
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest88425
mattflywhy is the discover app using so much cpu?03:48
Fire-Dragon-DoLsigh I keep getting KWIN crashing, almost randomly, repeatedly during the day :(03:54
mattflyand im not able to install snapds from the discover app since it is not passing the --classic argument03:54
Fire-Dragon-DoLany idea where to look for? It might be related to virtual desktops and swapping fast03:54
Fire-Dragon-DoLand URGH it just crashed again...03:54
mattflyand it asks for classic confinement03:54
valoriehmmm, sounds like something snap related is missing04:19
valorieplease file a bug with .......hmmm, LP I guess04:19
valoriebest way is `ubuntu-bug discover`04:19
valoriediscover works very well for me, but I've never tried to install a snap using it04:20
=== ugur is now known as Guest72764
Guest72764Hi I am using Kubuntu 18.04 on a Dell Inspiron 7759 with proprietary nvidia drivers. It was working well with kernel but after I upgraded it to it started to freeze occasionally right after the boot. Couldn't find anything in google. Anyone having similar issues ?05:50
hateballGuest72764: I can only say I am running nvidia blob + 18.04 and have no issues. I am using 396 beta from PPA05:54
hateballThis is on a desktop machine, no optimus involved05:54
diogenes_Guest72764, why not nouveau?05:56
diogenes_nouveau is much better05:56
Guest72764Now I removed 22 kernel and returned back to 20 kernel and everything is back to normal05:57
lordievaderGood morning05:57
Guest72764with nouveau even the installation was not possible I had to disable modeset during installation and installed nvidia drivers immediately afterwards05:58
batteronizerHi what's the use of the Twitter account type and YouTube under Google account type in 18.04's online accounts?09:15
chan201@batteronizer wait, What? What you are talking about?09:34
mparillo_batteronizer: If I understand it correctly, once you set your google account type, you can use kio-gdrive to access your google drive using Dolphin. You may also be able to associate Google mail and calendar entries with other KDE s/w, but I have not tried it.09:53
batteronizermparillo_: I'm not asking about it. I'm asking about the YouTube and Twitter options specifically.09:54
batteronizerSadly the Help manual has no entry for online accounts, and it doesn't seem to be documented anywhere else.09:55
mparillo_Sorrry, the only thing I have tested is kio-gdrive.09:55
batteronizerYeah, I've used gdrive and pim, which is pretty cool.09:56
janat08how to change scroll speed10:09
janat08wrong channel10:20
janat08everything is too big, cursor, taskbar, the bars on windows10:21
janat08and how to stop bars from appearing on chrome10:21
janat08although I think i know what to do with chrome10:21
femmejanat08: right click on the titlebar and u can change a lot of that10:24
femmejanat08: for the cursor search for 'cursor theme' and it will take you to the section in the system settings10:25
femmeThe scroll speed is changed in 'mouse' section of the settings10:26
janat08but also the icons are big10:26
janat08is there a single variable to change10:26
femmewhich icons do you mean10:26
janat08desktop icons10:27
janat08im on uhd screen10:27
janat08like shortcuts10:27
femmeRight click the desktop and select configure desktop10:27
femmeand then you will see 'icons'10:27
batteronizerCan someone check if they are able to login using the Twitter option in Online Accounts in 18.04?10:33
batteronizerchan201: I'm talking about the Online Accounts feature10:34
femmejanat08: you can change the size of different icons by going to the 'icons' section of the system settings10:42
janat08got it10:46
janat08I was hoping there's a signle variable that made everything out of proportion10:47
janat08since I might have to change screens periodically10:48
BluesKajHowdy all12:04
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IrcsomeBottonioricciato was added by: tonioricciato12:29
R13oseWhy does my computer keep waking up from suspend?12:44
Guest72735I'm using Docky in my Kubuntu 18.04, I'm using the numix icon themes, why Docky doesn't adapt the theme?12:52
Guest72735I'm using Docky in my Kubuntu 18.04, I'm using the numix icon themes, why Docky doesn't adapt the theme?12:54
Guest72735SOME HELP?12:54
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> HIya12:54
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> I think Docky uses it's own theme set, and does not use the Plasma Themes which are configured via settings12:54
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IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Have you tried configuring the standard panel, to behave similar to Docky ?12:55
Guest72735@IrcsomeBot, THanks12:55
Guest72735How can I do that?12:55
batteronizerGuest72735: https://ubottu.com/y/gl12:55
