
jussswhere I can get the unstable version?00:38
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/00:39
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
=== viv`d is now known as vivid
ktechoHi there. Does exist any ppa that makes available the same Ubuntu packages that Ubuntu but compiled with better CFLAGS?08:56
ktechoOr maybe some effort to improve overall performance of Ubuntu08:57
BluesKajHowdy folks11:26
flocculanthi BluesKaj 12:05
BluesKajhi flocculant12:06
=== caravena_ is now known as caravena
=== Tm_T is now known as Guest84611

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