
adam7check https://www.reddit.com/r/TopMindsOfReddit/comments/8du0vn/welcome_to_the_matrix/00:00
SlidingHornadam7: what does that have to do with Ubuntu?00:00
sarcasticoback - off - 1day 43m e 39s00:09
i00nsuhi all, is possible to install xinit without installing a bounch of gpu I don't use? Or I need to install them and I can remove them later without removing xinit ?00:13
tomreyni00nsu: installing xinit should work independant of whether specific hardware is installed or not.00:15
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RegenAnyone having problems playing youtube videos (chrome AND firefox) after upgrading to 18.04?00:16
i00nsutomreyn: I am in minimal basic server mode, I do "apt install xinit" and there is a lot of drivers and stuff that is not needed as I already had installed xserver-xorg-mydrive00:17
tomreyn!info xserver-xorg-mydrive00:18
ubottuPackage xserver-xorg-mydrive does not exist in bionic00:18
i00nsutomreyn: nouveau ( what difference make for the case ? )00:18
tomreyni00nsu: dpedendencies will need to be resolved during package installation, if that's what you mean. i do not know what "xserver-xorg-mydrive" is, though00:19
i00nsuI need xinit .. I don't need radean etc..00:19
sarcasticoAway - off00:20
tomreynyou can install with --no-install-recommends00:20
tomreynsarcastico: please disable your away signalling script on this channel00:20
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i00nsutomreyn: Top! xx00:22
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jussswhere I can get the latest iso image?00:35
RoadRunnerSlidingHorn: if I am to set up 18.04 in 4 partitions with sepparate home, boot and swap, back up wise, would it be unnecessary overkill to mirror everything and just mirror home and boot partitions instead?00:35
jusssis there like sid version of debian in ubuntu?00:35
SlidingHornjusss: there is development on the 18.10 version - head to #ubuntu+1 for more info on that00:37
jusssSlidingHorn: ok00:37
SlidingHornRoadRunner: not sure what you mean by mirroring00:38
RoadRunnerSlidingHorn: bfr, my approach was to have an install in one partition (not counting swap), the backup was another partition that was an exact copy of the install partition.  I am wondering how to do this better.00:41
tomreynRegen: running "sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade && snap refresh" may fix it already.00:42
SlidingHornRoadRunner: personally, I wouldn't keep the backup on the same device, but that's just me00:43
RoadRunnerSlidingHorn: in other words, you feel I am overdoing it?00:43
tomreynRoadRunner: that's a copy, not a backup. use duplicity (GUI dejadup), boxbackup or restic to do remote backups, and always retain the latest full and the latest incremental backups for a couple days.00:44
RoadRunnertomreyn: just a backup of data or settings will not help me if my setup becomes unbootable00:49
[Kid]anyone running multipath ? i get all my paths with a multipath -ll, but i cant mount it. says it is busy, but it isn't mounted based on showing mounts.00:49
RoadRunnerSlidingHorn: if the formated capacity of my drive is 74GB and I want to keep half of it for various backups, what partition sizes and mount points would you recommend for home, boot, swap and the rest?00:56
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SlidingHornRoadRunner: in terms of swap, if you're only running ubuntu bionic, you don't need it - it uses a swapfile instead.  I have 20GB set to / and the rest of my hdd allocated to /home/ just kinda depeds on what you want00:59
laptopquick question, i have windows on one partition and ubuntu on the next, if windows if compromised can they get to ubuntu01:02
RoadRunnerSlidingHorn: I am likely to only use xubuntu 18.04 (or newer) on this box.  It was my understanding that a sep swap partition may speed up operations of os, this is not so anymore?01:05
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laptopis ubuntu 18.04 faster than 16.04? Also I have kernel 4.13 is that a problem if it says everthing is uptodate01:12
laptopi know the mitigations for spectre are in 4.1501:12
crimson_kinglaptop, a competent opponent will find many ways to get to you, that depends on your threat model. But I've never heard of any malicious software that would simply break out of Windows into another operating system.01:15
laptopi see thank you01:15
laptopalso would you recommend updating to 18.04 in terms of speed reliabilty and performane01:16
laptopI have a core 2 duo 2.2 ghz with 2 gb ram and intel gma 4500 processor01:16
laptopis there is better support with 18.0401:16
crimson_kinglaptop, I don't know. 16.04 is still supported. If you're happy with it, don't sweat it. Don't get paranoid over these things. If you really need more updated software, Ubuntu 18.04 is the right place to be right now, hehe01:17
laptopwhen you say more updated software what is the real advantage, security?01:18
laptopi am in hotel rooms a lot with wifi01:18
crimson_kinglaptop, usually, yes. New kernel brings new hardware support, fixes, improvements, but also sometimes brings new issues01:18
laptopother than firewall there is no other protection other than a vpn01:18
laptopis 18.04 still too buggy01:18
oerheksthere is only one way to find out, for your hardware.01:18
crimson_kinglaptop, exactly what oerheks said01:19
laptopi am need to install it lol01:19
oerheksit might run wayland fine, too01:19
crimson_kinglaptop, about security, firewall is just one of many things that make up security of a GNU/Linux system.01:20
laptopwell you know it is really sad i had to install windows vista on my system to play my game since the intel driver is not well supported, unfortunately i only have a windows visata license although i like linux more01:20
laptopwhat else would you recommend01:20
crimson_kinglaptop, I mean, you don't need to install anything else assuming your needs are average.01:21
crimson_kingI just use firewall because I need to open ports for my Tor relay01:21
crimson_kingport forwarding..01:21
laptopi see i think i will try ubuntu 18.04 the security mitigations are worth along with the most stable browser01:22
RoadRunnerSlidingHorn: if a sepparate swap partition is of no benefit; I would like for the total install not to exceed 37GB and my current home directory is ~7GB, is it reasonable to allocate 10GB for the home partition, 3GB for boot partition and the rest for the rest of system?01:22
laptopjust sucks that i have to still use windows vista to play my game01:22
crimson_kinglaptop, by the way, experiment with Tor. Download the Tor Browser. Read the website, it has important info.01:22
crimson_kingIf you worry about privacy/security, that will be interesting01:22
laptopi have experimented with it, i like zenmate it works better for me01:23
laptopzenmate vpn01:23
laptopfor chromium01:23
laptopplus my bank will not allow me to use tor01:23
crimson_kingI see, just be careful with VPNs. They're centralized. Don't just trust any one01:24
laptopthat is why i have to rely on the most uptodate kernel and browser that is stable not perfect but better than nothing01:26
DocPlatypushow do I stop updates from being automatically downloaded? I sometimes take my laptop to places where I'm using a cellular-wifi bridge or other spotty connectivity situations, and do not want to exhaust the quota/have my connection lag unnecessarily01:26
crimson_kingDocPlatypus, open "Programs & Updates", the app that lets you choose mirrors, edit PPAs, you know?01:32
crimson_kingDocPlatypus, then switch to the "Updates" tab01:32
crimson_kingDocPlatypus, where it reads "When there are security updates" change to "Show Immediately"01:34
crimson_kingBut I'm not sure if other apps like GNOME Software will respect these options or they have their own01:34
two_dogs_hello everyone01:36
oerhekswith systemd; systemctl status apt-daily.service and systemctl status apt-daily.timer are the services to tweak if you want to rule updates01:39
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snapdataI'm trying to get the on-screen keyboard working for my disabled brother in 18.04. However, the only time it actives is when tapping on the input for the 'Applications' menu (gnome 3). In all other input scenarios, it never appears. I have tried both with and without the OSK enabled in the Accessibility settings, it makes no difference.01:44
snapdataI have tried googling extensively but only turned up bugs for 16.04 or earlier that are no longer relevant.01:45
snapdataCould someone tell me how I can check what inputs are firing for what touch events so that I might be able to trace it back to the source?01:45
RoadRunnerSlidingHorn: I realize its all largely personal pref but, I'd like to know, what is a min reasonble amount of space for the system partition to work properly (if boot partition is sepparate)?01:45
snapdataFor the record I have tried in Terminal (sometimes it appears, sometimes it doesn't, it's extremely sporadic), in web browsers, and other non-system apps (where it has never appeared at all)01:47
SlidingHornRoadRunner: take a look at https://help.ubutu.com/community/DiskSpace01:47
RoadRunnerSlidingHorn: thank you I'll study this01:50
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oerhekssnapdata, move mouse down, then hit space, and keyboard appears01:52
RoadRunnerSlidingHorn: a superficial look through this material suggests a swap partition as "very recommended" , remembering what you said about it earlier, I am wondering if their suggestions may be out of date?01:54
snapdataoerheks: is that just the way it works in 18.04 now? My brother is mentally disabled and he's not going to be able to do that. I was hoping it would work like it used to where it just appears when you use a touch event to select an input field01:55
snapdataoerheks: What I've noticed playing around now is I can somewhat reliably get the keyboard to appear by dragging up from the bottom of the screen (1 out of 5 times or so) but there's no way to close it then. Unfortunately that will be too complicated for him01:58
oerheksthat would be clicking the keyboard-icon, no?02:00
snapdataoerheks: What do you mean? In 18.04 there is no keyboard icon like there was in 17.04 and earlier02:01
snapdataoerheks: or 16, can't remember. Unity and Gnome use different OSKs02:02
oerhekssettings > universal access - 1st switch "always show .." and typing "onscreen keyboard"02:03
oerheksunder that, there is type assist, with tweak options02:04
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snapdataoerheks: It doesn't work regardless of whether or not the OSK is enabled in the accessibility settings, unfortunately. Ubuntu 18.04 has some weird bundled support for touch activation of the OSK regardless of whether or not it's enabled, but in any case, it only works in the app menu, and nowhere else really02:07
snapdataoerheks: I've even tried installing the OSK from unity, which doesn't appear under any circumstances either02:08
oerheksi wonder why might can help you with this, touch and keyboard issue02:11
antonioalencarHi! Could someone help me out ? I was trying to move a '.tar.gz' from Downloads file to a file in /usr, however I did it right, somehow i also moved the /home/mainfolder , is there something i could do to back for what was before ?02:20
eelstreborearlier i tried to install 18.04, got it installed but the network didn't get configured correctly and i couldn't login to get my desktop - so i rolled back to 16.04 and now i have a networking issue - names get resolved but i can't ping my isp's gateway but can connect to the router02:23
eelstreborthe routing table matches other computers so i'm at a loss as to how to fix this - btw, all other devices on the network are ok, just my server box is broken02:25
eelstrebordid i mention that i can't web surf?02:27
guivercantonioalencar, i would suggest looking thru `history` (command history) and seeing what you did wrong  (in hopes it'll provide a solution beyond the normal restore from backups)02:28
Prospero_1you can't ping the gateway address?02:28
Prospero_1Because it sounds like you can reach the dns02:28
guiverceelstrebor, i agree with Prospero_1 , the only option could be two devices using same ip address & a switch/router ignoring one as a result? (was it fixed? - check its ip address)02:30
guiverceelstrebor, s/only option/only other cause i can think of/02:30
eelstreborall my devices on my network have a static ip and none have this ip except just it - also everything worked fine until i made the mistake of trying to upgrade02:32
guiverceelstrebor, it was just a thought I had  (easy to check, so I thought worth mentioning)02:33
eelstreborit really makes me mad when this happens02:35
* eelstrebor wonders how many HOURS he'll have to spend to fix it02:36
Prospero_1cat /etc/resolv.conf and ping the nameserver address there. What is the result?02:36
eelstrebori'm done for the night02:36
eelstreborpings fine and i can ping the router02:37
guiverceelstrebor, add a "nameserver" to the file, try pinging (named addresses) addresses then...02:38
eelstrebortried it, no-go02:40
eelstrebori don't know, maybe it's something flakey with the new router firmware - i've tried rebooting the router so i'll try rolling back the firmware02:41
eelstreborbut, the family comes after me with pitchforks when i mess with the router02:42
Prospero_1127.0.0.1 is your localhost. Guiverc has it. or :')02:47
guivercProspero_1, localhost is not abnormal, it means its done locally (elsewhere) - if that was misconfigured though another address would 'solve' the issue as it'd be used also (what i was thinking - it wouldn't fix local dns & gets lost of restart..)02:49
Prospero_1guiverc, yep. The ping there isn't indicative of anything useful though.02:50
Prospero_1Alright then. Take it one hop at a time. What is your default gateway address, can you ping it, and can you open up an admin web page on it?02:53
Prospero_1Another long shot would be to try ufw disable02:53
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{bosco}so i am using my laptop ubuntu 17.04 with a hdmi cable attached to my samsung monitor and outputing the sound to a soundbar via audio cables why is my sound not going through the sound bar works just fine in windows to test but not in ubuntu display works fine and ubuntu sees it just fine :_04:16
cfhowlettsupport for 17.04 ended in January.  upgrade to a supported version04:18
{bosco}i agree but it should still work in 17.04 correct or there is a way to make it work04:19
cfhowlettnot supported includes irc support has ended.  upgrade is the way to make it work.04:19
ubottuUbuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) was the 26th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 13th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-January/000228.html04:20
{bosco}did something like this not work out of the box in 17.04 sound over hdmi or is this new to 18.04/10 ??? if so i will upgrade04:21
cfhowlettsound > important < security?04:25
{bosco}is that a yes or no ?04:26
{bosco}if it was supposed to i want to figure out why04:26
lotuspsychje_{bosco} 17.04 is end of life, that means we cannot support it anymore as cfhowlett stated above04:27
