
Kiloshi Guest49840 welcome to ubuntuza18:26
Kilosgood evening guys, 18:26
Kilosoh and inetpro18:26
Kilosexpect a new guy to ubuntu to come visiting and please guide him18:27
Kilosmy internet is very sick so i might not be able to connect18:27
Kilosi chesedo paddatrapper pavlushka superflyand the many others18:28
Kilosnot i man Hi18:29
chesedohi oom Kilos18:29
Kilosdid you see te mail from piet beukes lad18:29
Kilosand my reply18:29
Kilossorry about missing HHHHHH's18:30
chesedothe bloem guy?18:30
pavlushkaKilos: Good day and no, I didn't or is it only meant to chesedo ?18:31
pavlushkaHi chesedo 18:31
Kilosubuntu-za mailing list pavlushka18:31
Kilosyou havent joined have you?18:32
chesedo--> qwebirc37242 (69bb7909@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #ubuntu-za18:32
chesedo<qwebirc37242> Anyone available?18:32
chesedo<qwebirc37242> I'm Philip in Bloemfontein. Interested in Ubuntu. I have never used Linux ever but want to start  It's I am Ubuntu user in Bloemfontein?18:32
chesedo<qwebirc37242> Is there an Ubuntu user that i can contact  I want to use Xubuntu.18:32
chesedo<-- qwebirc37242 (69bb7909@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)18:32
chesedothat as the 12th18:32
chesedoif it is the same guy18:33
Kilosi think so. didnt anyone help him18:34
chesedoi was it too late...18:34
chesedohe was only on for 10mins18:34
Kilosshame, well hopefully piet mails him18:35
Kilosthat joining from the website sucks18:35
pavlushkachesedo: evaluation, as a beginner that guy is clever enough  to know where to knock and he knocked every possible way18:35
Kilosi said he must wait for a reply18:35
Kiloslol shame man18:35
chesedoyip he seems determined18:35
pavlushkaso will be good going guy18:36
Kilosgood we need new blood with some life18:36
Kilosmy net sucks still. pings to google of up to 14000ms18:37
* pavlushka speaking of being technically smart18:37
chesedojust don't let him find out we are vampiresish to quick though :D18:37
Kilosyes pavlushka ?18:37
* chesedo has been studying all day - is off to bed... will have my phone connected for a while...18:38
pavlushkaKilos: ? (?) I dont get the ?18:38
Kilosyou said about being technically smart so i thought you wanted to add something18:39
Kiloswhy dont you join our mailing list pavlushka18:39
pavlushkaKilos: hehe, that's what I added18:39
pavlushkaKilos: I am in your mailing list18:39
Kilosthen why didnt you see the mail?18:40
pavlushkaKilos: that means I got that mail too18:40
Kilosyou supposed to read your mails man18:40
Kilosrest well chesedo18:40
pavlushkaKilos: yeah18:40
pavlushkaKilos: but anyone from you supposed to reply may be18:43
Kiloshalf my emails arent working and pages take 10 mins to open with browsers sigh18:43
Kilosyou can also guide someone here if no one answers the mail in a while lad18:44
Kilosyou live here just about18:44
pavlushkaKilos: yeah, sorta18:45
Kilosand yola is doing new security stuff sigh some more18:45
Kilosget your site GDPR ready sigh18:45
KilosGeneral Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)18:46
pavlushkaKilos: So should I send a reply to that mail stating that help & company will be available in #ubuntu-za on freenode?18:47
Kilosi did already pavlushka18:48
pavlushkaKilos: then its ok now I guess18:48
Kilosinetpro: ping18:53
Kilosinetpro: where are you18:53
Kilospavlushka: when last did you see inetpro here?18:54
Kiloseverytime i get online he is missing18:54
pavlushkaKilos: in our winter time, he caught me procrastinating here18:55
Kilosi go see if i can find him18:59
Kiloswb sakhi18:59
Kilosi telegrammed the pro, now we see19:00
Kiloshe says he is just very busy19:04
Kilosi gave him a little lecture so he should popin a bit more often even if its for 2 mins19:05
Kilostumbleweed: whats with this GDPR thing on yola. i dont collect any data from anywhere, so no need for anyone to access it or any of the stuff in https://www.yola.com/tutorials/article/How-to-add-a-Privacy-Policy-and-Terms-of-Service/GDPR_Compliance_and_Legal_Pages?utm_source=blog&utm_campaign=2018052219:13
pavlushkainetpro: o/19:13
Kilosdont let them kill my site tumbleweed19:14
Kilosput your foot down with a firm hand19:16
Kilosim ready for bed guys. keep well19:19
pavlushkaGood night Kilos19:20
Kilosif you  see the new guy pavlushka please welkom him and guide him19:20
pavlushkaKilos: I am online on after evening on my timezone19:22
Kilosnp lad. if you see him19:22
pavlushkaOnly, meantime if we meet, I will greet him/her obviously19:22
Kiloshim , his name is Phillip19:22
Kiloshe might need some guidance to install hexchat and set it up to get here automatically19:23
pavlushkaKilos: yeah and I mean even if some new her comes up, I'll be ther too19:23
Kiloscool beans lol19:23
pavlushkaKilos: hehe, sure and how is your son and daughter?19:24
Kilosthey both ok ty19:24
Kilosalso busy all the time19:25
pavlushkaKilos: good to learn that, you turned my sleep switch on :p19:25
Kiloslol good  , night lad rest well19:25
Kilosnight everyone19:25
Kilosill try stay online in case tumbles answers19:26
pavlushkaNight night everyone :)19:35

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