[21:14] from #kde-neon earlier: [21:14] 02:41] someone who works in the Debian Qt repos using the ubuntu branches also patently decided at some point to change from have a branch 'ubuntu' to a branch 'ubuntu/...' [21:15] [02:41] as Python-Git is going bang [21:15] [02:41] FileExistsError: [Errno 17] File exists: '/home/neon/repositories/qt/qt5webkit.git/refs/heads/ubuntu' [21:15] They need to do ‘git remote prune origin’. [21:15] Also, blame tsimonq2 :) [21:19] mitya57: perhaps speak to bcooksley about it? [21:19] * valorie is just the messenger [21:20] /me joins #kde-neon [21:20] well, #kde-sysadmin is where you'll always find him, but yeah [21:27] :-)