[15:39] https://twitter.com/kubuntu/status/998588749327032325 [20:09] thank you acheronuk! [20:25] and you covered the lists as well; so thorough! [20:26] well done sire [20:26] -e [20:48] lmao at the -e [20:53] I do love you, but will not BOW BEFORE YOU [20:53] lol [20:54] getting my testing laptop updated so I can do the testing [22:16] since you are still about, rik, is there any reason I shouldn't ignore your cautions and just apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade? [22:17] acheronuk: ^^ [22:27] depends what else is in the -proposed pocket. you can try, and see what it says it will upgrade, then decide if anything looks scary [22:32] ok [22:39] hmmm, new linux headers [22:39] scary, or un-scary? [22:40] 4.15.0-21 [22:44] I think I'll chicken out and just do plasma and plasma-discover [23:37] @acheronuk when you look: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-desktop/+bug/1768245/comments/33 [23:38] I'll add anything you want tomorrow