
ubptgbotgamakatz was added by: gamakatz00:50
ubptgbot<amolith> Welcome, @joshuld and @gamakatz! Check out ubports.com/telegram-welcome to get you started and feel free to ask any questions you may have in here or in the Welcome & Install room! Most people are asleep about this time but things typically pick up fairly early in the morning (EST). I'm going to go to bed soon as well but I'll try t01:20
ubptgboto help if I can in the meantime! 🙂01:20
ubptgbot<amolith> [Edit] Welcome, @joshuld and @gamakatz! Check out ubports.com/telegram-welcome to get you started and feel free to ask any questions you may have in here or in the Welcome & Install room! Most people are asleep about this time but things typically pick up fairly early in the morning (EST). I'm going to go to bed soon as well but I'l01:20
ubptgbotl try to help if I can in the mean time! 🙂01:20
ubptgbot<mateosalta> invalid01:31
ubptgbot<mateosalta> whops, trying to search01:31
ubptgbot<mateosalta> anyway, building a scope for 16.04 and getting " Unable to start app 'commandfu.mateo-salta_commandfu_1.5': Invalid app ID: commandfu.mateo-salta_commandfu_1.5"01:32
ubptgbot<theReadOnly> Is there any date post which updates to 15.04 will be stopped ?05:44
ubptgbot<DanChapman> @UniversalSuperBox, look in `/userdata/system-data/var/lib/apparmor/clicks` and check the apparmor profile exists and matches what is being used in the aa-exec call05:46
ubptgbot<DanChapman> @JBBgameich ^^05:46
ubptgbotMatthiasmickelat was added by: Matthiasmickelat06:42
ubptgbot<popescu_sorin> hi @Matthiasmickelat o/07:11
ubptgbot<DanChapman> @UniversalSuperBox, [Edit] look in `/var/lib/apparmor/clicks` and `/var/lib/apparmor/profiles` and check the apparmor profile exists and matches what is being used in the aa-exec call (minus the click_ prefix)07:12
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Has Jan Sprinz quit Telegram?07:17
ubptgbot<DanChapman> no I see him in other groups07:18
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> I see, cheers!07:18
ubptgbot<Matthiasmickelat> Hi @popescu_sorin07:29
ubptgbot<Matthiasmickelat> i Have an opo and bq4.5 with ut07:31
ubptgbot<popescu_sorin> noice!07:36
ubptgbot<popescu_sorin> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/XL7XXBbz.webp07:36
ubptgbotmaddaddam was added by: maddaddam07:47
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Matthiasmickelat, There are new UBports splash screens for both 😎08:11
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @maddaddam, Hello Maarten. You can check here for an introduction to UBports … https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome08:13
ubptgbot<maddaddam> @Stereofont, Thanks Lionel08:14
ubptgbot<advocatux> @theReadOnly, 15.04 is EOL and that's why the project is transitioning to 16.04. That means no more OTAs for vivid08:23
ubptgbot<Stereofont> EOL = end of life. A dead parrot08:46
ubptgbot<advocatux> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/knyOo0Iq.mp408:50
ubptgbotDonClementeVonRihimannii was added by: DonClementeVonRihimannii09:11
ubptgbot<DonClementeVonRihimannii> Good MORNING09:12
ubptgbot<Stereofont> A very good morning to you09:13
ubptgbot<Stereofont> A link for UBpirts stuff is here … https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome09:14
ubptgbot<Stereofont> [Edit] A link for UBports stuff is here … https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome09:14
ubptgbot<Stereofont> And thanks. I will stay out of the way of cetaceans …09:15
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Sorry. Odobenus09:18
ubptgbot<Stereofont> 😎09:18
ubptgbot<deedend> @DonClementeVonRihimannii, What?? It's 19:30!!!09:27
ubptgbot<advocatux> That's a long morning indeed09:28
ubptgbot<alan_griffiths> Here on the internet we make sure it's aways morning for somebody.09:31
ubptgbot<advocatux> :)09:31
ubptgbot<DonClementeVonRihimannii> Here it is morning.. … Central Europe10:04
ubptgbotPeder was added by: Peder10:05
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Helli Peder. You can fund out more about UBports on … https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome10:06
ubptgbot<G_Raffe> @deedend, it's 13:0610:06
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @G_Raffe, that's my man :P10:06
ubptgbot<deedend> @G_Raffe, No, 20:06!10:08
ubptgbot<Flohack> 12:10 here wtf10:08
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> 06:08 here :V10:08
ubptgbot<G_Raffe> So we got guys from all over the world here, nice=)10:09
ubptgbot<Gorsh2> 7:11, you're all Fake News10:12
ubptgbot<svtv93> Is there a separate group for questions about convergence? (12:12 here)10:12
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @svtv93, No. Though there are some Libertine enthusiasts10:13
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Broadly, we have evolved and old fixes are broken somewhat. 16.04 offers an opportunity to regain that functionality but maybe using new mechanisms10:14
ubptgbot<Flohack> @svtv93, You can ask all questions here. But before, visit our tracker https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues and search if you find your problem already ;)10:36
ubptgbot<matv1> Glad to report that after 2 weeks of 18.04 gnome on laptop, that i now dislike it with a passion. … Was a bit worried beforehand that I would like it but we can all relax now. Back to Unity it is!11:42