{bosco}i know u cannot support it but u cant tell me whether sound over hdmi was supported in a previous version thats all i am asking ?04:28
cfhowlettcertainly was in 16.04 I haven't tested 18.0404:28
cfhowlettof course, YMMV. different hardware, etc04:29
cfhowletteasy test for your, {bosco}: get 16/18.04, make an ubuntu USB, boot the USB and test it.04:31
Shibeis there any way i can get the latest stable mesa on ubuntu 18.04? the padoka stable ppa only seems to support 16.04 and 17.1005:16
Drag0nhunterhello all05:16
Drag0nhunter@shibe...officially...no but there are other ways i can't mention here05:18
lotuspsychje_!latest | Shibe05:19
ubottuShibe: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.05:19
oerheksif not padoka, then oibaf https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/ubuntu/graphics-drivers05:22
patrick_Can anyone help me navigate upgrading my Ubuntu Mate 15.10 to 16.04?05:30
patrick_..I found the disc from a few years back having 15.04 on it; popped it in a raspberry pi, and here I sit now with 15.10, and a bit stuck..05:31
Prospero_1Google: sources.list 16.04 mate --or you can apt-get dist-upgrade05:32
ducasse!eolupgrade | patrick_05:32
ubottupatrick_: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:32
Prospero_1dist-upgrade has caused me headaches in the past. Haven't done it in a while though.05:33
maum./dev/sda1 is full, what can I do?05:47
EriC^^maum: sudo apt-get autoremove --purge && sudo apt-get autoclean05:47
maumEriC^^: I tried it but the device is still full05:48
EriC^^maum: show your partition table "sudo parted -ls"05:48
EriC^^!paste | maum05:48
ubottumaum: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:48
maumEriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tJh4BJr6VW/05:49
EriC^^maum: type 'df -h'05:53
maumEriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/V6ktfqtPdM/05:55
EriC^^maum: type 'sudo parted /dev/sda unit s print'05:58
maumEriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8PmmZnGNqK/05:59
EriC^^maum: type 'sudo fdisk /dev/sda'06:00
maumEriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3KmRXd5Q5r/06:01
EriC^^maum: press "d" then select "1"06:02
maumEriC^^: can I do this?06:02
maumEriC^^: the fillesystem will be gone?06:02
EriC^^no just the partition table entry06:02
maumI did06:03
maumsda3 left06:03
EriC^^type 'n' then 'p'06:03
EriC^^(for primary)06:03
EriC^^make the starting sector at 204806:03
gogetaold manual partation?06:03
gogetawhy not use cfdisk06:03
maumpartition number is 1 ?06:03
EriC^^maum: yes06:03
maumEriC^^: last sector?06:04
EriC^^maum: use the default one06:04
EriC^^type 'w'06:04
maumq ?06:04
EriC^^then 'sudo partprobe /dev/sda'06:05
EriC^^maum: sudo resize2fs /dev/sda106:05
maumEriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7x4J2Nvt3F/06:06
rangemongerif im doing a net install with a minimal lxde desktop, what package(s) do i need to get the wifi tray icon?06:07
EriC^^maum: what does df -h show ?06:07
gogetarangemonger: wpasuppclment and some sort of networkmanager06:08
maumEriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mc76wZfHNd/06:08
rangemongergogeta: word, thanks06:08
gogetarangemonger: wicd is a good alt06:09
rangemongergreat thanks06:09
rangemongerill try em both06:10
gogetarangemonger: network manager in gnome and need a bunch of gnome stuff06:10
gogetarangemonger: wicd is its own thing and you cant install both they conflict06:10
rangemongerright, i can try one at a time though06:10
EriC^^maum: try rebooting it06:11
gogetarangemonger: wicd-client is the gui version06:11
rangemongeractually, it seems that wicd depends on the other one06:11
rangemongergogeta: im making a minimal server for my compute stick06:12
rangemongerseems like every ubuntu release's meta packages get a bit more messed up06:13
gogetarangemonger: wicd-curses is a cli version with a ncuses gui06:13
maumEriC^^: ok06:13
gogetarangemonger: very nice if your going no window manager06:13
rangemongerif one of these works good, the only other problem left is finding away to do an install without needing a net connection06:14
rangemongerfor some reason it needs one to get the efi grub installed06:15
rangemongereven if i compile an iso with the grub efi packages06:15
maumEriC^^: I rebooted the system, df -h output is same06:16
gogetarangemonger: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization06:18
gogetarangemonger: oh strange06:18
rangemongerwell, it does that even with an official build06:18
rangemongerinstall it with no nw connection, grubs efi install fails06:19
oerheks"seems like every ubuntu release's meta packages get a bit more messed up"  i read such statements all the time, but never proven to be true06:19
rangemongerwith net on, it goes06:19
rangemongeroerheks: i never read it anywhere but its been my experience over the last few versions06:19
rangemongeri used to have an easier time just installing a minimal and then picking a few metas and be done with it06:20
rangemongernow things are all broken, its like the metas dont get everything they need to work06:20
rangemongerfor example, installing xinit doesnt give you a working xorg like it used to06:20
gogetarangemonger: one methed could be clone your entire base install to a image and clone it to eatch drive06:20
rangemongerit "forgets" to get xterm, which is what it needs06:21
rangemongergogeta: thats what i was thinking if all else fails06:21
maumEriC^^: are you there?06:27
rangemongergogeta: the preferences>network connections item in lubuntus start menu, what package is this a part of? i cant seem to pin it down06:30
gogetarangemonger: probly network manager06:30
rangemongeri installed that and i dont get it06:31
gogetarangemonger: To fix the Network Manager not showing up on the panel issue, from the Lubuntu menu select Preferences > Default applications for LXSession, then click on the Autostart tab and under "Manual autostarted applications" type "nm-applet", then click the "+ Add" button on the left:06:32
gogetarangemonger: then relog and it should be there06:33
rangemongergogeta: so it just needs to autostart06:34
rangemongerit should add a start menu entery though06:34
rangemongeroh wait, one of the packages i just got added it06:34
rangemongernot sure which06:34
gogetarangemonger: sometimes with ldxe you even need to refresh for the menu to refresh06:35
gogetarangemonger: eg reload06:35
rangemongerhmm, if i go to create a wifi with it, nothing happens, must need something more06:35
rangemongerive been restarting after most installs to make sure06:35
rangemongerthis is on a vm at the moment so its not that irritating06:36
gogetarangemonger: lol06:36
gogetarangemonger: nothing as in no networks show up?06:36
rangemongerthe whole wifi dialogue doesnt show06:36
rangemongerone sec, gonna run it from a terminal window06:36
gogetarangemonger: that may mean your lacking a wifi driver06:37
rangemongercrap, nothing shows up in the terminal06:37
rangemongerno verbose stuff06:37
rangemongeroh well06:37
rangemongeri think the dialogue should still come up06:38
rangemongerit does on the full lubuntu build06:38
gogetarangemonger: what the applet?06:38
rangemongeroh wait, there was a seg fault06:38
gogetarangemonger: ah06:38
gogetarangemonger: kinda why i recmonded wicd06:39
rangemongerseg fault on a fresh install :S06:39
rangemongeryeah, im leaning towards that  one too06:39
gogetarangemonger: in base installed the nm is a bit of a bear06:40
LeelooMinaiAnyone alive?06:40
gogetaLeelooMinai: nope killed em all06:40
rangemongergogeta: yeah06:40
LeelooMinaiAre you human?06:40
gogetaLeelooMinai: there dead06:40
LeelooMinaiThat was a serious question.06:41
lotuspsychje_!ask | LeelooMinai06:41
ubottuLeelooMinai: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:41
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
gogetarangemonger: wicd has a applet as well06:42
LeelooMinaiThere's 1640 nicks in this channel. If you are human, ask yourelf: why my question had close to no response and even when someone responded, the communications stopped?06:42
rangemongergogeta: i also made a minimal lxde for nothing more than to run kvm on my desktop, its really sweet this way, basically just the taskbar, remote tools via nomachine, timeshift for backup and virtman06:43
lotuspsychjeLeelooMinai: asking if anyone is alive is not an ubuntu support question, go to the essential please06:43
guivercLeelooMinai, when did you ask your Ubuntu question?  I'06:43
gogetarangemonger: handy06:43
guivercI'm yet to see one.06:43
rangemongergogeta: yeah, i saw the applet, its perfect06:43
LeelooMinaiYou are proving my point.06:43
lotuspsychjegogeta: please next time, be helpful to users06:43
Markdown1_!anyone | LeelooMinai06:44
gogetalotuspsychje: litterly helping one06:44
rangemongerlotuspsychje: dude is really helpful this time06:44
lotuspsychjegogeta: saying the channel is dead, isnt really helpful?06:44
gogetarangemonger: so wicd is working correctly06:44
LeelooMinaiFrom my point of view this channel is dead, yes, that's the point.06:45
rangemongerseems to be, im going to have to compile this into an iso and fire it up on the compute stick to be sure06:45
gogetarangemonger: nice06:45
lotuspsychjeLeelooMinai: please proceed to your question?06:45
ducasseLeelooMinai: do you have a support question?06:45
LeelooMinaiWhich means, either I am insane or people are not human any more.06:45
rangemongerhow is it dead? we are all right here? :P06:45
LeelooMinairangemonger: We?06:45
rangemongerme, and the others talking right now06:46
LeelooMinaiAre you sure everything is "normal" around?  DId you maybe notice something strange happening with "the world"?06:46
lotuspsychje!ot | LeelooMinai06:47
ubottuLeelooMinai: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:47
LeelooMinailotuspsychje: Are you human?06:47
guivercthanks lotuspsychje06:47
Markdown1_!offtopic | LeelooMinai06:47
ubottuLeelooMinai: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:47
LeelooMinaiNo one asked me a question that I would be able to distinguish from AI.06:48
LeelooMinaiAnd it should terrify you if there's any humanity left in you.06:48
lotuspsychjeLeelooMinai: please stop chitchat here06:49
guivercLeelooMinai, I looked in the last six hours of logs; I see no Ubuntu question in the logs for this channel (from your nick).  Please stay on topic.06:49
FlannelLeelooMinai: as others have said, you can continue this in #ubuntu-offtopic, but not here.06:49
LeelooMinaiProving my point.06:49
gogetadam didnt mean to feed to troll06:49
LeelooMinaiI am not a troll. I am a human being. You behave like AI.06:50
cfhowlettand you are acting rude and disruptive.06:50
Flannelgogeta: Not a troll, just offtopic.06:50
gogetaFlannel: havent seen you in years didnt know you still an ops hear06:51
Flannelgogeta: Howdy howdy.06:51
Markdown1_theres a very easy way to know who are the Ops :P06:52
Markdown1_its listed06:52
gogetalol i know flannel06:52
scrotedebootstrap is saying -->  W: Cannot check Release signature; keyring file not available /usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg  What does that have to do with bootstrap?06:56
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oerheksscrote, err, ask in #debian ?07:06
oerheksi wonder if you need https://packages.ubuntu.com/source/bionic/debian-archive-keyring .. we would use https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-keyring/2018.02.2807:08
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bronne18.04 -> any way to disable automount of usb drives (disabled it 2 places so far - media gui and org/gnome/media-handling/automount -> no effect)07:23
EriC^^maum: what does sudo parted -ls show now?07:34
ducasse!ask | kiriuha07:37
ubottukiriuha: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:37
cfhowlettducasse, he knows. same thing over the past couple of days/nights07:38
kiriuhaapt remove htop | kiriuha07:41
bronnekiriuha, is it some kind of abstract trolling?07:43
kiriuha2 + 207:50
queskeris there a 32 bit ubuntu?  can't find it on downloads page07:55
rangemongergogeta: well this is weird, the applet doesnt show my wifi nic but i put the gnome one that you referred to as a bear on their and it sees the various SSIDs in the area07:55
rangemongerquesker: they dropped it07:55
cfhowlettnot for ubuntu.  yes for xubuntu and lubuntu07:55
bronnequesker, support dropped07:55
Teguquesker: there is one at the deeply hidden in the alternative downloads section07:55
cfhowlettat least for 16.0407:55
rangemongerbut those are dropping soon too07:55
bronnequesker, https://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads07:56
queskerok thanks I see 16.04 32 bit07:56
Teguhere is a 32-bit netbook image for 18.04 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/07:57
Tegunetboot*, not netbook..07:57
queskerthanks but I think I need an iso so I can boot in a vm07:58
Teguthere is mini.iso07:58
bronnequesker, what 32-bit programs do you need to run?08:01
queskerhost os is 32 bit08:01
bronnequesker, ah wow ok08:02
=== citrix is now known as RahulAN
thinkyhi there08:14
LudHello, I am having some trouble. VLC isn't able to open my /dev/video0 file. The VLC log says 'v4l2 demux error: cannot open device '/dev/video0': Operation note permitted' Can anyone point me in the right direction?08:16
LudI think VLC doesn't have permission to read my /dev/video0 file :/08:26
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LudGOT IT08:34
LudSnap installs in a private Home environment, had to install with the --classic flag!08:34
=== jordan is now known as Guest2768
shmottenI have some problems with drivers08:57
shmottenI have a Lenovo Thinkpad T440 with ubuntu 18.04 and my I can't get my touchpad and fingerprint scan drivers working08:58
shmottenI have tried installing them via a VM but that didn't work08:58
shmottenDoes anybody know?09:06
shmottenHow I can install the drivers on my Lenovo thinkpad T44009:07
shmottenFor my touchpad and fingerprint scanner09:07
ratsIt will automatically installed09:07
ratsYou dont need to do anything09:08
shmottenNope, it's kind of a weird touchpad with one button but the normal functionalities don't work09:08
shmottenI can use it to left click and move the cursors but that's it09:08
shmottenI can't right click or scroll with multiple fingers09:09
crimson_kingshmotten, that is a matter of configuration09:09
shmottenWhere can I configure that?09:09
crimson_kingjust a moment, i'll find the page that shows you that09:09
shmottenOkay, thank you!09:09
crimson_kingshmotten, when you say you can't right click, is it via button or gesture?09:11
shmottenMy touchpad is one big button so right clicking is normally a fast double click or a long click09:12
crimson_kingshmotten, have you tried tapping with two fingers?09:14
shmottenYes I have now but it just left clicks09:15
crimson_kingshmotten, okay, i'm writing a libinput config with an option, you'll try it and see if that works.09:16
shmottenOkay, thank you09:16
crimson_kingshmotten, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7tYSdwBFYg/09:21
shmottenthank yoo09:21
crimson_kingyou will create folder /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ if it doesn't exist already09:21
shmottenOkay I'll do that09:21
