[10:48] http://blog.qt.io/blog/2018/05/22/qt-5-11-released/ [10:53] * acheronuk pokes @tsimonq2 [10:53] go go go go go go......... [12:19] lol [12:19] Thanks for the heads up @acheronuk [12:19] First, I'll make sure the "transition" in Experimental is finished. [14:25] "Branching from '5.9' -> '5.9.6' now done and '5.9' is for Qt 5.9.7. So all changes targeted to Qt 5.9.6 must be done in '5.9.6' from now on. [14:25] Target is to create Qt 5.9.6 "rc" soon, test it and if all OK release Qt 5.9.6 at the beginning of June. So please make sure all release blockers are visible in 5.9.6 blocker list ([https://bugreports.qt.io/issues/?filter=19339 )](https://bugreports.qt.io/issues/?filter=19339))" [14:25] Qool [14:59] Means 5.9.6 will land bionic? [15:00] @Lazy B, Yes. [15:02] noice [15:10] From #kubuntu-devel [15:10] Fwd from IrcsomeBot: Mirv: FYI in case you end up putting qt 5.10+ into a snap: beware temporary file problems https://packaging.neon.kde.org/qt/qtbase.git/commit/?h=Neon/release&id=13e45db62e9f7bcf9703858eb7d55953cdfb4c36