
naccaloo_shu: hrm? 'ubuntu' is never at a specific version. 16.04 has 4.6, but 18.04 has 5.12.000:02
naccaloo_shu: those packages are in universe and in sync with Debian in all releases00:03
naccaloo_shu: so unless somoene has a driving bugfix that satisifies SRU policy, there won't be any version changes for existing version. If I had to make a blind guess, 4.7 didn't exist when 16.04 came out.00:03
ner0xHello all. I'm attempting to set a keyboard shortcut for "go to the right/left workspace" and can't find it in the settings. I've been able to do this in previous versions. Recently installed Ubuntu 18.04; any suggestions?00:05
aloo_shunacc: thx, I'm just getting updated at #ubuntustudio00:07
nacctimeless: you're building apt in order to debug why you don't have an ipv6 address in your container?00:09
upupbb-user1hey guys00:24
upupbb-user1i need help finding out a distribution like puppy but that is more secure00:24
insidious<matjam> insidious: try xserver-xorg-input-synaptics00:24
insidiousi did that now i can even use mouse or the keyboard00:24
insidiousafter rebooting.00:25
naccupupbb-user1: not a topic for this channel00:25
upupbb-user1where can i find the answer what channel00:25
naccupupbb-user1: possibly ##linux00:25
nacc!alis | upupbb-user100:25
ubottuupupbb-user1: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"00:25
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aloo_shuupupbb-user1: alis truncates lists un freenode afaik, but netsplit.de has a decent search feature.00:28
=== tripleb is now known as triplebb
upupbb-user1holy megatron what do i do00:29
aloo_shuaah, you're on #puppylinux , good, more appropriate there00:29
naccupupbb-user1: please take it elsewhere00:29
insidiousubuntu went to shit.00:32
insidiousNvidia issues, intel issues.00:32
insidiousNeed better devs00:33
matjaminsidious: learn C00:33
insidiousi know C and C++.00:33
insidiousI also patched the kernel and drivers00:33
insidiousstill shit00:33
insidiousI could of taught my girl how to use Arch in the amount of time i spent trying to get some bloated OS working.00:35
chuAs this is a support channel, could you take it to #ubuntu-offtopic please00:35
insidiousFair enough.00:37
ntddebian are updating vlc to v3 on stable, v2 couldn' be patched00:38
ntdi know vlc is universe, but it's vlc dammit00:38
oerheks!info vlc00:39
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.1-3build1 (bionic), package size 31 kB, installed size 153 kB00:39
oerheksor use the snap00:39
oerheksand i find mpv much more reliable00:39
oerhekssnap install vlc00:41
ntdsnap is a great idea, too bad canonical had to fuck it up with "store"/account00:41
ntdlike they raspberry offerings00:41
oerheksoh please, stop that language00:41
ntdand those snaps be phoning home like crazy, like having a droid app installed00:42
oerheksthis is ubuntu technical support, vent your rant elsewhere00:42
ntdanyway, xenial vlc is outdated and vulnerable00:42
ntdare there plans to do that deb did?00:43
realiesgetting "amdgpu: unknown parameter 'vm_fragment_size' ignored" after updating the system (including the kernel)00:47
realiesany ideas how to set it to 9 again?00:47
oerheksgrinn vlc 4 https://launchpad.net/~videolan/+archive/ubuntu/master-daily00:50
=== erasmus is now known as shelledin
Syronnot sure who suggested this yesterday (name started with a g) but the suggestion that it could be a hostname issue on my firewall/gateway preventing me from remotely connecting to my ubuntu server was spot on. port forwarding, local firewall settings, everything else was fine. Thanks. I had no idea.00:57
realieshow do i make sure i have installed the correct amdgpu driver?01:03
realiesis there one in the kernel?01:03
realiesmodinfo amdgpu returns filename:       /lib/modules/4.13.0-41-generic/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu.ko01:03
realiesthat sounds like it's a driver from the kernel, no?01:04
Bashing-omrealies: See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMDGPU-Driver .01:05
ntdoerheks, i meant more like not having people using xenial until 2021 eol with unpatched vlc01:06
Two_Dogsrealies: via terminal> inxi -Gxx ## good way to get all that graphics stuff in a nice clear dump01:07
realieswhat's xx?01:07
Two_Dogsrealies: literal 'xx'01:09
realiesBashing-om, what is to see?01:09
ledeniSyron, maybe gogeta01:09
realiesTwo_Dogs, that lists the cards01:10
Two_Dogsrealies: and the driver in use01:10
realies drivers: ati,amdgpu (unloaded: fbdev,vesa,radeon)01:10
realieswhere the version?01:10
Bashing-omrealies: How to determine your card .. and if the card is supported .01:10
realiesBashing-om, maybe read my question again...01:10
Bashing-omrealies: once you know, one can run ' sudo lshw-C display ' to see what driver is loaded .01:13
realies driver=amdgpu01:14
realiesand modprobe amdgpu shows that the 'vm_fragment_size is not there01:15
realies'vm_fragment_size' parameter01:15
SyronI think so01:15
realiescan i set it so it uses the drivers i install from amd?01:17
realiesnot the kernel one01:17
=== giraffe is now known as Guest29863
Two_Dogsrealies: the 'install from amd' should have done so, that is use what ever you installed01:20
Two_Dogsi only know of amdgpu-pro and you are not on it now realies01:21
Two_Dogsrealies: checkout the install-log01:23
realiesTwo_Dogs where the install-log?01:26
=== ztrawhcse is now known as eschwartz
Two_Dogsrealies: no idea, the install instructions should mention intall log01:27
=== shelledin is now known as Erasmus
RoadRunneris there an advantage to btrfs vs ext4 for / partition?01:28
realiesinstalling amdgpu-pro-17.40-492261 with ./amdgpu-pro-install --compute01:28
RoadRunnerunder 18.04 for general use...01:29
Two_DogsRoadRunner: kinda yes, btrfs does snapshots of system so one could revert to the last good snapshot of system if something went really bad01:30
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: is it stable enough for "production" or still kinda experimental as compared to ext4?01:31
realiesTwo_Dogs and the /var/crash/amdgpu-pro-dkms.0.crash file contains http://ix.io/1b1J01:32
Two_DogsRoadRunner: i would call it stable01:32
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: yet, ubuntu still doesn't use it for a default install right?01:32
Two_DogsRoadRunner: interesting01:33
syborgSo I am running Ubuntu server edition as a desktop right now, any know of some configuration files I should tweak? I asked this yesterday but the channel wasn't super active01:34
realiesand /var/lib/dkms/amdgpu/17.40-492261/build/make.log is http://ix.io/1b1K01:34
Two_Dogsrealies: yeap, your driver failed to build, look at the last line of log, i would share the log with what ever channel is amdgpu help channel01:35
realiesTwo_Dogs they're pretty dead on irc01:36
guivercsyborg, tweak for what?01:37
syborgjust in general for desktop use guiverc01:37
syborgI'm not under the impression that there is anything I need to change, but couldn't hurt to ask.01:37
guivercsyborg, without any specific purpose in mind - i'm not aware of any01:39
syborgFair. I went this route because kubuntu didn't want to boot, but server edition installed fine and installing kde did also01:39
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: also, since 18.04 uses a swap file instead of partition, I guess, that makes default use of btrfs a problem; so for now, if one goes with btrfs - they must pretty much go for a swap partition, am I right?01:39
syborghave to say it's pretty slick01:39
realieshow can i revert back to 4.13.0-28?01:40
Two_DogsRoadRunner: i did know btrfs depended on a swap partition, although when i last plinked with btrfs i had a swap partition, i am gonna have to google that one01:41
Bashing-omrealies: is the kernel still installed ' dpkg -l | grep kinux- ' ?01:41
realiesrunning 4.13.0-41 right now01:41
realiesit is01:41
Two_DogsRoadRunner: btrfs does not play well with swap files according to the btfrs wiki01:46
longus_catusA network interface with ipv6 using automatic-dhcp for ipv6 address assignment results in a default route as shown with ip -6 route.  Setting the interface up with /etc/network/interfaces as inet6 dhcp results in an ipv6 ip address, but no default router.  How do I make it work less bad?01:47
realiesit seems i need to install 4.13.0-28 back as i purged it01:48
realiesapt-get doesn't find it01:48
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: then it all boils down to whether btrfs is production ready; DragonFlyBSD for some time now have been implementing a snapshot fs called Hammer but they still keep "improving" it, so I don't know how "ready" is ready?01:49
longus_catusOoops, it works with Network-Manager as "Automatic-DHCP" but I can't figure out how to make the dhclient version work "properly".....  clearly this router and neighbor discovery isn't good enough to say "Hey, I found a default router, let me put that in my routing table"01:50
Two_DogsRoadRunner: yeap, ubuntu is not ready for btrfs01:51
Two_Dogsrealies: you installed 'dkms' yes?01:52
realiesTwo_Dogs i do have it, yes01:52
Two_Dogsrealies: ok01:52
longus_catusI just finished an arduous discovery of the internals of btrfs and finding some old root to rescue my files from.....which is actually what helped me get in this prediacment01:52
RoadRunnerregarding swap file vs partition, contiguous sector use should still give the partition solution a performance advantage, yet file is now the default; is it because ubuntu targets an average (windows level) user for whom simplicity is more important - or am I missing something?01:55
realiesTwo_Dogs, how do i find 4.13.0-28 again?01:56
syborgRoadRunner, another advantage is better security if you encrypt your root partition01:56
Two_Dogsrealies: what is it?01:56
realiesi need to revert to it so amdgpu-pro can build ok01:57
RoadRunnersyborg: I think I read somewhere that if you encrypt the drive the swap partition will be as well?01:58
Two_Dogsrealies: via synaptic search 4.13.0-2801:58
realiesi dont hava gui01:58
syborgRoadRunner, if so that is news to me. Sounds cool if that is the case.01:58
Two_Dogsrealies: copy/paste & execute via terminal> aptitude search 4.13.0-28  | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here01:59
syborg RoadRunner, probably it puts a swap partition in encrypted LVM?02:00
rud0lfwhen i set in repositories setup "Source Code" enabled, it's just gonna make "apt source" available? no other operations such regular "apt install" will download the source?02:02
RoadRunnerfsyborg: read so much today on this, my head is spinning... couldn't tell you where I got this from but I don't think it was due to LVM.  For an average user, not involved in, say, cutting edge software dev. is encryption really needed ?02:02
Two_Dogsrealies: i assume you are using the generic linux image02:02
syborgRoadRunner, I'd say it is nice to have. "Needed" is relative.02:03
syborgIf you have any confidential files it is a really good idea02:03
syborgIMO at least02:03
RoadRunnersyborg: in that case it would be encryption of /home rather than / partition right?02:04
syborgRoadRunner, if you want to protect the files on your home partition, yeah. Assuming you have a separate home partition02:04
oerheksencrypted swap is fun with hybernate/sleep02:05
longus_catusI boot this one virtual machine using pv-grub which lets you unlock an encrypted volume before grub even appears, so no /boot is required02:05
mattflyIm trying to install ardour from kxstudio repositories but after installing the repository i have a problem02:06
mattflyThe following packages have unmet dependencies:02:06
mattfly jackd : Depends: jackd2 but it is not going to be installed or02:06
mattfly                  jackd1 but it is not going to be installed02:06
mattflythis is ubuntu bionic02:06
RoadRunneroerheks: "fun" as in good luck with it :)?02:06
mattflyis there a way to use kxstudio repo instead of the default ardour and jack packages of ubuntu?02:06
oerheksno way to check the key02:06
RoadRunnersyborg: I am just saying if /home is sep than, whatever is on / should be just standard system stuff of no interest to anyone02:07
mattflybecause i had problems with the default ones trying to use jack and wanted to try the packages from kxstudio02:07
longus_catusLogs are on /var, which is on /.02:07
oerheksBionic gives 2/12 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ardour02:08
syborgsure, unless you want to get into paranoia territory RoadRunner 8-|02:08
mattflyi know but that does work oerheks02:08
mattflynot if you are trying to use jack02:08
mattflyi get the error unable to load envoriment if i use it02:09
RoadRunnerwould encrypting / make the system more hack resistant?02:09
mattflyshould i report the bug? ....02:09
oerhekskxstudio repo is unsupported here, mattfly, so we don't  do anything about a bug02:09
syborgit would make it more resistant to local attacks RoadRunner02:09
mattflyim talking about the link you just sent me02:10
syborgbut the bootloader could still be compromised02:10
mattflythats on official ubuntu repos02:10
mattflyand this is the reason why im trying the ones from kxstudio02:10
oerheksoh,.. you stated: > Im trying to install ardour from kxstudio repositories .. so what are you doing?02:10
mattflyi already tested the default ones02:11
mattflyresult: did not work02:11
RoadRunnersyborg: when you say local I assume from within LAN but does nothing to improve security from WAN?02:11
oerheksardour and ubuntu-studio should work fine02:11
mattflynow trying alterntives02:11
syborgNo RoadRunner, I actually mean physical access02:11
aloo_shumattfly the kxstudio homepage has deb packages that you can download and install, they will add the kxstudio repos. check kxstudio page to see which ones you need (I e gcc5 .)02:11
mattflyjackd doesnt work on it02:11
syborgit doesn't make a difference over LAN or even WAN02:11
syborgan encrypted disk helps you because if I stole your computer I couldn't read the files. If it is unencrypted I can access them.02:12
mattflyexactly aloo_shu, but after doing it happened a mess02:12
aloo_shumattfly after that, you should update the pkg lists, then kxstudio pkgs will take precedence over ubuntu pkgs, and you'll move in kxstudio's own depency world02:12
RoadRunnersyborg: with physical access, how much more can it achieve compared to just a secured login?02:12
mattflyubuntu doesnt know where to fetch the packages from02:13
mattflyhow to do that02:13
syborgRoadRunner, the secured login is basically irrelevant to someone with physical access. It prevents your OS from letting someone in, but if you boot to a different OS (like a live ubuntu) all the files are sitting there unprotected02:13
aloo_shumattfly: ubuntu will say if kxstudio makes a mess, it's not their responsability. kxstudio is nearly a 1 man project, and since a few months, this 1 man has a full time job..02:13
aloo_shumattfly: let me look02:14
mattfly"update the pkg lists" == apt update ???02:14
aloo_shuI think so, mattfly02:15
RoadRunnersyborg: got it; but for those without anything obvious to hide, it probably creates yet another level of logins which are already likely driving an average user bonkers02:16
aloo_shuI usually use synaptic gui, which has been taken out of ubuntu iso but is available on repo, apt-get install synaptic. (apt install synaptic should also work), mattfly02:16
oerheksmattfly, disable that funny repo..02:16
syborgRoadRunner, what I like to do is encrypt my system, but then have it log my user in without a password. So I still only have to enter one. But yes, there is no avoiding the fact that it adds a layer of complexity.02:16
mattflyshould i disable it? Oo02:17
mattflyapt upgrade is upgrading a lot now...02:17
syborgRoadRunner, everyone has something to hide. Identity theft is not a good thing.02:17
mattflyand using the kxstudio02:17
mattflyi just dont know if i will be able to install jack now02:17
syborgThat is the minimum risk if someone accesses your personal files.02:17
oerheksi was going to tell you about jack and kernel, goodluck02:18
mattflytell me?02:18
mattflyjack doesnt like generic kernels?02:19
mattflyi need to have ubuntu studio for this seriously02:19
aloo_shuoerheks: kxstudio is a little more than a 'funny repo' - it has enabled ubuntu users to get working audio production environments for years - which doesn't mean it cannot cause problems02:19
RoadRunnersyborg: agreed, but in the scenario you are describing, someone will need to physically bread into my home to access my comp; in that case I'd have bigger issues to worry about :)02:19
syborgIndeed you do! But always better to fix the issues you can :)02:20
syborgor prevent02:20
syborgespecially if you live around criminals who can break into your house with only a loaf of bread!02:21
RoadRunneris it easy to encrypt a partition like /home if originaly unecrypted?02:21
aloo_shumattfly: jack per se doesn't like or dislike generic kernels, but in order to make the audio latency small and handle the audio card's irq's swiftly, it is recommended to use real time kernels or low latency (ubuntu's way) kernels. you don't need ubuntustudio to get the ubuntu low latency kernel02:21
mattflyokay but doesnt mean it should not work on normak kernels?02:22
aloo_shumattfly: and if you would read up about linux audio and kxstudio, you'd know that02:22
syborgNot really, I'm pretty sure you would need to copy the old files, make an encrypted partition, then mount your current install from a live USB, chroot into it, update fstab and crypttab, reinstall grub and run mkinit-cpio (I think that's the command)02:22
syborgor update-grub at least02:23
oerheksaudio-core https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntustudio-meta02:23
realiesTwo_Dogs, no output for aptitude search 4.13.0-2802:23
realiesand yes, generic kernel02:24
syborgRoadRunner, there might be tools that make it easier, maybe? I have never tried.02:24
syborg*mkinitramfs, that is the command I meant02:25
syborgalso you would need two passwords in this case to be secure, since my approach with one password assumes encrypted root02:25
aloo_shumattfly: jack works with normal kernels, but afaik and iirc , the jack pkgs from the kxstudio repo do force some irq handling stuff that will only work on low latency/rt kernels with threadirqs02:25
mattflyaw no :(02:26
oerheksjups, else you are limited to 2 channels iirc02:26
RoadRunnersyborg: so if home is encrypted, do you have to do a 2nd login every time you access anything on it with any app?02:26
syborgnope, just on login02:26
syborg*boot up02:26
aloo_shunothing to do with channels. oerheks mattfly02:26
mattflythe normal packages werent already working so the chances of that are even lower.... i saw on ardour forum using kxstudio was recommended for the problem i had after googling for it....02:27
syborgif you have encrypted root as well then the one password to decrypt is fine02:27
mattflywell ardour is almost finished installing, lets hope....02:27
aloo_shujust will have to use very generous tencies and large buffers not to have buffer overruns (xruns)02:27
i_heart_penguinsanyone know how to bookmark a device in nautilus?02:27
