
OvenWerksIf anyone is interested in learning to use Python, this seems to be a good course: https://developers.google.com/edu/python/00:50
OvenWerksIt is free and comes with video lectures and exercises.00:51
SlidingHornWe should send this to Alexandrieu and encourage them to write back to Linus:  https://mail.gnome.org/archives/usability/2005/December/msg00021.html02:04
SlidingHornoops:  https://mail.gnome.org/archives/usability/2005-December/msg00021.html02:04
OvenWerksLovely quote...05:24
eylulI do disagree with this to a point. people have different use cases. and overly simplified designs... there is a reason why windows went the route it did, there is a reason why more and more people simply use cellphones than use laptops or desktop computers at all12:52
eylulWe can say that for our audience and their workflows that what gnome is aiming for doesn't work. without demonizing gnome. 12:53
eylulI don't like this attitude and it will lose us volunteers, it does lose us users as linux community12:54
eylulif nothing else that the users have the choice of DEs is an advantage for linux in appealing to a larger audience, and building a platform where software compiled once even can work in a variety of devices aimed at different users. 12:56

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