[16:11] hiya. sorry if this is not really the correct channel, but maybe one of you got some pointers: https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/issues/2428 [16:12] basically we have some users on a fresh 18.04 who can not download stuff from maven with the default installed java and I'm kinda clueless what the actual culrprit is - as you can see sometimes you can fix it with cargo-culted reinstalling or updating ca-certificates [16:13] also I'd be inclined to look on our side if it was just clojars, but apparently it also doesn'T work with maven central [16:14] also this is not a new problem, it happened before with java packages on other distros (or older versions), e.g. https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/issues/2053