mattflyAw by the way does anyone here uses nvidia 390 driver on a laptop/notebook ?02:28
wuzamarinemy gnome-terminal won't open in the gui (no error in logs) and using the command line I get  https://bpaste.net/show/906f24e3375702:28
RoadRunnersyborg: so to be clear, if all is on one partition- /, then just one login in the beginning, but if only /home is encrypted  then have to login when accessing home at any point after boot?02:29
oerheksgnome-terminal won't open from gnome-terminal ?02:29
mattflyi have exactly the same problem with ardour again from the kxstudio.... "unable to load envoriment"02:29
oerheksoh boy02:29
i_heart_penguinswuzamarine: you tried a reinstall? sudo apt install gnome-terminal?02:29
aloo_shumattfly , your output said you have broken dependencies - you'd best locate these and deal with them. again, my tool to not have to do it all with command line fu, would be synaptic - apt-get install synaptic , then run synaptic from the menu, it should have an entry now02:29
i_heart_penguinswuzamarine: nm, i just realized the irony of that02:30
syborgNo no RoadRunner, you only have to decrypt the partitions once, on boot. That is the only time in general that you would need to enter two passwords.02:30
wuzamarinei_heart_penguins: yes. and I have a couple of other programs doing the same. like print manager won't open02:30
i_heart_penguinsdownload another terminal to install gnome-terminal or use ubuntu's gui software installer02:30
syborgAfter that, the decrypted devices act like normal unencrypted devices until you unmount them02:30
aloo_shumattfly: do you have much data or things of importance on your install?02:30
mattflyaloo_shu broken packages were solved after apt update; apt upgrade02:30
wuzamarinei_heart_penguins: it doesn't help my print manager, or other apps doing the same.02:31
realieshow do i revert back to 4.13.0-28??02:31
RoadRunnersyborg: so no time limit with access to encrypted partitions like with sudo?02:31
wuzamarinegnome-terminal was just a first pick02:31
doug16kgraphitemaster, hey I just noticed something interesting in vmlaunch instruction docs: ELSIF events are being blocked by MOV SS then VMfailValid(VM entry with events blocked by MOV SS);02:32
syborgNope RoadRunner, after you decrypt the device there is no time limit.02:32
doug16koops wrong room02:32
mattflywell having this software isnt the most important thing to me so i would rather no reinstall ubuntu, but i could install another in dual boot for sake of testing and bug hunting aloo_shu02:32
mattflyif thats what you mean02:32
RoadRunnersyborg: does it take a long time to decrypt, say 20GB?02:32
syborgNot at all RoadRunner, the overhead is not noticeable on modern hardware.02:33
RoadRunnersyborg: my boxes are core 2 duo's (ie: not so modern...)02:33
syborgRoadRunner, I'm sure it would be fine02:33
realiesi have purged the 4.13.0-28 kernel but need to get back on it, how can i do so?02:34
syborgit doesn't decrypt every file on the disk, it decrypts the encryption key with your password and then decrypts/encrypts on the fly from then on02:34
aloo_shumattfly: yes, that was what I meant. Candidates could be ubuntustudio, kxstudio as a distro, not a repo, or avlinux02:35
syborgbasically you unlock the disk with your password, and then write and read to it a little slower than normal (because encryption/decryption has to take place)02:35
syborgSo the size of the disk should not matter02:36
mattflyaw but id rather on have it on the same os..... man :/02:36
RoadRunnerok; got another question:  any advantage to install Ubuntu on a GPT disk?02:36
syborgGPT is more modern and doesn't limit the number of partitions or the size of disks you can use. If you want to dual boot with Windows you will need GPT/UEFI for 10, and I think 8. Maybe even 7. But MBR/BIOS is still functional02:37
tsarompyi dont have anything to add02:39
tsarompyi just wanna say that kubuntu gutsy gibbon was one of the greatest operating systems of all time02:40
realiesTwo_Dogs still around?02:40
* tsarompy bows and walks away from keyboard02:40
RoadRunnersyborg: in my case, the drives are not over 2TB, and 4 partitions is enough; also, am wondering about the concept of "globally unique identifiers" sounds like an attempt by the "big brother" to look in...02:41
syborglol I dunno about that RoadRunner, there are plenty of more effective ways to spy on you than the UUIDs of your partitions02:42
syborgUUIDs are actually quite useful02:42
syborgthey are beneficial because you can refer to a device in fstab as UUID="whatever" instead of /dev/sd[x][n] (the second can change, the first never will)02:43
syborgfor instance your MAC address is also meant to be unique, and it is more visible than your partition's UUIDs02:44
syborgand your browser can be fingerprinted by any website you visit, in addition to many other tracking techniques.02:45
realiesaptitude is not finding 4.13.0-28, is there a place i can download that kernel from?02:46
RoadRunnersyborg: do go on :)02:46
realieshttp://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ does not have 4.1302:47
syborgwell if you carry a cell phone it is basically a moot point, that thing *is* a tracking device02:47
syborgso no worries about big brother being able to track you :-)02:47
oerheksgrinn .. https://www.zdnet.com/article/spectre-chip-security-vulnerability-strikes-again-patches-incoming/02:47
RoadRunnersyborg: no worries  indeed - don't carry a cell phone :)02:47
oerheksdon't leave stuff on your machine, and don' t use the internet02:48
RoadRunneroerheks: already started training pidgins :) :)02:48
syborgwell I still think you are in no greater danger of tracking by using GPT/UEFI =P02:48
realiesany ideas why aptitude finds  4.13.0-25 and  4.13.0-26 but not  4.13.0-27 and  4.13.0-28?02:50
RoadRunnerseriously though, in my case, as I see it, the main advantage to me is the more robust booting method than the boot sector of an MBR; but that never failed me in over 2 decades of using HD's02:50
syborgHonestly, I am not aware of any compelling reason to switch for now in a case like yours. It might be less well supported than GPT in a decade or two.02:51
RoadRunnerwould gpt disk setup even work with older bioses like mine?02:53
i_heart_penguinsanyone using polari irc client? it's not autoscrolling02:54
syborgI know it has some backwards compatibility. If you were curious, you could always try to create a GPT/UEFI install on a thumbdrive02:54
RoadRunnersyborg: how would I go about that?02:56
syborgRoadRunner, you would just create a live ubuntu install on one USB stick, boot to it, then install to the thumbdrive from the installer (which may require you to partition manually). If you are worried about nuking your current install you could disconnect your hard drive from the motherboard before doing so.02:57
syborgto be clear, you would be installing to a second thumb drive.02:57
syborgI just did this the other day in fact, although I used a MSDOS/BIOS install for max compatibility02:58
Bashing-omRoadRunner: See what Rod Smith says: https://www.rodsbooks.com/gdisk/bios.html .02:59
RoadRunnerBashing-om: thank you, much material there - will take me a while to digest but in a nutshell: you don't need to change settings in your bios to boot into this new thing?03:02
Bashing-omRoadRunner: I too run old hardware, and in installing SSDs on this box I declined to try and see if this old bios of mine would support GPT.03:04
RoadRunnersomething to try in my spare time ;)03:06
JoshDLHi there; I just did an upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04, and now nautilus can't open files normally; when I open a file in nautilus, it just opens the file's containing folder, every time.03:08
JoshDL(which means it essentially just refreshes the folder I'm in)03:08
JoshDLIf I use "open with..." and choose an application, that works fine, but any other mechanism of opening the file (double click, return, right click03:09
JoshDL...right click "open") just causes the file's containing folder to be opened, instead03:09
syborgJoshDL, have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling it?03:10
JoshDLyes, including with --purge, and also manually deleting its configuration data under .config and .local03:11
syborghmm, annoying. Sounds like a bug to me. You could install another file browser for the short term03:11
syborgand maybe file a bug report?03:11
RoadRunnerregarding the wisdom of having sepparate /boot or /sbin partitions for emergency recovery, what's the current thinking is it worth it?03:11
Bashing-omJoshDL: files requiring sudo to open ? try as ' nautilus admin:///your-file ' .03:12
syborgassuming nobody else has a solution anyway JoshDL.03:12
ph88what happened to nautilus-actions from ubuntu 17.10 to 18.04 ?03:12
JoshDLI don't understand, Bashing; what does this have to do with root?03:13
syborgRoadRunner, no idea on that one03:13
JoshDLthis affects files regardless of type--text files, video files, PDFs, you name it; the "open" action is just broken03:13
Bashing-omJoshDL: gksudo is no longer supported . pkexec is the new kid on the block .03:14
JoshDLI never use gksudo03:14
gogetaBashing-om: i cant hear you. i cant hear you lalalala03:15
gogetaBashing-om: lol always with the changes03:15
RoadRunnerwas told that if there is a filesystem problem with /, having a separate /boot will get me to fsck but got to know how to fix with fsck and03:23
RoadRunnerhaving a sep /boot can overfill with old kernells and as this already happened to me, don't know which is more likely to screw me up in the future...03:23
RoadRunner 03:23
cfhowlettRoadRunner, so delete the old kernels?  on a regular basis.03:24
syborgThe first thing you said sounds true, but you can do that from a live USB as well. And I can attest to the second03:24
syborgcfhowlett, do you know the rationale as to why they don't get automatically cleaned up?03:24
Bashing-omRoadRunner: consider, A separate /boot is something of an anachronism, dating back to limited PC BIOSes that could only handle small disks.03:24
cfhowlettsyborg, system protection from over enthusiastic users IIRC03:25
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Two_DogsJoshDL: do you see anything related to nautilus in .xession-errors?03:25
JoshDL(nautilus:1906): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 21:31:07.268: g_object_ref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed03:26
RoadRunnerso, I take it, the consensus today is against a sepparate /boot :)03:26
JoshDLnothing new is printed each time I attempt to open a file, though03:26
syborgI have a separate boot partition due to an encrypted root partition03:27
cfhowlettRoadRunner, separate /home makes perfect since.  Sep /boot seems way to exotic IMHO.  YMMV.03:27
JoshDLrunning nautilus from the terminal also reveals nothing03:28
JoshDLit seems to really just want to open the file's containing folder instead of opening the file03:28
JoshDLfor instance, if I run a search and attempt to open a file, it will launch a new nautilus window containing the file03:28
JoshDLeven when I click, eg, "03:29
JoshDL"open with image viewer"03:29
JoshDLaha! https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=87400303:30
ubottuDebian bug 874003 in nautilus "nautilus: Nautilus does not launch applications" [Important,Open]03:30
RoadRunnerre: sepparate /sbin: "If any of your partitions or drives should fail, then this directory / partition will be the one that most likely contains the tools you will need to repair it " [source: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DiskSpace]03:31
cfhowlettsince 2017?  seems to be a low priority issue03:31
JoshDLyeah; not as if people use nautilus to browse their systems and open files03:33
JoshDLkind of like it'd be silly to know what files totem was playing; glad we got rid of the playlist widget03:33
RoadRunnerso what's the feeling on /sbin?03:36
RoadRunneror again it is considered easier to repair from a live cd?03:36
Two_DogsJoshDL: can you use the fix shown?03:37
JoshDLanyway, as mentioned in that bug, the fix is to remove/rename .config/xfce4/helpers.rc03:37
cfhowlettJoshDL, wait what?  are you on ubuntu/xubuntu?03:37
Two_Dogsor debian?03:37
cfhowlettlittle details >>> huge difference.03:38
JoshDLI suspect there are other XFCE artifacts to correct03:38
cfhowlettI don't have that file at all, probably since I use Thunar to browse03:39
JoshDLlooks as though most preferences panels no longer work03:39
Two_Dogsrealies: hey03:39
cfhowlettas you know, gnome is not as integrated as thunar and xfce apps are03:40
JoshDLseems all GNOME settings panels die because it Could not find settings panel "background"03:40
JoshDLI hacked this setup together for my mother a decade ago, and it seems maintaining it the way I had it has become harder :P03:41
JoshDLI just got done replacing her motherboard; overnight, she's gone from an AMD machine to an Intel machine03:42
JoshDLWindows doesn't boot, anymore, but Xubuntu worked fine and managed to upgrade itself from LTS to LTS03:42
JoshDLI hope she doesn't miss the gnome-control-center somehow :P03:43
Two_DogsJoshDL: tried nemo?03:43
swift110hey all03:45
i_heart_penguinshow do i mount ntfs so i can "move to trash" instead of deleting permanently the files in it? i recall i could do this at one point03:45
RoadRunnercfhowlett: Bashing-om: do you feel a sepparate /sbin is again not worth it today?03:47
cfhowlettRoadRunner, never done, can't contribute a meaningful opinion.03:48
cfhowletti_heart_penguins, manipulating Windows files from Linux often results in tears and anguish.03:49
Bashing-omRoadRunner: No gain in a seperate /sbin whatsoever ... and doing so is a waste of system resources ... just my opinion .03:49
i_heart_penguinscfhowlett: i realize, that's why i'm doing this temporarily03:49
i_heart_penguinsat least until the ntfs driver gets more mature03:49
mindloopHello, I was cleaning my cpu fan when a blade broke off and need to monitor the system temerature until I can replace the cooling system. I installed sensors, but that does not seem to be taking an accurate temperature reading03:50
cfhowlettmindloop, why do you question the accuracy?03:50
mindloopcfhowlett, https://pastebin.com/iudNEaQq03:51
mindloopcfhowlett, That does not look right.03:51
RoadRunnerlastly, if I want to have a sepparate /home, is it easier to install with it from scratch or change my new "experimental" setup of 18.04 (where everything is on /)?03:51
cfhowlettmindloop, 14 degrees C is cool.03:52
cfhowlett!home | RoadRunner, easy enough to move to a dedicated /home post installation03:52
ubottuRoadRunner, easy enough to move to a dedicated /home post installation: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving03:52
cfhowlettand reinstalling is for Windows!03:52
mindloopcfhowlett, I read that it is a problem with censors, it will always shows 40 degrees, even if it is melting down03:52
cfhowlettah!  well yes, in that context I agree03:52
RoadRunnermany thanks for all the help :)03:54
Two_Dogsmy first stab at home partitioning was via link above03:54
Bashing-ommindloop: Any joy ' cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp ' ?03:54
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: went well I take it?03:55
mindloopBashing-om, "cat: /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp: No such file or directory"03:55
cfhowlettsame ehre03:55
Two_DogsRoadRunner: i was clueless to the commands but went thru the process as shown and yes, flawless03:55
RoadRunnermany thanks again then :)03:56
timelessmatjam: https://github.com/lxc/lxd/issues/190903:56
Bashing-ommindloop: too bad "( " sysop@x1804mini:~$ cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp >> 31000 " .. try ' inxi -F ' .03:56
cfhowlett+1 for inxi -F03:57
Two_Dogsis inxi default install on all versions of ubuntu?03:57
mindloopBashing-om, https://pastebin.com/qqyN93ug03:57
mindloopBashing-om, Does that look accurate to you?03:58
* timeless ponders03:59
Bashing-ommindloop NO ..not even believable temps .03:59
timelessis it reasonable for me to say that apt should ignore or complain about an invalid http_proxy?03:59
mindloopBashing-om, gah03:59
mindloopBashing-om, Linux has nothing else I can use to test the hardware cpu temp?04:00
Bashing-omTwo_Dogs: No, inxi is not installed by default .04:00
Two_Dogswhat a shame04:00
mindloopI have a broken cpu cooling blade that I had to yank off to keep it from making a racket, the other blades are okay though.04:01
realiesmy amdgpu-pro install is broken04:01
realieshow can i fix it?04:01
realiesErrors were encountered while processing: amdgpu amdgpu-lib32  amdgpu-pro-lib32  amdgpu-pro04:01
mindlooprealies, #radeon channel04:01
Bashing-ommindloop: That is the extent of my knowledge .. place a thermometer inside the case close to the CPU ??04:01
mindloopBashing-om, Fug04:02
Two_Dogsrealies: did the readme indicate what kernel to use or not to use?04:02
mindloopBashing-om, Thanks for helping though, I am worried04:02
realiesTwo_Dogs, i figured out that i need newer version of the driver04:02
realiesalthough i think the old one has screwed something up04:02
realiesso the new one does not install04:02
Two_Dogsrealies: ok04:02
Two_Dogsrealies: so neither install, yes?04:03
realiesmanaged to revert the kernel back to the supposedly working version, it didnt work04:03
Bashing-ommindloop: Yeah ,, I feel for you .. semms more than a blade is broke :(04:03
Two_Dogsrealies:  copy/paste & execute via terminal> inxi -Gx ## whats shown for driver:?04:03
realiesdrivers: ati,amdgpu (unloaded: fbdev,vesa,radeon)04:04
Two_Dogsrealies: i would expect graphics to not be broke, just not ready for mining04:04
realiessure, cards show up in inxi -Gx04:05
realiesi have updated to latest kernel  4.13.0-43-generic04:05
Two_Dogsrealies: the driver is what i was looking at04:05
Two_Dogsrealies: the driver is what i was looking at, its default install amdgpu04:05
realiesindeed, that's the built-in kernel driver afaik04:06
realiesi am unsure how to handle the dpkg mess that occured04:06
realiesand perhaps there could be more...04:06
Two_Dogsrealies: you installed via script from amd, yes?04:07
realiesyes, ran the amdgpu-pro-install --opencl04:07
Two_Dogsrealies: dpkg did not get involved then04:07
Two_Dogsrealies: dkms did, but borked04:08
realiesit bork-overdrived04:08
Two_Dogsrealies: there is an uninstall process to the same script, may remove cruff04:09
realiesdun think so :/04:09
ledeniBashing-om, we have 'lm-sensors' for cpu temp04:09
realieswonder if i could really fix this easily, was not looking forward to a reinstall04:10
cfhowlettdid you try apt -get -f install as suggested?04:11
Two_Dogsrealies: copy/paste & execute via terminal> dpkg -l *amdgpu* | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here04:11
realiessure https://dpaste.de/POeJ/raw04:11
=== aloo_shu2 is now known as aloo_shu
Two_Dogsrealies: copy/paste & execute via terminal> aptitude purge -sy ~namdgpu xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu+ | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here04:14
Two_Dogsrealies: its a simulation04:14