ubptgbot<matv1> just thought i drop this before y'all have to read about it phoronix :D11:42
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> This is veering OT but isn't Unity available on Bionic if you've upgraded from Xenial with Unity included?11:44
ubptgbot<dohbee> i tried using gnome for a couple months on 16.04 last year, when the announcement was made, but alas i could not stand it11:44
ubptgbot<dohbee> @TartanSpartan, no upgrade required. it's in universe so you can just install it if you want11:45
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Well there you are @matv111:45
ubptgbot<dohbee> even on upgrade though, you will have to manually switch back to lightdm, and select unity at the login screen, as the session name changed, due to the previous change in defaults11:46
ubptgbot<dohbee> (and yeah, it's OT material)11:50
ubptgbot<matv1> I dissagree and totaly expect this bombshell to land in the next Q&A but will leave off now ;)11:55
ubptgbot<matv1> and thanks for that tip. hadnt thought of it really11:55
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Trashing Bionic is always on topic 😂11:57
ubptgbot<dohbee> The other bionic, maybe11:58
ubptgbot<K31j0> @Stereofont, bionic is the worst thing11:58
ubptgbot<dohbee> i've heard musl is good for digestion11:59
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Let's rebuild the entire archive with bionic libc12:02
ubptgbot<matv1> i think that joke would have had them rolling in the aisles over in Halium12:09
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> No... I think there would be more pitchforks than anything12:11
ubptgbot<matv1> haha12:13
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> just watched the Q&A session, and i have never seen a nice community roadmap to be honest12:26
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> or even a closed source vendor one12:26
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> in my workplace, planning goes either by 2 weeks (a scrum sprint), 3 months (a program interation), or by the year (too far away to really plan)12:27
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> maybe that'd be a good way of structuring?12:27
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> The q&a looks like a fun thing to participate in12:28
ubptgbot<Wiz> @rogieroudshoorn, You think so?12:30
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @rogieroudshoorn, Agreed12:30
ubptgbot<Wiz> Nah12:31
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> feel free to share one :)12:31
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @Wiz, Well could you provide some additional context then?12:31
ubptgbot<Wiz> No12:32
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Moving on, then12:32
ubptgbot<vanyasem> Haters gonna hate12:32
ubptgbot<Wiz> @vanyasem, ^. That's a legit context12:32
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> on topic, what are you considering to use your roadmap for?12:33
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> or what would you want to have in there?12:33
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Well, that's the problem, see.12:33
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Lots of people ask for one12:33
ubptgbot<Wiz> Ubuntu for every device12:33
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> But I don't know what they want12:33
ubptgbot<Wiz> Ez porting i mean12:33
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Wiz, you're not helping12:33
ubptgbot<Wiz> I gave you a hint12:34
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I'm really not looking for specific points that should be in the roadmap. I'm more interested in the process that successful communities use to create and publish one.12:34
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> And what our community wants ours to look like12:35
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> I wanna see oreo halium12:35
ubptgbot<Wiz> That's not a problem of mine12:35
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @VeryOriginalUsername, Well that's Halium's roadmap :P12:35
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> Treblized devices could support ut12:35
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> @UniversalSuperBox, Ikr 😛12:35
ubptgbot<mariogrip> @VeryOriginalUsername, this guy reads my mind :P12:35
ubptgbot<Wiz> @UniversalSuperBox, No, because ubuntu also work with halium12:35
ubptgbot<Wiz> theyre concatenated.12:36
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @mariogrip, Would be nice to play with treble12:36
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> is halium still our long-term bet? mainline seems to be hip12:36
ubptgbot<Wiz> @vanyasem, Treble is a trouble12:36
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> But it's such a nice vision that all android devices in the future (google requires treble on devices coming out with oreo) could run ubuntu12:36
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @vanyasem, But i dont have any devices that support it officially12:36
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @UniversalSuperBox consider wiz a spammer12:36
ubptgbot<vanyasem> Or a troll12:37
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Mhmm. I was going to give him one more try before a ban12:37
ubptgbot<Wiz> @vanyasem, Thats not fair from your side12:37
