
nhainesHmm... it's *probably* time to apply updates and reboot, since Livepatch doesn't seem to be applying updates.  :)02:49
nhaines3That's better!  Nice and shiny.02:59
pleia2tsk, bad livepatch03:20
nhainesYup!  But it appears to be happy now.  :)03:21
pleia2saw Mark today \o/03:22
nhainesHow's he doing?03:22
pleia2sabdfl Mark, we spoke for like 30 seconds ;)03:22
pleia2seems good, looks healthy03:23
nhainesHaha, yeah, he's a busy guy.  Glad it's business as usual with him.  :)03:23
pleia2his keynote here though :\03:23
darthrobotTitle: [​Ubuntu's Mark Shuttleworth pulls no punches on Red Hat and VMware in OpenStack cloud | ZDNet]03:23
pleia2in a sea of companies pushing collaboration, Mark..03:23
nhainesYeah, I read that one.  I found it quite amusing.  :)03:24
pleia2but to his credit, it did create press03:24
pleia2I was mostly like :O03:24
nhainesAs I said on reddit, "The trick is that if youre going to do this, you gotta be *right*."03:25
* pleia2 nods03:25
pleia2I am in the Vancouver airport, flight is delayed :'(03:26
nhainesAww.  :(03:27
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