Two_Dogsrealies: i have made one assumption > xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu <-- is default installed , and if so then the solution aptitude found is viable, out with the mess you added and in with two core deps04:18
realiesshould i run it without -s then?04:19
Two_Dogsrealies: i dont want to responsible for your borked machine because i touched it, but if i was seeing what you presented to me i would do the fix as found by aptitude04:20
realiesi won't be hunting it down you know, it's already broken04:20
Two_Dogsrealies:  copy/paste & execute via terminal> sudo aptitude purge ~namdgpu xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu+ ## actual command to really do fix04:21
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Two_Dogsrealies: then reboot04:21
realiesexited with Current status: 0 (-1) broken.04:22
realiesjust before that was Setting up xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu (1.1.2-0ubuntu0.16.04.1) ...04:22
fractal__i even tried the 18.10 nightly and it still freezes during install04:22
Two_Dogsrealies: reboot04:22
cfhowlettfractal__, seriously?  it's not even in Alpha.  What did you expect?04:23
fractal__cfhowlett: just hoping for the best04:23
realiesTwo_Dogs, what should i expect after the reboot?04:24
Bashing-omrealies: If the foal is to remove the AMD proprietary overlay .. mught try as ' amdgpu-pro-uninstall ' .04:24
realiesBashing-om, tried that already04:24
Two_Dogsrealies: that inxi -Gx still shows driver: ati, amdgpu04:24
realiesit shows driver: amdgpu04:24
realiesno ati04:24
Two_Dogsrealies: and the graphics is correct or borked?04:25
realiesall listed correctly04:25
realiesdmesg looks fine too04:25
Two_Dogsrealies: i would leave it alone for a week04:27
realieswhat :)04:27
realiespls no04:27
Two_Dogsrealies: remember the purge command, and break on :)04:28
realiespurge amd*?04:28
Two_Dogsrealies:  copy/paste & execute via terminal> sudo aptitude purge ~namdgpu xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu+ ## actual command to really do fix04:28
Two_Dogsrealies: write it down04:28
Two_Dogsi have never had a amd to plink on04:29
Two_Dogsi broke nvidia alot though04:29
realiesbai X1104:30
realiesbut hey, finished ok04:30
realiesso... should i try installing amdgpu-pro again04:32
Bashing-omdoes your card support the overlay : https://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMD-Radeon-GPU-PRO-Linux-Beta-Driver%E2%80%93Release-Notes.aspx ?04:33
realiesthat's a very old driver04:33
Two_Dogsrealies: does the readme from amd specify the kernel of choice?04:34
realiesaaand again: Errors were encountered while processing: /var/opt/amdgpu-pro-local/./amdgpu-dkms_18.10-572953_all.deb  /var/cache/apt/archives/libvdpau1_1.1.1-3ubuntu1_amd64.deb  E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)04:35
realieshappy days04:35
cfhowlettif you are on 18.10 you are GOING to have errors.  use a supported version of ubuntu.04:36
realiesRadeon™ Software for Linux® version 18.10 for Ubuntu 16.04.404:37
realieswhat :)04:37
realiesi am on 16.0404:37
cfhowlettI stand corrected.  Pardon my previous comment.04:37
Two_Dogsrealies: share the dkms log created04:37
realiesthe stdout or a specific file?04:38
Two_Dogsrealies: you dont see reference to ...dkms.log?04:39
realiesno, https://dpaste.de/6sHK/raw04:39
Two_Dogsrealies: dpkg logs to /var/log, share the tail at least04:43
Two_Dogsrealies: and /var/log/apt/term.log04:43
Two_Dogsit dont like them two debs, how are those two special realies ? ppa repo ??04:44
realiesthe are within the driver folder04:44
realiescopied to  /var/opt/amdgpu-pro-local after running the install script04:45
Two_Dogsrealies: and /var/log/apt/term.log04:45
realiesi like how informative that log is04:46
realiesTwo_Dogs, given up yet?04:50
Two_Dogsrealies: now take all that informative stuff to #radeon so they can made sense of it04:50
Two_Dogsrealies: the two packages needing to install dont, and i have no clue why, where they came from etc :)04:50
realiesi wonder if it would result in the same if i reinstall ubuntu04:51
Two_Dogsrealies: a clean install never hurts in doing test installs04:53
Two_Dogsclean system install i mean.....04:53
realiesall the backing up, dragging peripherals and a monitor, restoring and reconfiguring is making me cringe04:54
realiesmight have to leave it for a week04:54
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Two_Dogsrealies: i saw alot of ppa, how many of those ppa can be disabled out of the equation?04:55
Two_Dogsrealies: then add that, go ppa free04:55
Two_Dogsrealies: those two debs that bork, where are they initially added to the mix?04:56
Two_Dogswhere are they coming from?04:56
realiesrandom crap04:57
Two_Dogsthey originate where?04:57
realiesthey were manually added04:57
Two_Dogsby you?04:58
realiesby me, yes04:58
Two_Dogsthnks for sharing :)04:58
realiesyou are always welcome04:59
realiesamdgpu-pro-local.list is by the amd driver of course04:59
realiesbut you can say it's by me again04:59
Two_Dogsrealies: perhaps amd mining is simpler on debian?04:59
realieswho knows, went for ubuntu because of the "Radeon™ Software for Linux® version 18.10 for Ubuntu 16.04.4" statement05:00
realiesfirst time using amd and the use-case is not that usual05:01
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realieswhat's your point about going to debian?05:01
realiess/amd/amd graphics05:01
Two_Dogsrealies: the two debs are your personal injection into the install or were part of the install from radeon script?05:01
realiesno personal interference with the original install script05:02
realiesthe debs are within the tar from amd05:02
Two_Dogsrealies: i have not used debian, its suppose to be stable though05:03
realiesubuntu was stable too05:03
realiesuntil i decided that it's a great idea to do a distro upgrade05:03
Two_Dogsrealies: ok, so i would be asking #radeon/amd who ever is the guru channel why those two debs bork the install05:04
realiessure, i've asked there05:04
Two_Dogsrealies: i would suffer thru a cherry install of the version called for by the readme05:05
Two_Dogsrealies: might as well cover all possible reasons for a bork, upgrades dont always go well down in the innards if i can be less than technical05:06
Two_Dogsrealies: or use nvidia card :)05:07
realiesi guess i gotta backup all the monitoring software i wrote, bioses, etc...05:08
realieswent for amd as it seemed better for the purpose05:08
adleffjust installed ubuntu 16.04 and have been having some issues with apt installing pretty out of date software.  I'm pretty sure this is just because I don't know what I'm doing, what can I check or do going forward to make sure apt is pulling from reasonably up to date repositories05:08
Two_Dogsnvidia cuda is the thing for mining, no?05:08
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cfhowlettadleff, on a regular basis: sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade05:09
realiesTwo_Dogs, it seems that amd is doing better investment:return for ethash05:09
adleffcfhowlett, what does the latter part of that command do?05:09
cfhowlettand why do you think apt is pulling out of date stuff?  what is your ubuntu version?05:09
adleffor the second command I should say05:09
Two_Dogsrealies: ok05:09
cfhowlettadleff, update = fresh the libraries dist-upgrade = install latest software for this OS05:09
adleffcfhowlett, well it's pulling ansible for example, which is far behind the newest release.  I upgraded ansible using PyPI and it pulled it up to version 2.5.305:10
realieswith some custom memory straps it does way better than nvidia alternatives in the same price range05:10
cfhowlett!latest | understood.  see the factoid.05:10
ubottuunderstood.  see the factoid.: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.05:10
realiesTwo_Dogs, thanks for the time though05:11
Two_Dogsrealies: try using 'dpkg -i ' on those two debs all by them selves yet?05:11
adleffcfhowlett, thx for the suggestions05:11
adleffcfhowlett, I thought maybe I had to manually add some repo sources that everyone but me already knows to add05:12
realiesno, though there's no point05:12
gogetarealies: ?05:12
Two_Dogsrealies: it would be interesting to see05:12
cfhowlett!info ansible | adleff seen this?05:13
ubottuadleff seen this?: ansible (source: ansible): Configuration management, deployment, and task execution system. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.1+dfsg-1 (bionic), package size 3121 kB, installed size 26263 kB05:13
adleffcfhowlett, I literally just took whatever 'apt-get install ansible' gave me05:13
adleffI basically need to learn what the eff I'm doing05:13
realies /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-radeon.conf dun exist, imma touch it05:14
realiessame error05:14
adlefflike I said though, at least for ansible I'm up to 2.5.3 courtesy of pypi05:14
adleffwhich is great because I really don't want to refactor my playbooks for my lab05:14
Two_Dogsrealies: copy/paste & execute via terminal> dpkg -l *dkms* | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here05:15
gogetaadleff: for latest packages you normaly need to find a ppa. and before the chat interupts with rage paa may eat your system first born etc05:15
Two_Dogsrealies: copy/paste & execute via terminal> aptitude why rock-dkms rocm-dkms | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here05:16
adleffgogeta, yah that makes sense. I don't necessarily expect the latest hotfix to be in the main ubuntu repos05:16
adleffbut the version I was pulling was so far behind, I was like what the heck am I doing wrong here05:16
realiesTwo_Dogs http://termbin.com/8abo05:16
cfhowlettI'm confused that apt missed the latest but py didn't adleff05:17
gogetaadleff: trust me its notwhere as bad a debaion stable05:17
Two_Dogsrealies: copy/paste & execute via terminal> aptitude why rock-dkms | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here05:17
realiesi   rocm-dkms Depends rock-dkms05:18
adleffcfhowlett, maybe I should have added this caveat/disclaimer before, but this is the ubuntu 16.04 that comes from the msft store to use with WSL05:18
adleffwhich if I believe what I'm told, should effectively be the same thing as having 16.0405:18
Flanneladleff: As far as repositories are concerned, yeah.05:18
gogetaadleff: sinner05:18
adleffcfhowlett, have you tried coding on windows 10 before? I'll take it! :)05:19
gogetaadleff: im sure 10 will switch to 18.04 being its a lts05:19
Two_Dogsrealies: what depends on rock-dkms?05:20
adleffit's actually kinda neat, i think msft is definitely going the right direction with wsl05:20
adleffit's way better than whatever cygwin is05:20
gogetaadleff: thats not relly true05:20
Two_Dogsrealies: what i am seeing is usually called dep hell05:21
realiesthat was the output, http://termbin.com/bg2405:21
realiesi can feel it05:21
gogetaadleff: cygwin could run a full system if configured correctly05:21
adleffgogeta, how well would it handle multiple distros being installed concurrently?05:21
Flannelgogeta, adleff: While I appreciate the conversation, it's veering away from technical support.  Can you take this discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic?  Thanks.05:22
Two_Dogsrealies: copy/paste & execute via terminal> aptitude purge -sy rock-dkms rocm-dkms | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here05:22
adleffFlannel, ok no prob05:22
realiesTwo_Dogs, http://termbin.com/rbcd05:23
realiesfeelin like running that05:24
gogetarealies: that looks system eating05:24
realiesgogeta, well previous one got rid of a big x11 chunk05:25
gogetarealies: gotta love ubuntu deb hell05:25
Two_Dogsrealies: i am clueless to what that actual will do, wipes some and finishes install of other, looks scary05:27
realieswhat can go worse?05:28
realiesperhaps backing up the aforementioned things manually off another machine05:28
Two_Dogsrealies: not much actually, one 'aptitude purge ~namdgpu' and the slate is back to default05:28
realieswell... there goes nothing05:29
Two_Dogsrealies: amdgpu is suppose to be in the kernel, yes? and worse case modesetting would use it05:30
gogetarealies: and the computer sets on fire05:30
realiesloads of these W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/amdgpu/topaz_smc.bin for module amdgpu05:30
realiesCurrent status: 0 (-3) broken, 1 (-41) new.05:30
gogetarealies: so amdgpu is broken and your trying to remove it?05:31
Two_Dogszero broke is good05:31
gogetarealies: you know you can just force vesa video mode05:31
Two_Dogsgogeta: amdgpu is working05:31
realiesi don't care about the video mode, just looking to have amdgpu-pro working05:31
gogetaTwo_Dogs: oh05:31
Two_Dogsrealies: reboot yet?05:32
realiesdoing it now05:32
Two_Dogswas working :)05:32
Two_Dogsrealies: inxi -Gx post reboot?05:32
realiesdriver: amdgpu05:33
Two_Dogsstill there05:33
realiesgotta try install that wonderful driver again05:34
Two_Dogsrealies: copy/paste & execute via terminal> grep -Ei 'radeon|amd' /etc/modprobe.d/* | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here05:35
Two_Dogsnot sure i spelled that out correctly05:35
realieslooks ok to me05:35
realiesthe install did not crash05:37
Two_Dogsdude :)05:37
Two_Dogsrealies: what install?05:38
realies ./amdgpu-pro-install --opencl05:38
realiesafraid to reboot05:38
realiesis it gonna overbork?05:38
Two_Dogsreboot and expect to see amdgpu-pro via inxi -G05:38
Two_Dogsrealies: rebooted?05:39
Two_Dogsi cant tell from here05:39
realies driver: amdgpu05:40
Two_Dogsrealies: look at tail of /var/log/apt/term.log for ..dkms.log05:40
Two_Dogsso now the install takes does not bork but no sign of -pro05:41
realiesoddly enough psu usage went from 70-90W to 160-170W05:41
Two_Dogsrealies: copy/paste & execute via terminal> glxinfo | grep render | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here05:42
gogetarealies: num num num05:42
Two_Dogsrealies: copy/paste & execute via terminal> lsmod | grep -i amd | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here05:43
realiesThe program 'glxinfo' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: apt install mesa-utils05:43
Two_Dogsrealies: nevermind if you got no graphics05:43
realieslast one is http://termbin.com/pszc05:43
realiesi think i purged graphics about 6 commands ago05:43
Two_Dogsrealies: you rebooted?05:44
Two_Dogsrealies: copy/paste & execute via terminal> dkms status | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here05:44
destinydrivenHey guys, I am having trouble editing /etc/fstab even as root. My system won't boot normally without it.  I get this message E212: Can't open file for writing when I try to save05:45
Two_Dogsrealies: you were looking for as shown on dkms status?05:45
Two_Dogsi keep wanting to see amdgpu-pro for some reason05:46
destinydrivenI have tried :w sudo tee %05:46
realieskind of strange that the driver installed and it's not showing up05:47
realiesi'll try install the whole thing, not only the opencl bit05:47
Two_Dogsrealies: the dkms driver is result of your script install05:47
realiesi see05:47
Two_Dogsrealies: so the install was just for the cuda like effect on amd?05:48
realiesperhaps modprobe amdgpu05:48
realiessort of, yeah05:48
Two_Dogsrealies: its loaded, amdgpu05:48
realiesi mean check the driver location05:49
realiesdoes it come from the kernel or elsewhere05:49
Two_Dogsrealies: it shows in everything i can think of, from dkms to lsmod to inxi05:49
realiesperhaps i meant modinfo05:50
Two_Dogsrealies: for funzies you could dkms remove the module, the version is same as script, yes?05:50
realiesfilename:       /lib/modules/4.13.0-43-generic/updates/dkms/amdgpu.ko, version:
realiesgotta reboot and try fire up something that uses that05:51
Two_Dogsrealies: it was not version birth05:51
realiesversion birth?05:52
Two_Dogsi meant virgin05:52
realiesstill not getting you05:52
Two_Dogsrealies: that version had to come from the script, yes?05:52
realiesby the looks of it, yeah05:52
realiesMay 22 06:50 /lib/modules/4.13.0-43-generic/updates/dkms/amdgpu.ko05:53
realiessounds about right05:53
blind_hi guys, I want to thank you for the help this morning05:53
blind_now I have wifi ! :D05:53
realiesmr miner says No AMD OPENCL or NVIDIA CUDA GPUs found though05:54
Two_Dogsthat sucks05:54
realieslets' try with some kernel arguments05:55
Two_Dogshow does opencl kick in? service?05:55
realiesi wish i knew05:55
Two_Dogsits your machine05:55
realiesi install the driver and BANG, it works05:56
Two_Dogsnot in this case, yes?05:56
realiesof course05:56
realies(i think)05:56
oerheksrealies, what ppa list again ?05:56
oerheksminers use oibaf ppa iirc https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/ubuntu/graphics-drivers05:56
Two_Dogsrealies: yeah, them drivers05:57
Two_Dogsi am now officially out of my paygrade05:57
Two_Dogsrealies: all i would do now is guess alot, good luck05:58
realiesTwo_Dogs, thank you very much sir05:58
Two_Dogsrealies: it was fun05:58
realiesit still is05:58
Two_Dogsi got nvidia, i could not replicate if i wanted to05:58
realiesoerheks, it seems like you know what should happen now, no? lol05:59
realiesTwo_Dogs, i wish you never have to deal with this again05:59
Two_Dogsrealies: i dont mind a puzzle05:59
oerheksno, i have not the list of your ppaś that might have infuence on drivers.. anything is possible05:59
oerheks ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ | nc termbin.com 999905:59
destinydrivenIs there any way to get around editing a file as root when in Read-only file system?06:00
Two_Dogsrealies: you said you were ppa free06:00
konimexdestinydriven: remount it as rw06:00
realiesdmesg says amdkcl: module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing - tainting kernel06:00
realiesi am now ppa free: http://termbin.com/ul1306:01
destinydrivenkonimex, I can only boot in recovery mode and everything is read-only it seems06:01
Two_Dogsrealies: thats a false positive06:01
Two_Dogsrealies: you on a uefi setup?06:01
konimexmount -o rw,remount / ?06:01
destinydrivenOk I will look into that06:01
Two_Dogsrealies: and disabled secure boot?06:01
realiesdon't remember doing so manually06:02
realiesbut it did say it06:02
Two_Dogssay what?06:02
realiessecure boot is disabled06:02
Two_Dogsrealies: thats a false positive then06:02
destinydrivenkonimex, wow, that worked. You saved my life there06:03
Two_Dogsrealies:  copy/paste & execute via terminal> journalctl -b --pri=306:03
destinydrivenkonimex, thanks a million06:03
realiesone of the lines doesnt look promising06:04
Two_Dogswhich? size?06:05
realiesFailed to start Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes.06:05
realiesnot seeing the amdgpu.cik_support=1 argument that i have in the grub config in dmesg, is it not supposed to show up there?06:07
Two_Dogsrealies: why is that argument enabled? amdgpu is not amdgpu-pro , just saying06:09
sky887Are you dogs?06:10
realiesi think amdgpu-pro shows up as amdgpu06:10
Two_Dogsrealies: i dont06:10
realiessearch for `amdgpu.`06:10
Two_Dogsrealies: when amdgpu-pro is active inxi -Gx shows driver: amdgpu-pro06:11
realiesperhaps, but the kernel arguments stay amdgpu.06:11
