to 18.04 and now my laptop freezes up frequently.  I have looked at top and system monitor and nothing seems to be using up my resources.  any suggestions?18:01
s10gopalin communitheme , system monitor gui is not working properly , how to report it ?18:03
ioriashakes808, freezes how ?18:04
shakes808computer just locks up and i have to force restart it18:05
ioriashakes808, fresh install ? proprietary drivers in use ? using default gnome-shell on xorg ?18:06
tomreynAquaL1te: output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nJFGsyZQmX/18:06
s10gopalioria, sometime this happen with me too , and sometimes it also happens while restarting , black screen with some logs like starting deaom , services etc18:06
shakes808ioria: I had 16 LTS and upgraded to 17 and then 1818:06
kostkon!reisub | shakes808, this is a safer way to recover from situations like yours, it works most of the time18:07
ubottushakes808, this is a safer way to recover from situations like yours, it works most of the time: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key18:07
bunnyman13from my understanding there was a lot of issues that was released with 18.0418:07
iorias10gopal, system monitor is ok with community theme18:08
s10gopalcan i get a list of applications which are not installed in minimal installation of ubuntu 18.04 please18:08
s10gopalioria, i will upload a screenshot18:08
s10gopalioria, where to upload ss ?18:09
s10gopalioria, https://imgur.com/a/Uu6hNwv18:13
CableGuyhaving an issue installing a ballistics program18:13
CableGuysourced from: https://sourceforge.net/projects/balcomp/?source=typ_redirect18:14
CableGuyusing the slack12 tar.gz18:15
CableGuyhave not found any instructions other than it needs a libpng318:15
CableGuycan anyone help18:15
kinois here kittykatt18:16
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines18:17
s10gopal!rules | kino18:17
ubottukino: please see above18:17
kostkonkino, you've taken a wrong turn18:17
kinoi dont do that animore18:17
kostkonkino, go eastwestnorthsouthish18:17
kostkonkino, good18:18
matjam!compile | CableGuy18:19
ubottuCableGuy: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall18:19
chanikanI did something, to make my ubuntu ask me for the keyring password every time I log in.  By default it didn`t do this.  I`ve googled it and it claims it is hasardous to remove this feature, however, on a clean install it doesn`t ask for it.  Therefor it should be possible to safely remove it somehow, right?18:19
matjamCableGuy: ubuntu is not slackware, so its unsurprising a 10 year old binary won't work on ubuntu. It's also not something packed with ubuntu, so it's unlikely you'll find support here for that software.18:19
TortoiseSvnleftyfb: What the hell man?18:20
CableGuyI've tried 3 different versions of it the same software...I just need a little help on the install is all18:20
s10gopalchanikan, http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2013/07/disable-unlock-login-keyring-ubuntu-13-04/18:21
matjamCableGuy: #ubuntu is for ubuntu-related support questions, this is a problem that isn't related to ubuntu supported software, so this isn't the appropriate place to ask for help with that software, sorry.18:22
matjam!offtopic | CableGuy18:23
ubottuCableGuy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:23
rud0lfplease help. when i initiate bluetooth connection from blueman-applet on pc with headphones, it works fine (pulseaudio shows new output device), but when headphones (on power-on) initiate connection, no audio output device appears in pa, although both blueman-applet and headset says it's connected, and "pactl list cards short" shows bluetooth card18:23
rud0lfi need to manually disconnect and reconnect with blueman-applet18:23
rud0lfis there a dbus signal or another way i can send to pulseaudio to refresh its status?18:24
matjamrud0lf: I don't know the answer to that but if you wait a while, someone might have a suggestion.18:24
CableGuyso then...what you're saying is that even though it was compatble with and built for older ubuntu versions I am SOL here18:24
rud0lfmatjam: thank you, i will wait patiently18:24
matjamCableGuy: it's not an ubuntu supplied and supported software.18:24
matjamyou can go to #ubu ...18:25
iorias10gopal, and it works correctly if you change the theme ?18:25
s10gopalioria, yes18:26
=== Fleetwood is now known as jerry
iorias10gopal, works perfectly here18:26
iorias10gopal, what version of gnome-system-monitor ?18:26
chanikanthank you for the response s10gopal, I`m using lubuntu but now I got the right idea, so I should be able to google fu it I think18:28
vijuCan I upgrade from 16.04 to the 18.04?18:29
ioriachanikan, look for keyring.default file  (i don't recall the exact location)18:29