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @vanyasem, @mariogrip ideas?12:37
ubptgbot<mariogrip> treble is nice, I just hope vendors make use of it, so far not many do12:37
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> @mariogrip, Isn't it mandatory for oreo+ android devices? that means everything that hits the market now ought to support it ...12:38
ubptgbot<Wiz> Treble is for ez porting wihich is my point12:38
ubptgbot<mariogrip> i dont expect cheaper devices to jump on that train anytime soon12:38
ubptgbot<Stereofont> A roadmap is really to create a sense of discipline and to force a critical examination of the way forward. It is not a definition of what will actually happen in the future12:38
ubptgbot<mariogrip> @rogieroudshoorn, they still provide the existing hal api, there is no saying you "need" to use treble12:38
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> so it's mandatory to support it, but not to actually use it?12:39
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> nice12:39
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> @mariogrip, Xiaomi 2017 devices have treble ported12:39
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> Check xda12:39
ubptgbot<Stereofont> In a military battle there us a mock-up of strategy but when it actually starts, everything is thrown away and based on the real development of events12:40
ubptgbot<mariogrip> @VeryOriginalUsername, nice, i have always liked xiaomi :D12:40
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> @VeryOriginalUsername, OP5T too iirc12:41
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @mariogrip, Well i might just buy a new phone. What would you suggest12:41
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> https://forum.xda-developers.com/project-treble/trebleenabled-device-development12:41
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> First google link; could not contain everything12:42
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> so a moto G6 for instance should support it12:42
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> just a well-known fairly cheap device range12:42
ubptgbot<mariogrip> @vanyasem, im a fan of devices with hdmi out :) i would say op6 but i was a bit sad that it does not support it12:42
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> If a device *is coming out* with oreo out of the box (not necessarily after update)  it has to support treble, otherwise no google certification12:43
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> https://www.google.pl/amp/s/www.xda-developers.com/list-android-devices-project-treble-support/amp/12:44
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> Here's a more complete list12:44
ubptgbot<mariogrip> @VeryOriginalUsername, sure, but not all vendors have certification anyway, there is many uncertifaced devices out there12:46
ubptgbot<fourloop2002> is there somewhere I can look to see what changes in the nightly xenial devel build? I'm waaaay behind in r387 and we are upto r393.  What improvements have occured in 388 389 390 391 392 and 393 - I've only a limited monthly data allowance 😉12:46
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> @mariogrip, I don't think any major vendor would omit that12:46
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> Maybe some chinese/indian/youNameIt minor ones12:46
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @UniversalSuperBox, https://cardanoroadmap.com  Maybe this? Parallel blogs about the vision for each element12:47
ubptgbot<nfsprodriver> In which file do I need to put … ```qputenv("QT_SCALE_FACTOR", "2"); ``` … for QQC" projects?12:52
ubptgbot<Stereofont> It is not a project plan. We don't need eleven spindles in chrome vanadium to a tolerance of 0.013% by 27 September12:53
ubptgbot<dohbee> honestly, a roadmap right now doesn't make a whole lot of sense for ubports12:54
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Don't get hung up on format or content.  It is about clearing minds and binding the organisation, not setting out precise intentions12:54
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> or maybe even just to order the massive amount of work that's ahead12:54
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Kirigami succeeding or failing could set us on quite different tracks. We are discovering, as much as we are planning12:55
ubptgbot<dohbee> there is way more work than people to do it12:56
ubptgbot<Stereofont> So collaboration, inventiveness, borrowing, compromise12:57
bshahKirigami? context?12:57
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Kirigami comes very close to working now12:57
ubptgbot<Stereofont> The extreme practical limitations are also a source of strength12:57
ubptgbot<dohbee> maybe in a guerilla war12:58
bshah@UniversalSuperBox, working on? I mean well sure it works :P12:58
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Seven Samurai - Kurosawa12:58
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> 16.04. JBB has built the gallery and we're just fighting with apparmor to get it running.12:58
ubptgbot<dohbee> but i don't think we need to start quoting Sun Tzu just yet12:58
ubptgbot<mariogrip> on ubuntu touch12:58
bshah@UniversalSuperBox ah12:58
bshahif you need any help let me know12:59
ubptgbot<dohbee> @UniversalSuperBox, it sounded more like an issue with the click, and the profile not getting created for some reason13:02