realiesmodinfo amdgpu shows vm_fragment_size which is a parameter only available by the pro driver06:11
realiesw t f06:12
Two_Dogsyes, the driver installed via script, showin up in dkms status06:13
realiesi don't get if the system still loads the kernel amdgpu06:14
realiesor the compute service borks06:14
realiesif it's an actual 'service'06:14
Two_Dogsrealies: no services mentioned on journalctl06:15
Two_Dogsbut that was just 'errors' dump06:15
NoruxI need help configuring /etc/network/interfaces. It used to work but now it doesn't06:16
realiestell me about it...06:16
Two_Dogsrealies: good luck, i am gone06:16
realiesthanks again06:16
=== mpmc_znc is now known as mpmc
realiesoerheks, can you elaborate on that pls06:19
ducasseNorux: start here - https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/network-configuration.html.en06:21
Two_Dogs /ignore joins06:29
Noruxthanks ducasse06:31
NoruxOkay so now I have the following problem: `ifconfig` shows the wireless interface `wlp2s0`. If I put `auto wlp2s0` in `/etc/network/interfaces`, then `systemctl status networking.service` tells me `unknown interface`06:47
kristenbbI'm trying to setup a swap on a server. I created a 2GB file with dd, and used swapon to use it. It works, as shown by 'free'. But how can I set it on boot? I tried adding a sh file with 'swapon /swapfile' in /etc/init.d, but it doesn't seem to work?06:47
Two_DogsNorux: try restarting the service06:50
ducassekristenbb: add an entry for it in /etc/fstab06:51
NoruxTwo_Dogs: I did, and then I get `Service failed because it exited with an error. See systemctl status networking.service`06:52
Noruxso i checked that, and that gives me "unknown interface wlp2s0".06:52
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NoruxIf I out-comment (?) the `auto wlp2s0` in `/etc/network/interfaces`, I still get unknown host when pinging google06:55
Two_DogsNorux:  copy/paste & execute via terminal> iwconfig ## look correct?06:56
ducasseNorux: is that the only line you have for that interface in /etc/network/interfaces?06:56
NoruxTwo_Dogs: uhh... no... `lo` and `enp5s0` say "no wireless extensions"06:57
Two_DogsNorux: you here on enp5s0?06:57
Noruxducasse: no. I have the following: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yxcfMm35hs/06:58
NoruxTwo_Dogs: second laptop06:58
ducasseNorux: that won't work, you need more than that. see the bottom answer here - https://askubuntu.com/questions/168687/wireless-configuration-using-etc-network-interfaces-documentation?utm_medium=organic&utm_source=google_rich_qa07:07
Noruxducasse: where do I get my ssid and psk from07:08
Noruxducasse: and, do I need that for a LAN interface?07:09
ducasseNorux: you should know that if you're trying to set up a wireless network connection07:10
Noruxducasse: At the moment I first want to fix my lan connection07:10
Noruxbut thank you!07:10
ducasseNorux: what you have for the wired interface should work07:12
Noruxducasse: I get "unknown host www.google.com" though07:13
ducasseNorux: try 'systemctl restart networking'07:13
Noruxducasse: I did07:14
Flannel /win 3107:19
oerheks /os2warp07:26
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest90815
Wh0mHi all07:49
Wh0mi had a issue with df and du; i know it is not the same but du showed around 50% of my total filesystem space meanwhile df showed me around 98% . How can i check what files are opened or caching data in disk?07:49
Wh0mkeep n mind i'm using lvm07:50
pavlushkaI have a trivial question, what does OP means?(on forums like this)07:52
Wh0mIRC Operator pavlushka07:53
pavlushkaWh0m: oh I meant forums like (askubuntu/ubuntuforums) correction07:55
realiescan i install ubuntu via ssh?07:55
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realiese.g. on a machine connected to a network without any peripherals07:56
Edistoanyone have random crashing issues? Were really bad in 17.10 but in 18.04 it still ocassionally happens07:58
voiteri need a specific version of chromium on ubuntu 18.04. where can i read about how to do it?08:05
ducassepavlushka: 'original poster'08:07
pavlushkaducasse: hehe, ty08:07
Edistowhere can I access a crash log when my system freezes08:09
pavlushkarealies: you can send an entire existing image/system of Ubuntu to a specific partition of that system if you can access08:11
realiespavlushka, if i can access?08:13
ducasserealies: you can use preseeding for a fully automated install, for ssh you need keyboard etc to load the ssh module08:14
cart_manHi everyone . I have ubuntu 17 and I cant seem to open a port for MySQL on 3306 using  " iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT ". When I " telnet 192.168.xxx.10 22 " it connects fine but I cant seem to go " telnet 192.168.xxx.10 3306 " even after the tcp and udp ports have been opened on 330608:21
pavlushkaEdisto: if ctrl+alt+f1~f6 works then in dmesg or reboot and then dmesg and also in the /var/crash08:23
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pavlushkaI have setup an Ubuntu 1804 minimal env, how do I fic the system to autologin in text mode?08:37
cart_manI can not seem to log into MySQL from outside the local machine. I tried even using telnet to log on like -> " telnet 192.168.xxx.xxx 3306 " and it refuses to connect. If I try with mySQL-WOrkbench it just refuses to connect even with the right credentials. The Mysql server is latest version and OS UBUNTU 17. Is there something I must know about either OS or MYSQL?08:39
pavlushkathat means how to execute agetty for tty1?08:44
ledenipavlushka, https://askubuntu.com/questions/819117/autologin-at-startup-to-ubuntu-server-16-04-1-lts ----> check answer 208:45
ledenicart_man, can you give us 'lsb_release -a | nc termbin.com 9999'08:49
bazhangledeni, he's on 17.1008:50
ledenibazhang, he could show that08:51
bazhangledeni, he got the answer crossposted elsewhere08:52
=== LabMonkey is now known as Mechanismus
MaximBHi, ubuntu 16.04 has backports.ssl_match_hostname 3.4 , and later ubuntu versions has backports.ssl_match_hostname 3.5 . can I install the package from the later ubuntu versions to the older 16.04 version? I need the 3.5 version09:01
bazhangMaximB, as in mixing version repos?09:02
MaximBdunno, just a way to get the 3.5 version of ubuntu 16.0409:02
bazhangmixing version repos is neither a good idea nor supported09:03
MaximBso how can I get the 3.5 version on ubuntu 16.04? must i get later ubuntu versions?09:04
jackhumi have written a python script and changed its permission to run as executable, now every time on my terminal i have to ./program.py to run it , is there anyway i can run it by just calling program09:04
ledenijackhum, what DE you using09:06
jackhumledeni, DE?09:06
jackhumledeni, unity ubuntu 16.0409:06
ledenijackhum, try in terminal 'gnome-desktop-item-edit Desktop --create-new'09:10
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jackhumledeni, i want to run it on my terminal , i dont want to use ./program.py , i want to just press program and enter from any directory09:28
ChristWHi, I have a Beaver system that keeps crashing (in X.org), so that I have to power-cycle the computer to get it up again. I’m willing to set up ssh into that machine (for myself, obviously… I’m at another computer), re-compile X, set up GDB, whatever, to try to pinpoint the problem, but can someone talk me through this, or point me to instructions? I would love to get this problem to go away…09:29
Guest67402Is it possible to use unity in ubuntu 18.04?09:29
jackhumGuest67402, what problem are you facing with new DE? i am 16.04 user using unity . i am just curious09:30
mancman3Guest67402: google unity remix09:31
mancman3or something like that09:31
Guest67402jackhum: I am not facing any major issues. I am just more comfortable using unity! =)09:32
guiverc_dGuest67402, you can apt install ubuntu-unity-desktop on 18.04 -- but it needs to be added (unless you release-upgrade)09:32
jackhumGuest67402, what DE is used by 18.04 by default09:32
guiverc_djackhum, Ubuntu 18.04 uses GNOME by default09:33
oerheksno unity in 18.04, iirc09:33
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mancman3Unity and Gnome3 may aswell combine. they look so similar09:33
Guest95624mancman3: I feel as if gnome was made for a touch screen.09:36
mancman3I prefer old skool gnome209:36
mancman3mate cinnamon etc09:37
mancman3i like menu bars with categories lol09:37
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illn00blliI'm using 18.04, wondering if there is a way (probably, right?) to change the size of the image preview in the file browser? especially when uploading an image via a web browser, but... in general is also acceptable.09:41
Guest95624mancman3: for sure man09:43
Two_Dogsilln00blli: dolphin from kde can, i would image most let you scale the image09:44
totoruxI m trying to make a preseed file to install ubuntu 18.0409:49
totoruxwith LVM and encrypted filesystem09:49
totoruxbut I have this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/os-prober/+bug/166364509:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1663645 in os-prober (Ubuntu) "Installation hangs at 66% "Installing GRUB boot loader"" [Undecided,Fix released]09:50
totoruxubottu: it steel present09:51
ubottutotorux: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:51
oerhekstotorux, no you don't, as you have os-prober 1.74 in bionic09:51
totoruxoerheks: I already have  os-prober 1.7409:52
oerheksyour bugreport tells that it is fixed in 1.74 ..09:52
totoruxoerheks: preseed files problem ?09:53
totoruxI use netboot file for my install09:53
oerheksTornevall, dunno, maybe it is an UEFI thing ?09:53
totoruxoerheks: it's realated with UEFI, I don't have any problème with legacy boot, but I don't try to crypt my data on this install09:55
totorux(I don't check if it's possible)09:55
|\nhello, any hints appreciated (i can't figure out if this is a bug or decide what to do next), with this package (adm64) https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/libgl1-mesa-dri i see the following at glxinfo: "libGL: dlopen /usr/lib/dri/swrast_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/dri/swrast_dri.so: undefined symbol: amdgpu_cs_syncobj_import_sync_file)" which results into various issues09:55
usuariocomo estais09:56
usuariosoy un trafficante de drogas09:56
usuariohow are u09:57
fakhradsand u09:57
usuariowher are u from09:57
usuariohow old r u09:58
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:58
usuariohey oerkhes09:58
oerhekstotorux, no clue about uefi and preseeding, https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/amd64/apb.html09:58
fakhradsim teenager09:58
fakhradsand u09:58
usuarioim 2309:59
oerheksfakhrads, usuario do yo have an ubuntu support issue? else join ubuntu-offtopic for chitchat09:59
usuariowhat part of asia are u from fakh09:59
usuariofakhrads wanna buy some drugs like cocaine or meth or weed i sell very good prices10:00
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax10:00
oerhekswrong network, usuario10:00
totoruxoerheks: no ...10:01
|\nnow that escalated not so fast, but pretty quick, pretty amusing, wondering if my question caused it somehow10:01
usuarioany1 wanna use my my porn website10:02
usuarioits www.xnxx.com10:02
MortezaETotem: h264 (baseline profile) decoder is required to play the file, but is not installed10:02
MortezaEfails to find a decoder automatically10:03
DalekSecusuario: Not the place for that, please don't.  This channel is for the support of the Ubuntu operating system.10:04
Two_Dogs|\n: when i see 'symbols' errors i wonder if packages/deps are not from one repo/version10:04
usuario tmQK+M P+RM10:06
usuariom hw10:06
usuario HW M10:06
|\nTwo_Dogs, indeed, several years old instance, thanks, looking through now10:07
Two_DogsMortezaE:  copy/paste & execute via terminal> aptitude search 264 ## see anything codec related?10:11
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MortezaETwo_Dogs, h264enc ?10:13
Two_DogsMortezaE: maybe, try installing it10:13
MortezaENo, it's an encoder10:14
Two_DogsMortezaE: ok10:14
* MortezaE switches to vlc10:14
tigefaMortezaE: try ppa from https://launchpad.net/~mc3man10:15
MortezaEtigefa, thx i'll test now10:16
MortezaEtigefa, someone suggested me Parole Media Player, a GStreamer based player. Works good...10:25
tigefaMortezaE: mpv " sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mc3man/mpv-tests "10:29
killallany one here with ubiquiti unifi controller?10:33
killalloerheks, do you?10:36
oerhekskillall, no, sorry10:36
killalli have 18.10 and my unifi keeps logging "<db-server> ERROR system - [exec] error, rc=2"10:36
killallmongo wont start10:36
oerheks18.10 ?10:36
ZeroDAYSreally ?10:37
oerheksthat is not even released yet10:37
MortezaEtigefa, after installing Parole, surprisingly totem plays that videos. btw mpv is installing10:37
MortezaEThat works nice, thx a lot10:38
jhaveI have a problem with netplan in 18.04 :(10:38
jhaveI dont understand i have checked and tabs is correct10:39
=== CChaplin1 is now known as CChaplin
oerheksjhave, and post your etc/netplan/01- yaml ??10:39
oerheksand why a screenshot for some text...10:40
jhaveoerheks, network down on server10:41
oerheksjhave post it on paste.ubuntu.com please, you post an unreadable file10:41
jhaveonly console access to the file :(10:41
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oerheksoke, then nobody can help you, goodluck10:42
oerheksfrom console it is easy to post that few lines, no?10:42
jhaveNope its a java console :(10:42
jhaveHPE ILO :(10:44
timelessjhave: at least try cat ...|hexdump -c10:47
jhavefound the problem :)10:48
jhaveNo taps in yaml :S10:48
jhaveis there an alternativ to ifup eth1 with netplan ?10:55
tarzeauautofs fails to start sometimes with 18.04. anyone else with that issue?10:55
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=== sdnv is now known as xmbq
BluesKajHi folks11:14
=== Trystam is now known as Tristam
terkerhello, im using Ubuntu server 18.04 LTS on VirtualBox, for some reason I am unable to type escape char '\' and I get '<'. I have been trying to look for solutions online, but I got nothing. All other characters work as intended11:28
Pitelhow can I exclude some packages from apt upgrade? I only find solutions with holding, but I just want to exclude them this one time. So holding, upgrading and unholding seems like too much hassle.11:29
DK2im trying to configure a hostroute http://pastebin.centos.org/782911/11:30
DK2however when trying to test a remote ip im getting no route to host11:30
DK2it works when i set the ip to the same as the
DK2any ideas?11:30
JimBuntuDK2, is truly your gateway? AND... is it configured to be able to talk to the 10.82.x.x network?11:32
DK2yes, if i set the server ip for example with same route, it works11:33
DK2.254 is the GW11:33
=== Richard is now known as Guest73574
JimBuntuDouble check if the gateway is set up for /24, since using x.x.0.200 works11:33
|\nthanks Two_Dogs, there were things to clean up, even though it changed the situation to a more healthy state, glxinfo complains on absence of some ".drirc" and explicitly says "Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig" =)11:33
DK2the gw is
DK2but as it says "no route to host" it seems the server with doesnt seem to know how to contact
JimBuntuisn't x.x.2.x outside of a x.x.0.x/24 network?11:35
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DK2thats why im doing the hostroute thing11:36
DK2as seen in the config snippet11:36
DK2both subnets are in the same vlan11:36
|\nDK2, if you'd add a certain box from 10th manually - do you experience the same?11:37
DK2sec, trying that one11:37
DK2yes, same fail /11:38
|\nalso #ubuntu-server might worth to ask as well11:38
JimBuntuSorry, I simply don't see how it would know how to route... given the netmask puts x.x.0.254 out of bounds.11:38
DK2it should like that, we are doing configurations like this for additional ips for ages11:39
DK2im trying ubuntu-server11:39
|\nDK2, do you check routes on the same box where you type it? sorry for asking =)11:41
s10gopalpatch is applied but why i am not able to get it through update ? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-team/2018-May/092513.html11:41
JimBuntuHi s10gopal, I am glad to see that the solution was found.11:43
gorbyparkHi just installed 18.04, and there's no 'scale' option in screen settings...all the howto's show screenshots of a scale setting under the resolution drop down, but i don't have one....any ideas?11:43
DK2 |\n : Yes11:44
gorbyparki should mention completely stock gnome install11:45
s10gopalJimBuntu, it is going to increase battery life and save environment  too :)11:47
terkerI'll try again: im using Ubuntu server 18.04 LTS on VirtualBox, for some reason I am unable to type escape char '\' and I get '<' instead. All other characters work as intended. Any ideas?11:48
s10gopalterker, https://askubuntu.com/questions/951276/escape-character-not-working-in-scp , ?11:50
mactheknifeHow to solve: E: Type 'sudo' is not known on line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/signal-xenial.list11:53
mactheknifeE: The list of sources could not be read.11:53
terkers10gopal: thanks, but I don't think scp has anything to do with this? I am using virtualbox and just simply cannot type '\', whilst it works on my Windows Host11:53
kiokomanmactheknife: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/signal-xenial.list11:54
kiokomanmactheknife: and remove / comment out / check line 211:54
s10gopalterker, https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/702211:55
mactheknifekiokoman: there is no line 2 in source.list11:56
kiokomani say /etc/apt/sources.list.d/signal-xenial.list11:56
kiokomannot souces.list11:56
s10gopalterker, you have to configure the third level keys for the keyboard11:56
terkerwould you be able to give me some direction on how to do that s10gopal ?11:57
s10gopalterker, https://www.experts-exchange.com/questions/28382749/Adjusting-keyboard-layout-in-GNOME-desktop-to-get-backslash-key.html11:58
mactheknifekiokoman: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/signal-xenial.list: command not found11:58
terkerthat's actually the keyboard I got s10gopal, thank you.11:59
kiokomanmactheknife! the complete command is -> >>>   sudo nano  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/signal-xenial.list11:59
JimBuntu!cookie | s10gopal11:59
ubottus10gopal: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!11:59
terkereh requires premium to see the solution :S11:59
mactheknifekiokoman: deb [arch=amd64] https://updates.signal.org/desktop/apt xenial main12:00
mactheknifesudo apt update && sudo apt install signal-desktop12:00
kiokomanmactheknife: remove all the second line ->>> sudo apt update && sudo apt install signal-desktop12:01
s10gopalterker, what is your keyboard layout ?12:02
mactheknifekiokoman: So I just need to delete the line which says "deb [arch=amd64] https://updates.signal.org/desktop/apt xenial main"?12:02
wrwhat command can be used to list groups on ubuntu 16.04?12:07
|\ncat /etc/group12:07
mactheknifestill no go12:15
