[02:31] hey [03:48] is Redmond panel theme in Ubuntu Mate meant to be suitable for windows users? [04:09] hello [08:33] Hello, Whats a good clipboard manager for mate? [09:13] CVirus: try 'apt install parsellite' then ctrl-shift-c and ctrl-shift-v will work with any editor [09:15] err. 'apt install parcellite' [09:19] https://www.tecmint.com/best-clipboard-managers-for-linux/ [09:28] thanks [15:16] Hi, just upgraded to Mate 1804 and GDebit doesn't want to work. AIRVPN gets ERROR: Dependency not satisfiable:gksu and when I try to install my Epson driver GDebi just vanishes. Don't have this prob with 1604. This is the second download of 1804 I'm on Anyone know what is happening? === praymann is now known as Guest300 [16:12] lescrooge: do you mean gdebi? [16:15] pkg gdebi exists [16:17] gksu is no more candidate [16:23] https://packages.debian.org/sid/admin/gdebi [16:35] gnugr, use xdg-su instead of gksu [16:36] diogenes_: i don't need it [16:36] other user was looking for [16:36] ok [16:37] just exist new gdebi without to depends on gksu [16:37] gnugr, did gdebi depend on gksu? [16:38] not the new one [18:19] I realize this reply is super late [18:19] like days [18:19] < m4t> Pinkerton: i ran into issues with wine. export FREETYPE_PROPERTIES="truetype:interpreter-version=35" before running the app from terminal fixed it [18:19] This does seem to have fixed the issue I was having [18:20] Just altered the launchers for apps that were giving me trouble to do that before launch [18:20] not super sure what that does but w/e [18:46] do have a different issue now though, unrelated [18:47] Sometimes when I unmaximize a Chrome window by dragging it the WM titlebar reappears [18:47] Compiz problem maybe? [18:52] I was wondering if there was a way to adjust the logout/shutdown timer, defaults to 60 seconds. I can't find an option in system settings; perhaps editing a config file? Thanks in advance [18:54] Pinkerton: cool, it has to do with the truetype interpreter - truetype is like a font programming language or something. https://www.freetype.org/freetype2/docs/subpixel-hinting.html [18:54] the fonts are described programatically. it's weird. [18:54] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TrueType#Hinting_language [19:01] Ah, I knew it was something like that (I'm a developer myself) [19:02] I bet it's because I use Apple's SF Pro font family for my UI fonts and the interpreter version the affected apps attempted to use was choking on them [19:02] weird that it just silently falls back to Ubuntu though [19:03] or maybe it was just upset that I have hinting forcibly disabled via fontconfig [19:03] macOS doesn't *ever* hint fonts so SF Pro looks absolutely atrocious unless it's completely turned off [19:03] (I also just prefer the unhinted look) [19:05] oh === garrett is now known as Guest84542 [19:42] hello i have a qestion how do you get ine pi camera working on the raspberry pi runing ubuntu mate [20:04] Guest84542 dont ask to ask [20:04] just ask [22:04] hi all please consider my issue and help-im running mate 18.04,all of a sudden my ethernet connection is gone when returning to pc-no longer shows ifconfig only way to get online is with my wifi card [22:04] at my wits end and dont know how to approach [22:05] have restarted network manager and rebooted pc and modem/router [22:06] if you want any outputs ask and will pastebin it but pls help [22:16] okay so i think it might be a driver issue, i want to find out my ethernet driver (and card name-so i can dload the driver) how to do it guys n gals [22:17] ethernet was working before update install [22:18] fuk my life [22:22] hmm [22:22] what does 'lspci' say? can you pastebin? [22:22] also pastebin 'lsmod' [22:25] heh [23:59] Hello guys [23:59] Hello guys [23:59] I need help [23:59] My SoftWare ( store ) app is loading but nothing appens.