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @DanChapman, there is a `org.kde.kirigamigallery_kirigamigallery_5.45.2.json` file in `/var/lib/apparmor/clicks`. Looks like the same thing in the desktop file.13:02
ubptgbot<dohbee> or if created, not loaded into the kernel13:03
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Okee... So how would I check that13:03
ubptgbot<dohbee> is there a kirigami gallery file in `/var/lib/apparmor/profiles/` ?13:04
ubptgbot<dohbee> the json isn't the profile itself13:04
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> There is not13:04
ubptgbot<dohbee> does that directory exist, i'm going off memory and don't recall if it's correct13:04
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Yep, that directory exists13:05
ubptgbot<dohbee> and it's populated with profiles from other clicks?13:05
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Yep!13:05
ubptgbot<dohbee> ok, so the profile indeed didn't get created13:05
ubptgbot<dohbee> what's the contents of the json file?13:06
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> ```{ …     "policy_groups": [], …     "policy_version": 16.04, … }```13:06
ubptgbot<DanChapman> hmmm does it require to have at least one policy?13:07
ubptgbot<DanChapman> I don't think it does. but...13:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> it shouldn't13:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> did you install it via CLI?13:08
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Yes13:08
ubptgbot<dohbee> and no errors/warnings from that?13:08
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> No13:08
ubptgbot<dohbee> weird13:09
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> How would I get apparmor to reload those profiles?13:09
ubptgbot<dohbee> hmm, you could maybe try to run the click hook manually for that app, but i don't recall exactly how to do that13:10
ubptgbot<dohbee> iirc there's another thing which rebuilds all profiles, which we had to run sometimes for OTAs, which resulted in longer initial boot time after the ota13:11
ubptgbot<dohbee> but i don't recall what it was exactly either13:11
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Aha!13:11
ubptgbot<DanChapman> `aa-clickhook --force` will regenerate all profiles iirc13:11
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> `sudo aa-clickhook org.kde.kirigamigallery_kirigamigallery_5.45.1`13:11
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Now there's a profile, but it still doesn't run13:12
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Progress13:12
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Aha, apparmor denied access to `/usr/bin/env`13:12
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> At least I think that's what that message means13:12
ubptgbot<dohbee> ah is it python?13:13
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pBmDn8Cpk2/13:13
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> No, it's QML13:13
bshah/usr/bin/env o.O13:13
ubptgbot<dohbee> that is indeed what that means13:13
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I'm a smart!13:13
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> :P13:14
ubptgbot<dohbee> is the Exec= a shell script?13:14
ubptgbot<dohbee> or trying to call /usr/bin/env directly?13:14
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> `Exec=env QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_STYLE=Material qmlscene contents/ui/ExampleApp.qml`13:15
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> yerp13:15
bshahcall kirigami2gallery ?13:16
bshahinstead of qmlscene?13:16
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> That binary isn't in the click13:16
bshahah.. click13:17
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I'm sure a build change would bring it around?13:18
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Going off of this stuff: https://github.com/JBBgameich/kirigami/tree/ut13:18
bshahare click supposed to contain binary files?13:18
ubptgbot<dohbee> or could make a small shell script which runs qmlscene with that env var13:18
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> They can13:18
ubptgbot<dohbee> i guess it's already an armhf-only click though, as i guess it contains some c++ libs13:19
ubptgbot<nfsprodriver> Any idea, how to scale Kaidan?13:19
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> `QT_SCALE_FACTOR=2`13:19
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> In its envrionment13:19
ubptgbot<nfsprodriver> Which file? Already tried main.cpp and desktop file. No effect 😐13:20
bshah@UniversalSuperBox, if kirigami is built with -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=ON it should install kirigami2gallery example13:21
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I think we're building the examples directly13:23
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Hey, bshah and @JBBgameich, I got the app working! :D14:02
ubptgbot<JBBgameich> Cool!14:02
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Scaling is still interesting, but we knew that14:02
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Also the keyboard avoidance is just a bit too high14:08
ubptgbot<amolith> @UniversalSuperBox, 👍14:11
