[05:39] morning boys and girls. [06:24] hey brobostigon [06:24] hows it hangin dude [06:24] hi knightwise [06:25] not bad, and you? [06:25] * brobostigon is getting dressed for a job interview. [06:25] Good luck brobostigon ! ! ! [06:26] May the force be with you [06:26] ty, :) [06:26] * knightwise is having a day off, nerding into my morning by watching the BBS documentary [06:26] :) [06:28] what job are you going for ? [06:34] knightwise: It support, for a medium sized multi office solicitors. [06:36] Ok, big tip , make sure you understand a little bit about the office and the processes they have [06:37] just go "in know Xyz is important to you because you want to achieve xxx", thats why i think having your xxx system up and running smoothly is important [06:37] * brobostigon has done his research, after the last few days. [06:37] understand their pain, ... and offer to fix it [06:37] i have made notes. [06:38] awesome , and just be open and confident [06:38] gently try to mimic their body language, [06:38] lean in when they do, lean out when they do [06:38] builds rapport [06:38] certainly. [06:40] Good luck dude ! ! :) [06:56] knightwise: ty, :) [07:01] good luck o/ [07:05] :) === knightwise is now known as KnightPi === KnightPi is now known as Knight_Pi === layke is now known as Guest18745 [18:54] diddledan: this time i caught the cat in the act whilst i was on the same side of the kitchen door :D https://imgur.com/a/Lizpi3R [18:55] :-o [18:55] that's a brave kitty [18:56] once i was up top painting when i saw her lose her hind footing and swing on her front paws around a rung for a moment, it was a bit concerning [18:56] that top gap between the scaffold and neighbours wall, she likes to vault over too [18:59] she's nuts [19:10] a true Guern [22:46] does anyone know what: https://photos.app.goo.gl/KCWf9I4qnFu2HElT2 is? before I take it to some flower identification forum [23:03] penguin42: i think blackberry or similar [23:05] ali1234: Hmm not matching what I get when I search for blackberry [23:05] the white things are not petals, they are stamen(s?) [23:06] oh, possible - although the pictures I see of blackberry flowers have dark blobs on the end and a noticeable flower rather than the big cone [23:07] yes, also you should be able to easily identify it from the spikes [23:08] but f/e https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackberry#/media/File:Blackberry_flower_(2).jpg [23:08] imagine that if all the petals fell off and a cone grew in the middle [23:09] hmm true [23:09] Coneheads 3, in a cinema near you [23:09] although I'm not sure I see the thick stems of them all over - these are more stalks - almost like a grass [23:14] ali1234: Ahha! [23:14] ali1234: Searching for white anthers helped [23:15] ali1234: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plantago_lanceolata [23:16] looks like a match :) [23:19] ali1234: Thank you; the fact they weren't petals is the thing that helped