s10gopalioria, how to check version dpkg -l gnome-system-monitor returns nothing18:31
iorias10gopal, dpkg -l  | grep system-monitor   (unless you 're using a snap)18:31
s10gopalioria, nothing18:33
iorias10gopal, sudo snap list18:34
s10gopalioria, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2x8fMKV4tM/18:34
s10gopalioria, 3.26.018:34
iorias10gopal, as i said, you're using a snap18:35
s10gopalioria, it is default18:35
iorias10gopal, i don't remember that (maybe); report to snap dev18:35
iorias10gopal, i don't have it18:36
s10gopalioria, can i get a list of applications which are not installed in minimal installation of ubuntu 18.04 please18:36
ioria!info gnome-system-monitor18:36
ubottugnome-system-monitor (source: gnome-system-monitor): Process viewer and system resource monitor for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 3.28.1-1 (bionic), package size 199 kB, installed size 1932 kB18:36
s10gopalwhy mine gnome is outdated ?18:37
iorias10gopal, i'd remove that snap and get the official one18:37
iorias10gopal,  what you mean with minimal installation  ?  mini.iso ?18:38
s10gopalioria, no , option in ubuntu installer18:39
iorias10gopal,  ah, the new feature ...  not tried so far18:39
iorias10gopal,  inimal Ubuntu install containing a desktop environment, a web browser, some core system tools, and little else18:40
s10gopalioria, but how to compare which package are present in full install and which are not present in min install ?18:41
=== jelly-home is now known as jelly
iorias10gopal,  why compare ?18:42
en1gmaim running 18.4 lts x86_64 desktop. default install and desktop. if i have two seperate terms open and click the icon a little window pops up and shows my two terms18:42
en1gmais there a way to make those terms in that window larger so i can see more18:42
TortoiseSvnGoodbye leftyfb i hope you find your hot fox or panda furry lover soon18:42
TortoiseSvnleftyfb: dont be afraid of who you are.18:42
s10gopalen1gma, try to open that term window then press ctrl + p , ( i am no sure ) then save it as pdf18:43
s10gopalthen read it18:43
iorias10gopal,  we are talking about   80 packages missing , no more18:44
ph88^when is does ubuntu 18.04 get kernel 4.16 ?18:46
en1gmaresize that area...18:47
rud0lfi have a tiny issue and i don't know when to look for config files.. when headset bluetooth connects, there are 3 profiles possible: HSP, A2DP, and Disabled. And the last one, disabled, is default. Can i change it so it will select A2DP upon connection?18:47
rud0lfevery time i pair headset, i need to open blueman and change audio profile.. not a big issue but still silly and iritating18:48
s10gopal#ubuntu-kernel | ph88^,18:48
s10gopalen1gma, if click is not working then it is bug , try alt + tab18:49
s10gopalioria, thx18:50
brainwashph88^: never18:50
en1gmai do not want to select and goto that window18:57
en1gmai want both windows to be bigger when not selected18:57
en1gmawhere i can pick either one but dont pick nothing18:57
en1gmain the video i want to grab the sides or corner to expand. you cant see me doing that?18:58
mm302hello, on the ReportingBugs page looks like I cannot report a system crash19:07
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kostkon!details | mm30219:11
ubottumm302: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.19:11
tomreynmm302: which ubuntu version? in /var/crash/ do you see a .crash file where the file name matches the time when you rebooted after the system crash?19:11
ioriamm302, and should be automatic if you press 'Report', unless you disabled  it in Privacy19:13
mm302ubuntu18, sometimes when I lock my laptop, then later I unlock it, after login, x server freezes. nothing I can do other than restarting (Ctrl+Alt num> doesn't work19:13
ioriamm302, that's not a 'crash'19:14
mm302I have nothing in /var/crash but I saw a strange line in syslog after PM: suspend entry (deep)19:14
tomreyn!reisub | mm30219:14
ubottumm302: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key19:14
mm302thanks, why do you think this is not a crash?19:15
ioriamm302, because it tells you19:15
ioriamm302, and you have a report under /var/crash19:17
ph88^=j #ubuntu-kernel19:18
ph88^=j #ubuntu-kernel19:18
ph88^=j #ubuntu-kernel19:18
mm302you mean it's not an automatically detected crash19:18
Flannelph88^: /j19:18
ioriamm302, i mean could be a bug, not a 'crash'19:18
ioriamm302, basically you can't unlock ?19:19
mm302if I don't have other way than powering off, that's a crash to me19:19
ioriamm302, tell us more about your settings19:19
mm302in the syslog I see: May 19 17:25:41 lenovo kernel: [24424.690665] PM: suspend entry (deep)19:21
ioriamm302, that  looks like a log corruption ... so it's about suspend ?19:22
mm302ok thanks anyway, I don't know for sure why that happened, I thought I would report it, it may depend on my laptop or X server maybe who knows19:22