crimson_kingedit new file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf09:22
crimson_kingand paste the config I posted in there.09:22
crimson_kingReboot computer and see if it works09:22
crimson_kingAnd try to understand the options, so you can adapt them later to your needs. Here are my sources: https://wiki.debian.org/SynapticsTouchpad and https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Libinput09:23
faLUCEHello. Is there a newsreader for ubuntu, with GUI, that allows to send control messages?09:26
shmottenOkay, thank you crimson! I'm going to restart now09:26
shmottenIt worked Crimson, thank you so much!09:28
crimson_kingshmotten, good to know, your welcome (:09:28
crimson_kingshmotten, By the way, there's some information concerning your laptop here: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Lenovo_ThinkPad_T440s#Trackpoint_scrolling09:29
crimson_kingif you ever need it09:29
shmottenCrimson do you mind if I share this on my blog in the future? Of course I'll credit you09:36
* WargaNet Hy my name ****09:42
* WargaNet marhaban ya ramadan09:43
WargaNethy bro09:43
* WargaNet hy bro09:43
* WargaNet marhaban ya ramadan09:43
* WargaNet ping09:44
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=== NickG365_ is now known as NickG365
LudCan someone tell me, what is the audio src file I can use (similar to dev/video0) for my microphone?10:03
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LudI found the file, it is in /dev/snd/by-path. But I don't know why VLC won't work with it.10:19
LudIt says it can't open ALSA device, no such file or directory.10:20
lars_I`m running ubuntu on an old macbook.  The fans tend to spike and then turn off repeatedly.  Is there a way to rather get the fans to run moderately all the time or at least more often?10:38
cfhowlett!fans | lars_10:38
cfhowlettwait 110:38
cfhowlett!fan | lars_10:39
ubottulars_: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.10:39
cfhowletttry that10:39
lars_cfhowlett thank you, I will try that!10:39
tom3434hi, i was doing dist-upgrade but let me ssh session time out while it was waiting for my input. I coulnd't ssh back in and forgot about the backup sshd running before rebooting the server. Now neither of 2 sshd's running. I managed to upload a php shell to do some basic stuff, any way i can fix ssh somehow?10:43
enyctom3434: upload? via what mechanism?10:46
enyctom3434: you probably need access to 'console' of your server, etc.10:47
tom3434torrent and webserver with php are still running, i created a torrent10:47
enyctom3434: webserer runs as a restricted user10:47
tom3434yeah i know10:48
enyctom3434: generally no, you can't do much about locking yourself out like that =)10:48
tom3434but maybe the backup ssh is setuid10:48
enyctom3434: but you did'nt answer my question10:48
enyctom3434: 11:46 < enyc> tom3434: upload? via what mechanism?10:48
enyctom3434: do you have some out-of-band file-access-protocol thats' still wokring??!?10:48
tom3434there's a torrent client running with a webinterface, i added a torrent there10:48
enyctom3434: hrrm, thats' just again within that pirtucalr web-interface/program10:49
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.10:50
tom3434now searching for all setuid programs...10:51
tom3434yes, got in10:57
tom3434with https://evertpot.com/189/10:57
enyctom3434: ooer i wouldn't have wanted www-data to be able to root, hrrm.10:58
tom3434well you need the password of a user10:58
lars_whoever helped me, now the fans are acting more sensible, thanks!10:59
enyctom3434: fix sshd, fix backup sshd ;p10:59
enyctom3434: check that sshd comes back on reboot...?11:00
tom3434maybe if i can continue the dist-upgrade from here it will fix itself11:00
enyctom3434: yes, get backup sshd up first11:00
tom3434do you know the location of that?11:00
enyctom3434: "dpkg --configure -a" will help complete package-configuration in progress11:00
enyctom3434: no, did you follow instructions to start sshd yourself?11:00
lars_is there an easy way to back up (and recover) an installation I`m happy with to a cloud?11:00
lars_for example dropbox11:01
ubottuFor nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing »11:01
enyclars_: not simple you are talknig dik-images or filessytme-images or something11:01
enyclars_: generally you want virtula-machine wrapped around it to do that kind of thing11:01
tom3434haven't done anything yet11:02
enyctom3434: how did you start bakcup-sshd yourself the first time?11:02
tom3434it was the dist-upgrade process that started it11:02
enyctom3434: really????!?11:03
enyctom3434: not had that11:03
enyctom3434: ubuntu's "do-release-upgrade" is another matter11:03
lars_enyc ok.  I`ll google that and see what I can find out11:03
enyclars_: "cloud" is far too vague really11:03
tom3434oh yeah could have been that one11:04
enyctom3434: in which case, I'd "dpkg --configure -a" first11:04
enyctom3434: and then try restarting do-release-upgrade and let it start backup-sshd again, etc11:04
enyctom3434: this time TEST IT and keey your own log, don't just 'lose' whats' going on11:04
lars_enyc right.  What I really want to do is just put it on a remote storage service.  Doesn`t matter witch service.11:05
enyclars_: tbh I'd look at what-it-is that linuxmint-19 incude in their system (soon to be released) to make system-backup/rsync mechanism.11:06
enyclars_: whatever that is, probably can be applied to ubuntu-18.04 too, i very much suspect.11:06
enyclars_: ALSO -- its' all-very-well haning something resembling a copy and 'feeling safe' -- but you need to TEST that you can actually install a new system hard-disk temporarially and ''restore'' the backup/image  actually works.11:07
lars_enyc right.  Pictures and documents I tend to store on multiple cloud services, but since i tend to break my linux installations, I`d like to learn how to do a full upgrade, so I don`t have to do all the customization every time that happens11:11
lars_ops, I ment backup, not upgrade11:11
enyclars_: if you have a set of stuff that is 'complex' you may want to consider separating into virtual-machines11:11
enyclars_: HOWEVER, really, you need to be able to restore your customizations-that-matter from scratch,  basically your own documentation.11:12
enyclars_: if you're not able to restore-from-scratch, basicalyl, you're doing sometithgnwrong.11:13
lars_enyc right, I`ve got like 6 months of linux experience so far, so there are a lot of concepts that are foreign to me.  The raspberry pi got me hooked :)11:16
enyclars_: keep going // keep loarening11:16
enyclars_: i've had allosrts of debian/devuan/ubuntu/slackware/redhat/variants for long time...!11:16
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
BluesKajHowdy folks11:26
acuHello Everyone11:29
phil42buenos dias11:30
acuI run ubuntu 16.04 in a toshibal 2x1 laptop -  everything was OK, but I cannot boot anymore - the data inside is OK, but I need to restore the boot partition - can anyone help me how to do it ?11:30
lars_acu what did you do before that happened?11:32
cfhowlettacu, details?11:32
kiokomanacu: https://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repair-restore-reinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd11:33
acuthe problem is that I cannot see even grub - strangely enough I went to bios and checked something - but I did not any modification I can remember - I reseted the bios/uefi too - and disabled secure boot - however, it looks like the hdd is not there11:37
tomreynacu: when you say you don't get to "see grub", you mean the grub menu does not show when the system boots?11:39
tom3434anyone got a clean sshd config file for 18.04?11:43
kiokomanacu: maybe inadvertently u change sata hard disk mode from ide to ahci or the other way around11:43
kiokomantom3434: default should be here /usr/share/openssh/sshd_config11:45
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=== mkv is now known as m4v
ZborgI am trying to install the vbox guest additions on a ubuntu 18.04 host and it doesn't want to cooperate12:27
cfhowlett!vbox | Zborg12:28
ubottuZborg: Virtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox12:28
ZborgWhen I try to run make oldconfig && make prepare on the kernel headers it fails with  "no rule to make target arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall32.tbl"12:28
Zborgwhich is absolutely useless generic information and says nothing about fixing the "kernel configuration is invalid" error message when installing the guest additions12:31
cfhowlettZborg, highly specific to virtualbox might be better asked in the #vbox channel12:32
ZborgWell the problem is with going into /usr/src/linux-headers-4.15.0-20 and running make oldconfig && make prepare12:33
cfhowlettwait are you compiling from source or something?12:33
ZborgI believe VBoxLinuxAdditions.run does compile the modules from source12:34
tomreyn"install guest additions on a [..] host" sounds wrong.12:34
Zborgno, ubuntu 18.04 guest12:34
zeroanyone installed R on ubuntu 18.04 yet?12:34
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zero0000anyone installed R on ubuntu 18.04 yet?12:35
tomreynGuest7394: probably, whats your actual question?12:35
cfhowlettI click on virtualbox Devices, select "install guest additions CD image" sudo sh ./VBoxLinuxAdditions and done.12:35
zero0000tried r-core and get nothing but needs dep but they wont install/12:35
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zero0000unable to get R or R studio going in latest ubuntu update any idea's people?12:37
tomreyn!details | zero000012:37
ubottuzero0000: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.12:37
zero0000i get this warning Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have12:38
zero0000requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable12:38
zero0000distribution that some required packages have not yet been created12:38
zero0000or been moved out of Incoming.12:38
zero0000The following information may help to resolve the situation:12:38
zero0000The following packages have unmet dependencies.12:38
tomreyn!paste | zero000012:39
ubottuzero0000: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:39
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cfhowlettZborg, are you using this guide:  https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch04.html#idm209912:41
nero_zero : autoremove the package with purge and reinstall the package with the forcing commands see also if need some dependances you need12:42
tomreynzero0000: what is the command you rant o create this output?12:42
zero0000sudo apt install r-base12:42
tomreynzero0000: did you "sudo apt update" beforehand?12:43
cfhowlettsudo apt dist-upgrade12:43
zero0000fresh install not installed before :/12:43
tomreynnero_: let's not force unless there is really no other option.12:43
darthbuntuhey guys, I'm trying to install cuda and I accidentally did `dpkg -i ....deb` on the wrong .deb file, and now I'm not able to remove it ... the .deb file didn't install anything, it only adds new repository sources .... I've tried removing the file under /etc/apt/sources.d/... but it still complains when I try to add a different version repo12:44
darthbuntualso seems that I can't use dpkg -r since the .deb is not a package, but only adds a repository12:44
tomreynzero0000: i'm with cfhowlett there, do the dist-upgrade12:45
cfhowlettdarthbuntu, sudo dpkg -r foo.deb       should remove12:45
zero0000ill give it go12:45
darthbuntucfhowlett: lol funny thing ... I actually tried removing the exact foo.deb name, but that didn't work ,but now that you've said it I just did `sudo dpkg -r foo` and it worked :o12:46
darthbuntuthanks :)12:46
darthbuntubut I still see it under the "Other software" section in the repositories GUI hrmm12:47
darthbuntuand doing `sudo apt update` still fetches from that repo12:47
cfhowlettreboot and try again12:47
zero0000same result after dist-upgrade?12:47
tomreyndarthbuntu: apt purge foo12:48
Zborgyes, and I just tried to get the kernel sources but I just have download-signed, download-unsigned, generate-depends, and some other stuff rather than the regular kernel source12:48
darthbuntutomreyn: thanks!12:48
darthbuntupurge helped12:48
tomreynzero0000: please show the output of : sudo apt update && apt-cache policy12:49
zero0000it seems to be ignoreing the cran.rstudio?12:52
tomreynzero0000: you have two apt sources configured which do not, no longer, or not yet exist / provide packages for bionic.12:52
cfhowlettyou have mixed trusty and bionic in your sources.  this will cause unexpected behavior up to and including breakage12:52
cfhowlettand xenial!12:52
tomreynzero0000: fix those first: http://ppa.launchpad.net/upubuntu-com/tor64/ubuntu and http://ppa.launchpad.net/webupd8team/tor-browser/ubuntu12:52
tomreynzero0000: also what cfhowlett says, since that's the issue preventing installation of R, and may cause other issues.12:53
zero0000ok how do I go about sorting that sorry if dum question?12:54
cfhowlettzero0000, easy way: edit sources and comment out everything that is non-bionic or ...12:54
tomreynzero0000: also "sudo apt purge r-base", i'd do this first.12:55
cfhowlettbuild and replace your sources.list manuall with https://repogen.simplylinux.ch/index.php12:55
Zborgso any idea how I can get the actual kernel src via apt-get?12:56
zero0000ok cheers give these things a try12:57
tomreynZborg: could it be that you are mixing up the virtualbox guest additions (which may be installed in VMs running under vbox by inserting an iso images which is dstributed with virtualbox itself into the VMs cd-rom drive) with the virtualbox kernel modules which are required to make virtualbox run on the virtualization host?12:59
ZborgNo, I am running VBoxLinuxAdditions.run from the guest additions disc in the ubuntu 18.04 guest13:01
nicholasBPMI run my openvpn connection using namespace, if my openvpn connection gets stuck is kill -HUP PID a good way to go?13:01
ZborgBut it fails and in the log it says ERROR: Kernel configuration is invalid. include/generated/autoconf.h or include/config/auto.conf are missing. Run 'make oldconfig && make prepare' on kernel src to fix it.13:01
tomreynZborg: which version of virtualbox is this?13:02
zero0000tomreyn: fixed it cheers guys13:03
zero0000cfhowlett: fixed it cheers guys13:03
cfhowletthapp2help!  and in the future, keep those sources clean13:03
zero0000commented out in the source and installed correctly :)13:03
MonkeyDustmsg ubottu !info virtualbox13:03
tomreynZborg: if you'll use the upstream repository you should be able to get around this. alternatively, install kernel headers and build utilities in the 18.04 guest using: sudo apt updatze; sudo apt install linux-headers build-essential13:06
tomreynZborg: with the second approach you might need to search the web for virtualbox patches, though, in case this version of the guest additions is not yet compatible with 18.04 guests.13:07
Zborgalready did that13:07
tomreynZborg: which one?13:08
tomreynand what was the results13:08
ZborgI already have the headers and build-essential13:08
Zborgand the result was the error I gave you13:08
ZborgI would like to avoid updating virtualbox since that takes several hours, especially if you have XP guests13:08
