
vltHello. I have one broken key on my stage piano. It seems to always send 100% volume and I have no time to fix the issue on the hardware side. What tool can I use to take the piano’s MIDI out and alter the data in a way that this one note will always have either a fixed volume or better the volume of the previously played note?14:37
vlt(in realtime)14:37
vltOvenWerks: Thanks, I’ll have a look at that.14:38
OvenWerksYou can set up a filter or two that allows everything else but that note through and another that set the velocity on that note.14:39
OvenWerksSo three filters 1) everything below, 2) everything above and 3) that note only14:40
vlt(Aah, it’s “velocity“, not “volume”) :-D14:43
vltSo, that would be the setup for the fixed output velocity, right?14:43
OvenWerksYa, you could set the whole thing for fixed, but you could just set the one key sort of medium.14:43
vltThat shoud be sufficient for now. Just curious: Can I plug in something like a Python function that will use the last seen velocity value for the affected note?14:45
OvenWerksThat sounds like a great solution, but I don't know how :)14:45
OvenWerksI would have better luck in c/c++14:46
OvenWerkspython is not realtime, but for midi that may not matter.14:46
vltI’m quite sure it’s realtimy enough for MIDI data, yes.14:47
* OvenWerks is not familiar with ALSA code just jack.14:48
vltqmidiroute works well for the fixed velocity solution. Thanks!14:56
* vlt has to get used to the slight delay14:56
vltIs there a way to reduce the MIDI latency?14:56
vltDepends that in any way on the jack buffer size for audio data?14:57
OvenWerksI don't know. Once it becomes jack midi, it is the same as audio, but the alsa end is different. The buffer is 16 byte, not the same as the audio.14:58
vltA new problem: My setup is piano (set to “local off”) out => qmidiroute => piano in. Works for “note” events but now my sustain pedal is ignored. It appears in the event log as “Ch 1, Ctrl 64, Val x”. I have a qmidiroute rule of type controller with output controller and no changed values.15:12
vltAny idea what might be missing?15:12
OvenWerksI don't know. It does look like it should just work... but I don't have any MIDI equipment set up to play with.15:15
* vlt fires up a second instance of qmidiroute to watch the events coming out of the first one.15:16
OvenWerksThe ones I normally use, don't have a pedal (drum pads, PSS 480)15:17
OvenWerksI don't have room for even the DX7 these days15:17
vltWorks now o_O15:18
vltHmmm. Don’t know what convinced it.15:19
OvenWerksI got to know qmidiroute as a way to split my drum pads so I could use different synths for each drum15:23
=== capturixeur2_ is now known as trebmuh
WingFinHi,  is there any compiling help here at this time of the day?17:34
OvenWerkscompiling? Maybe, though I don't know anyone who is compiling guru17:36
WingFinI want to make an Icecat from this source http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/gnuzilla.git/snapshot/gnuzilla-52.1.0.tar.gz17:36
OvenWerksand the problem is?17:36
WingFinI there is not enough hand-holding for my knowledge17:36
OvenWerksis there an INSTALL file in the base directory?17:37
WingFinI cannot work out directories srcdir and objdir17:38
WingFinno INSTALL17:38
OvenWerksnormally, three commands:17:38
OvenWerksMake configure17:38
OvenWerksmake install17:39
OvenWerksAfter make configure look at any errors and install required *-dev packages.17:39
WingFinyes, i understand that  but this is more involved or maybe not17:39
OvenWerksWell thats about my level :)17:40
WingFinIt shouldnt be too involved all the work seems to be done,17:41
WingFinWhere is a good hands on compiling guide?17:42
WingFinfor studiobuntu17:42
OvenWerksdid you try ./makeicecat17:43
OvenWerksSo I would guess you got errors?17:43
WingFin[sudo] password for elaine:  sudo: ./makeicecat: command not found elaine@X230-T:~/Downloads/icecat$17:45
WingFinmaybe studio has not the needed libraries17:45
OvenWerksdid you try it without the sudo?17:45
OvenWerksit is saying it did not find the file that is plainly there17:46
OvenWerksls -l makeicecat gives what?17:46
OvenWerks(what is the permission string?)17:46
WingFin:~/Downloads/icecat$ ./makeicecat bash: ./makeicecat: Permission denied17:47
WingFin~/Downloads/icecat$ ls -l makeicecat -rw-rw-r-- 1 elaine elaine 28756 May  5  2017 makeicecat17:48
OvenWerkschmode +x makeicecat17:48
WingFin~/Downloads/icecat$ chmode +x makeicecat No command 'chmode' found, did you mean:  Command 'chmod' from package 'coreutils' (main) chmode: command not found17:49
OvenWerks sorry chmod +x makeicecat17:49
OvenWerks(don't know where the extra e came from)17:49
WingFin:~/Downloads/icecat$ chmod +x makeicecat elaine@X230-T:~/Downloads/icecat$   it took17:50
WingFinso now ./  ?17:50
OvenWerksso try ./makeicecat again17:50
WingFinthankyou  wow  its working17:51
WingFinso just give it chmod authority17:51
OvenWerksThe file wasn't set to allow execution, now it is.17:51
WingFinnice it is downloading the rest of the source17:52
OvenWerksya, all of firefox :P17:53
WingFinthanks a lot!!17:53
OvenWerksno problem17:53
WingFinHi,  I need to add (gtk+-unix-print-3.0) to be found in my repository, but Ubuntu is not included here: https://pkgs.org/download/pkgconfig(gtk+-unix-print-3.0) Does UbuntuStudio have a normal source for such a puppy?22:40
WingFinI'll try to find a .deb22:42
WingFinI have to put this on hold for a few hours22:45

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