ubptgbot<amolith> @UniversalSuperBox I replied to your message on Matrix. The diaspora* account is UBports@diasp.ca or, and I prefer this as it's a clickable URL, https://dia.so/UBports14:42
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Yep, saw that14:42
ubptgbot<amolith> @UniversalSuperBox, Just wanted to make sure14:43
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Set it on the latest Q&A description14:43
ubptgbot<amolith> @UniversalSuperBox, Awesome14:43
ubptgbot<amolith> Lowercase also works14:44
ubptgbot<fourloop2002> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/4Nsgupd2.null14:59
ubptgbot<fourloop2002> I contacted @mzanetti regarding Bluetoot File Transfer app.  He is busy elsewhere so I took the chance and migrated the vivid build to xenial.  Works a treat. I can transfer files back and forth using bluetooth on 16.04. Install and give it a try.15:00
ubptgbot<fourloop2002> */Bluetoot/Bluetooth/15:01
ubptgbot<advocatux> 🙌15:01
ubptgbot<Flohack> @fourloop2002, Can you talk with him about being the maiontainer for that? Then you can put it in the openstore15:02
ubptgbot<fourloop2002> Sure I'll ask him15:03
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Does it work on Nexus 5? That seems to be the most challenging for Bluetooth15:03
ubptgbot<fourloop2002> Yes I'm on Nexus 5 hammerhead devel r39315:04
ubptgbot<Geminis65> From the openstore is not it possible to unload nada.hay algun problem?15:08
ubptgbot<advocatux> @Geminis65, What OpenStore? web or app? vivid or xenial?15:19
ubptgbot<advocatux> (We can follow the conversation in the Spanish group)15:20
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/3IFMGH01.png15:21
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Building natively on your Ubuntu Touch device, step 115:21
ubptgbot<dohbee> heh15:21
ubptgbot<dohbee> maybe that's why my nexus 5 doesn't work as well any more15:21
ubptgbot<dohbee> (not really, i mostly did such things on the nexus 4)15:22
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> (Photo, 735x501) https://irc.ubports.com/1KkL6pC9.png mmmm toasty nexus 515:24
ubptgbot<dohbee> i was trying to find some place where i could actually buy one of the linaro d02 server boards (theoretically supports 2 CPUs with up to 64 total cores).15:27
ubptgbot<TronFortyTwo> Tried building with -j4 on my OPO once and it rebooted15:29
ubptgbot<TronFortyTwo> I always use -j3/2 now 😂15:29
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I'm building with -j8 and the N5 is pretty okay with it15:29
ubptgbot<TronFortyTwo> But you are dissipating the heat ;)15:30
ubptgbot<dohbee> i don't think that block fo aluminum is really doing much :)15:31
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> It's getting warm to the touch for sure15:31
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> @UniversalSuperBox, with xperia m4 in twrp i literally boiled water on it15:34
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> 😆15:34
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> That's safe15:34
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> well, phone *was* waterproof15:34
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> thankfully sold it :p15:34
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @VeryOriginalUsername, lol, the ol' switcheroo15:34
ubptgbot<dohbee> galaxy note 7, for when you need to start an emergency camp fire in the rain15:35
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I'm still waiting for someone to ask when we're gonna put Ubuntu Touch on the Galaxy Note 715:35
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> @dohbee, More like when you're a terrorist15:35
gehidorewhen are you going to put ubuntu touch on the galaxy note 7?15:36
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> @UniversalSuperBox, When are we gonna put UT on galaxy note 7?15:36
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> damn it15:36
gehidorethere someone asked it...15:36
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> Damn you were faster15:36
gehidorealthough... what can I do to help with bullhead?15:36
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> You've got one handy?15:36
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> One moment15:37
gehidoreI only have  half a moment to spare15:37
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> waits for note to load15:37
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Well, here's a loose collection of notes on it: https://nc.daltondur.st/s/P4qcHRt4YDSm9QN15:38
gehidorespiffy, i'll look at them at lunch... for now... building some more shis15:38
gehidoreshits too15:38
gehidorereally... javascript to download a text file -_-15:39
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I don't know why it doesn't just show the whole preview. grr.15:39
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> can someone link me ubports kernel checker?15:39
gehidoreanywho back to work with me, I'll look at the file I downloaded15:39
gehidorein about 2-4 hours15:39
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Sounds good15:39
ubptgbot<Ingo_FP_Angel> I'm a little confused about how "location" works in UT. I just tried it with the uNav App and openstreetmap in the browser and the results were somewhat different. uNav took some time and then found my location pretty well. But openstreetmap in the browser first showed a really large blue circle around the location of my DSL p15:52