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rangemongerwhy would wicd not show wifi networks at all but the gnome frontend for networkmanager works just fine?12:17
kiokomanmactheknife: you need to delete line 2 , the one that say " sudo apt update && sudo apt install signal-desktop "12:18
mactheknifekiokoman: ok, but how to save that file?12:19
kiokomanctrl + x12:20
mactheknifekiokoman: done, gives only more problems...12:23
mactheknifesynaptic says: E: Type 'sudo' is not known on line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/signal-xenial.list12:24
mactheknifeE: The list of sources could not be read.12:24
mactheknifeGo to the repository dialog to correct the problem.12:24
mactheknifeE: _cache->open() failed, please report.12:24
mactheknifeW: Ignoring file 'signal-xenial.list.save.1' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension12:24
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kiokomanmactheknife: you didn't save12:25
kiokomanin the right way at least12:26
kiokomanmactheknife: remove file signal-xenial.list and rename signal-xenial.list.save.1 to signal-xenial.list12:27
realieserror while loading shared libraries: libOpenCL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:28
realieshow do i fix this with amdgpu-pro?12:28
kiokomanrealies: sudo apt install ocl-icd-opencl-dev12:29
realieskiokoman, is that not part of the amdgpu-pro driver?12:29
kiokomanrealies: idk12:30
kiokomanrealies: It looks like libOpenCL.so is provided by the ocl-icd-opencl-dev package12:30
realieshow can i search for an installed package that has opencl in its name?12:30
s10gopalrealies, apt list | grep *opencl*12:31
realiesi have libopencl1-amdgpu-pro/unknown 18.10-572953 amd6412:32
s10gopalrealies, which gfx you are using ?12:32
kiokomanrealies: try dpkg -L libopencl1-amdgpu-pro12:32
realiesdpkg-query: package 'libopencl1-amdgpu-pro' is not installed12:32
janat08what app store mint uses, can I install that since it's not useless unlike that of ubuntu?12:49
rangemongerjust use apt/synaptic, its not useless12:50
janat08I don't wish to look for PPA that has an app12:51
BluesKajapp store ?? this isn't android ;-)12:51
SlidingHornrangemonger: well, if that's your feeling on the matter, you're free to use Mint.  Different strokes for different folks12:52
rangemongerSlidingHorn: i think that was directed at janat0812:52
rangemongerheh yeah12:52
janat08mint needs reinstall for major release upgrade12:52
rangemongersynaptic is underappreciated, ive yet to use a better package manager12:52
BluesKaj!mint | janat0812:53
ubottujanat08: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)12:53
BluesKajrangemonger, muon12:55
rangemongerBlueShark: i used to use muon when on kde but the search was a bit lacking and it was a bit buggy12:56
rangemongerif they fixed it up, it would be great12:56
rangemongeri really hope they do because im not a fan of these store type things12:56
rangemongersynaptic does need a few things too though like a gui for apt autoremove, autoclean and some other stuff12:57
BluesKajrangemonger, never had a problem with muon ...still works great as a reference12:58
rangemongerill have to try it again12:58
janat08so you can expect muon to have chrome/chromium?12:59
rangemongerjanat08: yes12:59
PsychoBoBi'm using firefox12:59
PsychoBoBchrome is very slow here13:00
rangemongerfalkons good if you like qt stuff13:00
SlidingHornjanat08: any software management application will be drawing from the same repositories.  If you're using Ubuntu, chromium is available.  Chrome itself I believe needs to be retrieved from Google13:02
janat08you mean basically software management apps expect you to add PPAs13:03
rangemongerapt/synaptic isnt only ppas13:04
swocI upgraded from ubuntu 16.04LTS to 18.04LTS, I'm using AMD RX480 GPU and fx6300CPU. Running on 4.15.0-22-generic kernel and amdgpu graphics drivers.13:04
swocThere is some screen flickering and horizontal flashing lines on screen refresh.13:04
swocAny ideas?13:04
rangemongerany package manager that relies on apt will show you a huge list of apps available from the main repositories, no need to add a ppa if they are already there13:04
rangemongerand chromium is already there13:05
rangemongerare there any current, nice gui progs for remastering a minimal ubuntu install into an install iso?13:09
lesshastewhen I do apt-get install upgrade, should I install the package manager's /etc/default/grub or keep my existing one?13:10
SlidingHornrangemonger: Not that I'm aware of :/13:11
rangemongerlesshaste: the former has worked better for me13:11
rangemongerSlidingHorn: ive been using the yakkety ver of systemback, it gets the job done, no big deal13:11
rangemongerlesshaste: no guarantees it works for you, hope it does though13:12
rangemongerSlidingHorn: pinguy builder looks promising, gonna give that one a shot13:14
swocSoo... no ideas on what should I look into to get rid of the flickering?13:15
lesshasterangemonger, thanks.. I picked the latter.. let's see what happens13:15
rangemongerswoc, everyone here right now might not know, maybe check back again later13:15
rangemongerlesshaste: yeah, let me know13:15
rangemongerman, timeshift is the best linux backup prog ive ever seen13:17
lesshastewhat does it do?13:18
ppflesshaste: sorry, got disconnected, was that question for me?13:18
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lesshasteppf, no.. it was for rangemonger13:19
rangemongerit lets you do system backup snapshots, they get saved either to a regular set of folders for exploring or it can take advantage of btrfs with another mode for insta-backup/restore13:19
rangemongerits easy to administer, im able to do snaps and restores over a remote connection13:20
rangemongerits made experimenting on linux so much easier13:20
BSODjunkieI am running ubuntu on AWS EC2 server, when I try to run my python3 script that has user input(), backspace key just prints ^H, what should I do?13:20
rangemongerif the licence allows, it should really be added to the main ubuntu repos13:21
sveinseIs there a way to get cron to dump its output to the journal when there is no MTA? On 18.0413:23
rangemongerlesshaste: http://www.teejeetech.in/p/timeshift.html13:23
SlidingHornrangemonger: it's GNU GPL v3, so that's not an issue.  Probably a matter of finding a package maintainer.13:24
rangemongerSlidingHorn: yeah, i was just checking on the licence, thats awesome13:24
ph88^hey guys, how can i get rid of apt warnings like these?    W: Target Packages (main/binary-amd64/Packages) is configured multiple times in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-6.x.list:1 and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-6.x.list:213:24
ppfrangemonger: why not use a cronjob instead13:25
pragmaticenigmaph88^: Remove the unneeded PPAs and the errors will go away. You are currently subscribed to another PPA that is attempting to manage the same packages.13:26
rangemongerppf: ts has a nice shiny gui13:27
ppfrangemonger: don't see why that's a plus, but fair enough :)13:27
rangemongerppf: its commandline too13:28
rangemongerbut for me, its totaly a plus though13:28
swocrangemonger: Thanks, will do that!13:37
rangemongerswoc: sorry i couldnt be of more help13:38
janat08installed chrome and there's no AA, things are jagged13:41
leftyfbjanat08: AA? jagged?13:42
janat08i see pixels in letters13:42
leftyfbjanat08: what's AA?13:43
leftyfbah, anti-aliasing I'm guessing13:43
leftyfbjanat08: what version of ubuntu?13:43
leftyfbjanat08: does chromium experience the same issue?13:44
sveinseI'm running 18.04 and are using Chrome without any problems13:44
rangemongerSlidingHorn: pinguy builder is awesome13:45
janat08will install proprietary drivers13:46
janat08because moving windows is a slideshow13:46
leftyfbjanat08: does chromium experience the same issue?13:47
janat08haven't installed it13:48
leftyfbjanat08: might be a good idea to check13:48
eoli3nhow to change default Desktop Environment with lightdm ? this is not working -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM#Changing_the_Default_Session . When i su user in tty, then startxfce4, no problem13:48
eoli3ndpkg-reconfigure lightdm prompt nothing13:49
ph88pragmaticenigma, how do i remove the unneeded PPAs ?13:54
bobaHi, I am having trouble reading hdf5 files in matlab. h5info works but h5read fails. Could someone guide me in how to read the data?13:54
janat08leftyfb: same for chromium13:55
vavkamilI'm on 18.04 and it's kinda laggy, for example when using auto-hide Dock14:01
vavkamilseems like a lot of people experiencing not so smooth issues as well, any idea what to do?14:01
wodencafeuh oh14:12
dekatchhi, i wanna install another windows 10 1803 + ubuntu 18.04 lts dualboot machine. the windows drive is formatted to MBR. as i understood that requieres my ubuntu 18.04 lts stick to be MBR as well, but it shows it as EFI. any idea on how to make the ubuntu 18.04lts installer MBR like? is it just the format of the drive before i add the image?14:13
pragmaticenigmaph88: You can follow this guide: https://itsfoss.com/how-to-remove-or-delete-ppas-quick-tip/14:13
stoojHi. My USB has stopped working, and I was wondering if there was a way of restarting/fixing it without a reboot? I get the following in my dmesg output whenever I plug anything in (including a keyboard): usb 3-9: device not accepting address 50, error -10814:34
sebsebsebsbique: live usb ?14:36
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aroonihow come i'm seeing  May 22 09:42:07 LilArooni kernel: [  339.164034] [UFW BLOCK] IN=wlan0 OUT= MAC=64:80:99:18:ab:48:84:d6:d0:14:8d:8a:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=1708 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=46774 DPT=22 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0 ;; when i have this rule in ufw status::  22                         ALLOW
leftyfbstooj: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/WHWTYrVP8d/14:43
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francisvHi all.  I connected an external display (a projector) to a MacBook Pro 7,1 running Ubuntu 18.10 and it broke somehow the configuration of the video card.  The Ubuntu configuration in this computer has the 'nomodeset' option in the 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT' variable in /etc/default/grub/.14:44
francisvThis nomodeset is something I added manually14:44
leftyfbfrancisv: 18.10 isn't released14:44
leftyfbfrancisv: it's not even alpha yet14:44
francisvSorry, 18.0414:44
francisvI meant\14:44
s10gopalubuntu 18.04 , unable to create trash dir . https://imgur.com/a/a1x2HV514:45
francisv'nomodeset' was the way I managed to configure GRUB, so it could start the graphic interface14:45
francisvWhy the connection to the external display has done this stop to work?14:45
francisvI have rebooted the computer14:46
leftyfbs10gopal: try mkdir -p ~/.local/share/{expunged,files,info}14:46
francisvIf I boot the computer with normal options, it hangs complaining of about the nouveau driver14:46
francisvI can boot the computer into single-user maintanance Modeuse14:47
francisvAnyone who can help me to debug this issue further?14:48
francisvThank you!14:48
s10gopalleftyfb, still same problem14:48
stoojleftyfb: fantastic, thanks!14:49
francisvI am assuming that the value of GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT is being passed when booting Ubuntu as normal.  How can I ensure it?14:52
francisvWhen booting, the linux command is shown in a fraction of second, but I cannot see the 'modenoset' there.14:53
francisvI don't see the quiet or splash either14:53
francisv'quite' or 'splash'14:53
MortezaERunning gnome-calculator on 18.04 takes more than 90% of CPU and don't run. Also no terminal output.14:57
UserUSMortezaE: jeez, what machine are you using?14:59
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MortezaEUserUS, amd6414:59
UserUSMortezaE: processor, ram, cpu speed?15:00
MortezaEUserUS, Core i3 - 4GB RAM . I had no problem with 16.04. it's strange15:01
ArchaicLordinstall 18.04 on a gigabyte p15. After entering disk encrption password boot hangs. used advanced feature to boot usign an older kernal boots fine. any ideas how to get it working with the recent kernal?15:07
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OolArchaicLord: no idea but just to know, you use dm-crypt / Luks / cryptsetup isn't it ?15:10
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ArchaicLordoption when you install15:14
ArchaicLordtick the check box15:14
cpareIs it bad that my Ubuntu Software RAID 10 is composed of disks with no partitions, just /dev/sdc / dev/sda ....15:16
v0lksmantrying to ssh to an ubuntu 16.04 machine with X11forwarding on.  When I connect I get a message saying:  debug1: No xauth program. but when I run xauth as my user it puts me in a shell.15:19
v0lksmanwhat should I run in the xauth shell to make sure it's doing what it's supposed to?15:19
NewUbuntudoes any body have time for a question? I have looked on google for over 3 hours trying to solve this but nobody has the answer15:24
rypervencheNewUbuntu: Go ahead and ask it.15:24
NewUbuntuI have installed a lamp server. it works nice. I but my sql root user has NO privileges.. and mysqld gets permission denied15:25
cpareby default this is the case with MySQL15:26
NewUbuntunone of the 1000 topics about this i´ve read over these 3 hours cover what to do if this happens..15:26
NewUbuntui see15:26
cpare@NewUbuntu - remote connections are not allowed by default, usually thats one of the first changes you have to make15:26
seizojust installed kubuntu 18.04, attempting to import everything back into thunderbird, says no application to import data from found. KMail import wizard is installed, anyone have any advice?15:27
cpare@Newubuntu - https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.0/install-gde/prereq/mysql_remote.html15:27
NewUbuntuI can login through phpmyadmin, and atm i am logging in through the root user in the terminal15:28
seizomy bad15:28
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cpare@MyUbuntu Log in to the database server.15:28
cpareConnect to the MySQL database as the root user.15:28
cpareEnter the following command: GRANT ALL ON <local database name>.* TO <remote web node user name>@<remote web node server ip address> IDENTIFIED BY '<database user password>'; Copy. For example,15:28
NewUbuntumy root user doesnt have the privilege to issue those commands, that is the problem15:29
cpareare you sure the user is root?15:29
NewUbuntuit is the only user ever created for it. the one you enter when you install the program15:30
NewUbuntuso i have been assuming it should be15:30
cparedo a "sudo su -" to see if the command prompt turns to a #15:30
nolsenGuys, it looks like livepatchd, when used, will make apparmor go insane, which makes journald use 100% CPU, and you'll swap like mad.15:30
ank9hello , when im trying to install something i keep get this : E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?15:31
ank9i have ubuntu 1815:31
cpare@NewUbuntu - By default the ID created in the OS install is not root15:32
luxioI'm looking for a FOSS RSS reader that when I double click on a YouTube item in the feed, I can configure it to run `vlc <youtube link>`. Anyone know software that can do that?15:32
NewUbuntucan i get rid of all this spam about who enters and joins? cus is really hard to see what anybody types15:33
luxioNewUbuntu: what client are you using?15:33
Oolank9: if you make ls -l /var/lib/dpkg/lock is an old file or it is new (you have an other process using it)?15:33
cpare@NewUbuntu - but they can sudo the commands they need15:33
luxioNewUbuntu: the web client?15:33
rypervencheHe's on qwebirc15:33
v0lksmanank9: sudo?15:33
ank90ol rw-r----- 1 root root 0 أيار  22 18:21 /var/lib/dpkg/lock15:34
NewUbuntu@cpare what do i do then?15:34
francisv I have done update-grub, and I can see that /boot/grub/grub.cfg adds (as expected) the 'nomodeset' to the 'linux' command.15:34
francisvI reboot the computer and it continues hanging15:35
francisvshowing errors from nouveau15:35
ank90ol v0lksman , i fixed it from google and it keep coming why?15:35
Oolank9: I don"t sure about your date :) is it today ?15:36
cpare@NewUbuntu - Check this article - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14779104/how-to-allow-remote-connection-to-mysql15:36
francisvI'm stuck.  How can I boot my Ubuntu in graphic mode again?  Summary: it used to work until I plugged in an external display to my laptop.15:37
v0lksmanank9: not sure what you mean by fixed from Google.  Are you running the command with sudo or not?15:37
ank9with sudo15:37
ank9v0lksman: i used this https://askubuntu.com/questions/15433/unable-to-lock-the-administration-directory-var-lib-dpkg-is-another-process15:38
Oolank9: seems a process use the lock file. perhaps update  is running15:38
ank9v0lksman: its fix and come back15:38
cpare@francisv - If you unplug the monitor does it work?15:38
francisvcpare: It does not work15:38
ank90ol i did ps -A | grep apt15:38
Oolank9: try ps auxf |grep apt or |grep dpkg15:39
ank9there is no process15:39
francisvit changed the configuration in a persistent mode15:39
Oolank9: please an O not a 0 to begin my nickname15:39
cpare@francisv - what is your current init level?15:39
ank9sry by wrong15:39
ank9_apt      3879  0.0  0.1  78856  8272 ?        S    18:29   0:00  \_ /usr/lib/apt/methods/http _apt      3880  0.1  0.1  78848  8236 ?        S    18:29   0:01  \_ /usr/lib/apt/methods/http _apt      3886  2.3  0.1  78848  8192 ?        S    18:30   0:12  \_ /usr/lib/apt/methods/http crypto    5506  0.0  0.0  21540  1108 pts/1    S+   18:39   0:00          \_ grep --color=auto apt15:39
francisvcpare: how can I check the init level?15:39
ank9crypto    5550  0.0  0.0  21540  1104 pts/1    S+   18:39   0:00          \_ grep --color=auto dpkg15:40
francisvcpare: N 115:40
Oolank9: so you have a process seems to be the unatended upgrade15:40
cpare@francisv - from the command prompt try a "sudo init 5"15:40
ank90ol okay should i kill them?15:41
cpareMapping between runlevels and systemd targets15:41
cpare   ┌─────────┬───────────────────┐15:41
cpare   │Runlevel │ Target            │15:41
cpare   ├─────────┼───────────────────┤15:41
cpare   │0        │ poweroff.target   │15:41
cpare   ├─────────┼───────────────────┤15:41
klrPlease use pastebin.15:41
francisvcpare: errors from nouveau start15:41
ank90ol , what should i do ?15:41
francisvcpare: the mouse pointer appears and blinks15:42
francisvwhile errors from nouveau are displayed in the terminal15:42
cpare@francisv - sounds like that's the place to investigate15:43
klrDoes anyone have any information on this mornings supervisor unattended upgrade that cause outages for many people?15:43
francisvcpare: I had this problem when I upgraded from Ubuntu 17.10 to Ubuntu 18.04.  The solution was to add 'nomodeset' to /etc/defaults/grub, and then run 'update-grub'15:44
francisvcpare: this used to work until today when I plugged that external displayed15:44
cpare@francisv - did you try that yet?15:44
cpare@francisv - Not sure - sorry15:45
francisvI double checked /etc/defaults/grub, 'nomodeset' is still there15:45
