
juacom99Yes genii00:03
geniijuacom99: When the computer is powered on, it will use whatever NumLock setting is in the BIOS, until Kubuntu begins and then turns it on00:04
Simonious_I'm using fim in a script, but it seems to be blocking, is there a way to give it a time to run before bailing? something like -time $seconds ?00:27
=== redwhite is now known as ZzZzZzzz
=== ZzZzZzzz is now known as redwhite
batteronizerGood morning folks05:12
batteronizerIs there any way to quickly suspend all notifications in Kubuntu?05:13
batteronizerSomething like, press the power button and it shows an option to turn off all notifications05:13
valoriewell, you can alt+space and type notifications05:13
=== dc76 is now known as PurpleRivers
valoriewhich takes you directly to that part of systemsettings05:14
valoriebatteronizer: ^^^05:14
batteronizervalorie: Yes, but that won't allow me to instantly suspend all notifications. Something like a DND mode.05:15
batteronizerDo you know where I should look in code if I want to add such an option myself to the Leave/Shutdown menu?05:16
=== alexander is now known as shkipper
valoriebatteronizer: I don't05:25
valoriehowever, you could ask in #kde perhaps05:25
batteronizervalorie: cool :-)05:26
valoriebest in euro-working hours though05:26
batteronizerah yes05:26
SzykCechHI all!!! I wonder why Kubuntu switch monitor to power off mode when I unchecked System settings->Desktop behavoiur->Desktop lock->Lock automatically after: 15min (i translate it myself so I am not sure how this options path will be in English).05:33
SzykCechWhat I want is: No screen lock, no screen power save mode. I want turn off my monitor by hand...05:34
SzykCech(when I need it)05:34
batteronizerSzykCech: Check the Power Management settings, maybe that is affecting05:35
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termyhello, I have a little Problem with my default Printer option, I change from gray to colour, but after close the config window and reopen it, the printer ist set to gray again09:17
termyKubutu Version 17.1009:18
termyok thats strange, after i change the option often, to see wat happen, now the option ist after reopen correct oO09:20
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jernej_hey guys and gals, quick question: when I try to use the "find" function in Dolphin I get the errror: "The process for the baloosearch protocol died unexpectedly". What is the problem here?10:52
BluesKajHiyas all11:18
=== Error is now known as Guest16726
Guest16726I can't do any update on Kubuntu because I get the message: Error while installing package: install linux-image-extra-4.13.0-41-generic package post-removal script subprocess returned errorexit status 113:38
Guest16726could anyone help me out?13:38
Guest16726i tried sudo apt-get -f install13:39
BluesKajGuest16726, try, sudo dpkg --configure -a, then if then f insyatll13:39
BluesKajoops then f install13:40
Guest16726Error! Could not locate dkms.conf file.13:40
Guest16726seems to be a problem with dkms13:40
Guest16726this happend after upgrading13:41
BluesKajGuest16726, ok , try, sudo apt install --rteinstall dkms13:41
Guest16726Errors were encountered while processing:13:42
Guest16726 linux-image-extra-4.13.0-41-generic13:42
Guest16726E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)13:42
BluesKajany dependency error(s)?13:43
Guest16726doesn't look like it13:44
BluesKajtry the recovery kernel in grub13:46
BluesKajif that doesn't work run sudo apt-get autoremove13:48
Guest16726ok, thought maybe there is a way without recovery mode13:49
Guest16726autoremove gives pretty much the same error as reinstall13:50
BluesKajGuest16726, looks like you're caught in a loop ..recovery might work though13:52
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mattflyhello, i have a setup where i have multiple windows and would like them to be docked and behave like if they were just the same window, is there any way to do this with kwin?16:40
=== jayhunold is now known as jhunold
RoeyWhy do I get this error?  https://pastebin.com/Prh50khz  <-- I am attaching an external backup hard drive and this is what I see from /var/log/syslog when I turn it on.  "lsblk" doesn't list the drive at all, either.17:11
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