[14:37] Hello. I have one broken key on my stage piano. It seems to always send 100% volume and I have no time to fix the issue on the hardware side. What tool can I use to take the piano’s MIDI out and alter the data in a way that this one note will always have either a fixed volume or better the volume of the previously played note? [14:37] (in realtime) [14:38] qmidiroute [14:38] OvenWerks: Thanks, I’ll have a look at that. [14:39] You can set up a filter or two that allows everything else but that note through and another that set the velocity on that note. [14:40] So three filters 1) everything below, 2) everything above and 3) that note only [14:43] (Aah, it’s “velocity“, not “volume”) :-D [14:43] So, that would be the setup for the fixed output velocity, right? [14:43] Ya, you could set the whole thing for fixed, but you could just set the one key sort of medium. [14:45] That shoud be sufficient for now. Just curious: Can I plug in something like a Python function that will use the last seen velocity value for the affected note? [14:45] That sounds like a great solution, but I don't know how :) [14:46] I would have better luck in c/c++ [14:46] python is not realtime, but for midi that may not matter. [14:47] I’m quite sure it’s realtimy enough for MIDI data, yes. [14:48] * OvenWerks is not familiar with ALSA code just jack. [14:56] qmidiroute works well for the fixed velocity solution. Thanks! [14:56] * vlt has to get used to the slight delay [14:56] Is there a way to reduce the MIDI latency? [14:57] Depends that in any way on the jack buffer size for audio data? [14:58] I don't know. Once it becomes jack midi, it is the same as audio, but the alsa end is different. The buffer is 16 byte, not the same as the audio. [15:12] A new problem: My setup is piano (set to “local off”) out => qmidiroute => piano in. Works for “note” events but now my sustain pedal is ignored. It appears in the event log as “Ch 1, Ctrl 64, Val x”. I have a qmidiroute rule of type controller with output controller and no changed values. [15:12] Any idea what might be missing? [15:15] I don't know. It does look like it should just work... but I don't have any MIDI equipment set up to play with. [15:16] * vlt fires up a second instance of qmidiroute to watch the events coming out of the first one. [15:17] The ones I normally use, don't have a pedal (drum pads, PSS 480) [15:17] I don't have room for even the DX7 these days [15:18] Works now o_O [15:19] Hmmm. Don’t know what convinced it. [15:23] I got to know qmidiroute as a way to split my drum pads so I could use different synths for each drum === capturixeur2_ is now known as trebmuh [17:34] Hi, is there any compiling help here at this time of the day? [17:35] dunno [17:36] compiling? Maybe, though I don't know anyone who is compiling guru [17:36] I want to make an Icecat from this source http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/gnuzilla.git/snapshot/gnuzilla-52.1.0.tar.gz [17:36] and the problem is? [17:36] I there is not enough hand-holding for my knowledge [17:37] is there an INSTALL file in the base directory? [17:38] I cannot work out directories srcdir and objdir [17:38] no INSTALL [17:38] normally, three commands: [17:38] Make configure [17:38] make [17:39] make install [17:39] After make configure look at any errors and install required *-dev packages. [17:39] yes, i understand that but this is more involved or maybe not [17:40] Well thats about my level :) [17:41] It shouldnt be too involved all the work seems to be done, [17:42] Where is a good hands on compiling guide? [17:42] for studiobuntu [17:43] did you try ./makeicecat [17:43] yes [17:43] So I would guess you got errors? [17:45] [sudo] password for elaine: sudo: ./makeicecat: command not found elaine@X230-T:~/Downloads/icecat$ [17:45] maybe studio has not the needed libraries [17:45] did you try it without the sudo? [17:46] it is saying it did not find the file that is plainly there [17:46] ls -l makeicecat gives what? [17:46] (what is the permission string?) [17:47] :~/Downloads/icecat$ ./makeicecat bash: ./makeicecat: Permission denied [17:48] ~/Downloads/icecat$ ls -l makeicecat -rw-rw-r-- 1 elaine elaine 28756 May 5 2017 makeicecat [17:48] chmode +x makeicecat [17:49] ~/Downloads/icecat$ chmode +x makeicecat No command 'chmode' found, did you mean: Command 'chmod' from package 'coreutils' (main) chmode: command not found [17:49] sorry chmod +x makeicecat [17:49] (don't know where the extra e came from) [17:50] :~/Downloads/icecat$ chmod +x makeicecat elaine@X230-T:~/Downloads/icecat$ it took [17:50] so now ./ ? [17:50] so try ./makeicecat again [17:51] thankyou wow its working [17:51] so just give it chmod authority [17:51] The file wasn't set to allow execution, now it is. [17:52] nice it is downloading the rest of the source [17:53] ya, all of firefox :P [17:53] thanks a lot!! [17:53] no problem [22:40] Hi, I need to add (gtk+-unix-print-3.0) to be found in my repository, but Ubuntu is not included here: https://pkgs.org/download/pkgconfig(gtk+-unix-print-3.0) Does UbuntuStudio have a normal source for such a puppy? [22:42] I'll try to find a .deb [22:45] I have to put this on hold for a few hours