
pavlushkazaki: hey17:28
zakihi pavlushka 17:28
zakihow are you doing 17:28
pavlushkazaki: doing good, you?17:29
zakiI'm fine 17:30
zakipavlushka, tell me a proper way to use/replace DE in ubuntu 16.417:31
zakiproper way to use multiple DE*17:31
pavlushkazaki: different DE has different method of configuration/fine tuning but Ubuntu used lightdm for every DE to launch the GUI for 16.04 and for 18.04, its gdm/gdm317:33
pavlushkazaki: so the initialization of dm is done by "systemctl enable lightdm" but before that you have to tell lightdm in the /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf or so to start your DE17:35
pavlushkazaki: that is MATE/GNOIME/LXDE/KDE etc17:35
zakisomeone installed budgie over unity17:36
pavlushkazaki: and doing all that you just reboot the system to boot into the GUI ()17:36
pavlushkazaki: yeah and?17:37
zakiand again he removed budgie, now that It's look like they are just mixed up. 17:38
zakisome of the settings still remaining there 17:38
pavlushkazaki: you see this? https://www.linuxbabe.com/ubuntu/install-budgie-desktop-10-2-7-ubuntu-16-04-16-1017:51
u-la-la[ How to Install Budgie Desktop 10.2.7 on Ubuntu 16.04, 16.10 ] - https://www.linuxbabe.com17:51
pavlushkazaki: you dont have to remove the budgie desktop, you can just switch the session back to Unity17:51
zakiswitch while login?17:58
pavlushkazaki: yes and it will auto load the last desktop session on next boot17:59
pavlushkazaki: unless you switch again.17:59
pavlushkazaki: you have an extra DE installed, that's a bonus, why remove?18:00
zakiokay 18:03
zakiwill check tomorrow18:04

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