Zborgthat can take several hours13:09
tomreynZborg: why does it take several hours?13:09
Zborgafter updating virtualbox you have to boot into each windows virtual machine (in safe mode for xp and possibly 7 as well), uninstall the old guest additions, and then install the proper ones13:10
cfhowlettI've uninstall?  never.  install a new one?  sure.13:10
tomreynZborg: in my experience, the ones from the older virtualbox version will just continue to work fine. but YMMV.13:10
YADW1Hello! I'm looking for a way to set a ssh password that's different from my user password. Can it be done? My user pass is kinda short/easy to guess, because I only need one for sudo and permissions, I am the only one using my laptop. But I'm not really sure it's an optimal choice to leave an SSH server open with basically no actual protection :/13:11
ben8472YADW1 : use ssh key instead of password13:11
YADW1ben8472 I didn't know about it, I'll check it in the man page13:12
ben8472YADW1 : https://askubuntu.com/questions/46930/how-can-i-set-up-password-less-ssh-login13:12
YADW1Thank you very much!13:12
ben8472you are welcome13:12
tomreynZborg: make sure linux-generic and dkms are also installed13:15
macusermanhello! trying to install bionic beaver 18.04 on a macbook - 16.04 and 17.10 worked, upon trying 18.04 I am looping on startup with some kind of error I think is related to kernal and/or graphics card, it says "unable to handle kernal null pointer deference" - is there a way I can boot from an older kernal?13:34
compdocmacuserman, on startup booting the dvd, or when booting the hdd?13:37
macuserman@compdoc when booting the hdd13:40
compdochave you tried booting the dvd live? selecting 'try ubuntu'?13:41
macusermanup to 17.10 seemed to successfully install to hdd13:41
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macusermancompdoc - had some issues booting from live USB with 18.04, so that's why I tried 16.04 which worked fine as well as 17.1013:42
compdochow did you put the image on the usb stick?13:43
macusermanI was getting similar error of being stuck while booting either selecting "install to hdd" or "try ubuntu" options13:43
macusermancompdoc I did unetbootin, startupdisk, and tried etcher, all three13:43
compdocunetbootin is horrible13:43
macusermanI read some people mentioned you might be able to boot from DVD/CD to bypass13:44
SporkWitchcompdoc: try etcher13:44
macusermandon't know why USB wouldn't work though13:44
compdocStartup Disk Creator seems to come with ubuntu13:46
SporkWitch[09:44:16] <SporkWitch> compdoc: try etcher13:48
macusermannewest linux mint edition installed fine as well13:48
smittixHi everyone, Has anyone else had an issue where a second monitor is detected but shows no display. It's just black?13:55
SporkWitchsmittix: check display settings14:01
neurei have ubuntu and windows dual booting14:03
neureevery now and then windows wipes out grub14:04
neurecan i somehow avoid that?14:04
neureor somehow it disables it, makes it not show up in boot14:04
SporkWitchneure: other than not booting windows, no; windows is not a good neighbour, and MSFT has been known to do that deliberately14:05
macusermansmittix uhhh can you just set it up in settings to show dual monitors?14:06
SporkWitchneure: you could try using separate physical drives; i think windows will only mess with the MBR on its system drive, but i'm not sure, and there's nothing stopping it from messing with every drive's MBR if MSFT chooses to tell it to in one of the unblockable patches they do now14:07
compdocmacuserman, sounds like you researched it. does seem to be a kernel problem14:07
tomreynneure: separate physical drives is an option, as is running windows in virtualization, such as under virtualbox. this works for most use cases, but not when you require graphics acceleration in windows.14:08
SporkWitchtomreyn: assuming current hardware and a second GPU (or onboard + discrete), pass-through is an option14:10
macusermantrue thx compdoc however so how do I boot from an older kernal or troubleshoot? Can I run bionic beaver with an older kernal (how would I do that)?14:13
compdocthat might be possible, and might be possible to boot a newer kernel thats been fixed, but thats not something I have ever had to do. hang out and keep asking14:15
tomreynSporkWitch: yes, might be. depends a lot.14:16
YADW1ben8472 about the ssh-key method you suggested me earlier, it would need me to copy ssh fingerprints from any client I want to connect from to my server, right? That's quite a downside, because I might want to reach my ssh server from about any client. What can I do for that?14:16
SporkWitchtomreyn: current hardware supports it; it's been several years since it was lacking in anything but the really low-end mobos and cpus14:16
macusermanoddly enough I successfully installed 18.04 on an older mac than the one I am currently trying to make work...14:17
SporkWitchYADW1: you can put the privkey on a flashdrive if you like14:17
YADW1SporkWitch that's smart, I didn't think of that. Thank you. I still wish there was a way to login with a password different from my user pass.14:18
SporkWitchYADW1: though if you want to be able to connect from arbitrary hosts without separate keys per host, i would recommend investing in something like a yubikey14:18
SporkWitchYADW1: there are many ways to achieve that, but key-based auth is generally preferable14:19
SporkWitchYADW1: if you want extra points, you can set up a LUKS container on the flash drive, though this will preclude use in windows14:19
YADW1SporkWitch why not both a key AND a pass? :D It actually would be terrible to store an authorized key on some random machine that then could log into the server at will14:20
SporkWitchYADW1: it's possible to set that up as well14:21
SporkWitchYADW1: and that's why you set a passphrase on the key...14:21
YADW1Shoot, I feel such a newbie. (Which I probably am anyway, but one moment ago I wasn't thinking about it and my whole life felt so much better. :P)14:23
nik_any ubuntu software to connect digital camera to computer by usb cable to act as webcam ? does VLC or OBS help in doing that ?? if yes HOW ?14:24
nik_alternative to digitalcamcontrol for ubuntu ?14:26
SporkWitchnik_: that will typically depend on the camera, not just software.  not all digital cameras support acting as a webcam14:27
MonkeyDustnik_  if you don't get an answer here, try #ubuntustudio, a multimedia dedicated channel14:28
macusermanthx for helps compdoc I will probably tinker around14:28
nik_monkeydust sporkwitch thanks14:29
SporkWitchYADW1: assuming you set up your ssh keys already, then yes, you should feel a little silly, because it prompts you to set a passphrase on the key :P  as to the rest, it's rarely done outside the enterprise, and even then you're usually not doing more than tying it into LDAP14:29
SporkWitchso no shame in not knowing about the rest14:30
MonkeyDustnik_  in a terminal, type   apt-cache entangle14:30
nik_does vlc or OBS detect any digital camera ?14:31
MonkeyDustapt-cache show entangle*14:31
nik_monkeydust thanks i think that will work14:33
=== r0Oter is now known as r00ter
kristenbbhello, can i upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04?14:56
kristenbbhello, can anyone read me? it seems i can't read anyone...14:57
CookieMif I were you, I wouldn’t14:58
CookieM16.04 is supported till 2021, so why doing it and have an additional headache?14:59
CookieMupgrading is NOT a straightforward process and usually many glitches occur, making using upgraded system unusable15:00
tomreynkristenbb: upgrades usually work fine on supported upgrade paths. upgrading 16.04 to 18.04 is not supported, yet, as discussed in the 18.04 release notes15:01
ppfhow can i hook into a ipv6 prefix change?15:03
transhumanHi! I am wondering what the effect of downgrading ubuntu 18.04 root / partition to ubuntu 17.04 (and leaving the /home partition as is)15:03
tomreyn!downgrade | transhuman15:04
ubottutranshuman: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.15:04
transhumantomreyn, even if I reinstall all but the home parition?15:05
tomreyntranshuman: what you can do is install 16.04, keeping a separate /home if you had that separate already15:05
transhumannot going to work15:05
transhumanbut thanks, you see I am screwed because nvidia 304 driver is no longer available15:05
tomreynyou may need to clean up some files in your home directory to be able to login graphically as this user15:05
MonkeyDusttranshuman  and 17.04 is !eol15:06
transhumanoh I see what yoru saying15:06
tomreynoh, nvidia, i'm not so much into that15:06
transhumanyeah eol but they should still keep maintaining the video drivers in myho15:06
tomreynsince these drivers are proprietary, there is not a lot canonical / ubuntu can do about it15:07
transhumanI understand, some day I will create a better video company, as soon as I get rich15:09
transhumanhave to win the big one first though15:10
MonkeyDusttranshuman  or buy out existing video companies15:10
transhumanyeah maybe a better idea actually15:10
transhumanI am going to have to buy an new power supply to get my other video cards working, this one is missing the cables, since it has issues its probably not worth buying the cables for it15:12
matjammorning peeps15:16
transhumananyone able to suggest what they think is slowing down the boot of this system ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Mxtd5dJqbn/15:16
aperson123456think i found a bug15:18
transhumanI notice gnome-shell is taking lots of resources (thought this issue was resolved15:18
MonkeyDust!bug| aperson12345615:19
ubottuaperson123456: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.15:19
MonkeyDusttranshuman  in a terminal, type      systemd-analyze blame15:19
=== kmurphy4_ is now known as kmurphy4
transhumanalready tried running fsck on the disc from live cd15:20
aperson123456MonkeyDust, yeah.. looks complicated. im gonna put it on my to do list.15:20
transhumanno errors reported15:21
ioriatranshuman, restart gnome-shell  : alt + F2 ; r; enter15:22
transhumanyeah it runs fine once booted15:22
matjamanyone using Ubuntu MATE 18.04 able to get the worskpace switching effects to work?15:22
transhumanthe gnome shell issue was supposed to be resolved (at least upstream) not sure if that fix has made it) do you think this is what is slowing down boot??15:22
=== Greylocks is now known as Guest15283
ioriatranshuman, the boot ? nop15:23
transhumanI thought not15:23
aperson123456anyways, in case i never get around to filing a report:  network manager reports (most) ethernet cables 10 Mbs when cable is initially plugged in to the computer nic after connecting to switch. Pulling out the cable, waiting 5 sec and plugging it back in results in nm correctly setting the connection to 1GBs.15:23
ioriatranshuman, you said 'gnome-shell is taking lots of resources '15:23
transhumanwell on that note is the fix for gnome-shell memory leak in 18.04 now?15:23
ioriatranshuman, nope15:24
transhumanany idea when?15:24
ioriatranshuman, nope15:24
transhumanits in the works though right? they have found the bug  from what i understand, is this correct?15:24
transhumanits in lots of distributions15:25
ioriatranshuman, work in progress15:25
transhumanok, thanks ,what about the slow boot issue, this is whats really killing me since I have 24 gig of ram15:26
ioriatranshuman,  systemd-analyze| awk '{print $10}'15:27
transhumanthat doesn't work but if i change the $10 to a $7 it shows userspace15:28
ioriatranshuman,  systemd-analyze15:29
aperson123456transhuman, 10 bucks won't get you root in this day and age15:29
aperson123456transhuman, 7*15:29
tomreynaperson123456: no one will act upon your report on irc. unless you'll report a bug (after verifying it is not just an issue with your system and someone else did not already report the same issue) nothing will change as a result of your report here.15:30
transhumanhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hP8drh3nv9/  http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Mxtd5dJqbn/ yeah I already posted those but it seems even though the hard drive is the top user of resources it shows no errors15:30
aperson123456tomreyn, I know.15:31
lotuspsychjetranshuman: i have an active systemd bug, if you want subscribe to it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/174206315:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1742063 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Systemd taking long time to boot into desktop 18.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:32
transhumanah a systemd bug ok15:32
transhumanyeah I will subscribe to it15:33
lotuspsychjetranshuman: if that fits your issue..15:33
elim_garakdoes anyone here manage or help admin the ubuntu bugs mailing list15:35
elim_garakive subscribed but never get the email notification to accept15:35
matjamyeah I doubt we can help you with that15:37
matjambut I assume you checked your spam folder15:37
elim_garakand junk and all that15:37
matjamyou could email postmaster@ but I have no idea if a human actually reads that email15:38
goim22hello. i've just burned ubuntu 18.04 and booted into it off usb to try to recover a deleted partition. when i run gparted and try to access the data recovery option, it says i need to install gpart. when i try to install gpart it says there is no installation candidate - https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/NmXYBCz52T/ any ideas what i can?15:39
goim22i can do*?15:39
transhumanhybred 1tb hard drives are around $110 bucks now, are they worth it? (personally never owned one and have only worked with full ssd drives) any opinions?15:40
lotuspsychje!info gparted | goim2215:41
ubottugoim22: gparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.30.0-3ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 493 kB, installed size 2032 kB15:41
lotuspsychjetranshuman: ##hardware for such questions15:41
goim22lotuspsychje: i already know this, what's the relevance?15:41
lotuspsychjegoim22: you typed gpart15:42
goim22lotuspsychje: yes?15:42
lotuspsychjegoim22: its called gpartED15:42
goim22lotuspsychje: when you run gpartED and try to do a data recovery it tries to run gpart15:43
lotuspsychjegoim22: try photorec on the testdisk package to recover data15:44
matjamthere is a gpart and a gparted15:45
matjamjust to be confusing15:45
matjamyou want to use gparted15:45
matjamgparted should be installed by default in the USB image15:46
ioriagoim22,  apt-cache policy gpart15:50
eelstrebor_got rolled back to 16.04 since i had a few problems with 18.0415:50
ioriagoim22,  maybe you need to enable universe and run apt update15:51
matjamoh, I misread.15:52
=== Guest77967 is now known as vladfi1
guardianI'm used to monitor /etc with etckeeper with Debian. Lately I installed 18.04 and I see content of /etc/apparmor.d and /etc/systemd keeps changing boot after boot16:00
guardianwhat gives?16:00
=== stashb0x is now known as stashb0x_
matjamguardian: I'd file a bug with the maintainers16:03
matjamthats not what I'd expect16:04
matjamubuntu-bug systemd16:04
guardianok will take a chance16:04
leftyfbguardian: what changes exactly? Both of those are pretty dynamic. I wouldn't think it out of the ordinary for them to change their files on boot16:05