ioriamm302, super + l19:23
pankajFor some work I need 2.11 version of glibc. Is their any apt command that can install that older version or do I have to build it or any advice please?19:25
leftyfbpankaj: Is this on LFS?19:25
pankajleftyfb: Yes. I need glibc 2.11 because later version have not been tested. Is there any apt command to do that safely?19:27
leftyfbpankaj: LFS is not supported here19:28
pankajleftyfb: Cannot you just tell how to downgrade the package safely. Now say it is also related to lfs.19:31
RoadRunnerhow is 18.04 diff from 16.04 that GParted doesn't work with it?19:31
ioriapankaj, you could install lucid in vm19:31
ioriaRoadRunner, because probably you login in the wayland session19:32
pankajioria: Is it the standard way in ubuntu or is their any other easy way via ubuntu default installation tool?19:33
RoadRunnerioria: please explain what that means19:33
leftyfbioria: pankaj is running Linux From Scratch. Not ubuntu.19:33
iorialeftyfb, ah, ok19:33
ioriapankaj, scratch that19:33
pankajleftyfb: This time I am running ubuntu and not lfs. I installed ubuntu to install lfs but I am asking ubuntu question.19:34
pankajioria: I am on ubuntu.19:34
ioriaRoadRunner, gparted is ok (as always) on bionic19:35
leftyfbpankaj: lsb_release -a19:35
RoadRunnerioria: gparted fails to shrink an ext4 partition in a new install of 18.0419:36
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ioriaRoadRunner, what it says ? details19:37
RoadRunnerioria: doesn't say nothing, just indicates  the min partition size to be same as max part size19:38
ioriaRoadRunner, it thought you meant 'id does not start'19:38
RoadRunnerstarts fine, but doesn't shrink19:38
ioriaRoadRunner, it's umounted, right ?19:40
RoadRunnerno... I thought that was only needed when you ran into a problem on an older install. I could grow a mounted partition before, but to shrink must always be unmounted?19:42
oerheksbasicly: yes19:43
pxc2I have a filesystem which contains a systemd unit linked into /etc/systemd/system, and it appears that systemd is loading before the filesystem is mounted. How can I add it to my initial ramdisk? I've already added the x-initrd.mount option to the relevant filesystem in /etc/fstab and run the Debian update-grub helper but that doesn't seem to have made a difference19:43
ioriaRoadRunner, what kind of partition is ?  not root i hope19:43
pxc2is that option something only dracut does anything about? I've been googling around but I can't for the life of my find the documentation that says how to get filesystems mounted during the initial ramdisk on Ubuntu19:43
pxc2*for the life of me19:44
RoadRunnerioria: default ext4 install19:44
RoadRunnerie: only one partition in that scheme19:44
ioriaRoadRunner, paste sudo parted -l19:44
RoadRunnerleme power on that box, a few mins...19:45
ioriaRoadRunner, you cannot shrink root ; you need a livecd19:45
RoadRunnerioria: but growing is still fine for a mounted part, right?19:46
ioriaRoadRunner, idr , maybe but not safe; but you said shrink19:47
oerheksyou never could grow/shrink a partition that is mounted ( before)19:48
RoadRunneroerheks: sorry, I did... under 16.0419:48
RoadRunnergrow that is19:49
ioriasill waiting ...19:50
RoadRunnerthe bugger booted into poor res... sorry19:50
ioriaWile E. Coyote19:51
pankajleftyfb: Distributor ID=ubuntu19:55
pankajleftyfb: Description: 18.04 LTS19:55
pankajleftyfb: codename bionic19:55
leftyfbpankaj: please use pastebin19:55
pankajleftyfb: release 18.0419:55
pankajleftyfb: These were some details. Now, please tell me how to install glibc 2.11. I checked synaptic but it is not supported (I think)19:57
pankajleftyfb: OK19:57
leftyfbpankaj: if you install an older version of glibc on Ubuntu, you're going to severely damage it19:58
RoadRunnerioria: the above paste should show you everything you need; sorry for the delay :)19:59
pankajleftyfb: But what then should I do. I need glibc version 2.11. Is their any way?19:59
oerhekshttps://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=glibc .. *what* needs glib 2.11 ?19:59
leftyfbpankaj: why do you think you need glibc version 2.11? Nothing officially supported in Ubuntu requires glibc 2.1119:59
oerheksit is so old, not even op https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/  anymore20:00
pankajleftyfb: Consider that if someone wants an older version of any application. In that case what should the person do if that version is available but just not supported by ubuntu.20:01
pankajleftyfb: https://ptpb.pw/BZSG20:02
leftyfbpankaj: what you are doing, since you're being so elusive about it, is not supported in Ubuntu. I still believe you are running LFS and just trying to get help with it here20:03
matjamRoadRunner: Ioria left20:03
