
Fire-Dragon-DoLoh damn, sorry I wrote the message in the wrong chat...00:02
valorie!dbgsym | Fire-Dragon-DoL01:31
ubottuFire-Dragon-DoL: dbgsym is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash01:31
valorieit's horrible, but there is a guide01:31
valorieand the kwin team will appreciate good crash reports01:32
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Dragnslcrvalorie- I have the sources set for Normal releases02:53
DragnslcrI think it's been at least a couple releases since I've gotten a notification02:53
valorieI wouldn't think that it would wait for the .1 because that is about when your present release goes EOL02:54
DragnslcrYeah, I wouldn't think so either02:54
valoriegenerally as I recall, it usually ticks in the next day after release, if not the day of02:55
DragnslcrFigured I would ask, see if it's a known issue that people have had02:56
DragnslcrObviously I have no trouble just running the upgrade in a terminal02:56
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lordievaderGood morning06:06
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otomoHi, I have this problem in Kubuntu 18.04 again, https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?t=138785 (couldn't change the login background in the settings). It's needed to edit that file the only way to change the sddm background? It will be solved or its intended like that?08:29
acheronukotomo: yes, its a limitation of sddm that the backround is set with that08:37
otomohumm, but then it should be removed the graphical option if doesn't work. Anyway other KDE distros managed to make it work in previous versions (tested in virtualbox)08:42
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acheronukotomo: the GUI does work. you may need the latest 5.12.5 bugfix update for the kde-config-sddm package08:48
acheronukotomo: just tested with the GUI https://i.imgur.com/RpmtBaL.png08:50
otomoI actually have 5.12.5, but doesnt work :(09:04
otomobut i dont remember if I did a logout or a fully restart (I think the last) but I will check again09:06
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BluesKaj'Morning folks09:08
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otomoafter restart it doesnt work :(09:44
BluesKajwhat doesn't work?09:45
otomothe graphical option to change the sddm background image09:47
lordievaderotomo: What changes did you make graphically? And are those changes reflected in the configuration file?09:48
BluesKajotomo, are you trying to change the image in system settings>startup&shutdown>login screen sddm>background?09:55
lordievaderBluesKaj: Yes, https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?t=13878509:58
BluesKajodd, I chose an image from a WallPapers file created in my /home/user and it works fine. Which kubuntu release are you running?10:03
lordievaderHe is running plasma 5.12.5. acheronuk has the same version, and for him this works fine.10:08
BluesKajyeah same here10:08
BluesKajplasma 5.12.5 that is , but i haven't edited the conf file10:09
bodiroWill Kubuntu follow the 5.12-branch or even upgrade to 5.13 when available (without backports enabled)?10:11
BluesKajbodiro, the upgrades eventually get to the regular repos, they just take a little longer10:15
bodiroI would appreciate that much.10:16
batteronizerSorry, got disconnected, any response to my query?10:17
BluesKajbodiro, usually by the time the versions get into the backports they are quite "mature" though10:18
bodiroBluesKaj: Might be, but I am not a friend of "backporting" ;-)10:19
BluesKajbatteronizer, you should repeat your question, since it's been a while10:20
BluesKajbodiro, well that's your call :-)10:20
bodiroBluesKaj: If Kubuntu stays in the 5.12 branch an updates within that, I am fine with that. I thoght, until today, Kubuntu would stay with 5.12.4 til 20.04. So, it will be better than my expectations this way or another :-)10:21
BluesKajme shrugs , like I said .....10:39
* BluesKaj shrugs even ;-)10:40
batteronizerBluesKaj: hehe cool10:40
batteronizerHi guys, I removed Firefox, installed Opera and set it as my default browser in Settings (18.04), but every time I click a link in an application like Telegram, it opens in Kate10:41
batteronizerInstead of Opera10:41
batteronizerHow can I fix this?10:41
