
=== shardy is now known as shardy_lunch
=== shardy_lunch is now known as shardy
smoserblackboxsw: https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34563015:53
smoseri think thiat is ready15:53
smoserand https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/346747 is simple enough.15:54
blackboxswsmoser: will grab both.15:54
smoserrobjo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/177296116:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1772961 in cloud-init "suse (packages/suse/cloud-init.spec.in) spec does not build" [Medium,Confirmed]16:21
smoseris that somethign you could look at? if necessary i could/can provide you with a system that you can './run-container' on.16:21
robjosmoser: I'll take a look, probably Friday, the next couple of days will be dedicated to dealing with Specter v4 fall out16:42
smoserblackboxsw: https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/345630 that could use an eyeball. seems mostly non-contentious19:21
blackboxsw... will wrap it up and land it.19:23
smoserdo we have a bug on https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/view/cloud-init,%20curtin,%20streams/job/cloud-init-integration-lxd-a/357/artifact/cloud-init/results/19:39
smoseror https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/view/cloud-init,%20curtin,%20streams/job/cloud-init-integration-lxd-b/19:40
smoserhm.. why did that just now go red19:40
powersjsmoser: I changed the integration tests yesterday19:41
powersjthey now use the ppa...19:41
powersjbut, that means they use upstream tests19:41
smoserhm.. but ppa is up to date.19:41
powersjyeah so I didn't think we would have a gap19:41
powersjbut that is what changed19:41
blackboxswlxd-b salt_minion error we have a bug19:42
blackboxswlemme see here19:42
smoserwell, in -a it was chrony19:42
smoserinstall of chrony failed19:42
smoserhow do you know what failed ?19:42
smoserwe really need a nic elist of which tests failed.19:42
blackboxswweird... /me thinks we have a salt_minion bug...19:42
powersjsalt_minion did fail19:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1769754 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "salt-minion: public/private keys not preserved in /etc/salt/pki" [Undecided,New]19:45
blackboxswI filed against the package, should have been against cloud-init project19:45
blackboxswI can grab that so we see pretty green if folks want19:46
blackboxswI can also try to consolidate the integration test failures to a human readable output at the end19:46
smoserblackboxsw: first make c-i like os-local19:47
smoserand we can land that19:47
smoserrharper: if you could look at https://code.launchpad.net/~mgerdts/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34416819:53
smoseri think that is close19:53
smoserblackboxsw: ... i think maybe something push overwrote ?20:03
smoserhttps://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/345630 says merged.20:03
blackboxswsmoser: I think you and I collided twice20:03
smoseri had just pushed https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34641520:03
smoserbut the tools hould fail20:03
blackboxswI tryied running review-mps on your branch20:03
* blackboxsw is hands off.20:03
blackboxswI'll let you land them20:03
smoseri'd have thought it would fail though.  the push should fail if its not ff-only20:04
blackboxswon my side this is what I saw20:05
blackboxswso the merge failed, but before the push, the script made changes to the branch in Launchpad20:05
smoserok. that makes seense.20:05
blackboxswso we should do those changes only after a successful push20:05
smoserso in that case it should not change the bugs.20:06
blackboxsw+1  I'll change that now20:06
blackboxswand I'll stop running review-mps20:06
smoseralso i was just thinking ... since i am re-using a '--local-repo-dir'20:06
smoserwe should rm -Rf .tox20:06
blackboxsw+1 will add it20:06
smoserso that it gets re-built with any un-intentionally not pinned versions20:07
smoserbut first make c-i like your os-local branch20:07
blackboxswok pushed fix for os-local. awaiting https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/job/cloud-init-ci/35/20:28
blackboxswmoving around review-mps operations to avoid touching bugs/MPs until publish has occurred20:29
blackboxsws/publish/git push/20:29
blackboxswoops had to rebase for the httpretty changes. running again21:12
blackboxswI'm going to put up an upload for C as os-local is landing21:42
blackboxswok cosmic upload proposed22:20

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