
guivercmy 18.04 box I usually sleep overnight. recently on wake i get radeon (text) errors on screen briefly (no locker screen); then (quickly) to login screen (prior session gone).  Where can i expect to find the radeon messages (or anywhere useful) so i can track down more useful info?  (for #1772542)01:46
well_laid_lawnguiverc:  tr looking at the X log and ~/.xsession-errors02:14
guivercwell_laid_lawn, i didn't find an X*log in /var/log/ (no recent .xsession-errors)02:19
well_laid_lawnnext guess is to try dmesg02:22
guivercan obvious one, but i see radeon stuff there - re-looking  thanks02:27
guivercthis may be it, anyone want to help me interpret (or confirm looks ..) -- http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NS2rJbTmhb/    is there a routine to convert sys.loctime to real.time  (for me to confirm time matches?)02:41
well_laid_lawntry   dmesg -e02:44
guivercthat is it - preparing to sleep messages further up... thanks well_laid_lawn !02:44
guiverc:) @ -e   thanks again.02:45
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jostHi! I updated to 18.04 recently, but not samba shares are no longer accessible. I accessed them previously by entering "smb://192.168.xxx.yyy" as path in thunar. That opened up an authentication window, and everything was fine11:07
jostNo I get "Failed to retrieve share list from server: invalid argument"11:07
jostSomeone knows what could be the cause or fix?=11:09
pmjdebru1jnjost: the server didn't change?11:18
pmjdebru1jnwhat is the server which version of samba?11:18
pmjdebru1jnjost: does smbclient work?11:18
pmjdebru1jnsmbclient -L \\192.168.xxx.yyy\MYSHARE (if I recall recorrectly, you may need to look into man smbclient for the details)11:19
jostpmjdebru1jn: The server didn't change... I don't know the servers version. Smbclient does not work11:19
pmjdebru1jnjost: my first guess might be a smb version mismatch11:19
jostpmjdebru1jn: yes, that was the problem, just found it using google11:19
pmjdebru1jnsmb version mismatch?11:19
pmjdebru1jnso you already fixed it?11:20
jostAdding "client max protocol = NT1" to smb.conf worked11:20
jostjust got it to work11:20
jostThanks :-)11:21
pmjdebru1jnnp :)11:21
pmjdebru1jnthough stick around, maybe someone has additional insight11:21
pmjdebru1jnbtw, does Thunar mount that via GVFS/GIO?11:21
eoli3nhow to change default Desktop Environment with lightdm ? this is not working -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM#Changing_the_Default_Session . When i su user in tty, then startxfce4, no problem13:53
james1138Hello from Indiana. Question. Is it possible for applications menu to auto-sort by name?14:24
james1138Sorry. I should have said first that I am running 16.04.4 32 bit14:25
pmjdebru1jnisn't that the default already?14:31
pmjdebru1jnthe favorites are manually sorted14:32
pmjdebru1jnthe other used menus are alphabetically sorted14:32
pmjdebru1jnin all "all" "internet" etc14:32
pmjdebru1jnjames1138: or do I misunderstand?14:32
james1138I was not sure. If I installed software that was not in the repository - it sometimes does not.14:35
james1138Linux Game Database for example14:36
pmjdebru1jnsoftware not in the repository14:39
pmjdebru1jnif you install something outside of the repos, theres no teling what happens to your machine14:39
pmjdebru1jnanyhow, I thought that the linux game database was a website, not an application?14:39
GridCubeno idea14:41
pmjdebru1jnjames1138: ?14:41
james1138Sorry. I download some games from the website and install. But never mind.14:42
pmjdebru1jnanyhow, do be careful installing anything from outside of the repos14:42
pmjdebru1jnthere's a lot of crap out there14:42
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xubuntu68iWhy doesn't xubuntu have a minimal install option?16:09
Eca_flipetteToday I went to studying, and the techs' put a 'H.S' note post-it on the dead screen... :'(17:26
Eca_flipetteIt's so sad.17:27
FreakingOut1987I have some pretty important data saved in mousepad editor. It has just become unresponsive. It usually happens once I open about 100+ tabs in one session. No idea what could cause the problem. I'm hesitant to force close any of these mousepads as they all fork from the same original process23:48
FreakingOut1987What can I do to salvage the data saved in one of the apps?23:48
* drleviathan googles "mousepad editor"...23:51
drleviathandoes mousepad make backup files of its state, I wonder?23:55
FreakingOut1987Nope, unfortunately it does not :*(23:56
FreakingOut1987I really should stop using it23:56
drleviathannope, it appears not.  yeah, I suppose that goes with the "fast and lightweight" strategy23:57
drleviathaneither stop using it or remember to save you work as you go23:57

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