ubptgbotrovider but then after a longer period of time that uNav found my real location.15:52
ubptgbot<Ingo_FP_Angel> So basically: how can I be sure that GPS works or not? I'm on FP2 (xenial).15:52
ubptgbot<dohbee> did osm in browser pop up a dialog asking for access to location data?15:53
ubptgbot<Stereofont> It begins with a rough estimate from IP mapping then homes in15:53
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @dohbee I figured out why we can't manually put in pt17:13
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> pt <> pt_PT17:13
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> ` QLocale("pt").name();` yields `"pt_BR"`17:13
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> So I think that the workaround is the only way forward... I don't know what's going to happen with regular gettext translations though17:16
ubptgbotreverie99 was added by: reverie9917:29
ubptgbot<dohbee> what in the actual f17:34
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @reverie99, Hello Jean. There is more about UBports here … https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome17:40
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @dohbee, I was hoping you knew17:45
ubptgbot<dohbee> well, i suppose i shouldn't expect any better, given we're mixing gettext stuff with Qt, and it's not a 1:1 match with how things work17:46
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I guess that pt_PT will fall back to pt when need be17:46
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> ?17:46
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> For gettext, that is17:46
ubptgbot<dohbee> i think so, yeah17:47
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> So the day name workaround, while not great, might just be what we have to do17:47
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Or else @ixavier might come and beat me up and that's just no good. :P17:48
ubptgbot<dohbee> this is awful17:49
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Are you describing this situation or all software?17:49
ubptgbot<dohbee> TFW even the standards org can't get things right17:49
ubptgbot<dohbee> yes17:49
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I'm actually not seeing the "Likely language" information in the CLDR17:52
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Or the default thing17:52
ubptgbot<dohbee> the likely language thing makes no sense17:52
=== doniks_ is now known as doniks
ubptgbot<dohbee> if i select pt_BR then it's pretty bloody likely that i want pt_BR, and if i select pt instead of pt_BR then it's pretty well likely i don't want bloody pt_BR17:53
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Well, not really17:53
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Because if you select `en` you probably want `en_US`17:53
ubptgbot<ixavier> We trust you :D17:54
ubptgbot<dohbee> "C" is the only locale. problem solved.17:54
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> It's just that we're expecting pt_PT to be the likely language and Qt says no17:54
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @dohbee, ++17:54
ubptgbot<dohbee> no, it's that "likely" makes no damned sense, and qt is trying to be clever, and it's not17:55
ubptgbot<dohbee> this is how you end up with stupid bugs like that one in firefox where it keeps setting my spell check language to en_AU, even though my system language is set to en_US17:56
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I think that we're the ones who are misguided here, though.17:56
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Sure it sucks that Unicode decided to use kinda short names instead of actually short name17:57
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> [Edit] Sure it sucks that Unicode decided to use kinda short names instead of actually short names17:57
ubptgbot<dohbee> i mean, sure, they're short compared to words like deoxyribonucleic maybe17:57
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Because Monday is "Segunda-feira"17:58
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> But shortened it's just "segunda"17:58
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> I guess "feira" stands for day18:01
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Fair, actually18:01
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Yes18:01
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> But also day. :P18:01
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Except that Sabado and Domingo don't play ball18:03
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> No, because they're special18:03
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Why? Iunno18:03
ubptgbot<dohbee> Shomer Shabbaos!18:04
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I think this would be the point where you'd ask the Canonical Design team what to do18:05
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> To deal with day names being longer than three characters18:05
ubptgbotArulraj Chandrasekaran was added by: Arulraj Chandrasekaran18:05
ubptgbot<dohbee> ironically, one of the former designers is portuguese18:05
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> He could have fixed it all up right quick!18:06
ubptgbot<dohbee> she, but probably not18:06
