
kenvandineTrevinho, i would think you would override-prime02:43
kenvandinethen manually prime it and add the magic after prime02:43
kenvandineassuming override-prime exists :)02:43
didrocksgood morning06:31
dufluMorning didrocks, mirrorinthewall[06:34
didrockshey mirrorinthewall[, duflu06:37
mirrorinthewall[something random I was thinking, in ubuntu software center would it be a useful/easy feature to add for people to be able to right click > "add to favorites"? If so where would I submit this06:42
didrocksmirrorinthewall[: I think this is an upstream request for gnome software: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-software/issues06:45
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers, happy Wednesday!06:57
dufluMorning oSoMoN07:01
oSoMoNhey duflu07:04
duflusil2100, morning! Does Poland have a single timezone?07:13
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didrockssalut oSoMoN :)07:16
didrocksduflu: IIRC, it's the same than german/french one07:16
dufluYeah, just checking.07:16
didrocks(and italy/spain ofc, for not forgetting anyone around ;))07:17
dufluOnly the UK is different... for a change07:17
didrocksyes! ;)07:18
sil2100duflu: morning! Yes ;)07:19
dufluSo koza not being around right now indicates he may not be around all day07:19
oSoMoNsalut didrocks07:25
jibelscreen blanking goes off after 10s but it's set to 15min. Any idea how to fix that without logging off?07:27
didrocksI guess changing the timeout doesn't reset it, correct?07:28
didrocksI think L_aney is the one knowing more about those loginctl commands to know what owns the lock and reset…07:29
c-lobranomorning all 0/07:38
didrockshey c-lobrano07:38
c-lobranohi didrocks :) how are you?07:39
didrocksI'm good, thanks! Yourself?07:42
seb128good morning desktopers07:45
dufluMorning jibel, c-lobrano, seb12807:46
dufluseb128, are we meeting today? koza is not around07:46
didrockshey seb12807:46
c-lobranodidrocks: I'm fine, thanks. Keep replying on transparency effects :D07:47
didrocksc-lobrano: I see, I see ;)07:47
seb128hey duflu, I would vote for skipping unless there is something you want to discuss07:49
seb128re didrocks07:49
seb128hey c-lobrano07:49
c-lobranoseb128: 0/07:49
dufluseb128, nothing... I am waiting to finish work on bionic regressions at least before switching to cosmic, which in turn is blocking more bluez work07:49
seb128duflu, k, let's skip then07:50
didrockshey willcooke07:53
dufluMorning willcooke. No meeting it seems.07:54
willcookeduflu, looks that way.  I "saw" koza last Thursday and he said he's mega busy with a customer project07:55
willcookeso I guess he's bunkered down07:55
seb128hey willcooke, since koza is not there and neither duflu or I had topics to discuss we just decided to skip, ok with you? or was there anything you wanted to discuss for bluetooth?07:56
willcookenothing pressing07:56
willcookefine by me07:56
seb128what are the non pressing things? ;)07:57
willcookeTalk about getting the BlueZ snap building from the same LP project/code as the deb07:57
willcooketrying to drop/upstream any patches we carry07:57
willcookeand get a single build which can be used as a deb or a snap for all devices (Iot & Desktop)07:58
willcookeWhy don't Apple earpods (??) mic work07:58
GunnarHjMorning seb128, do you have a gut feeling idea offhand what bug #1772238 might be about?08:00
ubot5bug 1772238 in Ubuntu Budgie ".desktop file strings shown untranslated in Budgie" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177223808:00
seb128willcooke, I see, who is building the snap today is that koza and do you know what source they are using?08:07
seb128willcooke, for the earpods I guess it's a matter of somebody getting some and debugging08:07
seb128hey GunnarHj Laney, how are you?08:07
ricotzchrisccoulson, hi, and another try, please push your packaging branches!08:07
ricotzhey desktopers08:08
willcookeseb128, yeah koza.  I'm pretty sure he's already using the same source as the deb, but wanted to be sure.08:08
seb128k, so yeah, we need him to be around to discuss that one08:08
seb128hey ricotz08:09
seb128ricotz, what are those packaging branches you keep mentioning about?08:09
ricotzseb128, hi08:09
ricotzfirefox and thunderbird08:09
seb128there are changes uploaded that he forgot to push to the vcs?08:10