francisvI re-run update-grub15:45
francisvI double checked /boot/grub.cfg15:45
francisv'nomodeset' is there, as a parameter of the 'linux' command15:46
MortezaEI see no installed gnome-calculator in my package manager (I installed ubuntu yesterday and didn't remove calculator), Anyway when I run `gnome-calculator` it takes 90% of cpu and nothing happens! and `which`: which gnome-calculator >>>>> /snap/bin/gnome-calculator15:46
MortezaEwtf is snap15:46
klranother package management system.15:46
francisvcpare: what I would like to double check (but I do not know how) is to make sure that that specific configuration is the one selected when booting15:46
guest253anyone alive?15:48
geniiguest253: Better to just ask your actual Ubuntu support question15:49
francisvall the menu entries in /boot/grub/grub.cfg has nomodeset as argument of the linux command15:50
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francisvaddressing the problem from another angle: how do I blacklist nouveau?15:51
francisvor how do I double check Wayland is not used, but X.org?15:52
guest253how can I install a firefox extension for a existent plugin? I have it downloaded but the installation program seems to not be able to run it15:52
geniifrancisv: The grub.cfg file you're refencing is for legacy grub15:52
francisvgenii: which file should I check instead?15:52
geniifrancisv: For grub2 changes should be made in /etc/default/grub  and then to take effect, sudo update-grub15:53
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francisvgenii: I added 'nomodeset' in /etc/default/grub, (GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT)15:54
francisvthen I did update-grub\15:54
francisvI noticed that update-grub recreated /boot/grub/grub.cfg15:54
guest253its Video DownloadHelper Companion App 1.1.3. once on my hard drive, how do I install it?15:55
guest253this is it: net.downloadhelper.coapp-1.1.3-1_i386.deb15:56
francisvagain, what puzzles me is: why and how, simply connecting an external display broke my graphic mode in Ubuntu 18.0415:56
guest253how do I install it?15:56
francisvI connected my laptop to give a presentation15:56
francisvluckily I had a USB stick with the presentation as a backup15:57
ericusHow would I free up some space on my /boot-partition? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pSTSwnyW66/16:00
Football_HeadHi everyone16:03
Football_HeadNewbie here16:03
Football_HeadI need some help16:03
Football_HeadI am currently using windows 10 running on a refurbished Dell16:04
Football_HeadI want to install Ubuntu 16.04 so I can Double Boot16:04
Football_HeadThis is for a project16:05
Football_HeadI already ahev a bootable USB prepared but am a bit unclear about the info I am seeing online16:05
Football_HeadSom esay I need to partition before booting to install16:06
Football_Headwhile some others say the Ubuntu installer will ask me to partition during the installation process.16:06
Football_HeadWhich is it?16:06
ericusthe later16:07
Football_HeadThank you for all your help16:07
ericusthe installer will partition it for you Football_Head16:08
naccericus: you don't need to clear up any space in /boot ?16:08
ericusoh, you wanna keep windows?16:08
ericusthen I'm not sure16:08
Football_HeadYes I want to keep Windows16:08
ericrajuinyou need to shrink the windows partition first to make space16:08
Football_HeadSo I have the double boot option16:08
lapagaFootball_Head, or you could run ubuntu in virtualbox16:09
lapagaFootball_Head, since its just for a project16:10
ubuntu_newshrink the windows partition first. create some unallocated space and install using Ubuntu Installer(where you will get the option to install ubuntu alongside windows)16:10
ericusnacc yes I do, cannot install the lastest kernel. Not enough space16:10
Football_HeadIts a long project16:10
naccericus: oh i see, you're behind16:10
naccericus: you have enough to install one kernel, fyi, can you pastebin `ls -ahl /boot` instead?16:11
Football_Headso I partition first?16:11
ericrajuinyou can use "try ununtu" from the bootable USB, and from it use gparted to manipulate the partitions on your hard drive16:12
ericusnacc https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dyWgWr32J3/16:12
naccericus: ah, your initrd is rather large, ok16:13
naccericus: so yeah you don't have enough space, it seems like16:13
naccericus: you can manually remove the -37 kernel/initrd if you are on -41 ?16:13
ericusguess I'll have to do that16:13
naccericus: you can do it with apt, i mean16:16
naccericus: this is going to be a constant problem, tbh. I would reinstall with a larger /boot16:17
ericusit's been working fine for a year maybe, until recently16:17
naccericus: it will have this problem regularly, afaict16:18
ericuswill reinstall some day16:18
ericusthanks nacc16:19
guest253anyone knows how can I install net.downloadhelper.coapp-1.1.3-1_i386.deb?16:19
DeathTickleare you talking about the helper program for the video downloader addon for firefox ?16:21
guest253yes, for firefox16:21
guest253have it downloaded but I dont know how to install it16:22
DeathTickleI would suggest using youtube-dl instead of that addon, but you should be able to install it by double clicking the file from a file manager16:23
DeathTickleif you arent successful with that you can do 'sudo dpkg -i net.downloadhelper….' on the command line16:24
guest253yes, I also use youtube-dl, but this doesnt work on some sites. I did double clicked it but the wheel keeps spinning forever16:24
guest253I'll try the command line, but how do I add it the path?16:28
DeathTickleon the command line, you should 'cd' to the directory containing the .deb or you should specify the full path after 'sudo dpkg -i …'16:30
guest253ok, thx. havent used linux in a long time hehe16:31
DeathTicklesure thing16:31
DeathTickleon the command line you might be able to see some errors that you werent seeing when using the GUI16:32
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texlaDuring boot I am seeing an error message after clean and scan files...Is there any way to slow down the error message to be able to read16:37
DeathTickleyou can read it after boot using the journal16:38
texlaDeathTickle,  Please elaborate about journal16:39
DeathTicklethe messages on boot are saved into files for viewing after boot. You can use a graphical journal viewer or simply 'journalctl' on the command line to view the messages16:40
guest253DeathTickle, it worked fine from command line. thanks a lot, mate16:41
DeathTickleso I guess the GUI was just bugging out @guest25316:43
okdana_hey there, i'm trying to build systemd (`apt-get source`, then `dpkg-buildpackage`) and i'm having a hard time of it16:44
okdana_it builds successfully, but libsystemd is missing a bunch of library links for some reason16:44
okdana_is this the kind of place i can ask about that?16:45
MonkeyDustokdana_  try #ubuntu-app-devel16:45
guest253yes, something wrong with the gui16:45
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janat08what to do if ubuntu does no AA, everything is jagged16:50
MonkeyDustwhat's AA16:54
guest253bye now16:57
DeathTickleI'm having a really hard time getting the Nvidia drivers to load on my upgraded 18.04 machine. I keep getting the nouveau driver loaded even though I have installed the nvidia-driver package16:58
kiriuhayou #ubuntu16:59
MonkeyDustkiriuha  this is the ubuntu support channel, feel free to ask your ubuntu question16:59
leftyfbkiriuha: please stop posting random text here. This is a support channel.17:01
aboaboanyone using lubuntu?17:01
leftyfbaboabo: this is not the appropriate please to conduct a survey17:02
kiokomanjoin #lubuntu17:02
aboaboi recommend openbox + fbpanel + rox17:03
leftyfb!op kiriuha17:03
leftyfb!op | kiriuha17:03
ubottukiriuha: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax17:03
leftyfbaboabo: do you have a support question?17:04
aboabowhat is a support question?17:04
lapagakiriuha does this every day...guess there is nothing to do where he lives17:04
kiriuha!op | Llama_17:05
ubottuLlama_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax17:05
francisvDeathTickle: I also have problems with my NVIDIA card in Ubuntu 18.04.  I have not managed to make it work.17:05
kiokomanannndd .. gone17:05
janat08how to stop everything from being jagged17:05
janat08that is turn on anti-aliasing17:06
janat08my resolution matches screen17:06
janat08i see pixels17:06
aboaboi haven't upgraded yet, still using 17.1017:06
aboabotried xrandr ?17:06
ubottuUbuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) was the 27th release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/17.10/ - Release Info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtfulAardvark/ReleaseNotes17:06
aboaboyeah, 17.1017:07
aboaboso what's the difference? i don't know17:07
aboaboi use openbox + fbpanel + rox17:07
ndavisAll: Trying to load lamp-server!  Cmd is: "tasksel install lamp-server".  Alway fails as Snort tried installing earlier and fails, since it only recognizes eth0 and I'm 100% wifi so on wlan0 is active.  How do I congfig snort to look at wlan0 or how do I clear the snort install, so other installs will work?17:08
DeathTicklefrancisv what have you tried so far ? I have tried removing/reinstalling both nouveau and nvidia-driver packages. I have tried adding nouveau to the blacklist in modprobe but no success17:09
aboaboI always love APU!17:10
francisvI have tried using 'nomodeset' to grub17:10
francisvDeathTickle: ^17:10
francisvI can access to my computer only in recovery mode17:10
francisvonly terminal17:10
francisvhow did you blacklist nouveau?17:11
DeathTickleyou modified /boot/grub/grub.cfg ? ouch that is pretty bad17:11
aboabomy desktop is beautiful17:11
kiokomanndavis: dpkg -P snort17:11
francisvDeathTickle: no, i modified /etc/default/grub17:11
ash_worksihow do you 'enable' altgr on 18.04?17:12
DeathTicklefrancisv normally you can add a file with "blacklist nouveau" under /etc/modprob.d/ but that didnt work for me17:12
lapagahttps://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-the-nvidia-drivers-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux might be a good read17:12
francisvDeathTickle: I till try blacklisting now17:12
francisvlets se17:12
DeathTickleand I dont think adding nomodeset is correct, since the nvidia driver now uses kernel modesetting17:13
Eca_flipetteI wanted to say that without a good java, one does not simply walk into PL/SQL \o/ .O. \o/17:16
francisvI added a file called /etc/modprob.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf, and inside 'blacklist nouveau'.  I also added 'blacklist neuveau' to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf.  Rebooted but still nouveau complaining17:16
DeathTicklefrancisv yeah I have the same thing, I dont know why it isnt being blacklisted for real17:19
rpittaufrancisv: please verify the name of the mod you're blacklisting17:22
rpittaufrancisv: should be ' blacklist nouveau '17:22
francisvrpittau: name in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf verified17:23
rpittaufrancisv: you should also try to add ' options nouveau modeset=0 ' in the same blacklist conf file and regenerate initramfs17:23
Eca_flipetteDid you know Kiri &copy; -uha; is a well protected cheese recipe in France ?17:23
francisvrpittau: options in blacklist.conf or in blacklist-nouveau.conf?17:24
Eca_flipetteI'm sorry i'm on the wrong chat...17:24
rpittaufrancisv: blacklist-nouveau.conf17:24
DeathTicklewhat is the difference between all the blacklist-* files ? do the filenames matter ? rpittau17:25
francisvin blacklist-nouveau.conf I have two lines now. One line 'blacklist nouveau' second line:'options nouveau modeset=0'17:25
rpittaufrancisv: please regenarete initramfs before rebootin17:25
francisvrpittau: ok, how? :-)17:26
rpittaufrancisv: update-initramfs -u17:26
francisvrpittau: done, rebooting17:27
francisvworked out!17:28
francisvThank you very much, rpittau!\17:28
DeathTicklelucky you !17:28
rpittaufrancisv: yup no problem ;)17:28
DeathTickleI'm getting loads of 'sh: 0: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory' on update-initramfs, sounds like dead filesystem :S ?17:29
francisvbtw, an error in my upgraded Ubuntu 18.04: complains about Kernel-oops17:31
francisvIt must be something related to the upgrade17:32
francisvanyone has an idea of why this error after upgrading from 17.10?17:32
naccfrancisv: do you have the exact message?17:32
francisvIn Title BUG: Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 000000000000017:33
francisvnacc ^17:33
naccfrancisv: uh, that's a kernel panic17:33
naccfrancisv: well, kernel bug, to be clear17:33
naccfrancisv: can you use a pastebin and paste the whole `dmesg` output?17:34
francisvnacc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VWRVvKQkmS/17:36
naccfrancisv: no BUG in the current kernel17:37
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francisvI see, that message was not very useful17:37
francisvnacc I run dmesg -kH17:38
DeathTicklemmm… my nvidia driver issue might be related to secure boot since i have 'PKCS#7 signature not signed with a trusted key' after drm start in kernel log :(17:38
naccfrancisv: not sure what you mean17:38
naccfrancisv: when did you see the message you said?17:38
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francisvsome minutes ago, I have the Report Problem window open17:39
naccfrancisv: are you sure it wasn't from the prior kernel?17:40
francisvnacc: the date in the "report problem" window is from some minutes ago17:40
francisvbut many parts of the messages refer to it as it was installed from Zesty17:41
francisvand the error refers to the upgrade date as well17:41
francisvI could take an screenshot of the report problem window, but it is too long if I expand each node17:41
francisvthere most be a way to get the same message in Terminal, is not?17:42
naccfrancisv: I don't know what you mean now. You're referring a lot to 'it', 'same message', etc., but I'm not at your computer and don't know what those refer to.17:43
naccfrancisv: it is not obvious to me if your current system has the issue, or if it's reporting an error during the upgrade17:43
francisvnacc sorry, I explain again:17:43
francisvI upgraded my Ubuntu from 17.10 to 18.04 7 days ago17:44
francisvWhen booting my computer some minutes ago, a window to report an error appears17:44
yourname_im using 18.04 and my wifi just stopped working.. even after reboot and restarting the service its still not even detected unless i unplug it and it still doesnt see anything but the usbwifi card17:45
francisvThe window has a lot of "nodes", with many messages17:45
francisvthe Title "node" states:17:45
francisvBUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 0000000000017:45
matjamfrancisv: if it doesn't come back you're probably fine17:45
francisvmatjam: I have seen the error many times already, but I have not paid too much attention17:46
francisvI can probably live with it for a while :-)17:46
Nik736Hi guys, I am struggling with converting my network config to netplan, anyone around that could assist? Would appreciate it, thanks :) Old Config: https://pastebin.com/YjMRhhAa New Netplan Config that does not work: https://pastebin.com/2msq7hYV17:49
matjamfrancisv: are you sure it was all 0's and wasn't some other number at the end?17:49
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francisvmatjam: I am so sure all are 0s.  I have the window in front of me right now17:50
naccNik736: you may get more help in #ubuntu-server, fwiw, but what happens?17:50
matjamcrap that didn't paste well17:50
matjamfrancisv: it's probably one of these: https://goo.gl/nfyEC917:51
matjamfrancisv: and these things get automatically submitted to ubuntu so what happens is eventually if its a bug, they'll fix it, and release a new kernel to fix it17:51
ash_worksisomeone hilight me again?17:51
jorci need help with a problem on my ubuntu 18.0417:52
IanLiuI've just installed PostgreSQL 9.6 with `sudo snap install postgresql96`. Now I'm trying to execute the `postgresql96.pgdump` program which should create a directory at ~/files, but I'm getting `pg_dump: [directory archiver] could not create directory "files": Permission denied`. Is there any permission I should give to this program so it can create files in my home directory?17:52
ash_worksioh wow, I didn't realize what channel I was in17:52
francisvmatjam: yes, let's hope this will not make my (and others') system unstable and will be fix fast.  Thank you.17:52
jorci need help with a problem on my ubuntu 18.0417:53
naccIanLiu: the snap is supported here: https://github.com/commandprompt/postgresql-snap17:53
naccIanLiu: (and there is an email to contact in `snap info postgresql96`)17:53
leftyfb!ask | jorc17:53
ubottujorc: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:53
matjamIanLiu: any reason you used the snap and not a normal package?17:54
CommandPromptLol I got tagged in that17:54
jorcokay ubottu17:54
ash_worksiwhat was that application for seeing more detailed infomration about apt packages?17:54
leftyfbash_worksi: apt-cache show17:54
IanLiumatjam: because the package from repo isn't updated, and the PG system I'm using is 9.617:54
ash_worksileftyfb: no I mean it was a gui program17:55
jorcmy computer freezes randomly. i think that the memory become full so fast, but i dont know17:55
leftyfbash_worksi: depends on the version and flavor of ubuntu17:55
naccIanLiu: you are trusting that company, in this case, to provide you  your database server17:56
naccIanLiu: afaict, 9.6 is only in artful and is up to 9.6.8; did you really need 9.6.9?17:56
matjamash_worksi: I see postgresql 10.3 in the repo .. and if you need older versions you can use the postgresql official packages from https://www.postgresql.org/download/linux/ubuntu/17:57
naccmatjam: wrong person?17:57
matjamash_worksi: of course you'd need to get support for those packages in the #postgresql channel or whereever they hang out17:57
matjamyes wrong person17:57
s10gopalubuntu 18.04 , unable to create trash dir . https://imgur.com/a/a1x2HV517:57
matjamIanLiu: I meant you17:57
IanLiunacc: I'm on xenial (16.04), and the package version there is 9.517:58
matjams10gopal: check the ownership & permissions of /home/gopal17:58
naccIanLiu: ok17:58
ash_worksileftyfb: well, on 16 I was advised a program that was pretty nice... for some reason, the word 'snap' made me think of it... in any event, I'm on 18 now17:58
IanLiunacc: and when I issue the pg_dump command I get `pg_dump: server version: 9.6.6; pg_dump version: 9.5.12`17:58
matjamIanLiu: I'd use the official packages from postgresql.org mate17:58
IanLiumatjam: yeah, I was wondering how trustful are snap packages17:59
naccIanLiu: what pgdump command?17:59
matjamIanLiu: snaps are generally ok but personally if I'm doing anything with server software I'd want that to be an actual dpkg17:59
matjamIanLiu: I'm ok with snap for spotify and other graphical apps17:59
zealsham_i have an issue with this particular command17:59
zealsham_sudo iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth0 -p tcp — dport 80 -j REDIRECT — to-port 300017:59
