
robyhi guys09:00
=== roby is now known as Guest44763
antisheho guys, anyone who can tell the difference between 'server' and 'desktop' mode in 'do-release-upgrade' -> can i use the latter to perform a desktop upgrade from 16.04/17.10 to 18.04? Anyway, I filed a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/177224612:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1772246 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Lubuntu upgrade to 18.04 fails from 16.04 & 17.10" [Undecided,New]12:03
=== Thedarkb1-X40 is now known as Thedarkb-X40
Searchersearching for raspberry - but no Torrent or magnetic - links wanted14:51
=== jan is now known as Guest42897
=== kameloso is now known as kameloso^
=== kameloso^ is now known as kameloso
chanikanhow do you get rid off being asked for the keyring password after you log in?  It wasn`t like this when I first installed lubuntu20:36
cristian__cwhat lubuntu?20:38
chanikancristian__c, 32 bit lubuntu?20:40
cristian__cok, but what release sbout?20:40
chanikancristian__c, oh, sorry, 18.04 lts20:41
cristian__chas this issue appeared immediately after installed 18.04?20:42
chanikancristian__c, I did something, unfortunately I don`t recall what I did...  The issue is not on my other login20:43
cristian__cI've found this issue by using skype20:44
cristian__cbut keyring request appeared just when launching skype20:44
chanikancristian__c, aaaha, I tried to install skype I believe, unsuccessfully to, since it doesn`t support 32 bit anymore apparently20:44
cristian__cbtw, try to look at keyring by using keyring tools (command line or gui, for example seahorse)20:45
chanikancristian__c, ok, I will try that20:46
cristian__cdifference is you experience keyring request after desktop login20:47
cristian__cso, it could be a different issue20:47
cristian__cbut looking at you keyring data could help you figuring out what it's going wrong20:48
chanikancristian__c, I installed seahorse now and changed the password to be the same as the account password, I`ll try to restart and see what happens I guess20:48
diogenes_chanikan, look at what applications are set to autostart20:48
ubottuIf you want to edit your Autostart programs, open the Unity dash and search for Startup Programs. If you're on XFCE, use menu -> Settings -> Settings Manager -> Session and Startup, if you're on KDE, use Kickoff -> Computer -> System Settings -> Autostart. For more details see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup20:50
cristian__cdiogenes_: when I set chattr +i, I've foundmthat if I try to enable dropbpx checkbutton in lxsession autostart settings, and I close and reopen lxsession again, the same checkbutton returns to be uncheked20:51
cristian__cso, when .desktop file is flagged with chattr +i, it's not possible to make it autostarting20:52
cristian__cdiogenes_: I've workarounded that by adding a custm command in autostart20:53
cristian__c(custom command for launching dropbpx, as the dropbpx entry in the list can't be enabled anymore due to chattr)20:53
diogenes_cristian__c, but is not using chattr, then dropbox overrides your settings right?20:55
cristian__cdiogenes_: unfortunately, chattr is needed in order to prevent dropbpx entry to crrates itself again at next boot20:57
cristian__c*to creates itself again20:57
diogenes_so in the end did you solve the issue?20:57
cristian__cat the moment I think so, but I wait system updates in ooder to declare if it's definitely closed20:58
cristian__cif 18.10 will bring lxqt, I hope they have implemented indicator area beside n0tification area20:59
cristian__cin order to support applications that use ind9cator area, as dropbpx for example20:59
diogenes_cristian__c, you're lucky you're not using gnome, they completely remover the notification area so you kinda screwed is you try to use something like dropbox21:01
cristian__c(or better, a pseudo/fake indicator area in order to lie application, so they believe they're using indicstor area)21:01
cristian__cunf9rtunately, when gnome removed notification area, dropbpx has removed the support too21:02
cristian__cI use dropbpx applet on lubuntu since years and before 16.04 it worked well21:02
cristian__cnow it need a rough workarpund, I hope lxqt will fix that somway21:04
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