matjamleftyfb: not in /etc16:05
matjamin /var maybe16:05
leftyfbdepends on what changes16:06
leftyfbit might be by design16:06
matjamright, would still consider it a bug16:06
leftyfbguardian: what files change exactly?16:06
matjamit breaks the LSB model.16:06
leftyfbmatjam: well, considering /etc/apache2/logs is by default logs for apache, and those are obviously always changing16:07
matjamisn't that a symlink to /var/log/apache16:07
matjambecause I'd be super surprised if apache2 logs into /etc16:07
leftyfbit is once I configure it to be on every install :)16:07
matjamyeah, thats16:07
matjamthats you doing that, not apache by default16:08
guardianso after having rebooted I have /etc/apparmor.d/snap.core.4486.usr.lib.snapd.snap-continue that's deleted16:08
leftyfbthat's normal16:09
guardian/etc/apparmor.d/snap.core.4571.usr.lib.snapd.snap-confline that's untracked16:09
guardianas well as a bunch of other files16:09
leftyfbmatjam: and I think you misunderstood. /etc/apache/logs is NOT a link to /var/log/apache2 by default. It's only /etc/apache/logs which I then make into a link every time I install apache on ubuntu.16:09
matjamthe apache2 package does not create an /etc/apache/logs directory16:10
guardianI for sure didn't expect /etc changing "constantly" without me adding or removing packages16:10
guardianor enabling/disabling systemd services16:10
matjamwell, snaps are weird16:10
guardianI don't even know what they are16:10
guardianI usually don't use Ubuntu16:10
matjamits a way of installing applications with all their dependencies in a chroot16:11
matjamis this on a server?16:11
guardianin that respect I have another Ubuntu beginner question. When I browse files, I can go to "Other Locations". And there I see drives and partitions which I can navigate with the GUI file browser16:11
guardianbut when I do so, where are the partitions mounted?16:11
matjamits mounted under gvfs which is a user space thing16:11
guardianit's Ubuntu Desktop 18.04, fresh install16:11
guardianis there an overhead going through gvfs? because for sure I'll access these partitions frequently16:12
guardianit seems I'm better off editing fstab accordingly16:12
matjamguardian: seems fine to me but I mount my NAS in /etc/fstab anyway16:13
aperson123456guardian, they should mount under /media/USERNAME/MEDIANAME16:13
uruwi_xorg is driving me crazy16:13
aperson123456guardian, unless you set them to automount then they are mounted under /mnt/16:13
matjamaperson123456: not smb mounts etc16:14
guardianaperson123456: thank you16:14
aperson123456matjam, guardian right ok - talking about usb mounts.16:14
guardianit's not even USB in my case16:15
guardianjust other drives in the box16:15
uruwi_I've been trying to set up things to use my nVidia card on my laptop this whole weekend and now I'm here after having purged nvidia drivers: https://gist.github.com/bluebear94/0c40f0c47c8943f399f3453cbf2b453116:15
Butterfly_::  ^ TITLE ^ : gist:0c40f0c47c8943f399f3453cbf2b4531 · GitHub16:15
matjamheh I can't even foudn the gvfs mount point for mine lol16:15
aperson123456matjam, guardian and scsci+ata16:15
Ben64Butterfly_: you should turn that off16:15
matjamuruwi_: is it a multi-gpu laptop?16:15
Butterfly_let me fix that16:15
uruwi_/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/nvidia/libglx.so is a symlink to /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so.390.59 which doesn't exist16:15
uruwi_matjam: yep16:15
guardianI find it funny automount mounts in /mnt while /mnt is defined as "temporarily mounted filesystems"16:16
YADW1SporkWitch Hey there, it's still me, the ssh n00b. I generated a key from another device of mine, which does not support ssh-copy-id, so I had to manually copy both files to my server machine. Guess what? Randomarts don't match! Somebody kill me please :D16:16
guardianlooks like nobody can settle on FHS16:16
Butterfly_Ben64 : it should not have displayed in this channel, let me fix that, but it might take some minutes :)16:16
uruwi_I've asked on AskUbuntu but didn't get any useful answers16:16
matjamuruwi_: so you purged the nvidia binary driver16:16
uruwi_I'm probably going to end up using bbswitch16:16
matjamuruwi_: do you have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?16:16
uruwi_matjam: let me double check16:16
aperson123456guardian, I guess someone decided that harddisks should not be mixed with removable media16:16
anddamhello, is there an official upgrade guide from a 16.04 to 18.04?16:16
uruwi_dpkg -l | grep nvidia gives nothing16:17
uruwi_matjam: no xorg.conf16:17
SporkWitchYADW1: i never use copyid.  scp ~/.ssh/idrsa.pub user@host:~/ then on the server, cat idrsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys16:17
Ben64Butterfly_: cool, just a friendly reminder, stuff like that could end with you making ops angry :)16:17
matjamanddam: nope, as it's not officially recommended yet. However you can use do-release-upgrade16:17
SporkWitchYADW1: the DOUBLE >> is important, as it means append, rather than overwrite16:17
leftyfbanddam: there will be in July when 18.04 hits 18.04.116:17
matjamuruwi_: did you use this guide here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia#SLI_.2F_Multi-GPU16:18
Butterfly_::  ^ TITLE ^ : BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia - Community Help Wiki16:18
Butterfly_Ben64 : i just loaded the script yesterday, but altered it like 15 minutes ago, it does exactly what i want in the channel i created it for, but i seem to have done something wrong as it displays in here too16:18
anddamI'll wait, thanks16:18
anddamI don't have a strong need for the update, just powered back a small headless server after a while16:18
YADW1SporkWitch, I'll try with scp, not sure it's implemented in my other device though. As for basic bash syntax, yeah, I may be a noob, but I'm really not so desperate xD16:18
anddamwhat's the proper way to configure wireless and dhcp for a headless server?16:19
aperson123456on that note: anyone had success disabling removable drive automounts??16:19
SporkWitchYADW1: i wouldn't have offered the extra warning if it weren't for the fact that doing it wrong could remove your existing keys, locking you out16:19
matjamanddam: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConfigurationCommandLine/Automatic16:19
SporkWitchYADW1: if it's a linux or unix machine, you have scp on it.  if it's windows, i recommend bitvise tunnelier16:19
matjamuruwi_: oh that might have been the wrong link16:20
uruwi_matjam: oh, that multi-gpu? I thought you referred to Optimus16:20
* uruwi_ is slightly confused16:20
matjamuruwi_: I'm confused too, lol16:20
YADW1Actually it's Android, which I discovered, to my dismay, to be a lot less "linux" than I thought. Quite frustrating, tbh.16:21
matjamuruwi_: I think if you install the latest nvidia package, nvidia-485 from the cli16:21
uruwi_lspci -vnn | grep 'VGA\|3D' gives 2 lines16:21
matjamuruwi_: *38516:21
anddammatjam: thanks again16:21
SporkWitchYADW1: email the pubkey to yourself, or put it on gdrive16:21
anddamI shrunk an ext4 partition with resize2fs, do I need to manually edit the FAT or is there a program that will fit the partition to the ext4 fs?16:22
uruwi_matjam: isn't it 390 or 396?16:22
matjamlsyoyom: yeah so in the nvidia-settings tool you can switch between the intel video and the nvidia chip16:22
matjamyou're right, its 39016:22
matjamuruwi_: this is what I have installed https://pastebin.com/qh9WfyCB16:23
uruwi_also, this page <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee#Installation> doesn't make it clear, but if I want to use Bumblebee, should I also install nvidia-390 or nvidia-396?16:23
matjamuruwi_: er, 18.04 right?16:23
matjamoh something special for optimus16:24
YADW1I used adb pull, which (in case you weren't familiar with android) is a cli utility to copy from/move to connected devices and shell interface. Basically, I just copied the generated file, which I imagine is not so different from scp-ing it or emailing it to myself...16:24
matjamthat could be an older guide16:24
matjamuruwi_: I wouldn't trust that guide, its 3 years old16:24
uruwi_yeah I've experienced the issue of seeing a lot of outdated answers16:24
YADW1Just, the hashes/randomarts do not match, and I don't understand why...16:24
uruwi_What would you recommend for Optimus laptops today then16:24
matjamuruwi_: I would try using the binary drivers supplied by ubuntu16:25
matjamuruwi_: then use the nvidia-settings tool to switch GPUs16:25
Adranuruwi_: on that website it says its already built in on newer editions16:25
uruwi_I've tried doing that but I don't get anything displayed16:25
matjamuruwi_: did you try using nomodeset16:25
uruwi_matjam: I do get the login sounds, but no display16:25
SporkWitchYADW1: randomart? sounds like you're exporting it in the wrong format.  you want openssh2 format16:26
uruwi_`cat /proc/cmdline` and I should be seeing nomodeset, right?16:26
uruwi_because I have it set16:27
matjamyou could try adding nomodeset to the end of the boot line in grub16:27
matjamuruwi_: are you able to select the primary GPU in the bios?16:27
SporkWitchYADW1: it will look like: ssh-rsa AAAAaM43m0d56j905j00...jsi4064 some plaintext16:27
uruwi_Nope, haven't found that option in bios16:27
matjamuruwi_: https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/black-screen-after-boot-on-18-04-with-nvidia/16393/18 looks relevant16:28
matjamof course thats ubuntu mate but probably applies?16:28
SporkWitchYADW1: the only parts that matter are ssh-rsa and the hash; the stuff at the end is just a comment field (some stuff uses this to label the keys, like github; others ignore it)16:28
uruwi_matjam: Seen that post16:29
SporkWitchYADW1: and it must be a single line per pubkey; ssh-rsa hash comment, all one line16:29
matjamuruwi_: are you using nouveau right now?16:29
YADW1SporkWitch Alrightey, I'll check that16:29
uruwi_hold on, let me connect from my phone so I can send messages while rebooting and such16:29
uruwi_matjam: unfortunately I'm in Cinnamon's fallback mode16:29
matjamfun times16:30
matjamuruwi_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-prime/+bug/1764005 is the relevant bug16:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1764005 in nvidia-prime (Ubuntu) "Black-screen on boot with nvidia 390 for Budgie, MATE, Xubuntu, Kubuntu" [High,Fix released]16:31
uruwi_which do you recommend: 390 or 396?16:33
matjamuruwi_: looks like you need to install nivida-prime 0.8.816:33
matjamalong with the latest driver probably16:33
uruwi_I'll go with 396 then16:34
yourname1question: i have three different computer all having the same issuee..i thought it was my wireless keybard but its not.. i have to wait 10-15 seconds for my keyboard or computer to catch up?? it doesnt always get the keystrokes too.. even on wired keyboard.. why is this happening how can i fix this..16:34
matjamuruwi_: that would be your best bet I think16:34
matjamyourname1: does your wireless keyboard use a little usb dongle?16:34
matjamyourname1: I would try moving the USB wired keyboard and the dongles into different ports.16:35
matjamyourname1: also if you're plugging through a USB hub, try plugging in directly16:35
yourname1matjam: yes but i unplugged it and now on wired and still having the same issue.. i dont believe my mem or cpu is doing alot of work either16:36
uruwi_and I've got to update-initramfs -u right?16:36
matjamuruwi_: installing the package SHOULD do that for you16:36
matjamyourname1: did you try the other USB ports in the machine?16:37
uruwi_okay, about to reboot from my lappy; reach me at my phone by saying uruwi216:37
matjamuruwi2: good luck16:37
uruwi2I wish...16:37
matjamuruwi2: if it doesn't work, I'd do a fresh install, simply because I might have messed something up with all the install/uninstall/messing with config stuff16:38
yourname1matjam: yea tried different ports and two other computers are doing the same thing16:38
matjamyourname1: are the two other computers using the same motherboard?16:38
yourname1matjam: no totally seperate machines16:39
matjamNo mean, same model of motherboard16:39
matjam*I mean16:39
yourname1matjam: oh sorry no they are different aswell16:39
matjamcan you do "dmesg | pastebinit"16:40
yourname1matjam: yea sure one sec16:40
anddammatjam: on a second thought, can't I just use network-manager (that I already have) to manage my system wifi setup?16:40
matjamanddam: you're talking about a server, I tend to avoid network manager on servers, but yeah you can.16:40
uruwi2okay, didn't gen an xorg.conf yet, but got a login screen16:41
matjamuruwi2: its normal to have no xorg.conf, nvidia-settings will write one though16:41
uruwi2xorg err tho16:41
matjamuruwi2: a login screen is hopeful16:41
uruwi2lemme gist it16:41
matjam you can cat FILE | pastebinit too16:42
yourname1matjam: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ccRWNPQ69R/16:42
matjamyourname1: looking16:43
matjamuruwi: sec16:43
uruwinote: (EE) [drm] Failed to open DRM device for (null): -216:43
matjamyourname1: disconnect your phone, I think it's resetting the USB bus constantly16:44
yourname1matjam: will do and it is haha.16:45
matjamuruwi: so it loads the driver16:46
matjamuruwi: [   102.148] (II) NVIDIA GLX Module  396.24  Wed Apr 25 23:17:01 PDT 201816:46
matjamuruwi: but then fails to detect the chip?16:46
i00nsuhi all. I am trying to understand how firejail works. It seams a very cool project, while they offer almost "most used programs profiles", in my experience, I cannot desactivate firejail to NOT use those profiles in some moment. Any ideas?16:46
lotuspsychje!es | insigne16:47
ubottuinsigne: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:47
matjamuruwi: try removing the nomodeset thing16:48
matjamand rebooting16:48
matjam!justask | insigne16:48
ubottuinsigne: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:48
i00nsuinsigne: ( Olá ) >> Ubuntu-br OU ubuntu-pt :D ( é tudo a mesma coisa ) >> ubottu ubuntu-es for spanish ( hola ) ;) .. is almost the same16:48
insignetem algum br aqui?16:49
i00nsuinsigne: ubuntu-br16:49
insigneeu nao encontrei nenhum servidor ubunto-br16:50
i00nsuinsigne: faz /join #ubuntu-br ( lá encontrarás mais pessoas que falam português )16:50
matjam!br | insigne16:50
ubottuinsigne: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.16:50
i00nsumatjam: ^16:50
insignenao tem ninguem no servidor br16:50
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.16:51
i00nsuinsigne: ( tens de entrar no canal #UBUNTU-BR  qual servidor ? ( CANAL ) tal como este canal é uma canal! :D16:51
insigneubottu eu fiz isso mas nao tem ninguem no canal16:52
ubottuinsigne: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:52
i00nsuinsigne: há pouca gente, mas encontras lá pesoas!16:52
insignei00nsu eu nao encontrei ninguem16:52
i00nsuinsigne: então tenta outra vez pois há menos de 10 segundos tinha lá mais de 10 pessoas!16:53
matjamvocê precisa ser paciente lá. Não podemos ajudá-lo em seu idioma. Desculpa!16:53
uruwi2ok moar fallback16:53
matjamuruwi2: arrrgh16:53