pankajleftyfb: You just tell me that whether it can be done or not (And you can ask me any question in case you are not sure whether I am using ubuntu this time or not and I will surely answer: Whether it be a commnad).20:04
RoadRunnermatjam: good to see you again :), I take it, you'll confirm everything your collegues said here earlier?20:05
matjamI've not been paying attention20:05
matjamRoadRunner: if you're trying to shrink your root filesystem, boot from a USB stick and shrink it with gparted there.20:07
oerheksmatjam, he is talking about a spare 80 gb disk with one partition; and wonders why it need to be unmounted before risize20:08
matjamyeah you need to unmount that before messing with it20:08
matjamI don't think online resize of any ext filesystem has ever been supported20:08
oerheksjups, filesystems in use by the os  cannot be unmounted, but that is just a detail20:09
matjamat least, you can grow a filesystem but not shrink it20:09
RoadRunnermatjam: that was my question, thanks :)20:10
RoadRunnerbtw, had problems booting 18.04 from live usb (live cd was fine) tried diff sticks and on diff comps, any idea why?20:11
matjamRoadRunner: make sure you use the right tool to make the usb stick; ubuntu usb-creator-gtk works well, there's tools for windows and macos too.20:13
matjamunetbootin for example does it the wrong way, and you'll have problems booting with it20:14
RoadRunnerI used unetbootin, didn't have issues with it bfr, or with earlier ubuntu versions...20:16
RoadRunnerbut I'll try the tool you suggested20:16
matjamyes, thats your problem then. I know this, because I had the same problem.20:17
luxiogood ol' `dd` should work20:17
luxioon Windows I use rufus20:17
matjamluxio: boot block etc is different for a CD vs a USB drive20:17
matjamRufus is the recommended tool for Windows to make a bootable USB stick20:18
RoadRunnermatjam: so unetbootin is know  to have issues with new u/xubuntu's?20:18
matjamsince at least 16.0420:18
matjamluxio: I think dd might work actually but using rufus or startup disk creator is the "supported" way20:20
SlidingHornRoadRunner: I've had success using win32diskimager as well20:20
matjamSlidingHorn: I think that just is basically the same as dd20:20
RoadRunneralmost too many to choose from, is there a concensus on the one tool that' bullet proof  for diff distros and yet is easy to use (ideally gui)?20:21
matjamon ubuntu, use startup disk creator (usb-creator-gtk), on windows, use rufus20:23
mpatateI'm a noOb on linux and I am trying Ubuntu Mate wich is pretty good for my usage. But I have make a little mistake :P20:25
=== styles_ is now known as Guest52434
RoadRunnerok, another problem out of the way :) ; now, back to partitioning: for general purpose computing under 18.04, what partitioning scheme would you recomend?20:26
mpatateI touch something and the wifi signal, the battery porcentage, the bluetooth icon disapear (near the time)20:26
mpatateWhere can I put them back ?20:26
luxiompatate: what version of ubuntu are you using20:26
SlidingHornRoadRunner: Either let Ubuntu set it up for you, or select the "/home/ on a separate partition" option20:27
luxiooh nevermind20:27
matjamRoadRunner: I make a 2GB ext4 /boot, 2GB swap, the rest is btfs for /20:27
mpatatethe last ubuntu mate, 18.0420:27
mpatate(on windows, this is the notification zone)20:27
RoadRunnermatjam: when you say "a 2GB ext4 /boot" do you mean a lvs setup?20:29
bitess2gb /boot is a little excessive. :P20:29
matjamRoadRunner: I don't use LVM. I rarely feel the need for it on a desktop unless I'm going to use whole disk encryption.20:29
matjambitess: probably. But I end up being lazy and its nice having a few kernels around20:30
bitessthat's enough for a few dozen kernels :P20:31
RoadRunnermatjam: has the issue with old kernel accumulation been resolved under 18.04?20:31
matjamI don't think its an issue? you just do apt autoremove and they go away20:31
matjammpatate: I don't know exactly as I don't use MATE but I'm firing up a VM to have a look. I think...20:32
ads20000mpatate: https://ubuntu-mate.community/c/support is a good place for Ubuntu MATE support aaaand he's gone :(20:33
ads20000*they've gone20:33
RoadRunnermatjam: unless its your client that doesn't remember or know cli...; now only 3 kernels should be retained by defualt after an update, right?20:33
matjamRoadRunner: you know I don't know. I can't say its something that ever bothered me.20:34
Doktorhello everybody20:34
DoktorI am just here to tell you that linux is the biggest shit I have ever seen.20:35
leftyfbDoktor: This is a support channel. Please be nice and don't post such thing.20:36
ericx2xsorry my computer shutdown on me and I lost the chat..20:37
Doktoroh sorry, I have to ask a question here, right?20:39
DoktorWhy is Linux so bad?20:39