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ricotzyes, that is why I am trying to make him push them08:10
seb128GunnarHj, that bug description is not very useful, it doesn't even mention the locale used08:11
seb128ricotz, just get the debdiff from launchpad and commit it? ;)08:11
ricotzseb128, I am close to doing that, but I am hoping for that his commits are structured for easier cherry-picking08:12
GunnarHjseb128: Tested with German and Swedish, so it seems to be a general, not locale dependent issue. (The strings are translated.)08:12
seb128GunnarHj, can you give the output of "locale" and "env"?08:13
seb128GunnarHj, also is that only gnome-control-center or the desktop files from other applications as well (in the menu/dash or whatever they have that lists those)08:14
dufluwillcooke, did you/someone try using the earpods in HFP/HSP mode? IIRC the default A2DP mode does not (by design) support simultaneous output and input08:14
GunnarHjseb128: Will check that out and get back.08:15
seb128GunnarHj, I'm downloading an iso, let's see08:15
duflu... it's a common problem with headsets08:15
Laneyhey seb12808:15
LaneyI'm doing good, what about you?08:15
dufluMorning Laney08:15
Laneyhi duflu08:16
Laneyhow's it going?08:16
seb128I'm good thanks, though I've a start of cold I think08:16
dufluLaney, going well. You?08:16
Laneyseb128: not another one :<08:19
seb128that's kids for you it seems :/08:19
didrockshey hey Laney08:20
duflujolly good08:20
dufluI say08:20
willcookeduflu, I dont have any, but will pass that on and find out08:21
dufluwillcooke, there was a bug with links to the BT spec pointing out the limitation. Can't find it today :/08:21
dufluApple tends to invent its own specs to work around such things08:21
GunnarHjseb128: Added another comment to the bug report.09:00
Laneyhey Trevinho09:20
Laneyyou good?09:20
seb128hey Trevinho, how are you?09:20
dufluHi Trevinho09:20
Trevinhohi duflu, seb128 and Laney09:21
Trevinhoyes all good09:21
Trevinhoyou guys?09:21
Laneycloudy today09:21
Laneyit's because you are leaving09:21
didrockshey Trevinho09:21
seb128it's grey/rainy here as well this morning09:22
Trevinhohi didrocks09:22
Trevinhoeh, London is also getting gray... As it feels I'm leaving09:23
seb128GunnarHj, I saw, I downloaded the iso and I'm going to poke directly in a bit09:23
dufluLeaving.... London. ?09:24
Laneyan eminently sensible decision09:25
dufluYou leave us? Well I'll leave you first09:25
dufluBut also return periodically09:26
willcookenight duflu09:26
dufluwillcooke, no, I was speaking as the EU09:26
dufluActually, speaking as Trevinho.09:28
dufluEnough confusion09:28
Trevinhoduflu: ah, no, no... it was "london feels that I'm leaving, thus it cries" :-P09:29
Nafalloright. I'm confused. coffee time. (thanks duflu ;-))09:32
Nafallothere we go. morning :-)09:43
dufluOK then. Night willcooke :)10:03
dufluAnd all10:03
andyrockhey all12:22
seb128hey andyrock, how are you?12:42
oSoMoNhey andyrock12:44
andyrockseb128: all good you?12:52
seb128andyrock, I'm good thanks12:53
GunnarHjfossfreedom: Since you are going to fix with budgie-desktop-environment, how about adding an override of13:01
GunnarHjwhere "NotShowIn=GNOME;Unity;" is dropped? That would make IBus Preferences show up in the menu, which would be a step in addressing (or working around) bug #1755831.13:01
ubot5bug 1755831 in Ubuntu Budgie "ibus not working properly" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175583113:01
GunnarHjfossfreedom: Hmm.. I was talking about /usr/share/applications/ibus-setup.desktop13:03
seb128GunnarHj, looks like fossfreedom figured out the issue, I was thinking about that on the way back from lunchand that was my guess that they probably had a buggy override :)13:05
GunnarHjseb128: Right, I saw his entries in the bug report. Great! Hence my ping about another Budgie issue (about using IBus).13:06
didrocksLaney: do you know if we can condition user system service unit based on a file in user's $HOME? I didn't find examples of ConditionPathExists in /usr/lib/systemd/user/13:13
didrocksI guess I can be ConditionPathExists="%h/foo/bar"13:14
didrocksjust wondering if you have experience13:14
didrocksalso: systemctl status xdg-desktop-portal-gtk.service13:15
didrocksUnit xdg-desktop-portal-gtk.service could not be found.13:15