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Look bottom right by the clock of standard panel, you'll see Burger menu ( 3 lines) click there that'll get you access to the configuration stuff12:56
Guest72735I know, But i wont have the zoom stuff right?12:57
Guest72735 I know, But i wont have the zoom stuff right?12:58
Guest22966what is the best email client for Kubuntu?13:03
Guest22966I need to get notifications...13:03
Guest22966some help please?13:03
BluesKajwebmail clients likr gmail work well and thunderbird too. Kmail is for users who need large email databases IMO13:08
R13oseGuest22966: there is no best just use the one you feel is best13:08
Guest22966I asked because some of them dont use notifications properly13:09
Guest22966Thats what i need notifications13:09
Guest22966and i asked if some of you have try something that work well with notifications13:09
Guest22966im new using linux Kubuntu13:09
BluesKajGuest22966, usually notifications are set up in the email client13:10
BluesKajor server13:10
Guest22966well as im using kubuntu i will try Kmail13:10
BluesKajkmail is already installed in kubuntu, but you have to set it up13:11
Guest22966I installed With the option of minimal apps13:12
Guest22966so i dont have it13:12
Guest22966but im installing13:12
BluesKajopen a terminal and do, sudo apt install kmail13:12
R13oseBluesKaj: I killed my partition but I am fine with that.13:13
BluesKajR13ose, the lvm?13:13
Guest22966@BluesKaj, Thanks13:13
R13oseBluesKaj: yes.  I used a command on a mount partition and killed this13:14
BluesKajGuest22966,  np13:14
AbrecusGuest22966: I am new to Kubuntu as well, and as a long time Thunderbird user that is what I am using. It notifies with a popup when a new message arrives, but doesn't have a tray icon.  If you miss the popup you won't know you have new mail.13:14
BluesKajkmail setup can be daunting to new users13:15
Guest22966im seeing that now with Kmail and installed alot of things... i dont like it13:18
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Guest22966i will try mail spring13:19
R13oseAny thoughts on my question?13:28
lordievaderR13ose: Have you looked in the logs?13:33
R13oselordievader: which logs?13:34
lordievaderdmesg, syslog, etc. Anything that can give a clue as to why it would  resume from suspension.13:35
janat08why does changing scroll speed has no impact13:42
janat08and why does mouse button 4/5 aren't bound to back and forth in chrome13:43
R13oseHow do I move files from one computer to another without using the internet?  They are in the same house13:43
BluesKaj!samba | R13ose13:44
ubottuR13ose: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba.html13:44
orlando_Hello guys here again13:44
orlando_I had to uninstall Kmail, I didnt like it13:45
lordievaderR13ose: ssh?13:45
geniiR13ose: If both machines are on the same network and running linux, use scp13:45
BluesKajkmail is mainly for office users who need to keep an an email archive/database of thousands13:46
R13oseI have used SCP before but I wasn't sure if that was through the internet or not.13:46
lordievaderR13ose: That depends on how you issue it.13:46
orlando_Im like goint to used another one and try13:46
orlando_some of you have used microsoft office in Kubuntu?13:47
lordievaderR13ose: Scp doesn't care if it is one hop to the next pc or 10 hops to the other end of the world.13:47
BluesKajscp copies from one pc to another on your lan or ssh toanothe pc/server on the internet13:47
R13oseYes but what are the settings for using non internet way?13:48
geniiR13ose: For scp, just make sure you have openssh-server installed on whichever machine you're trying to reach13:48
BluesKajgenii, yes, good point13:48
genii( since it uses ssh/sshd underneath )13:48
geniiThen just use it's LAN IP from another machine on the same network to pull or put files13:49
R13osegenii: how do I know this is lan ip instead of internet ip?13:51
orlando_some of you have used microsoft office in Kubuntu?13:51
orlando_which one to install  or ?13:51
geniiR13ose: Use either the ip command or ifconfig if you have net-tools installed to find out the IP of the machine you're trying to reach ( on the actual machine you're trying to reach). Or you might have set a specific IP to be assigned to specific MAC addresses in your router, if so then use whichever one you set it to be in that case13:54
lordievaderR13ose: LAN ip's are typically in private IP ranges like `` or ``.13:54
R13oselordievader: what are internet ips?  I get confused sometimes.13:55
R13osegenii: thanks.  I remember that13:55
lordievaderEssentially anything which is publicly routable. I.e. in non-private ranges.13:56
lordievaderR13ose: Normally you don't have to worry about that. Simply follow genii 's advice.13:57