jeremy31Doktor Or are you here to get banned?20:39
RoadRunnerSlidingHorn: what is the advantage of having /home on a sep partition?20:40
leftyfbDoktor: linux is a kernel. Do you have a legitimate Ubuntu support question or are you only here to rant about how much you hate "linux"?20:40
=== popey_ is now known as popey
matjamDoktor: obvious troll is obvious20:40
DoktorI recently smashed my ssd with a hammer, just to het rid of this fucking not working ubuntu. I am back to Windows. Bye20:40
SlidingHorn!op | Doktor20:40
ubottuDoktor: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax20:40
jeremy31popey Can you help Doktor20:41
DoktorLinux is kernel. ahh fuck you. Ubuntu is a piece of crap. a fucking piece of a big crap. I will never ever use this not working shit ever again. thanks for listing. bye20:42
SlidingHornRoadRunner: makes it easier if you're, for instance, using multiple distros, distro-hopping, or simply upgrading often, as your personal files are kept separate and accessible from different systems20:42
Loryhelo i I'm looking for girl for knowledge20:42
Butterfly_why girl ?20:42
SlidingHornLory: do you have an Ubuntu support question?20:42
wodencafeum wat20:42
SleePyHi, Upgrading to 18.04 from 16.04, during a review process to fix a config file in /etc, the upgrade process crashed.  Trying to restart apt dist-upgrade fails because apt is still running.  Doing a "screen -Dr" tells me: Directory '/run/screen' must have mode 777.20:43
SleePyI'm thinking the error is clear, but also thinking why do I need to  chmod 777 as root :\20:44
RoadRunnerSlidingHorn: when you mean distro hopping, would that work only for Debian based distro's or not necessarily?20:44
SlidingHornSleePy: Well, the LTS > LTS upgrade isn't supported until July when the .1 release comes out, but what do you mean by "restart apt dist-upgrade", and what made you run the original upgrade attempt in screen?20:45
SlidingHornRoadRunner: no, you could access the /home/ partition and keep your personal files across any distro (e.g. arch, fedora, debian, etc.)20:45
FlannelSlidingHorn, SleePy: not "supported" as in "probably works but may have stability issues", but it should still work.20:46
SleePySlidingHorn: I don't remember activating a screen session, but must have been in one20:46
matjamdo-release-upgrade would be the right thing to use20:46
SleePySlidingHorn: I've upgraded about 5 other systems with no issues from 16.04 to 18.04.  Just random crash while editing a config file to resolve a conflict20:46
FlannelSleePy: Is this a console-instigated upgrade, and were you using apt or do-release-upgrade?20:46
SleePyI used the do-release-upgrade -d20:46
matjamSleePy: did you make a note of the ssh thing it mentions at the beginning20:47
SleePyComparing the /var/run to a working 18.04, I see the directory on it is drwxrwxrwt while the one i'm upgrading is drwxrwxr-x20:47
matjamyou can ssh to that special port and reconnect with the upgrade session20:47
SleePymatjam: I didn't loose SSH access20:47
FlannelSleePy: If I remember correctly, that'll start a screen session or an ssh session so it doesn't tank if you disconnect.20:47
FlannelSleePy: and now that I think about it, starting an SSHd doesn't make any sense.20:47
RoadRunnerSlidingHorn: would config files for diff apps not be different under diff distro's?20:48
FlannelSleePy: I remember it mentioning that in the console, but let me look to see if I can find any actual documentation on it.20:48
SleePyI did: chmod o+wt /run/screen/20:48
SleePySeems to make screen happy, but the screen session was not running apt :\20:49
leftyfbSleePy: kill the currently running dpkg process and continue on with the upgrade. You could try running do-release-upgrade again or just apt-get dist-upgrade.20:49
SleePyWell I'm nervous about killing a running dpkg process :\20:50
SleePyI can find it though with a : ps aux | grep "[d]pkg"20:50
leftyfbSleePy: ok, try the upgrade again. Note the error if you get one20:51
hggdhupgrade logs should be under /var/log/dist-upgrade20:51
SleePyYour thinking kill the dpkg process and restart it, hoping that nothing breaks20:51
leftyfbSleePy: Since you cannot get back to the screen session, there's no recovering the dpkg process. anyway.20:51
FlannelSleePy: Try `screen -list`, you may have more than one screen session to reattach to.20:52
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic20:52
SleePyWell there is /run/screen/S-root/byobu.reload-required20:53
SleePyBut screen -Dr wont reattach me20:53
FlannelWhat about explicitly specifying it?20:53
SleePytried: "screen -r /run/screen/S-root/byobu.reload-required"  no luck20:54
Flannelwhat about that same thing with -d20:54
Flannel(although I agree, probably no joy)20:54
SleePyBad session name 'run/screen/S-root/byobu.reload-required'20:54