didrockswhere the service is in /usr/lib/systemd/user/13:15
didrocksunsure how this whole systemd user session is working13:16
didrocksah, you have to add --user13:16
xnoxdidrocks, https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.unit.html#Specifiers %h13:17
xnox%h User home directory13:17
didrocksxnox: yeah, that's what I found and asked for ConditionPathExists="%h/foo/bar"13:17
didrocksif you confirm it works that way, great! :) thanks13:17
xnoxdidrocks, it should, no idea why you have "" around it.13:17
xnoxdidrocks, i believe you must not use ""13:18
didrocksstrings, we did some protection in the path for spaces13:18
didrocksbut in that case, it doesn't really matter13:18
xnoxdidrocks, it must be systemd-escaped13:18
didrocksoh right, that…13:18
xnox$ systemd-escape -p '/somepath with space'13:19
didrocksgreat ;)13:20
didrocksxnox: when I look at /usr/lib/systemd/user/pulseaudio.socket, I see that there is a WantedBy=sockets.target13:22
didrocksI was expecting to see somewhere on the file system sockets.target.wantedby + a symlink to the socket13:22
didrocksas for system systemd unit13:22
xnoxyou'd think so wouldn't you =)13:22
xnoxall user units are auto-enabled for all users by default13:22
didrocksI see /var/lib/gdm3/.config/systemd/user/sockets.target.wants/pulseaudio.socket13:22
ogra_its an audio socket, probably it doesnt work by looking bt by listening instead :P13:23
didrocksok, so all user units are auto enabled… Interesting, that system vs user have a different policy13:23
xnoxthat is semi-true about auto-enabling things. One needs not to run --enable most of the time, for most of the user units.13:23
didrocksxnox: I think you remember my long thread on distro policy and how to cope with those ;)13:23
xnoxdidrocks, yeah, there are weird rules as to what is auto-enabled, and what is not =)13:24
didrockshum, I guess I should just try then?13:24
didrocks"nice" :p13:24
* didrocks has a sense of dejà vu, twice in a less than an hour13:24
didrocksok, I'll give it a try and see ;)13:24
didrocks(thanks again)13:25
jbichawillcooke: ping13:32
jbichaI am in "asking to join" status for the hangout13:33
willcookejbicha, huh, I moved it to tomorrow, you should have got a new invite13:35
jbichaoh, I didn't read carefully enough and didn't click "add to my calendar"13:36
willcookejbicha, I've invited your other google acc to the new meeting so that it will resend the invite13:36
willcookesorry for the confusion jbicha13:36
jbichaok, thanks :)13:37
jbichamy big point is that if we follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure13:38
jbichaonce a bug is fixed in cosmic, we have to target it to bionic, we can't use the rls-bb-incoming tag since that isn't useful for Fix Released bugs13:38
jbichabut we can assign people to bugs13:39
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didrocksxnox: so, WantedBy=default.target for user session doesn't start the unit on startup, we can't like for system units running enable at package install time ofc, any idea what's the standard way?14:08
didrocksI think that's where Laney knows ;)14:09
Laneywhat do you mean?14:09
didrocksI'm going to try shipping /usr/lib/systemd/user/default.target.wants/ symlink14:09
LaneyAdd the symlink14:09
Laneythere's no dh_systemd stuff for user units14:09
didrocksLaney: it seems xnox was telling that systemd was treating user units as enabled by default14:10
ubot5Debian bug 890509 in debhelper,init-system-helpers "dh_installsystemd/init-system-helpers: support user units" [Wishlist,Open]14:10
LaneyI don't know about this rule14:10
didrocksok, I'll just ship the symlink manually then!14:11
didrocksthanks Laney14:12
didrocksLaney: seb128: FYI, if you logout quickly after login in, this is what keeps the session active for a little while (I would say ~30s): http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/whsYY9tbPK/14:20
xnoxdidrocks, i don't think default.target is the one you want.14:21
xnoxdidrocks, what is this unit for? should it run on graphical desktop start / login; or on console/ssh logins too?14:21
didrocksxnox: both are fine14:22
didrocksit's sending a previously collected report14:23
xnoxdidrocks, on every login?!14:24
didrocksxnox: there is a conditional path14:24