alagabeshey - does anyone know how ubuntu 16.04 was encrypting the hard drive? was that luks? I wrecked my hard drive yesterday by installing another OS on it and i'm trying to recover LUKS header but either all copies of header have been overwritten or that wasn't luks in the first place16:54
insigneta vou tentar digitar  de novo "/join ubunto-br"16:54
i00nsuinsigne: Tenta lá pedir ajuda lá no canal para separar as águas >> lingua >> SEM as " << ASPAS " e ubuntu-br ( substitui o O por U16:55
uruwi2basically the same16:55
i00nsuinsigne: Estou à espara! :D16:55
insignepronto achei o canal16:55
insigneobrigado pela ajuda16:55
matjamuruwi2: did you install that prime package?16:56
matjamuruwi2: nvidia-prime16:56
uruwi2dpkg -l shows it16:56
uruwi2ii in the first column = installed?16:56
matjamwhat happens when you run nvidia-settings in fallback mode16:56
uruwi2unable to load info from any available system16:57
uruwi2that was the message16:58
matjamuruwi2: so, I would give bumblebee a go. There looks like active users and developers on that project.16:59
matjamuruwi2: https://github.com/Bumblebee-Project/Bumblebee/issues/95116:59
matjamuruwi2: I'd give it a try, if only out of desparation17:00
vavkamilis anyone experiencing problems with spotify on 18.04?17:06
uruwi2argh another fallback17:07
matjamuruwi2: :-(17:07
uruwi2this time it can't find /dev/dri/card017:07
uruwi2I think I set it up wrong17:08
matjamuruwi2: maybe do a fresh install and do it from scratch17:08
uruwi2think I need to purge nvidia drivers and bumblebee, reboot, then install bumblebee17:08
matjamjust in case something you did in earlier attempts screwed something up17:08
someone_Hi , How I can install wine fully , I mean I want install all available libraries and addons .17:09
i00nsusomeone_: You need to use universe / restricted17:09
ioriauruwi2, why bumblebee ? prime not working ?17:09
someone_i00nsu How ?17:10
i00nsuanother question: what is pep-json-serv?17:10
matjamioria: if you know how to get the optimus thing working it would help, I've been struggling17:10
i00nsusomeone_: vim /etc/apt/sources.list << un-comment lines17:10
ioriauruwi2, dpkg -l | grep nvidia17:10
vavkamiloptimus and bumblebee? who is naming these things17:10
Butterfly_::  ^ TITLE ^ : Ubuntu Pastebin17:11
ioriauruwi2, 1) what's your card 2) nouveau was working ?17:12
i00nsuWhy I have a pep-json-serv running without using an app for it ?17:12
uruwisorry I think I fat fingered on my phone17:13
uruwiGeForce 930M17:13
ioriauruwi2,  nouveau was working ?17:13
uruwiI used i915 before this whole ordeal17:14
ioriauruwi2,  ok,i see nvidia-driver-396  ... you add the ppa ?17:14
ioriauruwi2,  ppa:graphics-drivers ?17:15
uruwiI think that was it17:15
ioriauruwi2,  ok, can you paste   ubuntu-drivers list17:15
someone_i00nsu Thank you.17:15
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uruwinvidia-driver-396 nvidia-driver-39017:16
nightOwlHashso did ubuntu 18 drop support for adding system tray icons? im trying to do it in java, but i keep getting operation not supported17:16
ioriauruwi2,  ok,   sudo apt purge nvidia*    (note the *)17:17
uruwithat doesn't purge anything17:18
uruwiI've been using:17:18
ioriauruwi2,  what ?17:19
gt8ost4ldoes anybody know why krita 4.0.3 opens twice on the dock?17:19
uruwidpkg -l | grep nvidia | awk ' { print $2; } ' | xargs sudo apt -y purge17:19
ioriauruwi2,  why ?17:19
ioriauruwi2,  please again:     sudo apt purge nvidia*17:20
uruwisudo apt purge nvidia* doesn't work because nvidia-modprobe isn't even installed17:20
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i00nsudoes bionic comes with super hiden services that open without permission? I mean.. this is a clean installation.. why I have services and projects that are not Installed !? ipsec too??? :o17:21
i00nsucharon? what service is this?17:23
ioriauruwi2, dpkg -l | grep nvidia   now ?17:24
uruwiI'm going to use that fancy command now17:24
ioriauruwi, that's not normal ...17:24
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i00nsuok.. solved ..it was strongswan17:27
ioriauruwi, use the cmd you used before and check again  dpkg -l | grep nvidia17:27
uruwinow it's empty17:27
ioriauruwi, purge bumblebee17:27
ioriauruwi,  autoremove17:28
uruwidone again17:29
ioriauruwi,  dpkg -l | grep nvidia  empty ?17:29
ioriauruwi,  dmesg | grep Kernel17:30
lotuspsychjevavkamil: best way is to ask your specific issue to the channel17:30
ioriauruwi,  you removed  ' quiet splash' ?17:31
uruwiI prefer not to have them17:32
ioriauruwi,  sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade   (check errors, if any)17:32
ioriauruwi,  you're not using wayland, right ?17:33
vavkamillotuspsychje, I don't know, gimp and spotify from snap is broken17:34
CookieMwrong channel, sorry for that17:34
ioriauruwi,  so, bumblebee from ppa,not from off repo ?17:34
lotuspsychjevavkamil: for snaps, try to contact the maintainer of the snap17:35
uruwishould I remove it?17:35
ioriauruwi,  well,  you can remove that ppa, it's not updated to bionic17:36
lotuspsychjevavkamil: does it give you errors of any kind on launch?17:36
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ioriauruwi,  and reboot17:37
quickricki am having trouble getting my second display to work with anything other than 1024x76817:39
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quickrickits a TV, pretty sure it should be 1360x76817:39
quickricktrying to add a custom resolution with xrandr isn't working in 18.0417:39
vavkamillotuspsychje, https://community.spotify.com/t5/Desktop-Linux/Spotify-snap-doesn-t-launch/td-p/4008186 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/175728417:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1757284 in snapd (Ubuntu) "Several snap apps fail to launch" [Undecided,Incomplete]17:40
ioriauruwi,  apt full-upgrade is '0'  ?17:41
uruwilogging in results in fallback17:41
lotuspsychje!rootirc | rui17:41
ubotturui: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.17:41
uruwiyeah, it worked17:41
lotuspsychjevavkamil: bug shows incomplete17:41
ioriauruwi,  rebooted ?17:42
lotuspsychjevavkamil: also for snap packages, i think its better to contact the maintainer instead of ubuntu bugs17:43
ioriauruwi,  and ?17:43
uruwicinnamon had to fall back17:43
ioriauruwi,  sudo lshw -C video17:44
uruwi_^ ioria17:45
uruwi_Hmm, unclaimed...17:45
ioriauruwi_, yesboth incredible17:46
ioriauruwi_, sudo apt install linux-generic17:46
uruwi_ioria: already the newest version17:46
ioriauruwi_, sudo apt install --reinstall linux-generic17:46
uruwi_ioria: done17:47
ioriauruwi_, what is really weird is that also intel is broken17:48
ioriauruwi_,   cat /etc/default/grub17:48
lotuspsychjevavkamil: snap info spotify?17:49
uruwi_got that ioria?17:51
ioriauruwi_,  yes.... sudo update-grub and reboot17:51
uruwireboot done, cinnamon falls back again17:54
ioriauruwi_,  video cars stillUNCLAIMED ?17:55
uruwi_ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nnfhC7vmF7/ is the Xorg.0.log17:56
ioriauruwi_,  did you blacklist intel (i915) ?17:56
quickrickis there a better way to get a custom 1360x768 display in 18.04?17:56
uruwiyeah, install i915 false17:57
uruwicommented that out17:57
ioriauruwi_,  what is i915 false ?17:58
uruwiI think that's the culprit17:58
ioriauruwi_,  what is i915 false ?17:58
uruwirebooting again17:58
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uruwilshw -C video lists the first as claimed now18:02
ioriauruwi_,  paste, please18:02
uruwi_ioria: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/P875H3T35Y/18:03
ioriauruwi_,  did you blacklist nouveau as well ?18:03
quickrickok i got it18:03
uruwi_ioria: Xorg.0.log is http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6nQtc76RMF/18:03
quickrickxrandr works the same i guess18:03
uruwi_noveau is blacklisted18:04
quickricki dont like the new cartoons18:04
quickricki hate when you change all the cartoons18:04
ioriauruwi_,  why ?ù18:04
uruwi_and /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/nvidia/libglx.so is a dangling symlink18:04
uruwi_because I was trying to use the nvidia drivers18:04
ioriauruwi_, should not be blalisted now18:06
ioriauruwi_, you manually did that ?18:06
uruwi_ok, did `sudo mv /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf.inactive`18:07
uruwi_does that unblacklist nouveau?18:07
ioriauruwi_,  there are several ways : usually is  in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf  and in /etc/modprobe.d/nouveau-kms.conf18:08
uruwi_turns out that it does since only .conf files are loaded18:08
uruwi_yeah, found another18:09
ioriauruwi_,  rm all18:09
ioriauruwi_,  after run  sudo update-initramfs -u18:09
ioriauruwi_,  did you do something else ?18:10
ioriauruwi_,  reboot18:10
n00bUNTUI just followed this tutorial... https://www.howtogeek.com/242045/HOW-TO-GET-THE-LATEST-NVIDIA-AMD-OR-INTEL-GRAPHICS-DRIVERS-ON-UBUNTU/18:12
n00bUNTUto update my driver, and walked away. when i returned, my laptop was in a sleep mode (what's it called on Linux?)18:13
uruwifallback again18:13
n00bUNTUanyway... I'm afraid it didn't complete. and now I'm concerned it will cause problems.18:13
uruwiboth are claimed now in lshw18:14
uruwibut still have the failed to load libglx.so error18:14
YADW1'Ello once more, this time I hope for good... ^^'18:15
YADW1After setting a ssh server, I'm trying to link my dynamic ip to a dynamic dns service (the one I use is dnsdynamic), and I have installed and properly (I guess?) configured ddclient. But noooo, of course something HAD to be broken, right? For some reason the dynamic dns isn't updating. Why me, sweet lord, why me.18:15
SporkWitchYADW1: is it not updating, or has the TTL just not expired?18:17
ioriauruwi_,  apt install --reinstall xserver-xorg-core18:18
uruwi_but /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/nvidia/libglx.so is still a dangling symlink18:19
ioriauruwi_,  can you paste  lsmod18:19
YADW1SporkWitch I don't know, how can I check if the TTL is still live?18:20
ioriauruwi_,  i think that nvidia (and maybe bumblebee) are not completely purged18:21
ioriauruwi_,  did you also tried the nvidia installer from their website ?18:22
uruwi_Yeah but it turns out that it doesn't work well18:22
ioriauruwi_,  .....18:22
ioriauruwi_,  cd in the installer folder18:23
uruwi_hold on, let me restart lightdm18:24
uruwiWoo, no fallback!18:25
uruwi_okay, what's the best way today to be able to use my dGPU on an Optimus machine?18:30
uruwi_I kind of don't want to spoon this up after I've done so much work to get it to where I was before this whole ordeal18:30
* matjam gives ioria a gold star18:32
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ioriauruwi_,  matjam   (lol)    wait... did you  --unistall the nvidia .run ?18:32
uruwi_yeah, I did --uninstall that18:32
matjamtsk uruwi_ you gotta tell people when you install stuff like that :P18:33
ioriauruwi_, ok, can you reboot to recheck the Xorg.0.conf again ?18:33
n00bUNTUlooking for some help. completely new to ubuntu. attempted to update video card drivers. left, and laptop went into sleep mode.18:34
n00bUNTUor... locked out.18:34
n00bUNTUpls advise18:34
matjamn00bUNTU: does not wake when pressing a key, I presume18:35
ioriauruwi_, to answer your question : is nvidia-prime18:35
n00bUNTUno it's fine.18:36
n00bUNTUmatjam... what I'm saying is, I went out for a smoke.18:36
n00bUNTUand I don't think it completed the task18:36
matjamn00bUNTU: it will be fine if it was halfway through, sleept, and then you woke it up.18:36
matjamn00bUNTU: the only issue would be is if you reset the machine while it was asleep18:37
matjamn00bUNTU: if you do "ubuntu-drivers devices" whats the output?18:38
matjamn00bUNTU: you can do a "ubuntu-drivers devices | pastebinit"18:38
matjamand paste the link18:38
hal9000anyone know how to change catfish search default search path?18:39
hal9000i swore there was an easy way to do it but search fails me18:40
uruwi_matjam: thanks to ioria's help, I've gotten my computer to where it was before I started trying to install the nvidia driver18:42
uruwi_now I've got to figure out how to get it to switch to the nvidia driver without spooning things up18:43
n00bUNTUmatjam I'll try it now18:43
n00bUNTUmatjam i have to install pastebinit first18:44
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SporkWitchn00bUNTU: somecommand | nc termbin.net 999918:45
n00bUNTUmatjam http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pz8xxJrr7b/18:47
matjamn00bUNTU: its installed, should be good to go.18:48
n00bUNTUwill i need to restart?18:48
matjamn00bUNTU: yes, you need to restart after installing binary video drivers18:50
n00bUNTUmatjam TY. maybe I'll be able to watch videos in teh facebook noa18:51
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n00bUNT0Rxmatjam thank you.19:10
n00bUNT0Rxok new Question19:11
n00bUNT0RxThis laptop came with windows 10 presintalled. The sound came out pretty loud, and sounded NICE. after I formatted and installed ubuntu, it seems like my sound has gone rather quiet19:11
samj426Hey all. I need help with getting my screen to flip back to its normal state. I am running Ubuntu on HP ProBook 450 G519:12
samj426Any help is appreciated19:12
n00bUNT0RxI've enabled boosting the audio beyond 100 for now. But would like to know if there is a better fix.19:12
tomreynsamj426: flip back, as in hardware?19:15
MonkeyDustsamj426  start from the beginning, what happened19:15
ELQEYNNhumanitytoward each other ... That sounds pretty profound.19:15
samj426My entire screen is upside down.19:15
ELQEYNNhumanity toward each other ... That sounds pretty profound.19:15
MonkeyDustELQEYNN  this is the ubuntu support channel19:16
samj426I just installed it on an empty partition and went to go click on firefox and when i did it flipped my entire screen upside down19:16
ELQEYNNWhat's the package manager called?19:17
ylikowskisamj426: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1002472/keyboard-shortcut-for-rotating-ubuntu-17-10-screen ?maybe?19:17
tomreynELQEYNN: apt19:17
samj426Im new to this whole thing. What do you mean package manager19:17
tomreynsamj426: i think ELQEYNN wasn't talking to you specifically19:18
uruwi_okay, now I've installed bumblebee19:20
ylikowskisamj426: https://askubuntu.com/questions/968169/screen-randomly-rotates-on-ubuntu-17-10 There's another discussion on the subject19:20
uruwi_glsanity says that the nvidia drivers are loaded properly, but the problem is this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2yvsRpM8VM/19:20
samj426uruwi what is that19:22
samj426All i see is a bunch of text19:22
n00bUNT0Rxcan someone help me sort out an audio issue plz19:22
SporkWitchis there a CLI command i can use to verify which GPU driver is currently in-use?19:22
SporkWitchn00bUNT0Rx: If you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later.19:23
n00bUNT0RxSporkWitch i did that already19:23
n00bUNT0RxThis laptop came with windows 10 presintalled. The sound came out pretty loud, and sounded NICE. after I formatted and installed ubuntu, it seems like my sound has gone rather quiet19:23
n00bUNT0RxI've enabled boosting the audio beyond 100 for now. But would like to know if there is a better fix.19:23
SporkWitchn00bUNT0Rx: check alsamixer19:23
n00bUNT0Rxdo what?19:24
n00bUNT0Rxi dont think i follow19:24
tomreyn!audio | n00bUNT0Rx19:24