SleePy533 0 -rwx------ 1 root root 0 May 19 13:32 /run/screen/S-root/byobu.reload-required20:55
SleePyWell I tried everything to get it back.  Just got to kill it I guess :\20:55
FlannelSleePy: dpkg tends to be pretty robust.  If you kill it, you may have to `dpkg cofigure -a` to make it consistent, but it'll figure itself out from there.20:55
FlannelSleePy: Oh, wait.20:55
FlannelSleePy: You need to reattach with whatever is in screen -list20:56
SleePyroot@Poseidon:~# screen -list20:56
SleePyNo Sockets found in /run/screen/S-root.20:56
Flannelok, then yeah, probably not recoverable.20:57
SleePyI google byobu and it shows up about tmux stuff.  I've never used it before.  Better read me a man page20:57
RoadRunnermatjam: what are the advantages of having sep boot and swap partitions?20:57
leftyfbSleePy: to reattach to byobu, you just type byobu20:58
matjamRoadRunner: grub has an option to remember the last chosen item but if you enable it, it can't write to btrfs20:59
SleePyHmm, that wasn't running anything either.  Oh well killing dpkg now20:59
eelstreboris it safe to upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 via apt instead of a fresh install?20:59
matjamalso if there is a filesystem problem with /, having a separate /boot will get you to fsck21:00
tgm4883eelstrebor: via apt? no21:00
SleePyAnd "dpkg --configure -a" picked it up and going again.21:00
Flanneleelstrebor: There is a process, do-release-upgrade, but it's recommended you wait until 18.04.1 (but it should work fine)21:00
SleePyGood thing this is just one of my VMs at home.  Not a real production system.  Which is why I was upgrading them to 18.04.  As who cares :D21:01
eelstreborok. i need openssl 1.1 but there isn't a pkg for 16.04 - that's why i'm upgrading21:01
=== fsk2_ is now known as fsk2
matjamSleePy: so, it won't remove unnecessary packages21:01
Flanneleelstrebor: Yeah, there is a supported upgrade path, but before it's rolled out to everyone, they wait for a few months for 18.04 to settle down.  You can upgrade early if you'd like.21:02
RoadRunnermatjam: please explain further re grub and btrfs?21:03
eelstreborFlannel, ok. i guess i'll roll back to mainline kernel 4.16.3 since i can't get the newer kernel headers to install without openssl 1.121:03
Flanneleelstrebor: or just upgrade to 18.0421:04
eelstreborwell, let's hope that i don't crash my server21:04
SleePyAlways have backups!21:05
* eelstrebor is doing that now21:05
eelstrebor2 TB drives take awhile to backup21:06
matjamRoadRunner: its just a idiosyncrasy of my particular preferred setup.21:06
RoadRunnermatjam: sorry if I didn't fully understand your answer..., I think I got the sep boot part but not the advantage for a sep swap partition21:08
SleePyThanks for the help.  Finished up, rebooted and all seems good.21:09
matjamswap is always a separate partition21:10
matjamI mean you could make a swap file if you wanted but by default the installer will make a partition.21:10
kangaroo72Hi ... I'm in trouble to connect wlan in Ubuntu 18.04 (mini.iso)21:12
RoadRunnermatjam: didn't happen in my case  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QHMKCx8B5q/21:13
kangaroo72Do I have to use netplan?21:13
jeremy31kangaroo72 a few topics at https://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=33621:13
matjamRoadRunner: if you have any other disks in the system, and there's a swap partition there, it will use that instead.21:14
matjamRoadRunner: or if you customized the partition layout, it won't make one for you.21:14
matjamRoadRunner: however if you tell it to use one of the preset partition layouts, it will always make a swap partition.21:14
kangaroo72jeremy31: will test this ... thanks21:14
RoadRunnermatjam: I asked SlidingHorn: "would config files for same apps be different under diff distro's?" but perhaps he left, what do you think?21:18
SlidingHornRoadRunner: the files in .config and .local should be platform agnostic.  The configurations that may change (if there are any) would be in the /etc/ directory, which will be on the OS's partition, not /home/21:23
upgrade_stuckhi, I'm trying to upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04 via the graphical updater and the window is frozen and greyed out in the "cleaning up" phase, last visible line "processing triggers for libgdk-pixbuf2..."21:23
kangaroo72invalid YAML at /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml line 2 colum 10: mapping values are not allowed in this context :-(21:23
upgrade_stuckis that a known issue?21:23
upgrade_stuckthe apt-term.log has that line followed by "log ended <timestamp>"21:25
kangaroo72Is there a problem? https://pastebin.com/gsZx6Zqg21:26
RoadRunnerthanks SlidingHorn :)21:26
Butterfly_upgrade_stuck : how long has it been stuck ?21:26
