
tjaaltonRAOF: I'm prepping xserver 1.20 for a ppa upload, and dropped xmir as IIRC we discussed06:12
RAOFtjaalton: Rad. Make it so!06:14
tjaaltonI also need to worry about 16.04.5 and 18.04.1, and wondering if mesa 18.0.x can be backported but so that upgrades to 18.04 with glvnd still works.. safest would be not to backport06:15
RAOFThe glvnd transition seems a pretty risky backport :)06:34
tjaaltonwell I'd just merge 18.0.x with the old packaging and not backport glvnd, but right now things depend on package Breaks/Replaces to work on upgrade, and those would need to be bumped in lockstep06:35
tjaaltonhum, maybe get last 18.0.x in bionic and bump B/R on libglvnd, then push new mesa with slightly older pkg version to xenial.. could work06:37
tjaaltonRAOF: btw, is mir from bionic getting backported to xenial? if not, I wouldn't be able to drop the mir bits from mesa for a backport08:56
tjaaltonhmm looks like they were there still when 18.0.0 was started, should probably still work09:07
tjaaltontseliot: can you think of issues if the bionic xserver is backported to xenial as-is?10:07
tjaaltonfor .5 hwe refresh10:07
tseliottjaalton: I think you dropped some patches in bionic10:10
tjaaltonbecause they became obsolete10:10
tjaaltonso maybe revert the patch changes, including adding outputclass support?10:11
tseliotoutputclass would actually help10:13
tjaaltonwould you need to change all the drivers then?10:13
tseliotI am going to either way, but things aren't that clear yet10:14
tjaaltonok, I'll push stuff to the staging ppa first anyway10:15
tseliotsounds good10:15
RAOFtjaalton: We continue to use Mir-trunk on xenial, but we don't use the hwe stack there anyway!10:28
tjaaltonRAOF: ah.. well mesa isn't renamed so you'd get the backport anyway ;)10:29
tjaaltonbut that's fine, once this is ready on a ppa I'll give you a shout to give it a go10:29
tjaaltonshould work10:29
tseliottjaalton: are we getting mesa with or without GLVND in xenial?11:05
tjaaltontseliot: without11:06

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