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lordievaderbodiro: The Ubuntu repos should remain at the plasma version at the time of release. It is the backports ppa which gets updated to newer releases.10:46
BluesKajbatteronizer, system settings>applications>file associations, type html into the field, then click html in the list and choose opera in the application preference order10:48
lordievaderbatteronizer: What is set in System Settings -> Default Applications -> Web Browser ?10:48
batteronizerBluesKaj: Cool, lemme try that10:49
batteronizerlordievader: Opera10:49
lordievaderbatteronizer: Did you reboot after setting that?10:50
lordievaderOr at least log out - log in?10:50
batteronizerlordievader: yup, several times10:50
batteronizerBluesKaj: Thanks, that fixed it10:51
bodirolordievader: that I thought until today. I have no backports enabled, but plasma was updated from 5.12.4 to 5.12.5 today.10:51
BluesKajcool :-)10:51
otomo@BluesKaj 18.04 updated today10:51
batteronizerBluesKaj: It's weird that file associations needed to be tinkered with, even though the default browser should be enough10:51
otomo18.04 (upgraded a couple of weeks ago), updated today10:52
lordievaderbatteronizer: What is the content of `~/.config/mimeapps.list`?10:52
batteronizerlordievader: it's pretty huge10:53
batteronizerAny keywords I should search for?10:53
batteronizerIt is set to firefox.desktop10:54
batteronizerlordievader: Infact a lot of entries point to firefox and chrome which are not installed.10:54
lordievaderNot sure if an opera.desktop is defined, but if there is you want to set it to opera.desktop.10:55
lordievaderTelegram probably opens those links through xdg-open.10:55
batteronizerIs this documented anywhere?10:55
lordievaderErr, not sure... This man page might help: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man1/xdg-mime.1.html10:58
BluesKajlordievader, my ~/.config/mimeapps.list shows chrome as default in x-scheme-handler/http and https, odd that opera wasn't here in his settings10:59
lordievaderNot sure if System Settings even changes that file.11:00
BluesKajperhaps after a reboot11:01
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otomonow I know why failed11:10
otomoin the route of the image was names with graphic accents and spaces11:10
otomoit should work anyway, but it was the reason that it couldn't in this version11:10
otomoshould I report it as bug in KDE11:11
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lordievaderotomo: Not if it is the same bug as mentioned in the forum post.11:56
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Guest76304Hello, Discover app close unexpectedly when I try to search for some app, some help?12:04
Guest76304someone can help me?12:04
BluesKajGuest76304, https://askubuntu.com/questions/160897/how-do-i-search-for-available-packages-from-the-command-line12:05
lordievaderGuest76304: Open it in a Konsole and see if you get a hint that way.12:05
batdenor use muon package manager12:06
Guest76304how i open it in the console?12:07
lordievaderErr, I suppose issue `discover`, but I have no idea how the program is named.12:08
Guest76304im trying diferent thing lets see what happend12:10
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Orlando_Reynosotrying to upgrade by terminal got this12:33
Orlando_ReynosoPostfix (main.cf) configuration was untouched.  If you need to make changes,12:33
Orlando_Reynosoedit /etc/postfix/main.cf (and others) as needed.  To view Postfix12:33
Orlando_Reynosoconfiguration values, see postconf(1).12:33
Orlando_ReynosoAfter modifying main.cf, be sure to run 'service postfix reload'.12:33
Orlando_ReynosoRunning newaliases12:33
lordievaderOk? Does postfix fail to start because of it?12:41
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amundsenwhich is the most popular cd ripper nowdays?15:33
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IrcsomeBotxe1phix was added by: xe1phix18:16
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juacom99hi, quick question, i made a fresh install of 18.04. i turn on the Bloq Num in Input->Keyboards->Bloq Num on plasma start ->Active. But every time i start my machine the bloq num is off. any ide why?23:11
geniiIs Bloq Num the NumLock ?23:17
DragnslcrAny suggestions for an onscreen keyboard? Preferably Qt, you know, just because.23:45

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