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Arulraj Chandrasekaran, Hi Arulraj. Have a look at the link for UBports info … https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome18:06
ubptgbot<Arulraj Chandrasekaran> Redmi18:06
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Arulraj Chandrasekaran, Redmi likewise18:07
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @dohbee, Hmm. Well, I notice that there's a lot of space in between days in the indicator. Maybe we can solve this in a way that doesn't involve hacking stuff.18:07
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Like calculated padding. That's a thing, right?18:07
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I'm about to find out.18:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> remove the calendar widget18:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> problem solved!18:07
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> While effective, I quite like the calendar widget18:07
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> And calendar-app is broken too18:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> well, reduced problem set is still moving forward ;)18:08
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Shall I close this now? https://github.com/ubports/system-settings/pull/5618:08
ubptgbot<dohbee> tbh the indicator widget could probably always use narrow format18:08
ubptgbot<dohbee> sure, since qt is broken18:09
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Arulraj Chandrasekaran, Have you a question?18:09
ubptgbot<reverie99> I have a OnePlus3, is it possible to run a custom Linux distrib on it ?18:17
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @reverie99, Not yet but it is likely to be added to the UBports list this year18:18
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @reverie99, If you mean a. iso then no, since Ubuntu Touch is not a desktop flavour18:24
ubptgbot<dohbee> it depends on what you mean by "linux distro" and "install" too18:26
ubptgbot<dohbee> but that's a bit off topic for this group18:26
ubptgbot<jonny> @UniversalSuperBox, In GNOME shell it is shortened to 3 letters always. Like sexta-feira becomes simply sex.18:28
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> This may be one of those places where GTK does things better / correctly18:28
ubptgbot<reverie99> Thanks for your answers, sorry, I'm a system developer, trying to figure out, linux compatibility with differents handsets. Ubuntu Touch is a great project18:28
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @reverie99, We have a French group also, which may interest you?18:29
ubptgbot<dohbee> @UniversalSuperBox, gtk+ just uses gettext, so depending on who you ask, probably not better/correct either18:29
ubptgbot<Stereofont> https://t.me/UBports_French18:30
ubptgbot<reverie99> @Stereofont sure! how do you know?18:30
ubptgbot<dohbee> your name is pretty french sounding :)18:30
ubptgbot<reverie99> obviously 🙈18:31
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @dohbee, ROFL18:31
ubptgbot<reverie99> btw thanks guys18:31
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Welcome18:31
ubptgbot<Stereofont> If you have skills relevant to porting, maybe you can speed the work on OnePlusThree18:33
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Look at the Halium project for background on that18:34
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @Stereofont, 3 people work on it18:35
ubptgbot<vanyasem> please no18:35
ubptgbot<vanyasem> [Edit] please no more18:35
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> Hows the op3 port going?18:36
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @vanyasem, Too complicated with more?18:36
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @PhoenixLandPirate, watch the last QA18:36
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @Stereofont, it will make a mess full of merge conflicts18:36
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I don't think that more eyes is a bad thing18:36
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> I listened to it but I guess I must have been zoned out at that point?18:36
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @PhoenixLandPirate, it was supposed to be a surprise18:37
ubptgbot<vanyasem> but i asked about it and ruined it18:37
ubptgbot<vanyasem> so marius explained that in detail18:37
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> Heck, me must go back18:37
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> any ideas on can i use omnirom trees instead of lineage?18:55
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Anything is worth a try at least once18:55
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> I think they are quite similar18:55
matlockgnome will likely port gnome-software-center to gnome mobile, ditto kde discover, if ubuntu touch copied gnome-software-center you could include snap plugin in g-s-c, insert your own snap repo, offer curated ub-touch ready linux and android apps (via anbox) on ubuntu touch18:57
ubptgbot<dohbee> lineage tree isn't a hard requirement. it's just a known working place to start from18:57
ubptgbot<dohbee> there is no "your own snap repo"18:58
matlocka curated mobile app store, with both Linux apps and Android apps, made easy because Anbox has already been ported to Ubuntu touch18:58
