
guivercsorry - please ignore my last00:24
guiverc(password changed again; now 78th time...)00:47
=== guiverc is now known as guiverc_t
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:28
ducassegood morning05:57
lordievaderGood morning05:57
ducassehi lordievader - how are you?05:57
lordievaderHey ducasse lotuspsychje05:59
lordievaderDoing good here05:59
lordievaderHow are you guys?05:59
ducassestill waking up here, but fine so far, thanks05:59
lotuspsychjehey ducasse lordievader06:59
ducassehi lotus07:00
=== CyberHacker_ is now known as CyberHacker
BluesKajHowdy all12:04
lordievaderHey jink12:53
=== czesmir_ is now known as czesmir
lotuspsychjegood evening to all16:17
BluesKajhey lotuspsychje16:19
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj all ok on your side?16:19
BluesKajyes, fine here lotuspsychje, and you?16:20
lotuspsychjefinished work, great yeah chill bit now16:20
lotuspsychjeall worked out with your internet line now?16:21
BluesKajyes, working great now :-)16:25
ducasseafternoon lotuspsychje, BluesKaj16:26
BluesKajHey ducasse16:28
lotuspsychjehey ducasse how was your sunny day :p16:28
BluesKajgotta go for a few mins...bbl16:29
ducasseall good lotus, maybe a bit too warm16:29
lotuspsychjeducasse: is that possible too warm?16:30
ducasseabsolutely, not too fond of heat16:31
lotuspsychjemorning hggdh16:37
hggdhlotuspsychje: morning :-)16:37
matjamhey hey17:07
lotuspsychjehey matjam17:07
matjamhigh quality, eh17:07
matjamwell I think I just took it down a notch!~17:07
lotuspsychjedid you contribute volunteer in main recently, seeing alot of action from you lately?17:07
matjamI've been helping out17:08
lotuspsychjecool welcome the crew matjam17:08
lotuspsychjewe try to community in discuss to have a better support experience in #ubuntu17:09
matjamI've been running ubuntu as my daily again recently and figured I should give back somehow hah17:10
matjamgot ya17:10
lotuspsychjewhat was your Os before?17:10
matjamin the early 90's I ran linux when the only distribution was SLS so that gives you some idea of how old I am17:11
matjambut at work we usually use macs for development17:11
lotuspsychjewe got all ages here dont worry :p17:11
matjamand home I game on Windows .. but .. I started dual booting into ubuntu and .. just not going back lol17:11
lotuspsychjehehe, so bionic now?17:11
matjamand I scrounged a tower at work17:12
matjamso now I'm running bionic at work too17:12
matjamits come so far17:12
lotuspsychjeall boxes on bionic here aswell & phone & tablet ubports17:12
matjamI remember having to build kernels, X, everything, trying to get WindowMaker set up the way I liked it17:12
matjamgetting pwnd by some dude on IRC who found my BIND4 server17:12
matjamthere's still some rough edges but I like MATE17:13
lotuspsychjei like vanilla ubuntu LTS17:15
matjamso, I'm not a fan of the current gnome idea of cramming everything into the window title bar17:16
matjamfor example, save dialog box, has the save button where the close button should be17:17
matjamit makes me grumpy17:17
lotuspsychjeyeah some stuff can be better indeed17:17
lotuspsychjei dont like systemd speed on bionic yet17:17
lotuspsychjeyou experience some lags booting matjam ?17:18
lotuspsychjefrom login to desktop, whats your times about?17:18
matjamoh, after login, yeah I noticed stock ubuntu was super slow. MATE is a couple seconds.17:18
lotuspsychjegot a running bug on it17:19
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1742063 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Systemd taking long time to boot into desktop 18.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:20
lotuspsychjemorning krytarik17:21
krytarikMorning, lotuspsychje.17:21
lotuspsychjelooks nice this https://www.deviantart.com/art/Fedora-28-74626013617:39
BluesKajyeah, but it's still fedora :-)17:47
lotuspsychjehey pragmaticenigma18:45
lotuspsychjehey Bashing-om20:00
lotuspsychjemain is zzzzzzlow, time for a few smokes Bashing-om :p20:01
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Well, just settling in here for the eve .. see what "might" develop :)  Hoz LotusComputers going ?20:02
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: easy, as my main job is still asking too much time from me..but its my last month in june20:04
lotuspsychjenew plans :p20:04
Bashing-omwhere exist a will, a means can be found :P20:07
lotuspsychjegot some house around jobs too Bashing-om20:12
lotuspsychjeso pick & choose in july :p20:12
Bashing-omWell, good luck . I am sure that things will come your way :)20:16
lotuspsychjetnx Bashing-om20:23
lotuspsychjenite nite guys20:25
lotuspsychjegoing to the other end20:25
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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