
balloonsgood day flocculant. Enjoy the calm of post-LTS yet?14:53
tsimonq2balloons! :)15:20
balloonstsimonq2, why hello to you as well15:21
tsimonq2balloons: I've noticed a change. ;)15:21
flocculantballoons: kind of - got cantankerous critter installed already ;)16:59
flocculantI hear you've found a greener field - well done :)16:59
tsimonq2IS is a bit liberal sometimes with the teams they remove you from, I hear. :P17:00
tsimonq2balloons: Remember to join ~not-canonical if our giuesses are right. ;)17:04
balloonsLol. I guess I'll be needing an invite17:14
flocculantballoons: you any idea where the best place to ask about bzr auth problems?17:16
flocculantI was in that team once :p17:17
wxlflocculant: #launchpad17:17
* flocculant is helping one of my lot get into manual testcase stuff17:17
flocculantcheers wxl17:17
flocculantwillem - try #launchpad17:18
balloonsMake sure your ssh keys are setup properly :)17:18
wxlusually if (going from memory) `bzr whoami` is correct, it should just work unless it's some sort of ssh issue17:19
flocculantit appears tro be an ssh issue from the mail I got17:19
flocculantanyway - not something I can help with17:20
balloonsssh-add can help as well17:23
willemflocculant, balloons thanks! will look into ssh-add and if that does not get me any further I'll go to #launchpad17:59
willemssh-add did the trick :-) I'll press on now.18:05
willemflocculant, so, I'm doing lp1772048, am now at the "Pushing a branch" bit; I am not certain what the "mychanges" (the actual branch name?) in bzr push lp:~yourusername/ubuntu-manual-tests/mychanges is supposed to be.18:30
wxlwillem: anything you want it to be. i usually describe what i'm fixing18:30
willemso, Gigolo would be appropriate in this case?18:31
wxlit really doesn't matter. you could use random characters if you want :)18:31
willem-- right. What confuses me is the term "branch" here. But, never mind for now. I just want to go through the motions and will try to understand later ;-)18:32
wxlthose are common terms in version control18:32
wxlthis is about git, but same idea. look at the picture and you'll get the idea. the purple and green dots represent branches of the main code (and note that the horizontal axis is time)18:33
willemwxl, thanks! will have a look.18:34
willemhmm, still something wrong with ssh-key it seems: bze push gives  Permission denied (publickey).18:36
willembzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.18:36
willemwill, have to look into that first. But: was almost there :-)18:36
wxltry just `ssh lp`18:36
willemssh: Could not resolve hostname lp: Temporary failure in name resolution18:37
wxlok so add this to ~/.ssh/config :18:37
wxlHost lp18:37
wxl  User youruser18:37
wxl  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/yourprivatekey18:38
wxl  Hostname bazaar.launchpad.net18:38
willemit seems there is no config in /ssh. Can I just create it?18:40
willemthanks. Will do that18:40
willem So sorry about this, but ssh lp now gives: No shells on this server. Connection to bazaar.launchpad.net closed.18:45
wxlthat's GOOD18:45
wxlnow try again the other command18:45
willem bzr push lp:~whobers/ubuntu-manual-tests/gigolo18:47
willemwhobers@bazaar.launchpad.net: Permission denied (publickey).18:47
willemConnectionReset reading response for 'BzrDir.open_2.1', retrying18:47
willemwhobers@bazaar.launchpad.net: Permission denied (publickey).18:47
willembzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.18:47
willemwxl, sorted! knome suggested I add bazaar.launchpad.net as a host in ssh/config. That was the final push. Thanks for your help. Have just proposed my first two (tiny) changes to testcases.19:48

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