
mrpandeyI installed Xubuntu 18.04 just yesterday (22 May). I removed the default media player Parole and installed MPV and Quod Libet. None of them is showing up in drop down of Xfce4 Pulseaudio Plugin. Parole did show up there (before I removed it). After removing it and installing the other two, the list of Known Media Players in properties of Pulseautio plugin is empty. Can anyone help me out here?13:46
flocculant!team | qa landing page at x.org is now updated16:39
ubottuqa landing page at x.org is now updated: akxwi-dave, bluesabre, dkessel, flocculant, jjfrv8, knome, krytarik, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster and Unit19316:39
flocculantand published https://xubuntu.org/news/new-wiki-pages-for-testers/16:50
flocculantpleia2 knome - can we have some twittering g+ love for the new stuff - done fb17:55
flocculantpleia2: thanks :)18:13
pleia2all done :)18:23
flocculantpleia2: you're awesome sauce18:31
knomethanks pleia2 18:58
flocculantI assume pleia2 did g+ - can;t see a tweet19:04
willemI saw a tweet19:05
flocculantok - perhaps because no account19:07
krytarikCurious, I also don't see it on the board either way yet. :319:17
krytarikAnd in this context noticed, on the website the Google+ link should be 'https://plus.google.com/+xubuntu' (otherwise one gets redirected to there anyway), and the Facebook one should have 'https:' on it (same)19:22
krytarik..Oh there, down the line...19:28
Unit193https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2018-May/004489.html  oh hey, we should stop using bzr.20:17
flocculantI never see Xubuntu posts showing up Planet Ubuntu via the feedreader I use - but I see all the other flavour stuff20:24
Unit193https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~planet-ubuntu/config/main/view/head:/config.ini#L73 hmm.20:37
flocculantyea - I knew that was right at some point20:39
tracker8Does anyone figured out how to "Screen Tearing Free" on XFWM 4.13? I'm on Ubuntu 18.04 with XFWM 4.13 from QA Experimental PPA and it still doesn't work =(21:26
tracker8I'm getting these errors:21:28
tracker8(xfwm4:2750): xfwm4-WARNING **: 18:27:30.953: GL not available (xfwm4:2750): xfwm4-WARNING **: 18:27:31.011: Dismissing XPresent as unusable, error 3 for request 14821:28
Unit193Thus, not using xpresent.21:28
tracker8I'm starting to think the problem is with Ubuntu's xpresent package21:28
tracker8Unit193: are you using this version too "xfwm4 version 4.13.0git.7d9e6ced (revision 7d9e6ced)"?21:29
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
tracker8Unit193: does it work for you?21:34
Unit193(xfwm4:1417): xfwm4-WARNING **: 20:13:27.447: GL not available21:35
Unit193(xfwm4:1417): xfwm4-WARNING **: 20:13:31.002: Dismissing XPresent as unusable, error 3 for request 14821:35
Unit193But xfwm works, so I don't complain.  Netbook it has a couple more quirks, but still "works".  Been thinking about downgrading back to the version from the repo there.21:35
Unit193tracker8: My card is a bit old at this point, though.21:36
tracker8Unit193: so you have the same problem as here. You don't have screen tearing probably because you have a good screen.21:37
tracker8I think the problem is with Ubuntu package.21:37
Unit193I think you overestimate my hardware.21:39
Unit193tracker8: Also, that's the latest upstream, and git didn't really have anything else.  Also, there's not really any strange build options in use.21:43
tracker8Unit193: https://lists.x.org/archives/xorg-devel/2017-June/053874.html21:44
tracker8Unit193: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1325721:44
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 13257 in General "Screen is not updated with the Present extension" [Normal,Resolved: worksforme]21:44
tracker8it seems to be a problem with Ubuntu's XPresent21:44
tracker8Mate also implemented DRI3 on 1.20, and it seems some users cat get the "screen tearing free" on Ubuntu Mate21:45
tracker8Unit193: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1369321:45
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 13693 in General "Screen tearing Xfwm 4.13" [Normal,New]21:45
tracker8Well, I hope someone has figured out how to makeXFWM 4.13 screen tearing free to work on Ubuntu =). I will read the logs latter21:51
Unit193You could try rebuilding both, I guess...But not sure I'd expect much.21:52
sublevelhi channel,  I saw the blogpost from march saying more testers needed and thought I'd give it a go. getting 404 error on bionic daily amd64 download link here: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/384/builds/173056/downloads22:56
knomesublevel, bionic, or 18.04, is released already. we've moved onto "cosmic" (18.10) testing...22:57
knomebut it's really really early for that now22:57
sublevelah, thanks,  yes my next question was going to be 'does that even need testing'22:57
sublevelas I saw cosmic was the one linked from https://wiki.xubuntu.org/qa:installing22:58
knomei mean it doesn't hurt, but it's more useful a bit later in the cycle :)22:58
knomeyou'll want to talk to flocculant or akxwi-dave for details23:01
knomesublevel, ^23:01
sublevelI wondered if testing on 18.04 was useful for 18.04.1,    and assumed if testing wasn't required then the dailies wouldn't be listed there on iso.qa.ubuntu.com with test instructions23:07
sublevelbut I'm just learning my way around all this stuff :) 23:07
knomewell yes it's not totally useless23:07
sublevelnicks noted, thanks23:08
knomeupgrade testing from 16.04 to 18.04(.1) is useful at this point as well23:08
knomebut also sooo much more useful if you do it on real hardware/system23:08
knomebut you can only do it once really unless you back up23:09
sublevelI could install 16.04 and try an upgrade,  on bare metal23:09
knomeyeah, the thing is that then it'd be an upgrade from a "clean" 16.0423:09
sublevelright, yes23:09
knomebut i'd still say valuable23:10
sublevelI'm on lubuntu at the moment, don't have a previous xubuntu install23:10
knomelubuntu needs help too :)23:11
sublevelgood point, I could test 16.04 -> 18.04 upgrade for them23:12

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