upgrade_stuckaccording to the "log ended" timestamp, half an hour. no CPU activity, no disk activity21:27
Butterfly_that seems too long indeed21:28
Butterfly_but personally i can't help you, i never upgraded ubuntu myself21:28
kangaroo72@jeremy31: Can you help here? https://pastebin.com/gsZx6Zqg21:30
RoadRunneron the subject of backup strategies: originally, I was thinking of splitting my 80G disk in half, with one half occupied with 18.04  and the other with its complete coppy, which would give me a full backup of system and data/configs now and an option to replace one half with a newer lts ver when it comes out and build that up gradually without losing the older setup. But maybe there is a better way to do this? Like just duplicating only boo21:44
RoadRunnert and home partitions?21:44
zzero1Booted with bionic and chrooted into a xenial installation. How can I upgrade the xenial to beaver from the chroot ?21:47
luxioIn Audacity when I have nothing plugged in and "pulse: line: 0" set as the recording device, why is there static?21:49
luxioWhat is that static?21:49
matjamzzero1: that's not a supported upgrade method, you should boot into bionic and use do-release-upgraed -d to force the upgrade as it is not currently recommended to upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 until 18.04.1 is released.21:51
upgrade_stuckok, so I assume it's a known issue with libgdk-pixbuf2... blowing up while upgrading, that reaches back to ~2010.21:52
matjamupgrade_stuck: not had that issue myself.21:52
zzero1matjam: can you elaborate about the 18.04.1 not recommended ?21:53
upgrade_stuckmatjam: I accepted the bionic upgrade from the GUI, it got stuck in the cleanup phase21:53
zzero1stability ?21:53
matjamzzero1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_16.04_LTS21:53
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matjamzzero1: however it is possible to do it if you really want to.21:54
upgrade_stuckafter killing the upgrader I did apt update/update/dist-upgrade/autoremove, dpkg --reconfigure -a (seems to have been a noop), and successfully rebooted.21:54
zzero1 until a few days after 18.04.1's release21:54
matjamgotta go folks, good luck.21:55
upgrade_stuckis there anything else I should check/clean up after being forced to kill the upgrader?21:55
RoadRunnermatjam: SlidingHorn: gentlemen, if I could ask you for some more wisdom on backup strategies, please check out my question of 11 min ago, many thanks21:55
matjamupgrade_stuck: you can probably do dpkg --configure -a once you kill it21:55
upgrade_stuckmatjam: yep, done that and apt update/dist-upgrade21:56
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SporkWitchupgrade_stuck: there's a reason many recommend doing a clean install over even the automatic "hey you can upgrade" message.  This is also an advantage of having a separate home partition: ease of upgrade / recovery22:18
Peyamis there anyway to see the name of a parition similar to ubuntu in windowsd?22:19
Peyamlike ../sda122:19
krytarikStrikes me as a ##windows question.22:20
SweepyofaceHi, I'm trying to customize my motd and I moved the 90-updates-available script to a different server that didn't have one22:27
Sweepyofacebut on the new server /var/lib/update-notifier/updates-available does not exist22:28
Sweepyofaceis there a package which contains this functionality?22:28
krytarikWell, that file is in 'update-notifier-common' anyway.22:30
=== Menzie is now known as Menzador
PeyamI have a big problem doul booting win 10 and ubuntu on a NVME SSD22:30
Sweepyofacekrytarik: not sure what you mean22:33
SweepyofaceI installed that, what next?22:33
maumWhat can I do when /dev/sda1 is full ?22:35
Sweepyofacefree some space or get more space?22:36
Peyammaum, why is it full? extend it?22:36
phinxyHow often does packages like mpv get "updated" to match the latest github source code? Ubuntu Bionic.22:36
maumfree some space : I don't know /var maybe have some big file22:36
maumhow can get more space?22:37
phinxycheck the .trash folder(s)22:37
Sweepyofacedelete things that are taking up space22:37
Sweepyofaceor get a bigger/another drive22:37
maum./tmp folder? I already checked22:37
Flannelmaum: where is /dev/sda1 mounted?22:38
Sweepyofacetry using ncdu22:38
phinxySome file managers does not delete files straight away but moves them to a trash folder.22:38
krytarik!latest | phinxy22:38
ubottuphinxy: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.22:38
maumvar, usr lib folder is biggest one22:40
Peyammaum, maybe bleachbit helps22:41
maumPeyam: I am on terminal22:42
maumCould not open X display22:42
phinxyDoes backports make sense on Bionic?22:42
Peyammuam try stuff like " sudo apt-get clean " or "sudo apt-get autremove --purge"22:44
maumsda1 still size 16G used 16G22:45