xnoxso man 7 systemd.special gives example of a nautilus.service which BindsTo=graphical-session.target14:24
xnoxbut there was something else about it.14:24
didrockswell, I don't care about a graphical-session, as said14:25
xnoxlooking at /usr/lib/systemd/user on my machine, i see things shipping symlinks in .wants and .requires directories, by hand14:26
didrocksyes, see the discussion we had with L_aney ^14:26
didrocksthere is no special magic for user session, it's the same rule, at least :)14:26
xnoxthere was magic....14:27
* xnox is still looking14:27
didrocksare you sure you didn't get tricked by dbus activation?14:27
xnoxdidrocks, what are the files called that launch a session?14:28
Laneywhy are we talking about magic?14:28
didrocksyeah, I don't know, I guess we solved the issue, and there is no magic ;)14:29
xnoxright, that looks broken.14:29
xnoxor at least changed.... alot.....14:29
Laneydidrocks: you know about path units?14:29
Laneydepending on what you're doing you might want one of those14:29
xnoxit used to be the case that xsessions/*.desktop file would start systemd user target for graphical session and that would start all the things.14:30
Laneyright, that is not the case with Shell at the minute.14:30
xnoxbut looks like not to be the case anymore =/14:30
xnoxand there was like a shell script to interate and enable units too14:31
Laneybut Didier has said a few times that he doesn't want this anyway so I'm not sure what the problem is14:31
Laney(don't think there was ever a script like that)14:33
LaneyI feel close to having a gdm started by systemd units14:34
didrocksLaney: yeah, I know about path units, I don't think it's a good approach for that case as we want next login to start resending a pending report, not as soon as we create the file14:34
* Laney is trying to come up with a good unit structure14:35
didrocks(as we create the file if we can't send it immediately due to network)14:35
Laneyalright, that's up to you14:35
seb128didrocks, yeah, I already noticed "pending session closing" due pulseaudio&co, that seems worth fixing one day14:36
seb128Trevinho, I assigned you bug #1768610, interesting packaging bug :)14:51
ubot5bug 1768610 in nux (Ubuntu) "leftover conffile forces GNOME is software rendering" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176861014:51
seb128nux-tools has a Xsession.d script that does "    /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test || export LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1", when the deb is removed but not purged that leads to software rendering being forced14:52
seb128conffiles suck sometime :/14:52
seb128unsure what's the right fix there though14:52
xnoxseb128, we had something similar before with like X11 snippets from upstart. Basically pick any package to force purge the connfile... E.g. gnome-shell should force purge it.14:52
seb128we should change the script to not export the env if the cmd is missing14:53
xnoxseb128, there is no way in apt/dpkg to declare ConflictsPurged:14:53
seb128but maybe we need to clean out the conffile also14:53
xnoxproblem is one can remove the package, and the conffile is left on disk :-(14:53
seb128fixing the script in xenial and bionic would reduce the number of users hitting the issue14:53
seb128but not fix those who already removed the package14:54
Trevinhoseb128: ouch... And that wasn't either needed anymore. I never liked such thing though15:03
TrevinhoAn Ubuntu desktop trigger is too much?15:04
Trevinhofocus didn't switch... 🤔15:05
seb128trigger what?15:13
Trevinhoseb128: check if that file is there, and if the package has been purged...15:16
seb128Trevinho, I don't think many users hit it since I don't think we remove unity on upgrades atm16:05
seb128but we should fix that because at some point users are probably going to clean that out16:06
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willcookenight all17:19
GunnarHjHi jbicha, I have prepared the SRU of pkgbinarymangler. Can you sponsor?17:37
jbichaGunnarHj: I thought we were going to keep it in cosmic first a bit longer?17:59
GunnarHjjbicha: Well, the SRU procedure takes it time.. But you are in the middle of it, and know better than me what's a reasonable trade-off, so whenever you feel it's appropriate.18:34
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