
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> https://twitter.com/kubuntu/status/99858874932703232515:39
valoriethank you acheronuk!20:09
valorieand you covered the lists as well; so thorough!20:25
valoriewell done sire20:26
acheronuklmao at the -e20:48
valorieI do love you, but will not BOW BEFORE YOU20:53
valoriegetting my testing laptop updated so I can do the testing20:54
valoriesince you are still about, rik, is there any reason I shouldn't ignore your cautions and just apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade?22:16
valorieacheronuk: ^^22:17
acheronukdepends what else is in the -proposed pocket. you can try, and see what it says it will upgrade, then decide if anything looks scary22:27
valoriehmmm, new linux headers22:39
valoriescary, or un-scary?22:39
valorieI think I'll chicken out and just do plasma and plasma-discover22:44
IrcsomeBot<Valoriez> @acheronuk when you look: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-desktop/+bug/1768245/comments/3323:37
IrcsomeBot<Valoriez> I'll add anything you want tomorrow23:38

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