Peyammaum, do you have any unallocated paritions?22:45
maumyes sda422:46
Peyamis it unallocated then why is it called sda4?22:46
Peyammaum, run sudo fdisk /dev/sda | pastebinit and send me output22:47
Peyam" sudo fdisk /dev/sda |pastebinit "22:47
Peyammaum, " df -h | pastebinit "22:50
Peyammaum, sudo resize2fs /dev/sda122:52
maumThe filesystem is already 4194304 blocks long.  Nothing to do!22:52
maumthe message was it22:53
Peyammaum, delete sda4 and redo sudo resize2fs /dev/sda122:55
maumsame message22:56
maumsame error occurs22:56
Peyammaum, sudo fdisk -l| pastebinit22:56
Peyammaum, you still have sda422:57
Peyami said deleted it22:57
phinxySo launchpad ppa's are often or always arm64 and i386?  Not arm64?22:58
SporkWitch*amd64, and typically, because it's the most common arch these days22:58
SporkWitchwas enough headache getting a PPA set up for one arch, i wouldn't want to support others, especially if it means creating a separate build env for it lol22:59
maumhow can I delete it? I did sudo rm -rf /dev/sda422:59
Peyammaum, sudo fdisk sudo fdisk /dev/sda4 and then it's command menu comes up23:00
Peyam"sudo fdisk /dev/sda4 " I meant23:00
phinxyHow does the ppa maintainers decide when to make a new build?23:01
maumfdisk: unable to open /dev/sda4: No such file or directory23:01
Peyam"sudo fdisk /dev/sdax " x is the number of your partition23:01
PeyamI could be wrong. long time ago I wrote that command23:02
Peyammaum, if you try " sudo fdisk /dev/sdax " or "sudo fdisk /dev/sda "23:03
Peyamit might ask for parition number and then y ou write 423:03
SporkWitchPeyam: it's correct, though you shouldn't need to specify the partition number; /dev/sda1 == /dev/sda when invoking it23:03
Peyamokey. you are right23:04
oerheksphinxy, depends on policy, time and something new to publish, patch, feature or bugfix23:05
oerheksmaum try to make sda2 swap again, so the boundries of the partitions meet.23:10
* oerheks looking @ https://pastebin.com/Y1DmLr6j23:10
RoadRunneris Adwaita-dark the only dark theme available for 18.04?23:12
SlidingHornRoadRunner: I don't know if it's there for the normal Ubuntu, but I know that Ubuntu Studio comes with the Arc Dark & Arc Darker themes23:13
oerhekssomething like this answer, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq#How_do_I_add_or_modify_a_swap_partition.3F --  https://askubuntu.com/questions/33697/how-do-i-add-a-swap-partition-after-system-installation -- sudo mkswap /dev/sdX23:14
RoadRunnerSlidingHorn: is Ubuntu Studio a sepparate downloadable package?23:14
SlidingHornRoadRunner: Ubuntu Studio is a separate flavor of Ubuntu (like xubuntu/kubuntu) made for media creation - audio, video, graphics, etc.23:15
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RoadRunnerSlidingHorn: are the dark themes you mentioned extractable/downloadable for Xubuntu?23:16
oerheks!info ubuntustudio-meta23:16
ubottuPackage ubuntustudio-meta does not exist in bionic23:16
RoadRunnerI wrote a modification of Greybird dark way back for 14.04, since it was a GTK2, I guess no point in trying it under 18.04?23:20
oerheksmaum, oh, you just needed to remove /dev/sda3  from fstab and save/reboot .. now the 'ol sda2 swap is gone23:20
maumhm.. I don't know exactly. could you help me in 2~3 hours?23:21
maumI need to go now and will comback.23:22
SlidingHornRoadRunner: they might be there already...  Menu > Settings Manager > Appearance > Themes23:22
RoadRunnerSlidingHorn: unfortunately not, I checked23:24
RoadRunnerso to be sure, gtk2 themes will not work under 18.04?23:24
RoadRunnerok, another question: is there a way to change behaviour of mouse scroll wheel in Firefox? c(urrently it switches pages which I find most annoying)23:27
RoadRunnermyabe this question will find some interest: is there a sepparate module or something that can make use of additional/non standard buttons on some mice?23:32
jottbeI have a problem. Since I upgraded to ubuntu 18.04 pm-hibernate does not work properly. The system goes down as expected, but when it comes back up after switching on, the old sessionn is not resumed23:32
jottbei5t is more like the system has been booted23:33
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jottbeAny ideas why suspend doesn't work anymore on my system? (it worked for ubuntu 16.04 but doesn't for 18.04 on the same hardware) i have an athlon64 (gen 7 based system with a radeon graphics chipset) and windows was never installed on the machine23:47
SporkWitchjottbe: suspend to disk or suspend to ram?  suspend to disk is almost always disabled by default and you get to have some fun trying to reenable it23:51
jottbeSporkWitch: I mean Suspend to disk23:53
jottbehow can I reenable it?23:53
jottbeSporkWich: thank's ill try it23:59

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