geniiR13ose: If the IP is in one of these ranges: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_network#Private_IPv4_address_spaces then it's an internal LAN IP number. Any other kind of range is it's external internet IP, but this is not usually the case if you have a router13:57
geniiIt will usually have only a normal LAN number and the router handles traffic between the internet and it's internal IP13:58
R13oseThanks everyone I get this now13:58
geniiIf the number starts with 169.254.  then it's a different thing meaning it tried to find a valid number, but didn't13:58
mattflywhat is the name of the protocol an aplication has to have so that  KDE plasma can restore the sessions? It starts with X*** ???14:00
geniiorlando_: There is no MS Office in Linux. To read or write Office documents, use LibreOffice Writer14:00
orlando_I now man, i mean using wine14:01
geniiorlando_: It can load Office documentsw from the file manager, if you want them to be saved that way also, use the "Export as" when you save them and choose whatever Word format14:01
orlando_using wine what the best option to install i have 2010 and 2013 options.14:02
geniiLO Writer can read and write Office 2013 formats14:03
genii( and later versions with MS docx format up to Office 201714:03
geniiBut if you're determined to try installing and running it in WINE, check their app compatibility database14:04
genii!appdb| orlando_14:04
ubottuorlando_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:04
orlando_i was trying libre office but for some reason they change some of my files and i was scared14:06
orlando_that why im like to try office14:06
orlando_but let me see what i can do14:06
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mattflyWhat is the name of the protocol or thing that makes kde session manager restores applications15:20
mattflyand those aplications that dont have it wont be restored?15:20
IrcsomeBotace_player was added by: ace_player15:23
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katniphttps://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/05/kde-plasma-5-13-features-upgrade <-- do you feel this is a wise move?17:53
skomorokhCTRL-ALT-F1 (or F4, or Fx) is not getting me to a VT on a fresh install of Kubuntu. I tried uncommenting the NAutoVTs=6 line in /etc/systemd/logind.conf to no effect18:35
skomorokhAnd it's not just the key shortcut, when I kill the display manager I get ...just a blinking cursor and have to reboot.18:36
skomorokh*fresh install of 18.0418:36
skomorokhaha i see, the dm (or something) is keeping me from using the shortcut and killing it puts me at a blinking cursor _but at that point I can then switch vts_18:59
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=== ZzZzZzzz is now known as redwhite
klemaxwhere are the wallpapers stored at?22:14
klemaxafter upgrading from 17.04 to 18.10, my old wallpaper dissappeared.22:15
klemaxhow can i find it?22:15
=== xeon is now known as Xeon-guy
xeon-guyHello guys. I have a problem. Whenever I restart Windows to log in to Kubuntu I find that Windows did not actually end my session on Windows. So whenever I boot back to Windows it looks like I logged off with all the programs I had open still there22:22
xeon-guyThat's too many windows :P22:22
geniixeon-guy: Turn off hibernation https://support.microsoft.com/en-ca/help/920730/how-to-disable-and-re-enable-hibernation-on-a-computer-that-is-running22:24
xeon-guyGenii: so when I restart I won't find my laptop on the same session?22:25
geniiThis will also have the benefit of allowing you to mount your Windows partitons under linux without needing to boot back into Windows to run CHKDSK22:25
geniixeon-guy: That should be the idea, yes22:25
xeon-guyThank you man22:25
xeon-guyYou're a life saver22:25
geniiGlad to assist22:26
xeon-guyI remember enabling hibernation on my laptop22:27
xeon-guyI guess that's why22:27
geniiWhen it's on, it makes a hiberfil.sys that has all the things that were running and re-opens it all again. Also the hiberfil.sys existence is checked by linux when mounting is tried, if it is there, mount will fail because file system is in an inconsistent state22:29
xeon-guyYou mean mounting of the Windows partition?22:32
xeon-guyBecause linux works just fine. Only had this issue with M$ Windows22:35
xeon-guyYay it worked22:36
xeon-guy Yeah he meant mounting of Windows partition22:39
bravechI'm having trouble with The Safe22:40
bravechwhen I replace the array with my numbers, it says that they are correct22:40
bravechbut the flag doesn't work on the site22:40
geniiYou mean vaults?22:42
bravechoops, wrong chat22:43
xeon-guyGenii: you're right now I can browse Windows partition as well22:45
geniiYes, the hibernation is a pain when it's enabled22:45
xeon-guyYeah.. Now I understand why Microsoft disabled it by default22:46

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