zealsham_it gives an error17:59
IanLiumatjam: ok, thanks. I will try finding an official dpkg18:00
matjamIanLiu: https://www.postgresql.org/download/linux/ubuntu/18:00
s10gopalmatjam, drwxr-xr-x 23 gopal gopal 4096 May 22 21:02 gopal18:00
matjamIanLiu: and they support those packages on #postgresql18:00
matjams10gopal: s10gopal find /home/gopal \! -user gopal -ls18:02
matjams10gopal: I mean, "find /home/gopal \! -user gopal -ls18:03
matjamI hope you know what I mean18:03
zealsham_did anyone get my question18:03
matjamzealsham_: waiting for the error18:03
matjamzealsham_: but looks like you have a space between - and dport18:03
zealsham_matjam: the error Bad argument `—'18:04
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s10gopalmatjam, how to print header ? ls -lh dont print header18:05
matjamzealsham_: yeah, so, note the command you have an argument, dport, but it should be -dport18:05
DeathTickleseems like there are loads of problems since 18.04 on nvidia drivers :(18:06
matjamzealsham_: you have a space where it has "- dport 80" it should be "-dport 8018:06
matjamDeathTickle: working great for me here18:06
zealsham_matjam: Bad argument `—dport' still giving an error18:06
s10gopalmatjam, ran it using su http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8H94bCTZR5/18:07
matjams10gopal: yeah so you probably ran some graphical tools using "sudo command", don't do that, it will create files owned by root in your home directory18:07
matjams10gopal: sudo chown -R gopal:gopal /home/gopal18:07
matjamDeathTickle: what problems are you having?18:09
DeathTicklematjam could you help me out figuring out ur config. Do u have nvidia-driver-390 installed ? and if so do u have any command line parameters for nouveau/nvidia ?18:09
matjamzealsham_: it's --dport not -dport18:09
s10gopalmatjam, thx . i can trash files now18:09
matjamzealsham_: sometimes if you cut and paste from a website, they will mangle -- into a single - or into a html long -18:09
matjams10gopal: neato18:10
zealsham_matjam: ah!!, thanks for that info18:11
DeathTicklematjam my problem is nvidia driver isnt loading even with having it selected, and nouveau blacklisted18:11
matjamDeathTickle: I use nvidia-driver-390. Once I selected it from the Additional Drivers panel in "Software & Updates", I rebooted, then I run nvidia-settings and configure everything the way I want it, and save configuration to /etc/X11/xorg.conf - that's literally all I had to do18:11
matjamzealsham_: so for the syntax check "man iptables" and "man iptables-extensions" when you get those kinds of errors, and make sure you're using the right syntax.18:12
matjamzealsham_: also doing iptables raw like that is not recommended, you should use ufw18:13
zealsham_matjam: how do you do that with ufw18:14
matjamDeathTickle: oh, yeah, someone yesterday was having that issue too18:14
matjamzealsham_: dunno, you'd have to check the man page :P18:14
matjamzealsham_: but it's the best way to persist any changes so that when you reboot they keep working18:15
matjamDeathTickle: gimme a sec18:15
matjamDeathTickle: can you install pastebinit with "sudo apt install pastebinit" and then do "sudo lshw -C display | pastebinit"18:17
matjamDeathTickle: it should print a url on the command line, please share it here18:17
DanielPowerNLHow can I switch to the old behavior of typing to select files and folder in nautilus? This new search functionality is way too slow.18:19
DanielPowerNLWith the hold behavior I could type the first two or three letters and immediately hit enter to quickly navigate my filesystem with the keyboard.18:19
DanielPowerNLthe old behavior*18:19
DeathTicklematjam will do18:20
yourname_im using 18.04 and my wifi just stopped working.. even after reboot and restarting the service its still not even detected unless i unplug it and it still doesnt see anything but the usbwifi card18:21
sweincan we discuss 18.04 server in here now?18:21
naccswein: yes, although there is #ubuntu-server18:22
DeathTicklematjam after disabling secure boot the nvidia module was able to load but now I am in front of a black screen18:25
matjamDeathTickle: does ctl-alt-f1 give you a VT18:26
matjamyou could try F1-F618:26
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DeathTicklematjam I can get to the gdm login with nvidia drivers and VTs18:32
ash_worksiis there a way to reduce the spacing in the context menu on 18?18:32
DeathTicklebut after that gnome desktop doesnt appear18:33
matjamDeathTickle: yeah ok so once you log in, run nvidia-settings and configure everything in there, then save the config to "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" and reboot and see if it picks up stuff properly after that. I find the nvidia drivers need that xorg.conf file18:33
matjamDeathTickle: give it time18:33
DeathTicklematjam I am getting 2-3 FPS now :S18:35
matjamDeathTickle: does not sound like the drivers are actually running, sounds like you're in framebuffer mode or something18:36
matjamioria is good at diagnosing these kinds of problems18:36
matjamnacc: you got any ideas?18:36
yuriyhello. i did enable my external desktop and fond that margin on the bottom18:37
yuriystandart panel won't render some pixels from bottom18:37
yuriypls look here:https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOg9KPcNjJ8zXL1I_xFnYyjmfOqO7giYc1Nu4cGEgvPI52D771JCF7CHv28rSwG8g/photo/AF1QipML_rtKj1DSyVH6YavWx5LgnLi20MNExJxhA2ae?key=UjA4VnZvSjJjLUtMWVBrRXA0aGFqVnVMS3ZJZFFn18:37
yuriythis is kde18:37
DeathTicklematjam starting nvidia-settings shows my GPU is using nvidia 390.48 but yeah this is completely unsuable. I must have a modeset settings wrong or something18:40
naccmatjam: sorry, summary?18:40
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matjamDeathTickle: he is running nvidia but suffering really bad performance, before it wouldn't even show him a screen but we got to that point now as ^18:40
Dynetrekkhi, snap search fails for me, is api.snapcraft.io down?18:42
DynetrekkI've also tried on my work network via VPN if that matters18:43
DeathTicklenacc & matjam: I'm getting a continuous flow of 'asynchronous wait on fence NVIDIA:nvidia.prime:65 timed out' I'm guessing this some modesetting failure18:43
sparrowswordam using a raspberry pi and trying to connect to my wdcloud drive.... following the instructions on this site... https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=95277 i have found my drives using smbclient -L MYBOOKLIVE, however i am not able to mount it using the sudo mount -t citfs.... i do have this installed ofc18:45
basil2xUbuntu 18.04  My Epson printer is rejecting print jobs.  Any ideas?18:47
DeathTicklewhat is your error message sparrowsword18:47
matjamDeathTickle: do the xorg.conf thing and restart first and see if it fixes18:48
sparrowswordDeathTickle: event not found18:50
=== root_ is now known as Guest29384
sparrowswordDeathTickle: ive removed the rw file_mode stuff... and now it asks for a password, but i keep getting a Unable to find suitable address.18:53
sparrowswordDeathTickle: on windows i have folders on the cloud mapped as drives, not sure if this will conflict with that i am doing... not sure if i am supposed to use wdcloud login credentials or windows credentials... tried both, to no avail18:54
basil2xTest page prints fine, but all other jobs get cancelled.  Control Panel says 'printer not accepting jobs'.  Ubuntu 18.04 Epson XP640 printer.18:55
ash_worksiis there a way to list everything available from a particular source using apt?18:57
DeathTicklematjam: so I removed the kernel parameters relating to nvidia modeset and it worked out ! wooot18:58
matjamDeathTickle: awesome18:58
DeathTickleso the root issue was Secure Boot, had never thought of that18:59
DeathTicklesparrowsword let me see, I am trying the same18:59
donofrioash_worksi, you mean apt-cache search?19:01
DeathTicklesparrowsword: I was able to mount my share using 'sudo mount -t cifs -o user=guest //macproupstairs.local/Videos /mnt/'19:02
DeathTickleand password empty19:02
DeathTicklemacproupstairs.local is the hostname of my samba server19:02
ash_worksidonofrio: idk; I basically wanted to get a list of everything offered by a particular repo19:03
DeathTickleand Videos is the name of my share19:03
sparrowswordDeathTickle: i am trying the same, keeps giving an address error...19:04
sparrowswordDeathTickle: Unable to find suitable address.19:04
sparrowswordDeathTickle: sudo mount -t cifs  -o user=admin // /mnt/mybook19:05
DeathTickleshouldnt you add the share name at the end of the address ? eg: //
sparrowswordDeathTickle: tried that as well...19:06
sparrowswordDeathTickle: probably something really stupid im doing wrong...19:06
doug16ksparrowsword, you probably need to sudo apt-get install cifs-utils19:07
sparrowsworddoug16k: cifs-utils is already the newest version (2:6.7-1).19:07
sparrowswordperhaps my settings in wdcloud are incorrect somehow...19:08
sparrowswordDeathTickle: myshare is just the name of a folder right?19:08
DeathTicklecan you mount that share using another computer ?19:08
tgm4883sparrowsword: out of curiosity, what about doing sudo mount -t cifs  -o "user=admin,ip=" // /mnt/mybook19:08
DeathTickleno myshare is the name u set it19:08
doug16ksparrowsword, share name is share name. it isn't necessarily the same as a folder name19:08
DeathTickleyou can find it using the smbclient -L method19:09
DeathTicklefind the share name that is19:09
=== Anticime1 is now known as Anticimex
sparrowswordtgm4883: Unable to find suitable address.19:09
doug16ksparrowsword, what is the computer name of the server?19:09
sparrowswordDeathTickle: i can access it on this computer, but i cant access it on my linux boxes19:09
sparrowsworddoug16k: WDMyCloud19:10
doug16ksparrowsword, ok, what does this say: nmblookup WDMyCloud19:10
tgm4883sparrowsword: I wonder if it's because you're using .local TLD.19:10
sparrowsworddoug16k: WDMyCloud<00>19:10
DeathTickle'smbclient -L WDMyCloud' will give u a list of shares as the first list19:10
doug16kthen 87 is wrong19:10
DeathTickledoes your WDMyCloud have a hostname ? better use that than the ip address19:11
sparrowsworddoug16k: hey what do you know... something stupid...19:11
sparrowswordDeathTickle: tried.. wouldnt let me... i had the wrong ip....well... i really do appreciate the help DeathTickle: doug16k: tgm4883:19:12
sparrowswordhow do i make this permanent? sudo mount -t cifs  -o  user=admin // /mnt/mybook19:13
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Butterfly^anyone got an idea how to automatically mute sound when pc goes into lock/screen saver? on top of that, i'd like to unmute as well when logging back in19:14
DeathTicklesparrowsword: you can add something similar to /etc/fstab19:14
sparrowswordDeathTickle: hmm19:15
DeathTicklesparrowsword: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently19:15
matjamButterfly^: I googled, this seems plausible https://askubuntu.com/questions/429716/how-to-run-a-command-or-script-at-screen-lock-unlock19:16
Butterfly^sweet, thanks matjam o/19:16
sparrowswordDeathTickle: Thank You :D19:16
matjamButterfly^: amixer -q -D pulse sset Master mute19:17
matjamButterfly^: then unmute to unmute19:17
Ctrl_Nullhas anyone gotten an eGPU working with ubuntu?19:17
Butterfly^i need to write a custom script for it, as when i log back in, i want it to restore mute/unmute, based on how the state was before going into lock19:18
DeathTickleamixer ?  shouldnt it be a pulseaudio command or something ?19:18
Butterfly^although, that's optional, and wouldn't be too much of an issue if i couldn't do that last one, the mute on screensaver/lock activation is what's crucial19:18
matjamDeathTickle: thats the -D pulse thing, i think19:19
ash_worksiis there a command to translate an ubuntu version number into a codename?19:19
Butterfly^sometimes i forget to mute, and then at 4 AM, someone highlights me (while i been playing loud music earlier), and it wakes me up in a shock19:19
matjamI feel your pain19:19
DeathTicklelsb_release -a gives you both codename and version19:20
matjamButterfly^: or you fall asleep with spotify playing and wonder what the music is at 4am19:20
hggdhand lsb_release -c gives out just the code name19:20
Butterfly^matjam : lol, yeah, that's pretty horrible too :)19:20
DeathTicklenow that i got my nvidia gpu running I can try some steam games !19:20
matjamDeathTickle: factorio!19:21
DeathTicklesparrowsword: tell us if you got it working19:21
Butterfly^in my honest opinion, i think the screensaver or lock screen settings should have an option for that, just a checkbox to "mute when lock/screensaver"19:21
Butterfly^have fun DeathTickle o/19:22
sparrowswordDeathTickle: Yes19:22
Butterfly^DeathTickle : Raft is native linux game, not that bad actually if you're into that kind of game19:22
DeathTickleButterfly^: is it on steam ?19:23
Butterfly^DeathTickle : no steam needed19:23
Butterfly^DeathTickle : https://raft.itch.io/raft19:23
Butterfly^DeathTickle : runs as portable app i believe19:23
Butterfly^yes it does19:23
Butterfly^DeathTickle : apparently it will be on steam May 23th 201819:23
DeathTickleButterfly^: sounds like my worst nightmare ><. Alone in the sea on a raft19:23
Butterfly^that's tomorrow :)19:24
jorc<jorc> my computer freezes randomly. i think that the memory become full so fast, but i dont know19:24
jorcplz help19:25
BaKKaRhello everyone ... what is with BT in 18.04. I cannot find any BT devices in  the BT Settings19:27
BaKKaRneither my phone detects my laptop19:27
Butterfly^BaKKaR : open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and type: rfkill list19:28
Butterfly^bluetooth blocked in that list? hard or soft locked?19:28
janat08can anybody tell me how much slower is disk access on VM?19:30
BaKKaRButterfly^, yes it is and it says no for both hard and soft19:30
matjamjanat08: depends, usual rule of thumb is like, 5% but depends on whether you're using virtio, which io scheduler you use, etc.19:30
Butterfly^BaKKaR : that's all i know about bluetooth really, i hated bluetooth when i went to the launch convention about 18 years ago, and i still hate it today, as it's far from reliable and a total hit or miss :)19:30
Butterfly^BaKKaR : i'm sure someone else here can help you though19:31
janat08matjam: so negligable?19:31
BaKKaRthank you Butterfly^19:31
matjamjanat08: like I said, depends, but yeah, its not usually a huge overhead, virtualization is pretty good these days. Especially KVM+Qemu with virtio, its pretty fast, using the noop scheduler on the guest19:32
DeathTickleBaKKaR have you tried discovering your bluetooth devices from the commandline ?19:32
jagezUmm, help! I'm getting http 403 forbidden for files on old-releases.ubuntu.com, e.g. this one: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/u/usb-modeswitch/usb-modeswitch_2.2.5+repack0-1ubuntu1.1_amd64.deb . Shouldn't this file be available?19:32
Butterfly^jagez : that seems normal19:33
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BaKKaRDeathTickle, can you guide me how19:33
EriC^^jagez: seems like some error on the server or something19:33
DeathTickleBaKKaR: open a terminal and type 'bluetoothctl'19:33
jagezButterfly^, The file is listed on the server but is forbidden, this is normal for an ubuntu repository?19:34
EriC^^jagez: no19:34
Butterfly^jagez : that's not what i meant :) i mean, the link is forbidden to all apparently, i didn't mean it should be like that :)19:35
jagezhaha ok :)19:35
BaKKaRDeathTickle, it says no default controlers and when i try list .. it comes with nothing :(19:36
jagezButterfly^, is there someone who might need a prod about that? It's making running an old software test on 16.10 practically impossible19:36
doug16kjanat08, with virt-io, vm disk performance is almost native speed. besides that, the cache configuration is the main determining factor19:36
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doug16kjanat08, you can set the disk caching to unsafe for max performance, but if power is lost or the vm is killed, corruption is possible19:37
jagezEriC^^, thanks :)19:37
matjamBaKKaR: can you install pastebinit with "sudo apt install pastebinit" and then run "lshw | pastebinit" it should come back with a URL, share the URL with us.19:37
matjamBaKKaR: actually, use "sudo lshw | patebinit"19:39
janat08I decided to do no configuration and go with workstation pro 1419:39
BaKKaRmatjam, ok19:39
matjamsudo lshw | pastebinit19:39
BaKKaRmatjam, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PQWvZcFdzb/19:46
matjamBaKKaR: you might be out of luck right now until there's a patch: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1032417/ubuntu-18-04-lts-bluetooth-discovery-not-working?rq=119:48
matjamBaKKaR: seems like others have the same problem19:48
BaKKaRmatjam, i see19:48
BaKKaROk, another reason to try Manjaro I guess :-/19:48
BaKKaRi filed another bug for Display servers crashing after system suspend ...19:50
matjamBaKKaR: I'm looking for the bug tracking this issue in launchpad19:51
BaKKaRi will do a test for the bug maintainers and i think i am going to rest this install for now19:51
matjamBaKKaR: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/176464519:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1764645 in linux (Ubuntu Bionic) "Bluetooth not working" [Medium,Confirmed]19:52
matjamlooks like fix was released19:52
BaKKaRmatjam, let me check19:52
matjamBaKKaR: so you may be able to use the PPA here: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.16.9/19:53
matjamBaKKaR: until the new kernel is released then go back to official kernel19:53
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BaKKaRmatjam, thank you very much for your support20:00
matjamBaKKaR: no worries20:01
BaKKaRmatjam, this will not any of the other functions?20:01
matjamBaKKaR: I don't know, but I'd give it a try, it should in principle just work20:02
BaKKaRmatjam, thank you again brother20:02
libbenis this correct channel for 18.04?20:04
matjamlibben: yup20:04
donofrioanyone made a port for my platform?  www.tinyurl.com/donofriog5inxi (had to ask cause 16.04 is feeling long in the teeth)20:17
DeathTickleif I've upgraded from kubuntu 17 to 18.04 I should have everything up to date right ?20:22
RandomNoobHello guys how to disable mouse blink in xfce?20:25
tgm4883DeathTickle: you'd normally be up to date with what's in the repos, yes20:27
vexcan anyone tell me if kernel livepatch is expected to work on 18.04 ?20:27
i_heart_penguinsanyone know how to search apt minus libs? otherwise it tends to return way too much20:28
vexI get this output from `canonical-livepatch status` on 18.04 https://paste.nothing.net.nz/KSHSV0Tudh#MLnYQdy7UKz/u3OTwhkwVA$020:29
vexsame result on different hardware. (same kernel/release)20:30
funky007hi everyone - i am new to linux and ubuntu.  Just installed on my Rpi.  Very exciting times indeed.20:32
DeathTicklegl hf funky00720:33
libbenAnyone has seen anything like htop but with added cputemp ?20:33
kiokomani_heart_penguins:  sudo apt search blablabla | egrep -v "lib"20:34
i_heart_penguinskiokoman: danke20:34
i_heart_penguinsi can also use grep. what's the difference?20:36