ubottun00bUNT0Rx: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.19:24
n00bUNT0Rxty SporkWitch19:25
tomreynalsamixer is a text graphics application which allows you to access and configure prettymuch all the features of your source devices.19:25
MonkeyDustn00bUNT0Rx  open a terminal and type     alsamixer19:26
n00bUNT0RxMonkeyDust done. I see a mixer, but not sure yet how to interpret19:26
uruwi_> installed bumblebee19:28
uruwi_> cinnamon doesn't fallback19:28
uruwi_Let's try seeing how it goes19:28
uruwi_Okay, I get an error with GLX_SwapBuffers19:29
uruwi_* X_GLXSwapBuffers19:29
n00bUNT0Rxokay new question.. LOL19:29
tomreynn00bUNT0Rx: press f6 to select the right sound card, then use cursor keys to the left and right to look fr something looking ssimilar to a radio button or tick box which allows you to activate an amplifier.19:29
n00bUNT0Rxtomreyn thank you19:30
tomreynit may also be a slider saying 'gain' or 'amp.'19:31
nameHi! Since I switched to Ubuntu 18.04 (Gnome 3), whenever I debug a program with Qt Creator, a prompt periodically appears on the program window letting me choose if I want to force the program to quit, or let it wait. This popup also hijacks random input channels.19:32
nameThis means I can not navigate the code during debugging via the keyboard. I can also randomly not get to previous places I've visited in the stack, because my clicks don't do anything.19:32
nameThe temporary solution is to click "Wait" at the prompt and use the roughly 5 seconds time window to act until it freezes again.19:33
nameIs there a way to disable this prompt and just let the window go black or whatever when the program is stopped by a debugger?19:33
brainwashname: probably a question for irc.gnome.org19:35
namebrainwash: Thank you! I didn't know what component is responsible for the prompt.19:35
matjamname: could be apport19:35
brainwashname: I'd think that it's the window manager "mutter"19:36
matjamname: you might want to try disabling the apport.service in systemctl19:36
namematjam: Thanks, I'll try!19:37
matjammight want to do that anyway so its not eating your core files19:37
ioriaor an heavy error in code  (very heavy)19:37
namematjam: And the constant "System Program Problem" things too, right? Been seeing those since circa 2012.19:37
matjamright, not much use for a developer19:38
brainwash"System Program Problem" would be probably apport related19:38
brainwashname: maybe this https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=73710919:40
ubottuGnome bug 737109 in general "dismissing wait? dialogue with ESC performs destructive action" [Major,Resolved: fixed]19:40
brainwash"this" as in being related to your first problem19:40
namebrainwash: no, the bug concerns unexpected behaviour on cancelling the prompt. I just don't want the prompt to lock up my input at all.19:43
iorianame,  i got that in python-gtk when i write foolish code19:43
brainwashname: right. and this report tells you where to look.19:44
matjamioria: he's in a debugger, so the program is halted19:44
matjamso yeah its not responding to gui events19:44
brainwashname: assuming that this is hardcoded, and only a source code change can alter the behavior of the dialog19:45
brainwashincluding making it not appear at all19:45
brainwashbut again, best to ask the gnome devs19:46
brainwashon their irc network19:46
matjamyou're right, its in mutter I think, looking at the source19:47
brainwashalternatively, use a different window manager19:48
brainwashgnome3 may not support changing it though19:49
matjamso it looks like you could patch a part of mutter to do what you want but I don't see any configuration for it19:50
matjamusing a different window manager might be easier19:51
matjamis where it does it19:52
matjamlooks like lots of people would love you for making a feature :P19:53
matjamsuper offtopic lol19:53
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uruwi_https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RNYpjjJrdk/ hmm, this is suspicious19:57
snapdataIn gnome 3, when connecting to a VPN, the connection immediately switches off when switched on from network-manager. But running `sudo openvpn --config <same_config_file>` from the command line works perfectly19:58
snapdataAny ideas?19:58
snapdataI have tried setting the particular VPN config to always prompt for a password in network-manager, but it apparently doesn't even get to that step before failing because it switches off before prompting19:59
matjamsnapdata: check /var/log/syslog, I found that for my vpn I needed to create a directory in /var somewhere for it to work20:00
matjamand it was printing an error about it20:00
snapdatamatjam: thank you, I got some really weird output tho https://pastebin.com/raw/h9HwKchQ20:01
nameioria, matjam, brainwash: Thank you for the help. I might change window managers, or the complete DE. I wanted to try XFCE again. Nevertheless, I hoped there would be an easier solution. Disabling the apport service didn't work.20:02
snapdatamatjam: all I'm finding about it is bugs that are 8+ years old20:03
anddammatjam: I'm trying to follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConfigurationCommandLine/Automatic  but it's a bit out of date20:09
anddammatjam: this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConfigurationCommandLine/Automatic#Configure_your_wireless_interface references /etc/init.d/wpa.sh start and stop, should I replace those with systemctl commands in /etc/network/interfaces?20:10
GodelI have a fresh installation of Ubuntu 18.04. I want to restore my files, using Deja Dup, but when I click the Restore button and indicate the location of the backup files,  the message is "Restore Failed. No backups to restore." Am I screwed?20:11
_KaszpiR_Godel probably you need to reconfigure system so that it is recognizeable as old system20:13
Godel_KaszpiR_, How? Recreate old folders?20:15
lapagaIt’s saying no backup found20:16
_KaszpiR_more likely 'recreate deja dup config', something in /etc/defaults  maybe20:16
penguAre the files on a separate hard drive?20:16
penguI've never had good experiences with backup apps20:17
penguI just back up files to a separate hd20:18
_KaszpiR_plain old rsync for the rescue20:18
Godel_KaszpiR_, how can I use rsync to restore deja dup files?20:19
GodelThey are encrypted with GPG.20:19
_KaszpiR_Godel I have absolutely no idea20:20
GodelDo you know how to recreate the config file that you mentioned?20:20
_KaszpiR_ suggest readig through deja-dup man20:20
GodelI have a fresh installation of Ubuntu 18.04. I want to restore my files, using Deja Dup, but when I click the Restore button and indicate the location of the backup files,  the message is "Restore Failed. No backups to restore." Does anybody know how to solve this problem?20:21
glitchdlooking for a bit of assistance with xscreensaver20:26
penguI used to use xscreensaver20:27
pengumight be able to help20:27
glitchdtrying to keep it active to blank screen, but also want it to reactive if i move the mouse, maybe 3-4 seconds after it detects no movement, but at the same time, i dont want it to run in a loop because it prints messages on the screen saying its already active.20:28
penguI see. that sounds beyond my pay grade.20:28
glitchdlol sounds like something i would say20:29
glitchdits all good, thx anyways20:29
glitchdim not even sure if its entirely possible or not20:29
penguthere's a bunch of settings in the rc file20:29
penguif it's not there then, i dunno20:29
penguthe archwiki has an article, i think20:29
glitchdi normall use a custom script to use dkms to just power off the screen and its attached ot a keyboard shortcut. but i cant use it in the situation since the machine im using it on is a machine that i normally play music from and its attached to an lcd tv, so if i use dkms to power it off, it kills the music.20:30
pengucan u use a tablet or phone for your music?20:31
adhiYeah, the echovirus 11 code will be injected into the population. We managed to get our hands on the code, check the NK FTP.20:31
glitchdi could, but thats not what im trying to do.20:31
pengufair enough, i used to spend hours messing with settings in config files20:32
glitchdright on20:32
pengulike .xinitrc or the one for xterm20:32
pengunow i just run pop!_os and have learned to love all things GNOME20:32
penguused to run slackware tho20:32
glitchdor i wonder if there is a way to surpress messages from xscreensaver so it doesnt continually notify me that the script is trying to activate xscreensaver when its already active20:33
granttrecis there any way to get an album cover veiw in rythmbox20:39
nyhalcrowno, but amarok has one20:39
nyhalcrow>>sudo apt-get install amarok20:40
R0b0t1How do I download the signed kernel source for a release?20:41
anddamI'm very confused by wireless configuration at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConfigurationCommandLine/Automatic , am I suposed to actually write the wpa.sh init.d on a modern (16.04) system? won't it class with the systemd unit I see already running?20:42
SporkWitchanddam: is there a reason you don't just use the GUI?20:43
henaaquei currently have windows installed on a ssd drive and all my data stored on a secondary hdd drive. i'd like to install ubuntu on this secondary drive, while keeping grub or whatever bootmanager i should use on the ssd, so i'd still benefit from fast startups on windows. is it possible? if so, how?20:46
SporkWitchsure, but you'll need some free space on the second drive to partition for linux, do your partitioning manually, then specify the existing UEFI boot partition and MBR20:47
SporkWitchalternatively, you could do it all on the HDD and just tell the computer which drive to boot from to switch between windows and linux20:49
henaaquei see...20:50
henaaqueand is there an option to choose a separate uefi partition built on ubuntu installer?20:50
henaaqueor should i install it normally and change it on "boot repair"?20:51
SporkWitchyou can, but if you're sharing an MBR, there's no reason to.  multiple operating systems' bootloaders can share a UEFI boot partition20:51
SporkWitchif / when MSFT decides to nuke the linux stuff, it can do that regardless of where you put stuff20:51
tomreynhenaaque: if i really wanted multi boot (i think running vm in a VM where it cant do much harm is much better) i'd put linux on one drive and windows on the other and use the uefi on demand boot drive chooser.20:54
tomreynaka uefi boot menu20:54
syb0rgHi, Kubuntu live does not want to boot on my hardware, so I intend to install ubuntu server and then install kde20:54
syb0rgis there anything I should change on reconfiguring from a server to a desktop installation?20:54
compdocthats fine20:54
tomreynsyb0rg: did you have a question there?20:55
SporkWitchsyb0rg: if the one doesn't work it's unlikely the other will20:55
syb0rgsure do boss =P20:55
syb0rgI still want to try thhough20:55
syb0rgat least I can get a bootable server and check out the errors20:55
SporkWitchsyb0rg: the main difference between the two is KDE and associated apps vs gnome and associated apps + canonical apps.  drivers and the other stuff that would affect hardware compatibility are the same20:55
compdocI used to install server and then Mate on top. but now just use the minimal install of Ubuntu Mate20:55
SporkWitchsyb0rg: you can do a CLI install with the kubuntu livedisk as well20:56
syb0rgSporkWitch, noted, but I kinda wanted to experiment with server edition as a base for a minimal UEFI install anyway20:56
syb0rgso I think I will try this method20:57
SporkWitchsyb0rg: it's not like windows, where there are registry keys that deliberately lock out functionality based on which version you have (really based on those registry entries); all "server edition" means is default settings and bundled software20:58
SporkWitchsyb0rg: you do you, i just want to make clear that you aren't really looking at the big differences it seems like you think you are20:58
syb0rglol. I know it isn't like windows, I just wanted to make sure there were not default configurations that were sane for a server, but not a desktop20:58
syb0rgI figured this was a reasonable question to ask here while I download the server iso on my slow-ass DSL connection =P20:59
SporkWitchmy condolences, i do not miss DSL20:59
syb0rgyeah it isn'20:59
syb0rg*isn't ideal20:59
syb0rgbut it is cheap20:59
McBootHello, I am having a problem. On Ubuntu 18.04, Samba won't install from the repo. It says 'samba has no installation candidate'21:01
SporkWitchnot in my experience; i've usually found it barely cheaper than cable and orders of magnitutde slower (not to mention unreliable)21:01
SporkWitchMcBoot: apt search samba21:01
syb0rgyeah SporkWitch, but dem regional monopolies. It varies from location to location21:01
manic0olcd 3.5 and hdmi monitors?21:02
manic0ocan you apt get nvidia x server settings?21:03
McBootSporkWitch: I searched and a bunch of files come up, samba-libs and samba-testsuite are there but raw Samba isn't.21:03
SporkWitchMcBoot: read the descriptions to find the main one that installs what you're looking for21:03
SporkWitchpackage names change from time to time21:04
McBootSporkWitch: I see, thank you. I am unsure which based on these descriptions. I have a PS2 connected via crossfeed and want that ethernet cable to share files to it.21:08
McBootSporkWitch: Ah, got it. Thank you so much!21:09
=== PacMan is now known as Guest19191
ylikowskismbc/bionic 1.2.2-4build2 amd6421:11
ylikowski  samba-commander - curses based samba network browser21:11
tomreynthat's not the smb daemon21:12
ylikowskiyep, sorry, the wrong package21:13
ylikowskisamba/bionic 2:4.7.6+dfsg~ubuntu-0ubuntu2 amd6421:13
ylikowski  SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix21:13
ylikowskiThat's the one21:13
McBootOdd it doesn't show up.21:14
ylikowskifailed copy/paste21:14
ylikowskisearch with smb21:14
McBootStill doesn't show :/21:15
ylikowskiMcBoot: done sudo apt-get update?21:17
McBootylikowski: Yeah, including autoremove samba in case21:17
SporkWitchMcBoot: PS2 as in playstation 2?  Have you thought about using Plex or something else that supports DLNA?21:18
McBootSporkWitch: I haven't, I know that Open PS2 Loader uses SMB.21:19
McBootshooot I gotta head to work. Thank you all for the help.21:19
SporkWitchthough i don't recall PS2 supporting much of anything... PS3 definitely, and i believe PS4 as well, support DLNA21:19
SporkWitchSMB is always a nightmare21:19
McBootSporkWitch: Good to know ^^21:20
SporkWitchMcBoot: sorry, i know it's not the answer you wanted, i was just seeing if there were easier alternatives available21:21
SporkWitchMcBoot: literally anything is less headache than samba, especially if you want auth with it21:21
Freekidmy fello21:22
R13ose I am getting this error when I test disc for defects on live usb: check finished: errors found in 2 files.  How do I fix this?21:27
MonkeyDustR13ose  depends on the type on errors21:28
R13oseMonkeyDust: how do I know the errors?21:29
MonkeyDustR13ose  how did you test the disc?21:30
R13oseMonkeyDust: From the live usb, there is an option in the menu that comes up.21:31
hellyeahhave a question21:36
hellyeahi try to boot ubuntu from usb21:36
