
wallyworldvino: did you see my email and did it make sense? we should chat when you are free so i can clarify various aspects01:05
vino wallyworld: i am waiting for u01:05
wallyworldvino: ok, let's chat now01:05
wallyworldam in standup HO01:06
thumperveebers: ping01:06
veebersthumper: pong, hows things?01:07
thumperveebers: not too bad, can you chat now?01:07
veebersthumper: I can in like 3 minutes?01:07
thumpersure, ping when you're ready01:07
veebersthumper: ready when you are01:11
thumperveebers: coming01:11
kelvinliu_veebers, would u mind take a look tiny PR when u have time, thx  -> https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/873304:02
* veebers looks04:02
veeberskelvinliu_: have you tested that change?04:04
veeberskelvinliu_: if not I can kick of a run on a jenkins node for completeness sake04:05
kelvinliu_it's running now, will take a round 30mins04:05
veeberskelvinliu_: ah, ack. Change LGTM, will comment on the PR04:06
veeberskelvinliu_: essentially if the add-k8s command works thats good enough (nothing else has changed here04:06
kelvinliu_the cmd should just work.04:07
kelvinliu_veebers, wow tests failed at a different failure.04:20
veeberskelvinliu_: pastebin?04:20
kelvinliu_there was a different error which was my fault, but now running into controller not found(event can't bootstrap)04:26
veeberskelvinliu_: looks like a juju error: ERROR detecting credentials for "localhost" cloud provider: adding certificate "juju": Unknown request type04:28
veeberskelvinliu_: the controller not found errors are cleanup attempts, unfort they're not aways clear if it's a "this is a normal cleanup attempt, it's ok if they're not found" or "I expected to find this but it's not there"04:29
kelvinliu_if self.existing_controller is None:04:36
kelvinliu_            raise NoExistingController()04:36
kelvinliu_is it because controller not found, then raise this error?04:36
veeberskelvinliu_: no, that's a bad trace not sure why it's mentioning the NoExistingController. You can see that it's attempting to bootstrap something (well after jujupy attempts to use an existing controller) (the line: ERROR Command '('juju', '--debug', 'bootstrap', '--constraints',. . . .)04:38
veeberskelvinliu_: ah I see why it mentions it, it's crappy but makes sense. There is an "except NoExistingController:" and within that we "with self.new_bootstrap(...) yield" it's within new_bootstrap that the actual error occurs. That's why we see "During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:"04:41
veeberskelvinliu_: the issue is the "juju bootstrap" command failed, as per the ERROR seen there04:41
kelvinliu_weird, i can bootstrap manually.04:49
babbageclunkMechanical review for removing tags from machine server IDs, anyone? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/873404:57
veeberskelvinliu_: what command are you using to bootstrap? (it would be interesting as well to see what's in --config/tmp/xxx.yaml, passed into bootstrap command)05:05
babbageclunkwallyworld: Could you take a look at https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8734 plz?05:07
wallyworldbabbageclunk: sure, meeting will be done soon05:07
kelvinliu_veebers, is this config file created by bootstrap py script?05:08
veeberskelvinliu_: aye it is05:10
babbageclunkwallyworld: thanks05:11
wallyworldbabbageclunk: done!05:23
babbageclunkwallyworld: awse05:23
kelvinliu_hi veebers u r right, the error is related with detecting credentials for "localhost" cloud provider: adding certificate "juju": Unknown request type05:34
veeberskelvinliu_: ack, not sure why you're seeing it though05:36
kelvinliu_can't remember which branch my current juju was built from. I re-installed it from snap, it works. need to investigate later about this issue05:40
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
manadartCan I get a review of: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8730 ?07:13
=== salmankhan1 is now known as salmankhan
manadartSmall one for review: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/873612:02
srihashi, how can we tell a charm to look for custom apt key while installing apt packages on the nodes?13:04
acworkhello can anyone tell me how I can change system setting after reboot.  For example each time I reboot a ceph monitor  the process comes up on the wrong listener.  I have changed the ceph.conf files but when I reboot it get overwritten.13:13
acworkWhere is juju storing the system settings for a charm?  I changed the /etc/interfaces.d/50-cloud-init.cfg setting but this has no effect on reboot.13:15
bdxsrihas: layer-apt14:37
srihasbdx: thanks14:39
manadartAnother one for review: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/873814:41
manadartMostly a backport of 2.4 changes for the same bug.14:42
frankbanhey all, is anyone available for reviewing https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8735 ?14:50
manadartfrankban: Approved.15:03
frankbanmanadart: ty!15:03
manadartfrankban: NP.15:03
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
bdxrick_h_: ping17:00
rick_h_bdx: pong17:00
=== Makyo is now known as Guest60510

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