ubptgbot<dohbee> there's no need for gnome-software either. we had working snap install over a year ago, back when snaps were going to be a thing18:59
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> wait18:59
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> is sailfish made like UT with halium18:59
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> so it has a rootfs18:59
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> What?19:00
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> hm19:00
ubptgbot<dohbee> snaps are no longer a thing supported by canonical on the phone, so doesn't make any sense to support snaps on the phone19:00
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> consider u have a xyz device19:00
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> you have halium on it19:00
ubptgbot<dohbee> i mean, sailfish obviously has a rootfs and android kernel and whatnot19:00
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> would starting sailfish os be matter of putting a rootfs like you'd do with ut19:00
ubptgbot<dohbee> but no, it's not built in the same way as UT19:00
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> or something more19:00
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> No, because Sailfish images have both Android and Sailfish in the same tree19:01
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> And they run Android's init alongside their own19:01
ubptgbot<dohbee> sailfish is closer to being an android ROM than UT is19:01
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> i cracked open an xperia x sailfish image19:01
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> and system part looks like android19:01
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> and then it has this in a separate image19:02
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> (Photo, 162x139) https://irc.ubports.com/0s0LoDyW.png19:02
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> would replacing that with ubuntu work or am i too excited19:02
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I don't think that would work19:02
ubptgbot<dohbee> yeah i think not19:02
ubptgbot<dohbee> although now i'm feeling nostalgia for LILO19:03
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> noooo....19:03
ubptgbot<dohbee> boot root19:04
ubptgbot<dohbee> ah, installing slackware from a stack of floppies.19:05
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> (Photo, 1078x1018) https://irc.ubports.com/awBjF6hV.png19:07
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I fixed it!19:07
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> :P19:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> why does it have half of next month in it?!19:07
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Because it's wrong19:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> obviously19:08
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> he's living forward19:08
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> wait does everything have to be built with arm3219:13
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> or only the rootfs it 32bit19:13
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> hmm?19:13
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> like should i change my device's architecture in trees to arm from aarch6419:14
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @VeryOriginalUsername, you can use 32 bit trees with 64 bit rootfs19:14
ubptgbot<vanyasem> if you apply the libcompat patch19:14
ubptgbot<vanyasem> same as you can install a 32 bit system on your 64 bit pc19:14
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> kek i didn't know a 64bit rootfs exists19:14
ubptgbot<vanyasem> eh19:14
ubptgbot<dohbee> the rootfs is 32-bit19:14
ubptgbot<vanyasem> i made a typo19:15
ubptgbot<dohbee> some devices have aarch64 kernels19:15
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @VeryOriginalUsername, [Edit] you can use 64 bit trees with 32 bit rootfs19:15
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @vanyasem, corrected now19:15
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @VeryOriginalUsername, experimental build existed at some point, but i still made a typo there19:15
ubptgbot<dohbee> yeah, the aarch64 rootfs work was never finished19:16
ubptgbot<dohbee> should be possible to create one, but i expect there will be some problems still19:16
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> i just started saving for a n519:18
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> have around 1% already 😆19:18
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> sony devices are such a pain in the ass to work with afaics19:21
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> :(19:37
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> @VeryOriginalUsername, the elephone trunk guy used omnirom tree as a base19:38
ubptgbotTudorel Stirbu was added by: Tudorel Stirbu19:38
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> afaics19:38
ubptgbot<advocatux> @Tudorel Stirbu, HI Tudorel, welcome! Take a look to https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you up to speed20:15
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Tudorel Stirbu, We have many language groups btw21:28
ubptgbot<Strangerer> Hello Lionel23:53
ubptgbot<Strangerer> Messi 😁23:54

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