[04:20] Just started the initial fork to create ubuntustudio-welcome: https://github.com/eeickmeyer/ubuntustudio-welcome [04:20] Anybody who wants to, feel free to jump right in. [04:21] Why not on LP though? [04:21] Because ubuntu-mate-welcome was on github. [04:29] Or, maybe I'm doing something wrong. *sigh* I'm not familiar with bzr enough, but I can get my way around git. [04:30] LP does git too these days [04:30] *sigh* I'll move it. ... [04:30] sigh... [04:31] git on lp is a bit different too, you may wish to leave it on github [04:32] Then I'll do that. I can't figure out how to do it anyway. [04:33] We can migrate it later. [05:03] Migrated: https://code.launchpad.net/~eeickmeyer/ubuntustudio/+git/ubuntustudio-welcome [05:15] wow that was quick [05:15] I'll look at it tomorrow... if I don't sleep all day after having to get up at 4am... [05:31] Actually, not migrated. Mirrored. I deleted it. [05:34] And now it's back. === capturixeur2_ is now known as trebmuh