IntelCoreHow read the journal - that flies by on loading20:36
kiokomani_heart_penguins: egrep is 100% equivalent to grep -E20:37
BaKKaRmatjam, hello again20:39
BaKKaRmatjam, just to confirm it worked with some upstream kernel20:40
matjamBaKKaR: awesome20:40
BaKKaRmatjam, 4.15.13-041513-generic20:40
BaKKaRnot stable though .. connects and disconnects on its own20:41
libbenThat would be a nice feature in regular htop20:41
Edistoafter going idle and having to relog, my second monitor becomes unknown when I return and I can't get any higher than 1380x700. Is that a command to reboot monitor drivers?20:42
IntelCoreEdisto - what is the resolution of monitor20:45
IntelCoreWhat is this about?  -- com.ubuntu.OneConf[1748]: WARNING:oneconf.hosts:Error in loading other_hosts file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:20:46
IntelCoreWhat is this about? -- lightdm: PAM unable to dlopen(pam_kwallet.so): /lib/security/pam_kwallet.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:49
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Guest69171Is there a way to force a terminal command even though "dependencies are not satisfied"?20:51
matjamGuest69171: don't IRC as root, bad idea20:51
gokuWhat could happen if I connect to IRC as root?20:53
matjamgoku: google irc client exploit or irc client "buffer overflow"20:55
gokumatjam: well, guess I'm screwd20:56
IntelCoreAgain, I would like to read the journal that fly by when ubuntu loads, before grub20:57
IntelCoreer, before sign-in20:57
matjamIntelCore: boot with "nosplash text"20:57
matjamIntelCore: everything is saved in "dmesg"20:57
IntelCoreok dmesg, thanks.20:58
matjamgoku: not really, just, its bad practice, you don't know what exploits are out there and you will want to limit any damage20:58
IntelCorecas this text, then a ubuntu screen then more text, all happens fast20:58
gokumatjam: how did you know I was logged in as root?20:58
matjamgoku: user mask when you joined was ~root@ which tells me your logged in user was root20:59
gokumatjam: oh alright, thanks for the heads up21:00
matjamgoku: not sure what your earlier question meant. Are you trying to install a package without it's dependencies? its possible to force that but not recommended. You can end up in a bad state.21:00
gokumatjam: I am trying to remove gnome but I am getting an error. "Failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)"21:03
Two_Dogsroot on irc :)21:03
gokuTwo_Dogs: lol21:04
Two_Dogsgoku: by remove you mean purging the gnome-shell desktop?21:04
yuiopa little OT, but #hardware seems to be invite only: mainboard has 4 DDR2 slots amd max 4GB total; Do I assume correctly that 2x2GB ram sticks are okay?21:04
gokuTwo_Dogs: yeah I want to remove it completely and all the packages I installed with it21:05
Two_Dogsgoku: what was the default desktop install?21:05
yeeedose anyone have a solution how to fix this problem? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1002933/vmware-dhcp-no-internet-access, same problem in here as well https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/162432021:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1624320 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-resolved appends to resolv.conf alongside existing entries" [Low,Confirmed]21:05
gokuTwo_Dogs: xfce21:05
Two_Dogsgoku: what is the meta package that installs a complete xfce?21:06
gokuTwo_Dogs: xfce and xfce-goodies21:07
Two_Dogsgoku: copy/paste & execute via terminal> aptitude purge -sy ~ngnome xfce+ xfce-goodies+ | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here21:08
Two_Dogshe found a game to play instead21:09
IntelCorejournalctl -k (is not what flys by at loading screen21:14
Two_DogsIntelCore: journalctl -b --pri=3 ## that should be everything from boot where there is an issue, remove the --pri=3 and you get the whole enchilada21:17
Two_DogsIntelCore: journalctl -b -f --pri=3 ## that left in a terminal will provide realtime issues tracking21:19
Two_Dogs-b with -f is probably redundant21:20
DeathTickleIntelCore: use '-k' if you want only the kernel log, else you have kernel+other processes. You can abbreviate —pri=3 to -p 3. I also often find there are good pointers to potential errors with -p 421:20
IntelCorewoof, Two-Dogs21:20
Two_DogsDeathTickle: true about --pri=4 , its a screen filler though21:21
IntelCoreMy issue is just that I think the ubuntu is in restore mode. text, then the ubuntu screen, then more text before the log-in screen.21:21
Two_DogsIntelCore: you mean recovery mode? you would need to force recovery normally21:23
DeathTickleand you wouldnt see the graphical log-in screen21:23
IntelCorehmm.. It says I have a few things in red21:24
Two_DogsIntelCore: define 'it'21:24
IntelCoreRan that command u said, and see this stuff in red21:25
IntelCore8 things. multiple lines21:25
DeathTicklesome errors coming from the kernel boot are very benign and dont matter much IntelCore21:27
RoadRunnerto repair a distant comp, ssh server needs to be installed on both my and client's comps?21:28
Two_DogsRoadRunner: install 'ssh' on remote, the client end is default installed21:28
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: client is default installed on both 18.04 and 16.04?21:29
Two_DogsRoadRunner: 'client'= ssh someuser@some-ip is avail on anything i ever touched21:31
IntelCoreUbuntuOne ?21:31
IntelCoreI have joined this UbuntuOne, I forget what I put?21:32
SupermanHello! What does this error mean when trying to connect to a SSL IRC server? " irc: error: A TLS fatal alert has been received."21:32
leftyfbSuperman: you might try #freenode to help with IRC21:33
IntelCoresecure socket layer irc server21:34
salvoserver -ssl irc.xertion.org21:34
Two_DogsSuperman irc: error: A TLS fatal alert has been received. https://git.io/vhJPe21:34
=== Butterfly^ is now known as Bodsda
yourname_Superman: are you trying to ssl? is it even set up? sounds like you have a script running for secure ssl but not configured21:35
salvoserver irc.xertion.org21:36
yuppieanyone know where i can get some help on setting up iPXE / PXE for ubuntu desktop installs?21:37
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: ssh stuff on man looks kinda overwhelming; what's the command syntax to login to a remote and open a terminal?21:37
yuppieI've looked at FOG and iPXE and now I'm working with ERPXE21:37
IntelCorepxe for iot21:38
JHOSMANHello, how to I can make conecction of Hamachi in Ubuntu Core?21:38
Two_DogsRoadRunner: most basic command> ssh username-on-remote@ip-of-remote21:38
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IntelCorechange my user name in UbuntuOne, and it says I need to change it in LaunchPad21:39
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: if remote is on a lan with several machines on auto dhcp, how to proceed?21:40
naccRoadRunner: your question doesn't make sense21:40
Two_DogsRoadRunner: you need the ip of the remote you want to access21:40
naccRoadRunner: 'remote' is a single machine21:40
Two_DogsRoadRunner: on remote execute> inxi -i21:41
IntelCoreLaunchpad set a change that affects UbuntuOne ?21:42
IntelCoreAll I did was change Username21:42
`whoami`hi, how do you disable visual effects on ubuntu 18.04 ?21:43
xamithanDepends on your DE21:43
Two_Dogswhat is the bots trigger for 'your question is way too general'?21:44
`whoami`vanilla ubuntu offers gnome I think21:45
IntelCoreMan, UbuntuOne can see my pc log-ins21:45
IntelCoreand ip address21:45
yuppieanyone have suggetions on pxe boot setups?21:46
naccIntelCore: ubuntuone can of course see your ip address21:47
naccyuppie: what's your question specifically?21:47
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: nacc: so, if I am trying to help a friend to repair his comp, I got to call him and explain how to open terminal, enter "inxi -i" and tell me the ip (which can be diff every time he boots 'cause he is on a lan with a dhcp router on auto)?...21:47
yuppiei'm looking for a guide with a full setup21:47
IntelCoreUbuntu gnome, ubuntu-metacity, ubuntu-flashback, ubuntu default(Unity8), ubuntu-gnome-compiz.. soon all changes21:47
yuppiefrom start to finish21:47
naccIntelCore: who are you talking to?21:48
naccRoadRunner: well, how are you going to get to their computer? their private LAN IP is not routed to you if you are not on the same LAN21:48
IntelCorewhoami', did they leave?21:48
naccIntelCore: i'm pretty sure you know how to direct your conversations in irc. please do so properly21:48
IntelCoreFine nacc. So why do I have to see text scroll up when boot21:49
naccyuppie: i feel like most people use tools to do that for them now, cobbler, containers (do you really need full machines?), maas, etc.21:49
naccIntelCore: I don't know what you're talking about, don't ask random people.21:49
IntelCoreask, dont ask to ask.21:50
yuppieyeah need full machines for desktop workstations21:50
Two_DogsRoadRunner: you are not going to be helping unless your friend does some stuff on the router, like allowing you in21:50
naccIntelCore: ask your question to the channel, not to me, as I don't have any context to your question.21:50
naccIntelCore: and if you're responding to someone else's question, respond to them.21:51
=== Bodsda is now known as ButterFly^
IntelCoreI did ask, I am waiting nacc21:51
naccIntelCore: you've been here long enough to know both those things.21:51
naccyuppie: ok, you might want to look into the existing tools that do this style of thing21:51
naccyuppie: doing it yourself is a bit of a pain21:51
`whoami`and I'm also looking how to export system/user settings, like regional and keyboard layout, notification, doker and search preferences, and so on21:51
IntelCoreevery time I try to get help. I might know something, but .. oh well.21:52
yuppienacc: which tools should i look at first?21:52
`whoami`i'm not sure just exporting user's home will be enough21:52
p1p3r4thi, i need a fdisk -l result of any hp pavilion 2016/2017 with ssd + hdd , if one here. Thank you.21:52
naccp1p3r4t: that's not really wht this channel is for21:52
RoadRunnernacc: inxi -i will give my friend both wan and lan ip's; he needs to give me both for me to login?21:52
`whoami`s/exporting/creating a backup/21:53
p1p3r4tnacc, ok, excuse me.21:53
naccRoadRunner: honestly, if you don't understand what's needed, i'm not sure you should be helping your friend :)21:53
kiokomanp1p3r4t: It is like looking for a needle in a haystack.21:53
Supermanyourname_: yes, SSL feature is turned on in my IRC client, on a different IRC client I can connect successfully on that specific server, it's not a freenode server21:53
MonkeyDust!find needle21:53
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 222 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=needle&searchon=names&suite=bionic&section=all21:53
p1p3r4tkiokoman, almost21:53
RoadRunnernacc: you are right :) which is why I am trying to learn now, to fully understand what's involved21:54
naccRoadRunner: you have to be able to connect to their achine, but their machine is behind a router. So you need to be able to connect to their router, which then has to allow you to connect to a machine ontheir lan.21:55
naccRoadRunner: none of this is ubuntu specific, btw, you might want ##linux or something21:55
RoadRunnernacc: if my questions on this are inapropriate, I'll move on; but if you guys don't mind, perhaps I could finish with this here?21:58
Two_DogsRoadRunner: you might consider chrome-remote on both ends, i think you may actually get to help via that route, need chrome and remote desktop extension22:01
kiokomanRoadRunner: teamviewer ?22:03
XB23hi all i have a question about LXC .. so im using iptables to do some routing to my containers from outside world22:04
XB23it all works great but if i restore my iptables rules my outgoing connection from my containers stops22:05
XB23i have to service lxc-net restart22:05
XB23and it all works fine again, is this normal?22:05
XB23i dont get why iptables screws with lxc-net22:05
RoadRunnerkiokoman: I assume that's an special app, not requiring ssh?22:05
naccXB23: you might try #lxcontainers22:06
kiokomanRoadRunner: indeed22:06
RoadRunnerkiokoman: does it allow to remotely open terminal and go from there?22:07
kiokomanRoadRunner: i think so https://community.teamviewer.com/t5/Knowledge-Base/How-to-install-TeamViewer-on-Linux-without-graphical-user/ta-p/435222:08
RoadRunnerkiokoman: I'll look into it, thanks22:09
RoadRunnerdoes the use of ssh increase the need to encrypt ubuntu partitions on a remote comp or is ssh considered  to be secure enough not to have to worry about that?22:12
kiokoman secure enough ...22:13
kiokomanit's secure only when u unplug the lan cable22:14
IntelCoreRan ubuntu (upstart). so, now it has all this text when ubuntu loads. And, my grub is set 'splash'22:14
tgm4883RoadRunner: those are two different forms of encryption you're talking about22:15
RoadRunnertgm4883: I realize that, just wondering if "an extra" way in has a potential to compromize something22:16
tgm4883RoadRunner: The problem with your questions is you're asking if SSH encryption (protects data during transit) makes it more necessary to encrypt your hard drive (protects data when  your machine is off)22:17
RoadRunnertgm4883: hd encryption protects only when the machine is off?22:19
tgm4883RoadRunner: yes22:19
naccIntelCore: are you running 14.04?22:19
tgm4883RoadRunner: which would be like asking. I bought a car with air bags, so should I lock my front door when I leave the house22:19
nacctgm4883: i mean, the answer is yes :)22:20
tgm4883nacc: what if you're in Canada?22:20
RoadRunnertgm4883: I like your analogy :)22:21
RoadRunnerbut even my questions sound imbecile, I know of no other way to learn :)22:21
IntelCorenacc - this 16.0422:22
tgm4883RoadRunner: The only dumb questions are the ones you don't ask22:22
naccIntelCore: then what do you mean you are running upstart?22:23
IntelCoreupstart ubuntu instead of systemd?22:24
naccIntelCore: why would you do that on 16.04?22:24
IntelCorenacc: I dunno why the text displays. grub is set, i think, to splash.22:25
naccIntelCore: you're not answering my question22:25
IntelCoreAh, nacc: there are the option to boot ubuntu (upstart)22:25
naccIntelCore: upstart is not the init system by default on 16.04, i doubt it works well and it simply doesn't exist anymore in later releases.22:26
naccIntelCore: you have no reason, i expect, to boot that version of ubuntu, and i doubt most services work with it.22:26
kiokomannope, it's gone on 18.0422:26
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: are chrome-remote desktop extension also a sepparate app like teamviewer?22:26
IntelCorenacc: so this must be why the pc has text right after grub22:27
naccIntelCore: do you mean you aren't given a graphical login?22:27
naccIntelCore: yes, don't use an unsupported config.22:27
Two_Dogsno idea RoadRunner22:27
naccIntelCore: i'm fairly sure those options are only there for people upgrading from 14.0422:27
IntelCorenacc: it finally will go thru all and give a log-in page22:27
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: please explain you suggestion regarding  chrome-remote22:28
IntelCorenacc: so this grub issue?22:28
naccIntelCore: ok ... I don't particularly care about that. I doubt most things work. Don't use that option.22:28
naccIntelCore: no.22:28
naccIntelCore: seriously, just don't use that boot option.22:28
naccIntelCore: you have no reason to do so, as you don't seem to know what 'upstart' is.22:28
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: are you able to talk in a private chat?22:31
IntelCorenacc - this seems to be using upstart now when boots, how to go back to other way?22:33
naccIntelCore: reboot to the entry that doesn't say upstart.22:34
naccIntelCore: as in the default one22:34
Two_DogsRoadRunner: i dont pm/pvt22:35
IntelCorenacc: okay so select the vm-linuz kernel that is first named in grub menu.  Then that should fix it.  But, I do not think it did.22:38
IntelCoreI am going to 'reeboot' from terminal. brb22:39
libbenAnyone good with watch dog?22:39
naccIntelCore: stop talking about upstart.22:39
libbenI have watch dog disabled in my bios22:39
libbenAnd Im thinking of turning it on22:39
libbenDo I also need to install and configure watchdog package?22:40
nacclibben: is it a server? do you see system hangs?22:40
libbenits a server, mini pc. I just received a new mobo for it. First one got dead within a weak with idle temps arounr 40-6022:40
libbenso i was thinking of precaution22:41
libbentry it and see if it gets triggered and reboot22:41
IntelCorenacc : last line was something about seed. then I logged-in. It has [ ok] in green text flying up.22:43
ericrajuinHello I got a question. Is there a quick way to list all packages currently installed from a ppa? I've got a bunch of libmono* packages which I want to freeze it from upgrading, but I don't want to 'apt-mark hold' and type each name coz there's a lot of names to type..22:44
IntelCoreericrajuin - askubuntu.com/questions/447129/how-to-list-all-the-packages-which-are-installed-from-ppas22:47
ericrajuinIntelCore: I'll try that, thank you :)22:49
oerheksaptitude search '?narrow(?installed, ~Oppa)'22:49
ericrajuinoerheks: do I substitue the "~Oppa" with the ppa name ?22:53
IntelCorei think it is init. not grub22:54
yuppieno one in the ERPXE channel lol22:57
oerheksericrajuin, oh it gives meta package names only22:57
ycyclistWhat is the IRC channel for encoding questions?23:01
ycyclistI googled but no luck.23:01
=== fabricius1 is now known as fabricius
IntelCorewha? is initd?23:03
ericrajuinoerheks: that is still useful23:04
IntelCore  sbin init splash is running nacc23:11
RoadRunnerhow to set up an encrypted data partition after the initial install?23:12
xamithanRoadRunner: https://www.cyberciti.biz/hardware/howto-linux-hard-disk-encryption-with-luks-cryptsetup-command/23:13
RoadRunnerxamithan: thank you :)23:16
IntelCorehtop is good23:16
IntelCorei don't get why it boots like this now.23:17
ericrajuinthanks IntelCore oerheks, problem solved :)23:20
IntelCorewha?  ok. well cool23:21
IntelCoreyum, read ubuntu-manual.org23:22
jfwneuTomcat 9 was declared stable in mid-january... not enough time to include it in the 18.04 repository?23:31
naccjfwneu: it's not in debian either23:32
jfwneui thought the one group of people who benefitted from systemd were distribution maintainers...23:33
naccjfwneu: not sure what that has to do with the other?23:33
FreakingOut1987I have some pretty important data saved in mousepad editor. It has just become unresponsive. It usually happens once I open about 100+ tabs in one session. No idea what could cause the problem. I'm hesitant to force close any of these mousepads as they all fork from the same original process. What can I do to salvage the data saved in one of the child processes?23:49
ButterFly^FreakingOut1987 : tip for the future, save way more often23:53
FreakingOut1987ButterFly^, mhm, I'm not opening 100+ tabs without saving though hahaha. It's more like once I reach tab 100+ in the name23:53

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