hellyeahi installed ubuntu to the usb driver21:36
hellyeahwhen i try to boot it i couldnt do that21:36
hellyeahwhy did that happen?21:36
hellyeahi couldnt start ubuntu from usb21:36
hellyeahbut i need to work with ubuntu from usb21:37
hellyeahpls tell me something about it21:37
ubottuPlease try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.21:38
hellyeahdo i have to compose /boot myself?21:38
hellyeahbecause ubuntu cannot be boot i mean grub didnt come21:39
SporkWitchhellyeah: 1) use your punctuation, not the enter key, 2) assuming you built the drive correctly, make sure USB boot is supported and enabled in your BIOS/UEFI and check the boot order; if this is set and supported, you probably didn't make the drive correctly.  I recommend using Etcher21:39
hellyeahi am trying etcher now21:39
hellyeahokay sorry i am not sure windoes 10 does support usb boot  becayse i get into bios i see usb is enable but there is no usb selectiopn in boot list21:40
SporkWitchwindows isn't a factor; windows isn't your BIOS/UEFI21:42
aroonii have this rule in ufw; 22                         ALLOW  ;; but it blocks connections from that ip address.. any idea why?21:48
R13oseMonkeyDust: any further ideas?21:48
SporkWitcharooni: don't know if it will let you do it, but if it does, make sure there isn't another rule in iptables that's blocking.  iptables -S21:49
arooniMay 20 16:50:52 LilArooni kernel: [24546.927299] [UFW AUDIT] IN=wlan0 OUT= MAC=64:80:99:18:ab:48:84:d6:d0:14:8d:8a:08:00 SRC= DST= L EN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=44463 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=36358 DPT=22 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0 ;; looks like it does get blocked according to ufw21:51
arooniSporkWitch: i dont see anything explicit on iptalbes -S that says block port 2221:53
SporkWitchdunno what the output from UFW normally looks like, but is that allowing bidirectional? (i normally use iptables, sorry)21:53
tomreynarooni: that's [UFW AUDIT], not [UFW BLOCKED]. it would say the latter if a packet was dropped. i assume AUDIT is just getting logged since you requested packets to be logged?22:02
realieshow to make /tmp be in ram? ubuntu 16.0422:04
blkadderarooni, Pastebin ufw status22:04
blkadderrealies, mount as tmpfs22:05
realiesblkadder, how?22:06
beefjoewhat does this command do22:10
beefjoesudo apt-get update -qq22:10
beefjoeI mean the flag -qq22:10
realiesman apt-get22:11
transhumanHi! my ubuntu desktop shows two monitors but they are mirrored and I cant seem to figure out how to get an extended display. I tried randr but it seems it cant see the difference between the two monitors (in fact only one is listed)22:13
blkadderrealies, Should be done automatically IIRC as it us under systemd22:15
ericrajuintranshuman: does xrandr shows 2 monitors ?22:15
transhumanones a dvi and ones a vga in an nvidia geforce 6600, I cant use the proprietary drivers cause they don't exist any more22:15
transhumanno it does not ericrajuin22:16
transhumanericrajuin, any idea what that means?22:17
realiesblkadder, how do i make sure?22:18
blkadderWhat's the output of "mount"22:18
blkadderThat will tell you.22:18
realiesblkadder, https://dpaste.de/LDwh/raw22:19
realiesnot seeing /tmp22:19
arooniblkadder: https://gist.github.com/arooni/a31971db6e07a0f4355ac77434a12574 ;; interesting enough when i run sudo ufw disable; then sudo ufw enable; i can connect; no idea why thats necessary tho22:21
ericrajuintranshuman: I am trying to figure out22:22
blkadderrealies, Not automatic apparently, sorry for the misinfo... I think I set it up on an image a long time ago which I use so it is automatic for me. :-)22:26
realiesi've added tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,nosuid,nodev,noexec,mode=1777,size=512M 0 0 to fstab22:26
realiescan i activate this without rebooting?22:27
blkadder cp /usr/share/systemd/tmp.mount /etc/systemd/system/tmp.mount22:27
blkaddersystemctl enable tmp.mount22:27
blkaddersystemctl start tmp.mount22:27
blkadderTHEN do a "mount" and you should see it. :-)22:28
blkadderIf you have existing stuff in /tmp you care about though you may want to cp it somewhere else and then back once you mount...22:29
rachid1ca va22:29
realiesblkadder, should i remove the line i inserted in fstab?22:31
blkadderarooni, Have you just been using ufw?22:32
blkadderYou weren't messing around with iptables as well or something were you?22:32
blkadderrealies, You can remove it.22:34
blkadderWill persist if it is under systemd.22:34
realiesi think it is22:34
realieswill leave it for now, hope nothing breaks on reboot22:34
blkadderWhich is confusing and non-intuitive yay systemd.22:35
blkadderI just tested on a scratch image.22:35
blkadderAnd confirmed.22:35
realiesif i enable tmp.mount it would try and start it on boot?22:35
realieswould that not interfere with the line in fstab?22:35
blkadderIf you enable it under systemd it will stay enabled.22:35
blkadderIf you put stuff in fstab AND have it enabled under systemd I really don't know...22:36
blkadderMay be fine, may conflict.22:36
datlinkdoes any know how to start cron in the terminal?22:36
blkaddersystemd is the borg.22:37
Two_Dogsi would do> systemctl start cron.service22:43
transhumanits because I am using a vesa driver ericrajuin22:45
transhumangoing to go with nauevea or however you spell the damn thing22:45
ericrajuintranshuman: I remembered had the same problem before when I tried to install amdgpu-pro, couldn't figure out why. ended up rolling back to the opensource driver22:49
evlichi had some problems with my upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04, and i'm wondering if anyone can help me22:49
ericrajuinglad you solved it.22:50
evlichabout halfway through my installation i got a message about how graphics had die, and it told me to switch to another shell (Ctrl+Alt+F2)22:51
yourname1evlich: did it give you a reason why or an error output?22:51
transhumanericrajuin, it was infact because I was using the vesa driver (apparently it only supports mirroring)22:52
evlichif i recall correctly, graphics died because of some missing file or something like that22:52
evlichunfortunately i don't recall all the details22:53
Two_Dogsevlich:  copy/paste & execute via terminal> sudo apt update ; aptitude safe-upgrade -sy ## see complaints?22:53
evlichi've been able to boot into recovery mode, but i can't seem to get networking running22:54
evlichso apt update just fails with a lot of network unreachables22:55
Two_Dogsevlich: it would fail without networking avail22:55
evlichnetworking was available when i was doing the upgrade22:55
evlichis there something that i could read that would tell me how to get networking up in the recovery mode shell?22:56
Two_Dogsevlich: try this> systemctl start NetworkManager22:57
evlichso i should be able to boot into recovery mode and then drop into the shell and do that?22:57
evlichi'll give it a try, thank you22:58
yourname1 evlich: i dont see a reason why it would just stop enless its some type of data error because at that point your graphic drivers are already loaded.. it might be be media22:58
=== Marshmallow is now known as Guest37599
Guest37599fuck you23:01
evlichWhen I try 'systemctl start NetworkManager' I get a 'timed out waiting for device dev-mapper-cryptswap1.device'23:04
Two_Dogsevlich: you have crypto swap?23:06
tomreynevlich: that's just to point out that something is wrong with your cryptswap1 device23:06
=== root_ is now known as Guest89781
tomreyn"cat /proc/swaps" probably  won't list it, since it failed to be setup23:07
evlichI set up lvms when I installed Ubuntu23:07
Guest89781im first time in my life use the irc chat :) hi all, im from Norilsk, Russia.23:07
tomreyncryptswap1, unless it's a misnomer,. points to a dmcrypt device23:07
tomreynhi Guest8978123:08
Guest89781how i can change my name?23:08
Guest89781tomreyn: Hi23:08
tomreynGuest89781: type: /nick mynewnick23:08
=== Guest89781 is now known as Andrewich
yourname1tomreyn: why would one even need to encrypt swap?23:08
AndrewichIts a simple:) Thank you23:09
tomreynyourname1: because sensitive information, such as a memory dump when suspending to disk, can be written to it.23:09
evlichSo is there something that I can do about the dmcrypt thing?23:09
yourname1tomreyn: ahh oh ok. thank :)23:09
evlichI assume it is pulling credentials from that, is there a way I can type them in manually?23:10
tomreynevlich: most likely. can you show the output of: cat /etc/crypttab; cat /etc/fstab; sudo dmsetup ls; cat /proc/swaps; lsblk; blkid23:10
tomreynevlich: i mean you most likely can do something about "the dmcrypt thing". i don't know what you meant by "it is pulling credentials from that"23:12
evlichYeah, I wasn't thinking about the swap thing23:12
tomreynnormally, a crypt swap partition would be initialized with a random passphrase or key since you don't actually need to persist it across boots.23:12
evlichIm typing on my phone, so there is a lot of output. Is there something you are looking for?23:14
tomreyn!pastebin | evlich23:15
ubottuevlich: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:15
tomreyn!pastebinit | evlich23:15
ubottuevlich: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit23:15
tomreynthis way you'll only need to type urls23:15
tomreyneven better would be to connect here from the affected system, then you could just copy + paste or pipe the urls into the chat23:17
evlich_Shell https://imgur.com/a/GW3B8WA23:20
Andrewichanybody talk to russia?)23:23
evlich_sdb1 is a bootable USB, I don't know if there is a way to install packages from that23:23
Two_Dogsevlich_: see if you can fit the following in to jpg> pstree -nsupa23:23
evlich_It is short23:24
Andrewichi mean "speak"23:24
evlich_Recovery https://imgur.com/a/GdffStL23:25
tomreynAndrewich: do you have an ubuntu support question then? this channel exists for this very purpose only. you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic, though23:26
tomreynevlich_: 16 GB swap is plenty...23:26
Andrewichi understand, sorry. I just dont know what is it IRC channel and etc23:26
AndrewichHow i can join the channel?23:27
Two_Dogsevlich_: not much is running for sure23:27
tomreynevlich_: edit the last line in /etc/fstab, replacing "/dev/mapper/cryptswap1" by the UUID reported for it in the blkid output23:28
kk4ewtAndrewich,  and what channel do you want to join23:28
tomreynno quotes, though23:28
tomreyn!ot | Andrewich23:28
ubottuAndrewich: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:28
tomreyn!register | Andrewich23:28
ubottuAndrewich: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.23:28
Andrewichi think23:29
tomreynAndrewich: read the two messages ubottu just posted23:29
kk4ewtthen type /j #ubuntu-offtopic23:29
kk4ewttomreyn,  wouldnt he need to be registered to be in here ?23:30
tomreynkk4ewt: yes, as those messages say.23:30
Andrewichmy english is very ba23:30
AndrewichNow i will translate all is you write, and answer.23:31
evlich_I can't write to /etc/fstab23:31
tomreynevlich_: sudo nano /etc/fstab23:32
evlich_I'm already root,I think23:32
Two_Dogsevlich_: does your setup have a home partition?23:33
evlich_Sorry, no23:34
Two_Dogsevlich_: probably faster and cleaner to re-install23:34
tomreynevlich_: maybe your root file system is mounted read-only. does " mount | grep root " say 'ro'?23:35
tomreynTwo_Dogs: wait, why?23:35
evlich_Yes, it is mounted read only23:36
evlich_How can I remount it rw?23:37
tomreynevlich_: so actually the swap partition not mounting may be just a side effect of your system not booting properly, for yet unknown reasons.23:37
tomreynevlich_: you probably didn't mention that for a reasonß23:37
evlich_I just did the default recovery mode and then drop into a shell23:38
tomreynevlich_: why did you start recovery int he first place?23:38
evlich_Because regular mode just leaves me with a flashing cursor23:39
Two_Dogsevlich_: can you get to tty from flashing cursor?23:39
tomreynevlich_: next time you seek support, please be sure to start by discussing the root issue.23:39
evlich_It seems to just hang23:40
Two_Dogsevlich_: fixing a cascading failure aint worth the time unless lives depend on that system23:40
backnforthHi, what's the package for Ubuntu in order to get the mod_proxy_fcgi module for apache?23:40
tomreynevlich_: you can mount the root file system read-writable by using: mount -o remount,rw /23:40
evlich_Is there some way to boot a live CD and then recreate my environment with tvr network from tvr live CD?23:42
tomreynbacknforth: apache2-bin23:43
Two_Dogsevlich_: boot into live and see of there is a fix system option23:43
Two_Dogsevlich_: from live it is easier to tweak the installed23:44
tomreynevlich_: what is "tvr network" and "tvr live cd"?23:44
tomreynTwo_Dogs: only if you know how to chroot properly23:45
Two_Dogstomreyn: yeap23:45
Guest69567Trump's dick is fucking tasty!23:45
Guest69567Trump's dick is fucking tasty!23:45
Guest69567Trump's dick is fucking tasty!23:45
Guest69567Trump's dick is fucking tasty!23:45
evlich_What is tvr?23:46
backnforthtomreyn,  I have it installed but my machine is showing that it's /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_proxy.so" is missing23:46
tomreynevlich_: i'm asking you, you talked about it23:46
evlich_Sorry, that was a typo for "the"23:47
tomreynbacknforth: then you're either not running a supported ubuntu release (or not ubuntu at all), or you or something you ran (re)moved the file.23:47
tomreynevlich_: i see, didn't realize. so yes, you could do it from the live cd, but i doubt this would help unless you know what you actually need to fix.23:48
backnforthtomreyn,  I'm running ubuntu 16.0423:49
tomreynevlich_: you should probably try to understand why "regular mode just leaves me with a flashing cursor [...] It seems to just hang"23:49
evlich_I'm guessing that I could resume the install or fix the packages if I could get a shell with network access23:49
tomreynevlich_: so you were recently installing ubuntu and the installation did not succeed?23:50
yourname1evlich_: are you usinh a usb or cd?23:50
tomreynbacknforth: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=xenial&arch=any&mode=filename&searchon=contents&keywords=mod_proxy_fcgi23:50
tomreynbacknforth: you can sudo apt reinstall apache2-bin23:53
tomreynbacknforth: you can "sudo apt-get --reinstall install apache2-bin"23:54
tomreyn^ correction23:54
evlichphone died, i'm in the live CD now23:55
evlichi'm fine with a re-install, but i really want to keep the contents of my home directory23:55
Two_Dogsevlich: is 'repair system' an option?23:56
evlichin the installer?23:56
evlichit doesn't seem to be23:57
tomreynno, there is no such option on the ubuntu live systems23:58
Two_Dogsevlich: you could while in the live go thru the process needed to turn the system's now home folder into a partition, you would need freespace of course for the partition, or save the content of /home folder, along with /etc if you tweaked any thing in it23:58
yourname1evlich:  i use a seperate partition for /home when you reinstall just choose to not format and you should be good23:58
=== daniel is now known as Guest29928

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